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Australians Mod


Jan 11, 2002
Here is a mod which adds a new civilization: Australia.

Scientific, Industrious
Ruler: Prime Minister Barton
Unique Unit: Anzac (replaces Infantry 8.10.1 treats all terrain as road)


  • austmod2.zip
    152.9 KB · Views: 1,899
By the way, this mod was made with 1.16, and so isn't compatible with 1.17. I'll try and release a new version compatible with 1.17

I have noticed that some people prefer to stay with 1.16 so for those people, rest assured that the 1.16 version of this mod will be staying up.

Just something I needed to point out if it isn't already blatantly obvious. If it is, I apologize.
Great idea mate,

but all it does is crash my system, regardless of what version of Civ 3 I use. Surely there is a way to Add Civ's without removing or overwriting other civs?

C'mon Firaxis!

Originally posted by Gouom
Great idea mate,

but all it does is crash my system, regardless of what version of Civ 3 I use. Surely there is a way to Add Civ's without removing or overwriting other civs?

C'mon Firaxis!


I don't understand why it would crash regardless of version. It should work with 1.16. The complete install instructions are in the readme file. Maybe you missed a step, or I forgot to add a step. Anyway, you need to overwrite civ3mod.bic (BACK IT UP FIRST!!!) and place the anzac.ini file in the \art\units\anzac folder (obviously you need to create the Anzac folder first). I don't remember any need to go any further than that. The Australians share a leader head with the Greeks.
nah i did it right, dont worry about it, mods suck until firaxis decide to add a mod swap within the game, then it'd be good.

good stuff anyway. AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE!
Lord have you managed to update this for 1.17 - I am ectremely keen to get that old anzac spirit into action.


(PS thanks for your effort)
You know I'd love to do that. But there are certain complications in the way of it. For some reason, I can't even get the latest version of Civ III Multitool to work. I'll be trying to get it working in the meantime.

I guess I should rerelease the first version of this mod (only for 1.17). The one where it replaces the Greeks rather than duplicating them. At least as a temporary measure until I get Multitool working again.

I apologize for the inconvenience.
OK people, the temporary Australians mod is now available.

Beware though that I compressed the file using WinAce in the .acd format.

If advertising website addresses is against the forum rules, I apologize, but in this case, it may be necessary for use of the mod. WinAce can be found at http://www.winace.com

I decided on using WinAce instead of WinZip as it is much more powerful.

Note that this version REPLACES the Greeks. Again, Sorry about it, but Alexander looks the most like Edmund Barton out of the default rulers (my opinion anyway).


  • austmod for 1.17.ace
    13.8 KB · Views: 335
Before I go off and find a way to get Multitool to work, I'll need some professional opinions here to help me with the specifics of this mod. The help I want is in any city names or great leaders who should or shouldn't be in it.

Anyway, here's the city list:

Broken Hill
Port Augusta
Coober Pedy
Port Arthur
New Norfolk
Alice Springs

And here are the Great leaders:

- Parkes (Father of Federation)
- Deakin (our second PM)
- Chifley (sorry, I don't remember why I added him, it'll come back to me some day)
- Menzies (Longest reigning PM)
- Whitlam (Our best ever PM, even if the CIA bribed the liberals into getting him sacked)
- Hawke (another good PM)
- Cosgrove (commander of the Australian peacekeeping force in East Timor)

I need honest opinions about all of this, so I can make the mod better for everyone when I get to release the proper version for 1.17.
Lord I am extremely disappointed that Warrnambool didnt make it into your city list - much warmer than ballarat and less drugs than geelong.

And I also suspect you have fogotten about the "Wayne Carey" great leader.

Seriously though - well done
LordA - I played the scenario quite a few times and really enjoyed not having to manually rename cities.

However when i went to build an anzac the game crashed everytime (illegal operation error).
I tested this by restarting and switching the builds from anzac to infantry and the crashes stopped. The anzac would queue ok but crash on the turn when it was about to be produced. I probably tried this over 5 times just to make sure it was the anzac causing the error.
Any ideas ???

