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being denounced

Sounds like attacking CS's now has a greater penalty. If you had a 1000 coin laying around, would allying with them have better served your purpose? Taking out a CS lowers the vote count for a diplo victory. If you are short on CS's to begin with, this would really upset an AI who was going for a diplo victory. It would be interesting to see if any one tried to liberate the CS.
Sounds like attacking CS's now has a greater penalty. If you had a 1000 coin laying around, would allying with them have better served your purpose? Taking out a CS lowers the vote count for a diplo victory. If you are short on CS's to begin with, this would really upset an AI who was going for a diplo victory. It would be interesting to see if any one tried to liberate the CS.

Well, I was in the middle of an continent and had a small strip of land under my control, so it would be easy for the AI to go for the CS but they just sent one unit.

I didn't have the gold and I didn't want to ally them, because they were irrational and I can't stand that. Attacking other CS's just gets you in more trouble... Actually the very trouble I am in right now ;)

I don't know I do not feel like finishing this game. I guess I start a new one.
So lying is not a big factor? If you tell them that you will stop doing something and then keep doing it, I "feel" the AI should probably stop trusting you. I am finding it hard though for them to Dow, when they are outnumbered 1 to 1000. If I reduced my army just so they will Dow me, seems that would take too much effort on my part. Maybe my game would stop crashing though.:mischief:

I've seen it listed as one of the reasons someone didn't like me in a tooltip. A civ I was at peace with after a previous war asked me why my troops were on their border, and I lied, then attacked a couple of turns later. It showed up in the reasons for other civs that were in contact ("You broke your promise" or something like that).

Means that if the AI asks if you are planning something, you should use the option to declare right then to avoid a diplomatic hit. If he calls you out on your troop movements you should either declare or call off the war then if you care about good relations.
I've seen it listed as one of the reasons someone didn't like me in a tooltip. A civ I was at peace with after a previous war asked me why my troops were on their border, and I lied, then attacked a couple of turns later. It showed up in the reasons for other civs that were in contact ("You broke your promise" or something like that).
In my save I tried telling the complaining other nations that I will stop attacking the cs... But the game crashed every time a few rounds after, so I reloaded and told them that I don't care what they think, to the results I posted before.
The game shouldn't have the other AIs worrying about you winning. The entire point of the game isn't to win, its to build a civilization! If denouncing depends on how close you are to winning or if you have a slightly better score, it shouldn't matter. AI should play like civilizations, not players trying to win a game, they should do whats best for their country, (like not declaring war on me when I am clearly bigger, badder and more advanced just because the world denounced me)
Where is a "Like" Button when you need it? ;)
I hope diplomacy gets fixed. You can work with it as it is, but sometimes it just seems to make no sense at all.

I seen the AI pop up and denounce me and the mouse-over only shows the red bullet point "They have denounced us". So... They denounced us, because they denounced us?? Huh? Makes no sense.

I also hate it when I see the red bullet point for "They asked us to move our troops, you said you would, then broke your word" (or words to that effect).

I make a point of never lying to the AI ever. If they say "Are you going to declare war" and I am, I say "yes". If I'm just passing though, I say "Just passing through", yet I've seen it lots of times that I "broke my word" when I never did any such thing.

The AI just made it up. Very frustrating when you deliberately play to avoid these negative modifiers and get them anyway.

I also hate the AI telling me not to settle near them when I haven't settled a city for 1000 years or so. I regularly settle 3-5 cities and then just puppet. If an AI asks me not to settle near them, I say I wont, and then I don't. Then 1000 years later they're annoyed with me because I said I wouldn't settle near them, but according to them, I did, even though I did no such thing!

