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Bowling for Columbine


Nov 4, 2001
Ottawa, Canada
I was wondering if anyone has seen Michael Moore's film, Bowling for Colombine and if you have any opinions of it. Love him or hate him, he brings up some interesting points that should not be ignored as the "rantings of a granola-munching lefty".
Haven't seen it but can't wait to. Michael Moore is the left wing answer to Pat Buchanan, a real die-hard.
Michael Moore...it's easy to be part of the extreme left when you've got a lot of money. Some people actually have to work for a living.
Calling Michael Moore the left wing equivalent of Pat Buchanan would put Lenin, Marx and Chomsky in some kind of wacko, bizzare ultra wacky parrel universe version of the left-wing where you throw ducks at balloons and where nothing as as it's seems. It's a great movie though, and extremely funny and makes me feel good I don't live in America!
I said it's funny, well at least I found it amusing. I found the concept of getting a free gun from a bank down right odd. Well maybe that's normal down there. I don't know, I'm just content staying in my little igaloo and am happy in knowing the RCMP is very capable of protecting me in a country where I'm more likely to die offreezing to death then being shot. I don't need a gun, I can see peoplevwho can and some people who might actually need guns and good for them. All I'm saying just maybe you don't need 4 diffrent kinds of assault rifles. But I digress, I know you change the way you think I you won't change mine, you probably consider myself some kind of wacky ultra left wing pinko who probably has pictures of Stalin posted all over my room and quote the Das Kapital every 2 sentence but surprise! I don't! I've never even read the thing. Would it surprise you that I think of you in well a 'less then kind' light Mr. Sharpe? But I know you're not all bad, you still have a vauge and slightly eccentric sense of humour! Nobody can be as bad as they seem! well...except overlord Darshade, I wish he had his own line of hypbotic-underwear eith his face on it, think of the possiblities.....
Oh come on Sharpe, I know you didn't see the movie. I enjoyed "Wossname and me", that was good. What Moore ends up being troubled about are the same things that bother any American- even working ones - corporations abandoning communities built to serve them, guns finding their way into everyone's hands, etc.

What I couldn't believe about Michael Moore was that he didn't stop in the days right after 9/11, he didn't stop criticizing and reflect and be quiet in those first days.
@hot dog fish - very funny, good analysis.
Originally posted by Sultan Bhargash
Haven't seen it but can't wait to. Michael Moore is the left wing answer to Pat Buchanan, a real die-hard.

Coming from the "right wing", a little advice: The best thing the left wing could do is realize that they don't want "a left wing answer to Pat Buchanan". He's an embarrasment. And anyway, I thought Streisand was the left wing answer to Pat. Oh, wait, that's right, Streisand is the left wing answer to Jerry Falwell...my bad.

Seriously, though...I do like some of Michael Moore's stuff. He's a little too pro-union for me, but from what I've heard about B-for-C, it sounds like a pretty good movie.
Michael Moore...it's easy to be part of the extreme left when you've got a lot of money.
I bet it is easier to be part of the extreme right when you've got a lot of money.
as a gun toting green
The worst type of green in my opinion.;)
Bowling for Colombine
On topic I haven't seen the film but will try to some time in the future. Over here our premier film critic (Mr Jonathon Woss) gave it a very favourable review and he knows his movies, he also knows his dirty jokes but that's a different matter.
Originally posted by rmsharpe
Michael Moore...it's easy to be part of the extreme left when you've got a lot of money. Some people actually have to work for a living.

That has to be the most ignorant thing I've ever read...

George W. Bush, your hero... Did he work for the money he has?

Answer that honestly and then look at the statement that you wrote above.

*shakes head in amusement*

P.S. I think the movie makes a few very good points, and makes a few bad ones too.
Originally posted by Flatlander Fox

That has to be the most ignorant thing I've ever read...

Nonsense. When you've got a lot of money, you can afford those socialist welfare state programs that the left wants.

George W. Bush, your hero... Did he work for the money he has?

Did Al Gore work for his? Ralph Nader? Dave Barry said it best:

Ralph Nader is a consumer activist that fights corporations that pay nothing in taxes. Ralph Nader's organization also pays no taxes. I had to paraphrase.
I don´t like Michael Moore as a person, he seems stuck in this ridicoulus role of a Court Jester. When he is serious he is effective as he was in that movie which name I cannot recall right now about some major car manufacturer laying off a lot of poor bastards.
Humour and politics does not mix! There are two reasons for this. firstly there is the Freudian analysis which the use of humour as an expression of subliminated sadistic tendencies. So when a politician uses humour as a weapon, watch out!
Secondly true revolutionaries must see that what Moore is doing in his TV-shows and so on, is that he is preserving the present order. Instead of appealing to anger and rightiousness he dismantles all issues with a silly guffaw. We are not supposed to de anything except laugh at those stupid Republicans, and when I say stupid i am refering to Moores own observations and not neccesarily objective truth.
In that case Moore is nothing but a cog in the wheel of the great and ever-expanding capitalist-survivalist- christian-fundamentalist takeover of the media-discourse. In fact he serves to legitimize the powers that be. Any citizen can say with smug comfort. "Look we are a great democracy because we allow Moore to make fun of our leaders and institutions."

As a sidenote I do not fathom why Buchanan is so universally loathed. i understand why the Bushies hate him. Left-wingers got to love him for his frank and succinct analysis for what is wrong with America today (Immigration, anyone?)
Humour and politics does not mix!
Politics and humour are like peas in a pod. They belong together and taste nice with carrots and potatos.
there is the Freudian analysis which the use of humour as an expression of subliminated sadistic tendencies.
The expression of subliminated sadistic tendencies was Freud's answer for everything.
a cog in the wheel
Cliche alert!
Any citizen can say with smug comfort. "Look we are a great democracy because we allow Moore to make fun of our leaders and institutions."
What about the mute ones?
he seems stuck in this ridicoulus role of a Court Jester.
As opposed to the serious role of a Court Jester?
Originally posted by MrPresident

The expression of subliminated sadistic tendencies was Freud's answer for everything.

To be fair this was Freud's answer to half of everything. The other, necessary, half was the expression of sublimated masochistic tendencies. Freud's childhood must have been a doozy...
No, haven't seen it. Michael Moore is a flimsy little agitator who just makes me sick, it's wholly absurd some of the points he make, a notable front-runner against a war in Iraq, calling for people to stand up against this inevitable act of self-defense.
Originally posted by MrPresident

Politics and humour are like peas in a pod. They belong together and taste nice with carrots and potatos.

The expression of subliminated sadistic tendencies was Freud's answer for everything.

Cliche alert!

What about the mute ones?

As opposed to the serious role of a Court Jester?

Mr President. You obviously take sadistic pleasure in deconstructing arguments, yet you are not at all funny. In that you have inadvertently dismantled Freuds theory. congratulations!
You obviously take sadistic pleasure in deconstructing arguments
I wouldn't say sadistic. But I also wouldn't say ethnicity but that for an entirely different reason.
yet you are not at all funny.
I don't understand your use of yet. Why does deconstructing an argument automatically have to be funny?
In that you have inadvertently dismantled Freuds theory.
I wouldn't say inadvertently but that is for the same reason I won't say ethnicity.
was the expression of sublimated masochistic tendencies.
Yes I know that and you know that but I figured that most of the people of this forum wouldn't know it.
I was wrong Mr. President. You are not a sadist. Rather you are a suffering from some form of neurotic compulsive disorder where you absolutely have to have the the final word.
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