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Bowling for Columbine

Originally posted by rmsharpe
Michael Moore...it's easy to be part of the extreme left when you've got a lot of money. Some people actually have to work for a living.

Now, I don't know, but was Moore born rich? I thought his dad was a chaplain in the army or something.

I would think it would be easier to be a part of the extreme right if you've got a lot of money. Or do THEY have to be born with it?

Anything is easier with money. But if you're born into it, daddy send you to Yale, hide out from military service in the National Guard, spend 25 years bumming around off pop's (and his friends') money drinking and doing drugs, then get into politics. Now THAT'S easy.
BTW, I still prefer Al Franken's 'Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot....and Other Observations'.

And if Michael Moore is Lenin, then Limbaugh is Hitler. Between the two, I'd take Lenin.
Originally posted by rmsharpe

How about Paul Shanklin? He writes and sings song parodies for Rush Limbaugh. He's got a few albums out.

Sorry, but the U.S. basically does dominate world politics, at least in the international sector.
Hmmm, he sound interesting! Thank you answering my question!
Oh and sharpe, the US is very powerful politcally and finacially but I'm sure the whole world out ranks America's pltically power. Canada's party in Power are the Federal Liberals, and most of Europe is also left our at least 'left' in your opinion, (therre are also a healthy amount of righ wing parties in Europe, ie. Italy, Austria etc.) and Brazil voted in a Socialist leader. The world is full of diffrent situations and politcal views, NOT your cookie cutter view on the world. I also agree with Sparrowhawk, Michael Moore portrayed Canada in a very false light, there are gun murders here as well, parts of Vancouver(organized crime, gangs, drug dealers, smuggler), Toronto (gangs, even more organized crime, armed robbery, drugs...Mel Lastman) and Montreal (Biker Gangs, regular gangs, organized crime families...awful Quebec drivers) sure I could not lock the door but only during winter because nobody is stupid enough to go outside in this weather. Michael Moore would be a lot more creditable and in general a better author if he wasn't so full of himself and would stay on one topic.
Moore has a genuine HATE for Republicans and conservatives. I'm dead serious. Limbaugh, on the other hand, does not.
Originally posted by newfangle
Anyone that wants to poke fun at Moore can, but you at least have to see clips of his movie, especially a "Brief History of America."
Haven't seen Moore's stuff. To be honest, he seems another self-serving demagogue that built an industry on outrage and dressed it in blue-collar denim. The righties have enough screechers running around, it makes sense the lefties should have some to balance things out (and it seems like he was at least doing a good job at keeping consciousness elevated).
One thing I do wonder about, now, is whether Moore had his 'Payback Tuesday' letter pulled from his site. I heard about this flap where he was predicting Bush would receive the "Mother of all Shellackings," then... whoops. Sounded almost too pat to be true. Could he have pulled his own post, going back on himself like a hypocrite? Double trouble when you figure that Moore's favorite tactic (what pays his bills, in fact) is that he accuses everyone else of being a hypocrite.

Well, I wasn't going to buy it without looking at it. I went to look to look at "Mike's Messages" to see if there was, indeed, a missing post. Sure enough.

Now, the question is: was this an astounding bit of bad luck that his webmaster accidentally deleted the link from the page? The document itself is gone, too (the old direct link would've taken you there, but now all it gives you is a "Sorry this message doesn't exist!" page). How long will it take for the message to go back up? Will it ever? If so or if not (there has been no comment on it so far), what will the excuse be? I won't pull the trigger yet, so to speak, but this is looking awfully bad for the guys credibility...
Originally posted by cgannon64
You know whats funny? I made a thread called EXACTLY the same thing, right down to the capitalization! ;) :lol:

You know, I just glanced around and couldn't find a thread titled:
"EXACTLY the same thing"
I'll go back and look again.

edit: speelling.
Originally posted by rmsharpe
No, Rush would be Churchill. Moore would be Idi Amin or Pol Pot.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

This is getting ridiculous, lol.

No way, man. Rush is satan and Moore is God. Top THAT one.
Originally posted by rmsharpe
Moore has a genuine HATE for Republicans and conservatives. I'm dead serious. Limbaugh, on the other hand, does not.

What's that word, again? Oh, yeah. Bias.
Originally posted by ejday

You know, I just glanced around and couldn't find a thread titled:
"EXACTLY the same thing"
I'll go back and look again.

edit: speelling.

Are you joking? ;) I meant I had a thread entitled "Bowling for Columbine" not more than a month ago...

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