So many bugs. The QA manager needs to be fired, or at least demoted to tea boy. But I wouldn't drink his tea. He'd probably say I asked for sugar when I didn't and bring me English Breakfast instead of Earl Gray and then denounce me for sitting too close to his tea trolley, when I'm on the other side of the room from it.
I am ancient in the Civ series, new to Civ V so imagine my surprise in an early game when Ghandi, who was expanding like mad, completely surrounded my two-city empire. Those two cities were both on the coast and I had nowhere to go. Okay, it's early days and I'm expecting to lose a lot while I learn my way around. Ghandi then asks why I'm putting units along his border. Um, because there's nowhere else to put them. We've been getting along famously until now. Ghandi denounces me because although I'd replied that I didn't intend war the units were still there. A few turns later, he DOWs and I get crushed. Lesson learned.

Vengeful type that I am, I reloaded the initial AutoSave, expanded a bit more quickly, beelined a couple of military techs, and smashed him.
The game shouldn't have the other AIs worrying about you winning. The entire point of the game isn't to win, its to build a civilization! If denouncing depends on how close you are to winning or if you have a slightly better score, it shouldn't matter. AI should play like civilizations, not players trying to win a game, they should do whats best for their country, (like not declaring war on me when I am clearly bigger, badder and more advanced just because the world denounced me)

I disagree. The point of building a civilization is to be the best of the bests!!! To be the most scientific country, most wealth, or has the most cultural influences, or strongest military in the world. "Winning" the game IS the goal of building a civilization. If you are right, then why did we have the space race between US and USSR?
I always seem to have problems with denouncing, normally by friendly civ's , but I have also noticed that if a guarded civ turns friendly they usually are about to declare war on you.
Basically, this entire thread can be summed up by us all agreeing that diplomacy is not well done in Civ 5/often makes no sense. I think we all knew that though.

Denouncing has actually struck me as one of the few parts of diplomacy that is helpful. Once you're denounced, you at least know about that AI's hostile intentions towards you (even if it makes no sense for them to denounce you). I've had an AI agree to declare war on someone in 10 turns with me, then immediately denounce me the next turn. Made no sense, but good to know that they're probably not helping me out.
Denouncing has actually struck me as one of the few parts of diplomacy that is helpful. Once you're denounced, you at least know about that AI's hostile intentions towards you (even if it makes no sense for them to denounce you). I've had an AI agree to declare war on someone in 10 turns with me, then immediately denounce me the next turn. Made no sense, but good to know that they're probably not helping me out.

I always figured that this was due to you just throwing him into a grinding war with absolutely little or zero gain, and absolutely no chance of peace for 15 turns, and he only realized this after you paid him off.
Sometimes, I've wondered if the "denouncing" is for city-states..?? after all if you denounce someone you get 30-40 influence points with the city.. sometimes I think the AI's have to do the same thing..
Strange, whenever an AI takes a city state in my games whole world denounces them on the next turn and DoWs them couple of turns later, so I hadn't even considered attacking a city state.

Then there are AIs I've never had decent relations with, well, actually just one - Alex, even the other AIs don't get along with him usually.

Though the last game something peculiar happened, Hiawatha DoW'd me, walked like 5 units into my borders where they died to machine guns and asked for peace, giving me 1k gold, which I took, since I was 2 turns away from completing my last SS part. Then on the next turn he remembered that we had a copper for salt deal before the "war" and came to me with an even trade as if the war had only happened in my head.
I always figured that this was due to you just throwing him into a grinding war with absolutely little or zero gain, and absolutely no chance of peace for 15 turns, and he only realized this after you paid him off.

Haha, oh man... I only wish the AI could be that intricate.
My current game is one of those magical games where everything makes sense (how rare they are!!)


It's currently the 1940s... and in all of recorded history...

My continent is kinda like 2 landmasses connected by a 2 hex land bridge, of course I controlled that bridge quickly dividing the continent... Alex on one side with me, Napoleon and Hiawatha on the other - Nappy is going straight cultural and only built 2 cities, Hiawatha is starbound and has already completed Apollo...

So I took an early opportunistic DoW on Alex to pare down his too big army.... with plans to cripple him later. He comes to me with the "hiding in the shadows" line, and I wasn't quite ready for the 2nd war, so I'm told him all is cool... which now limits me DoWing for 30 turns or risking the distrust of my BFFs to the east...

