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Best Leader Hat

Who's got the best hat?

  • Saladin

    Votes: 17 7.8%
  • Montezuma

    Votes: 33 15.1%
  • Qin Shi Huang

    Votes: 7 3.2%
  • Hatshepsut

    Votes: 14 6.4%
  • Victoria

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Elizabeth

    Votes: 2 0.9%
  • Frederick

    Votes: 9 4.1%
  • Bismarck

    Votes: 62 28.3%
  • Alexander

    Votes: 4 1.8%
  • Huayna Capac

    Votes: 7 3.2%
  • Asoka

    Votes: 3 1.4%
  • Mansa Musa

    Votes: 4 1.8%
  • Genghis Khan

    Votes: 18 8.2%
  • Cyrus

    Votes: 5 2.3%
  • Catherine

    Votes: 27 12.3%
  • Isabella

    Votes: 7 3.2%

  • Total voters
Montezuma, just gotta love the tribal look :)
For some reason, I couldn't remember all the hats. I just voted for Bismark for the shear Germanity of the characature.

ANywho, the real question is why aren't the hats in C4 as good as C3. I loved the way Cleopatra's hat looked as an 17th century (CE) pilgrim-type. (Can't remember the era, but I have a big, puffy striped image in my mind.)

I also miss Caesar's bowler derby.

Or maybe I'm just totally misremembering C3?
I voted for cyrus just because i thought his hat looked a little strange...
Lord Olleus said:
Oh come on. Are you really so bored that you had to start a poll on hats?

Are you really so bored that you need to see a thread title for a topic you don't like, click on it, read the thread, and post a response? VIDEO GAMES ARE SERIOUS BUSINESS, NO JOKING AROUND YOU DORKS!

I voted for Qin, his hat is simple but pretty neat looking, and it's clearly his own thing. Bismark comes in second, I'd probably rank him first but the excessive shininess lost him some points. Hatshepsut gets honorable mention because of her short name, she is the only leader who both wears a hat and is Hat.

Napoleon wins for the 'most needs a hat' vote, with his receeding hairline and five o'clock shadow he looks like some middle aged guy who's angry you woke him from a nap. Mansa Munsa wins the 'least imposing hat' award, the white robe thing on his head looks like a towel, so he always looks like some guy who hopped out of the shower, threw on a bathrobe, wrapped a towel on his head, and answered the door. It doesn't help that he has to keep adjusting his crown.
Captain Carnage said:
Less chat more hat

lol :hatsoff:

I wonder if the SDK will let you modify leader hats, in case you get stuck with one you really don't like.
To all the people asking the legititmisy of this poll:

Do polls need a huge point? I just liked The Bismark's hat, and figured, "Hey! If I got an opinion on this subject, maybe someone else does!"

Maybe I had to much caffene when I made this poll, maybe I'm off my rocker, maybe I just like hats...But I just want to say, *US flag drops and "Battle Hymn Of The Republic is hummed in the back*, that this country was built on men and women who wore hats! George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, The Cat in the Hat, they were all hat wearers. And it's my right as a American, and it's my God given right, to wear and talk about hats. So I say to those of you who mock and rue me, I wear my hat proud and...

Wow, I really need my sleep if I'm getting this crazy...
Another reason Lincoln should be in, the stovepipe pwns all.
Meffy said:
Pretty slow reading. Keep at it -- you'll get faster with a few years of practice. Syagrius, it's pleasant to see you chime in as usual. Predictability is one of your most admirable qualities, sir.

Hey this thread isn't pointless, I got a laugh out of the deal. Thanks for the laugh, and while I'm here I guess I'll give a vote for Monty just because he's my favorite :ar15:
This is actually a pretty cool topic for a thread, poll or no poll. :)

Just think about it... what is THE first thing you notice in official portraits of world leaders throughout the ages? Their HATS. And yes, you can consider a crown to be a hat. It isn't much good for keeping your head dry in the rain or your ears warm in the North, but it is nonetheless a hat.

And why have so many people scrambled for power throughout the ages? Partly so they could wear a cool HAT (aka a crown, derby, tricorn, helmet, or whatever).

What's weird is that Mansa Munsa lives in a tropical climate, but has the absolute best hat for keeping his ears warm. Explain that!
I say Saladin, gotta love that islamic crescent on him
Yup, fun poll.
I voted for Qin, the first time I saw him I thought "my, that is a nice hat".
Hatse would be the second choice...

Edit: Hey, a hundredth post! I became a hehtogeek!
I prefer saladins hat. its been dunk into puuuure gold. nothing can't be possibly more neat than that :p
cds0528 said:
Hey this thread isn't pointless, I got a laugh out of the deal.

*strikes noble pose* Then our time has not been wasted!

I guess I'll give a vote for Monty just because he's my favorite

Noooo! Hatshepsut...

Gotta agree with Abe Lincoln though. Did y'all know that Lincoln made that stovepipe hat from the actual stovepipe in the log cabin he built for his parents when he was a schoolboy who read by candlelight and walked to ten miles uphill each way in the snow to return a borrowed book? It's true, or my name's not George Washington.
I'm suprised Khan is doing so well...I really don't like this hat...
Pantastic said:
What's weird is that Mansa Munsa lives in a tropical climate, but has the absolute best hat for keeping his ears warm. Explain that!

The answer is very simple: His Empire lays next to the Sahara. So he wears clothes that protect him against the mercyless sun, the coldness of the desert nights and the dreaded sand storms.
Besides, maybe he has funny-looking ears. :p
it's gotta be monty, what with the feathers and the skull and man it is awesome. genghis khan is second. and cyrus is third just because i have no idea what his hat is supposed to be. i honestly cannot imagine any sort of hat like that in the real world. WHAT IS IT?!
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