AVS2: Dutch Destruction


Aug 3, 2002
Seeing as I am only in 4 sucession games right now, I decided needed to be in more, so I am hosting one :D.

Size: Large
Land: Archipelago 60% water
Barbarians: Sedentary
Climate: Normal
Temperature: Temperate
Age:4 billion
Difficulty: Monarch or Emperor
All victory except Wonder conditions are on and cultural conversions are on
Civ: The Netherlands
C3C: 1.15

Normal Aggression
Variant: The Dutch are usually, in Civ, a peaceful and building civ. Not in this game. We will play as the Dutch, and at 0 AD, we will delcare war on every nation we know. Also, at 500, 1000, 1500, and 2000 AD (if we make it that long) we must also declare war on every civ. We must stay at war for at least 20 turns. After this 20 turn time period expires, we may make peace, although it is not mandatory. So that means that trades and agreements will have to be broken if they are still going on when these time periods occur.

andvruss-just played
Cuivienen-up now
AndrewN-on deck
Rik Meleet

Prohibited Tactics:RoP Rape - if you have to ask...

RoP Abuse that includes things such as irrigating all tiles with a city building wonders, denying resources with a RoP, putting a unit to block a land bridge, etc.

Scout resource denial - parking a scout on a resource, as the AI won't ask scouts to leave. The same scenario also applies to workers.

False Peace Treaties (must wait for the 20 years to end).

The negative science exploit - you can run a huge deficit (-250 / turn) of negative cash with a token penalty of one lost worker / cheap building. If cash will go below zero, the research level must be dropped.

Ship chaining exploit - you can move a ship, unload troops to another ship, move that ship, etc. This allows you to ship an indefinite distance, and that is why I consider it an exploit.

Resources disconnect / connect exploit - I consider most resource tactics fine. Delaying to hook a resource, trading it away etc is fine. The exploit is to do this every turn. Build a stack of horses, connect saltpeter, upgrade to cavalry, and disconnect.

Palace Jump - You abandon the capital city to move the palace to a new location. If you want to move the palace, build a new palace.
I'll sign up. (My first SG!) I haven't played on Emperor yet in Conquests since the AI is stronger now, but I think I could handle it as an Agricultural civ, especially one with such a good UU.
since I'm not Emporer player yet, I'll watch :thumbsup: Wish you the best of luck w/ this new game
I'll give this a go. I'm looking to move up from Monarch.

I've not played the Dutch yet (I only go C3C a few weeks ago) so it will be interesting.
I'm in, if you're willing. I've never done an SG before, but I've been lurking here for a while. I play regularly at the Monarch/Emperor level.
Originally posted by andvruss
Ok, Corrago and AndrewN, your both in.

Great :goodjob:

When do we start? Are you going to wait for a fifth?

Are we playing the usual honerable rules (no ROP abuse, keep deals for 20 turns (apart from the varient bit) etc) ?

One question on the variant rules-

If we run into a country just after declaring war on everyone else- turn 20 AD, for example- should we declare war upon them as part of our massive attack plan, or do they get a pass because they missed the deadline?
Originally posted by AndrewN

Great :goodjob:

When do we start? Are you going to wait for a fifth?

Are we playing the usual honerable rules (no ROP abuse, keep deals for 20 turns (apart from the varient bit) etc) ?

Yes we are. I'll post the normal, prohibited tactics on the roster and rule post.
Originally posted by Corrado

One question on the variant rules-

If we run into a country just after declaring war on everyone else- turn 20 AD, for example- should we declare war upon them as part of our massive attack plan, or do they get a pass because they missed the deadline?

If we do find another civ during our 20 blitz, we must delcare war on them immediately, and we can the war anytime after the 20 turn limited expires.
Originally posted by Cuivienen
Okay. How many more people are we waiting for?

(No Palace Jump... Awww...)

We are waiting for 1 more.

We can build a Palace, or rush one, but we cannot abandong it on purpose.

Only on the second try too :).
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