Alex gets huffy with me... so I denounce him! Soon my homies back east do too...

23 turns in, Alex DoWs.... and I can finally scrunch him... he's got some good Wonders in Athens, so that's a bonus...

I leave him with 2 cities... One because I don't want the genocide tag, and the second because he offered me a nice little haul in exchange... and I didn't want the 2nd city spot just yet, didn't have a settler ready, and Hiawatha had 2 chomping at the bit to get a foothold on my subcontinent.

By now I've met Germany, since Biz Markie sent a caravel into Boston Harbor, and we're all tight! Soon I send out a clipper ship and find Ramkhamhaeng and Gandhi chilling with Mark on the other side of the world...

So now I'm cool with them... they gots my back... plus Nappy and Dances With Wolves are all in on this little hootnanny we got going on...

Next thing I know is I'm hearing of this place called Genoa that just got swallowed up... but nobody says anything....

After a while Gandhi comes looking for me to join him in a war against Alex (oh yeah... by now the whole other continent is down on the Greeks)... so I say whynot? And Germany jumps into the dogpile.... I go ahead and take that city spot I wanted... a little to the left actually....

So now it's the Roaring 20s, and all is well in the world.... and I've since learned that it was Germany who rolled poor Genoa... hmmmm... they are by far the most powerful military in the history of the world, so maybe that's why Siam and India took a blind eye....

But now Germany rolls into Brussels looking for it's beefy supply of Aluminum... stoopid me for not having bought out Brussels by now.... and I'm thinking... yanno, I've got this good thing going with Germany.... RAs, big trades, the whole nine... so do I dare denounce them?

Just then, Siam and India finally denounce Markie... so I follow suit, next turn it's my homeboys...

I try to get germany to stop it's invasion, but the stubborn Belgian mules have declared permanent war despite having no military at all... they won't last 3 turns, so I'm not gifting them units they'll never get to use....

Just recently Hiawatha, who is getting less excited about my presence lately is feeling the pinch due to having only 2 oil.... so now he rolls into Budapest looking to capture their wells...

I go to the peaceful Iriquois to ask them to cease hostilities... they'll agree... only if I give them 200gold and 2 luxuries!! Whoa!! That's new!!

Germany has just asked me to go to war against India... I showed him the door... then renewed my friendship with the Mahatma... they are both nuclear capable, I can't wait to see this!!

So that's where I've left the game for now....

I'm about to finish Apollo... so I'm sure Onandaga County Courthouse is gonna be pissed off at me for that anyway... so then I'll likely denounce him for his atrocities!!

But what amazes me is that I have tried playing nice with all the AIs and was fortunate enough to have a few extra luxuries lying around to be able to acceed to all the "we could use the help" requests... so I've taken no hits there... all the denouncing has been for good reason, and the only hit I've taken is one for denouncing a friend... but I thought our DoF had ended...oooops!!

And here it is 1942 and there has really only been 1 war... me annexing Greece... sure India and germany declared... but Germany sent one boat, which the Ephesians sunk, and India never showed at all, eventually taking peace instead.

Even if I don't win (Gandhi is going culture as well, and is quite far along)... it's been fun to watch play out
Awsome thx for ur time:king:
Ignore that, just make them pay for that NOT in time, right now.Own there stupid faces, and beat them to death.
So tired of denounce in civ 5.. its a joke and doesn't make any sense.

I've managed to keep my nose clean the whole game apart from 1 war I helped america out after being asked early in game.

playing huge earth map 12 civ's, 300bc.

China spy killed by mine in london while trying to steal a tech, I demand they stop spying on me and I forgave them. Few turns later China stole a tech from london, I demand they stop and denounce them, after all they said they would stop and it was the 2nd time. I hit end turn they then denounce me.. for what reason? what did I do? Its a joke.
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