Also - thought this worth the mention - the civlopedia entry for anzac still has the description of the hopilite - no big deal but i thought you might want to know.

If you have the time would you be able to contact me on
wozzza33@yahoo.com.au as i want to ask you a few more questions - Hope you dont mind this intrusion

thanks again for the mod. I appreciated your time.
Originally posted by wozzza33
LordA - I played the scenario quite a few times and really enjoyed not having to manually rename cities.

However when i went to build an anzac the game crashed everytime (illegal operation error).
I tested this by restarting and switching the builds from anzac to infantry and the crashes stopped. The anzac would queue ok but crash on the turn when it was about to be produced. I probably tried this over 5 times just to make sure it was the anzac causing the error.
Any ideas ???

Also - thought this worth the mention - the civlopedia entry for anzac still has the description of the hopilite - no big deal but i thought you might want to know.

Hmmm. Maybe I forgot to add the Anzac.ini file. Each unit has its own directory in the civ3\art\units directory. I'll post my anzac.ini file to try and fix it up. You need to place it in the civ3\art\units\anzac directory (you'll need to create an 'anzac' directory for this to work.

As for the civilopedia entry, I was rushing this mod, as it is only temporary. I wasn't really bothered by it at all. But when the proper version comes out, I'll have the new civilopedia which includes articles about the Australian civilization and the Anzac.

In future, if I get ambitious enough, I might even create a new portrait for Barton. As for the background images of Barton's portraits for each age, I'm open for ideas as to what should appear in the background (though I'll probably make him stand in front of Parliament House backdrop in the modern era)

Sorry for posting the anzac.ini file in an .ace file, as the .ini extension is invalid on this forum. You'll again, need WinAce (see hyperlink in my above thread).

Originally posted by wozzza33
If you have the time would you be able to contact me on
wozzza33@yahoo.com.au as i want to ask you a few more questions - Hope you dont mind this intrusion

Don't mind at all. My email is lord_azreal1983@hotmail.com and a message will be sent to you shortly.


  • anzac.ini.ace
    589 bytes · Views: 251
What About Billy Hughes?

Also-I forget his name, but an Australian General is the Father of Combined Arms. (WW1 General). Shouldn't he be a great leader?
The great wwI general, father of the combinde arms tactic would be Lt. general Monash (first name alludes me), now you finally know why we have monash university ;)
If you really wanted to make the civ accurate, you'll have all of the neighbouring civs have -5 morale as they keep getting beaten in sports and the anzacs getting +5 food every turn as they all get anzac buscuits. And is there a humour statistic? A "hacking on america cause they aren't really an ancient civilization" statistic? No. I mean - you've left so much out!
Originally posted by strider44
If you really wanted to make the civ accurate, you'll have all of the neighbouring civs have -5 morale as they keep getting beaten in sports and the anzacs getting +5 food every turn as they all get anzac buscuits. And is there a humour statistic? A "hacking on america cause they aren't really an ancient civilization" statistic? No. I mean - you've left so much out!

:lol:True. But that's all impossible. Such things can't be edited in the Civilizations tab of Civ3Edit. If they could, I'd make it so that colosseums effect is doubled, as we do love our footy. No matter what state and what code (including GayFL... sorry Victorian ppl, but rugby and even league are better) there'll always be huge crowds there to cheer on for their favourite team (go Souths!!!). And when there's no footy season, we all flock there to watch the cricket (even if its absolutely boring to some).

And I'd also want to make Australia a part of its own cultural group. I'm sure you all agree that we have developed quite a distinct culture in the past 214 years we've been here. Someone could also create an Aboriginal civ in this cultural group (like the effect of Americans and Iroquois in the same cultural group). In the ancient era, towns could look like an Aboriginal camp; middle-ages, something like the European one, but slightly different; industrial, ???; modern, something like the mediterranean culture group's modern cities (they so remind me of Brisbane's skyline).
Here's the latest version of the Australians mod for 1.21f

And just in time for Anzac Day.:D

Note that again, you'll need WinACE to decompress it.


  • austmod3.ace
    134.5 KB · Views: 557
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