Beyond the Sword for Mac OS is Shipping!

Brad's being doing a great job trying to fill us in, but someone is obviously asleep at the wheel here.
Read back in the thread a bit. The problem is that the Windows publisher won't approve the press release, so they can't say anything publicly.
Read back in the thread a bit. The problem is that the Windows publisher won't approve the press release, so they can't say anything publicly.

Right, I read that. So someone at that company has their head up their ass. Presumably they get some money from the sales? Well, not advertising a product and making it hard to buy won't increase sales. This ain't rocket science.
Right, I read that. So someone at that company has their head up their ass. Presumably they get some money from the sales? Well, not advertising a product and making it hard to buy won't increase sales. This ain't rocket science.

OR - there's money involved. :commerce::commerce::commerce:
OR - there's money involved. :commerce::commerce::commerce:

No doubt. :) But if it's a fight over money, the amount they're fighting over is going down with each passing day. They should have worked this out a long time ago, they're just f***ing each other now by messing up the launch and any possible promotion they could have had. Like I said, people are going to find this on mininova before Aspyr even has a web page up. Just freaking insane.
just orderd from J&R. online. Not in stores not even the apple store. What is the point of the Apple store if it does not carry the few games out
Hi Guys

if you are on holiday in Paris you can recover the play here : MacGames
13, rue des Arquebusiers
75003 Paris

but as the shop is closed the weekend it will be necessary to pass Monday...
Good stay in Paris friends :D
No doubt. :) But if it's a fight over money, the amount they're fighting over is going down with each passing day.

There's no fight over money, AFAIK. We typically pay royalties to the PC publisher based on how many Mac copies we ship. I should also add that these details are worked out when the initial contract is signed. What's your next theory? ;)

Like I said, people are going to find this on mininova before Aspyr even has a web page up. Just freaking insane.

That may be so, but the folks that discover it on mininova will then either a) buy it or b) pirate it. I'm guessing (b), so - if popular wisdom is to be believed - minimal lost sales.
There's no fight over money, AFAIK. We typically pay royalties to the PC publisher based on how many Mac copies we ship. I should also add that these details are worked out when the initial contract is signed. What's your next theory? ;)

Well, that wasn't my theory, it was the previous poster. It seemed plausible to me, but if that's not it, it makes even less sense. :)

That may be so, but the folks that discover it on mininova will then either a) buy it or b) pirate it. I'm guessing (b), so - if popular wisdom is to be believed - minimal lost sales.

Unless they can't find it anywhere to buy and decide to pirate it out of frustration.
There's no fight over money, AFAIK. We typically pay royalties to the PC publisher based on how many Mac copies we ship. I should also add that these details are worked out when the initial contract is signed. What's your next theory? ;)

That was my theory, Brad, since I couldn't think of anything else that makes any sense. What's YOUR theory?
And the latest email from Amazon UK:

Greetings from
Please be advised that we have a revised delivery date for the items you ordered on July 10 2009 (Order xxxx).

"Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword Expansion (Mac CD)"
Estimated arrival date: August 21 2009 are advertising "Release date 31 July 2009". I wonder if they can get it any faster ...
Graven's recent thread is the first published indication I've seen that anyone has actually installed and played BtS for Mac.

Sounds like it might not be a figment of our fevered imaginations after all.
I suspect that is not a prime concern of mininova's visitors. ;)

Well, speaking personally, I use mininova to download TV shows, which is completely legal in Canada. But I prefer to purchase my Mac software. You shouldn't assume everyone who uses mininova also never purchases anything. In fact, I think most studies about P2P usage show that, on average, higher P2P use equates with higher sales, not less. People who use P2P the most also buy the most.
Graven's recent thread is the first published indication I've seen that anyone has actually installed and played BtS for Mac.

Sounds like it might not be a figment of our fevered imaginations after all.

Hope he doesn't have to call Aspyr for tech support. ;)
Why would he? He can get all he needs here, even though no one else has seen the software yet :D Maybe he's an Aspyr Support person himself ... :rolleyes:
Hope he doesn't have to call Aspyr for tech support. ;)

Humor about it not being mentioned on our site aside, our support guys will have no qualms should you decide to contact them about BtS. The readme that comes with the game is very explicit on how to reach us.
Humor about it not being mentioned on our site aside, our support guys will have no qualms should you decide to contact them about BtS. The readme that comes with the game is very explicit on how to reach us.

You can't register it yet, though, it's not in the dropdown list. :)

Btw, I just emailed Aspyr to ask where I can buy this in Canada, I'll pass on the info if I get any.
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