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BNP leader arrested

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Context is everything. See, for example, the time Ian Paisley said very similar comments about Catholicism to the Pope's face.

Was he imprisoned?
Kafka2 said:

I have no problem with that. They're a bunch of terrorists and rapists.

If they are terrorists or rapists then they should be prosecuted for that.
And if that isn't possible then I guess they aren't terrorists or rapists.
Stapel said:
I don't follow your logic, I'm affraid.

OK, I'll explain.

The words themselves need not refer to race. If the speaker is fully aware that his words will cause (or are likely to cause) people to be incited to racial hatred, then the fact that it concerns religion rather than race is pretty much irrelevant in the eyes of the law.

That's the Common law position. As far as statutory law is concerned, we'll soon be getting a new offence- "Incitement to religious hatred".
Expect more details to come soon, I'm sure.

The BNP are racist thugs who beat people up based on the colour of their skin. They try to pass themselves off as respectable politicians, but they're still the same old white supremacist skinheads, they just beat people up on weekends now, inbetween spreading lies and propaganda against ethnic minorities. They don't just incite racial hatred, they act on it too, in a very real and physical way.

@Stapel & AVN:
If you've ever spoken to a BNP member (and there's one on this very board :rolleyes: ) you'll soon realise they're just skinheads with suits on. They same gangs of racist thugs that beat asians up are canvassing support for their pathetic political party. That sad thing is, they're gaining popularity, not inspite of their lies, but because of them. They're pathetic excuses for human beings, which I wouldn't mind, if they didn't form gangs and spread fear by terrorising minorities.

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Just to clear up about why Griffin was arrested, I'll relate what the hidden cameras in that documentary captured...

Nick Griffin stood up in a crowded room and told everybody that the Qu'ran says that any woman you can take with your right arm is yours. If it says that, fair enough. But then again, the Old Testament condones slavery. However, Griffin went on to say that Muslims used this part of the Qu'ran as an instruction to rape white women, that the subsequent offspring would not be taken in by the white community but would by the muslim one, and that consequently Islam was a faith which extended itself through rape.
Suspicion of incitement of racial hatred, whatever that means.
If the BNP were Muslims, and were calling for the forced deportation of all whites from Saudi Arabia, and then going out and beating white people up on weekends, we wouldn't even be having this conversation.
zulu9812 said:
Just to clear up about why Griffin was arrested, I'll relate what the hidden cameras in that documentary captured...

Nick Griffin stood up in a crowded room and told everybody that the Qu'ran says that any woman you can take with your right arm is yours. If it says that, fair enough. But then again, the Old Testament condones slavery. However, Griffin went on to say that Muslims used this part of the Qu'ran as an instruction to rape white women, that the subsequent offspring would not be taken in by the white community but would by the muslim one, and that consequently Islam was a faith which extended itself through rape.

Indeed. This is also in the context of the BNP's current campaign- that Asian "sex gangs" are targetting white girls to rape.
This is ridiculous, Nick will no doubt be cleared of all charges. This is politically motivated as Nick Griffin was planning on contesting Blunkett's seat at the next election. This is just another example of how the establishment are running scared and are introducing increasingly draconian legislation to try to suppress us.
Britannia said:
This is ridiculous, Nick will no doubt be cleared of all charges. This is politically motivated as Nick Griffin was planning on contesting Blunkett's seat at the next election. This is just another example of how the establishment are running scared and are introducing increasingly draconian legislation to try to suppress us.
I don't hear the Lib Dems or Tories parties crying over it...

BNP troubleshooting manual:
When in doubt, cry freedom, then proceed to beat up on minorities.
Mise said:
Britannia is a member of the BNP :rolleyes:

(his logic is amazing, you should ask him a few questions, it's easy to make him look stupid...)

take a wild guess dude...

dont start a fight with this guy, he just might keep moving along and not stay...
Any particular reason why you're on first-name terms with the Nazi, and use "us"?

Nazi? :lol:

I don't hear the Lib Dems or Tories parties crying over it...

The tories and Lib Dems are part of the establishment, they are part of the political elite. However I must be fair, the Lib Dems have spoken out against the Religious hatred act and no matter how much I despise their policies it is nice to see politicians sticking to their principles.

BNP troubleshooting manual:

As I pointed out in the other thread the BNP does not beat up minorities, only when we are attacked do we then proceed to kick the **** of them.

Britannia is a member of the BNP
(his logic is amazing, you should ask him a few questions, it's easy to make him look stupid...)

I would be more than happy to participate in another debate with you about BNP policies but not in this thread.

take a wild guess dude...
dont start a fight with this guy, he just might keep moving along and not stay...

Can you clarify that please Jawz, I dont understand what you're getting at.

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