Bring The Fire

Tani Coyote

Son of Huehuecoyotl
May 28, 2007
Spoiler Intro :
Fire. An interesting element. The apparently mundane process of ignition and combustion accomplishes so much. It protects life, providing warmth in the most chilling of conditions. It just as easily destroys it, readily reducing all organic matter to ash. It is an element of considerable contrast.

Tricksters. These figures are presfent in the lore of practically every people, ranging from everyday people all the way up to mighty, universe-shaping deities, but they all fill similar roles: they test the limits of laws, natural and manmade. Whether a mere fool with occasional brilliance or a clever schemer who regularly humbles the proud, the trickster archetype appears to be as old as the stories many tricksters are said to be the source of. While their motives vary, many of them are true to form, defying easy categorization as good or evil, often enjoying a contradictory existence.

Tricksters and fire, both contradictory, both able to help and harm with little warning. It is perhaps no coincidence it is the trickster who often brings fire to humanity, from Maui in Polynesia to Prometheus in Greece to Coyote in various indigenous American cultures. The trickster’s chaotic nature can be seen as preventing stagnation, just as fire destroying the forest provides fertile ground for new plants. The trickster synthesizes good and evil, the fire life and death. They represent the cycle of renewal.

And renewal is a commodity much in demand when the world is laid to waste. The invisible hand status that the old gods had chosen clearly was not the proper way to achieve prosperity. Nay, the world ended in a great fire, and so it was only natural those beings of change, ever used to being the ones to defy law and order, instead became its harbingers. The six tricksters, the Hexarchy, they made themselves and their works clear to all, and the world was renewed.

They say that Coyote was the most powerful of the Hexarchy, but even He could not craft a new world alone. The Six combined their might, dampening the flames, purging the world of its poisons, and restoring land and sea to their original pristineness. They seeded the world with the first bits of life, but from there is where they splintered on what was most important to that life.

Having seen the worst injustices be inflicted upon his old peoples, Anansi leapt to create the new order of the world, weaving with his webs the laws and structure that would allow JUSTICE. Huehuecoyotl took issue with such a rigid, law-abiding existence, and with a beat of his drum, he bestowed upon all life a love for PLEASURE. Huxian, while understanding the uses of law and indulgence, felt life was still mundane, and, reaching into her Starball, imbued a small bit of in every soul, making them all strive for something more through their AMBITION.

The first three’s actions, creating a world that was just, joyful, and prosperous, did not go unnoticed. Remembering his status as a frequent challenger of order in the old world, Coyote insisted with the two remaining gods that there should be balance. And so, with a swipe of his fiery claws, Coyote ripped holes in Anansi’s carefully crafted web, ensuring that for all those laws, there would always be unpredictability, CHAOS. Reynard whispered into the ears of every hedonist he could find, tempting them with promises of how much more pleasure they would have if they were to stop worrying about the pleasure of others; using his dagger to suggest stabbing all others in the back, he propagated undiluted SELFISHNESS. And Set, following up on Reynard’s work, rallied the diligent and ambitious with his was-scepter in hand, stating that they could only see real prosperity after engaging others in CONFLICT.

There is no consensus on what the first three Hexarchs thought of the second trio undermining their work; those who have had the fortune to meet them and inquire report that the gods refuse to tell. What is known is that Coyote, Reynard and Set’s actions gave the world its lawlessness and its evil. Their actions seem deplorable, but it should be considered: is good meaningful without its alternative? Is a person truly free if they only have one option instead of two? These are questions that puzzled the precursors, and now puzzle us.

The world has been renewed.



Welcome to Bring the Fire, an IOT with a little bit of multicultural flair. This new world has six chief gods, all with definite existence and all with definite powers, but the game is largely freeform (subject to GM veto for states like “Spamingrad” and the like). Your empire provides a possible source of interaction with other players, but the real focus of this game is on winning favor with the gods so they will empower you, and more specifically, your demigods, three characters who can be just about anything you want and undertake just about any action per turn, regulated by dice roll.

You will need to:

-Pick a color so you can be identified!

-Select 1800 polities.

-Choose which god you follow. You are free to use different names for the god, e.g. how Huxian is called Inari in Japan.

-Write a national bio; this is optional but preferred because it fleshes out the game.

-Describe your 3 demigods; each demigod starts with 70 points to be allocated between their 7 stats. Each stat must have a minimum value of 1. Demigods could be other deities from the past given new form, metahumans, anthropomorphic, just about whatever you desire. This is a world with magic, so there are almost no limits.


Every turn, there are three currencies you can allocate.

The first is Action Points (AP), which is determined by how many provinces you have, and how much Faith you have (more information on Faith later); the calculation is (Polities/200) + (Faith/10). 1 AP can be used to upgrade your demigods’ stats by 1 (the stat increase comes into effect that turn), can instantly religiously convert any province under your control (if war is declared, it can be used to convert enemy provinces) or instantly annex any neutral province. AP can be transferred to other states of your patron god, but not to heretics (that is, states that worship the other 5).

The second is Economic Power (EP), which is similar to EP in most games. 5 EP can be used to increase EP by 1 or MP by 1 for the next turn. Any number of EP can be invested into religious conversion or expansion (more on that later).

The third is Military Power (MP), which is the least versatile. It is quite simply an approximation of your capacity to wage war. On a regular turn, all of your MP is dedicated to protecting your homeland, evenly spread, but you are free to distribute it however you please in your orders, whether prioritizing some areas, or ordering offensives on others; you can strike anywhere in the world, but tangoing with a state that has an MP value 10x higher than yours is unlikely to end well. As your military engages in battles, your MP naturally deteriorates and will require regular reinvestment.


The world is divided into provinces, which are composed of a number of polities, in increments of 100, up to a max of 1000.

1 AP can be used to instantly annex any polity, with 50% chance of religious conversion to your faith, otherwise they remain heathen.

EP can be used to buy neutral polities, with a 20% chance of success for every 1 EP spent. EP is distributed as evenly as possible across expansion areas, though you can specify priorities in your orders.

When a province is purchased with EP, there is a one-time 25% chance per EP for the province to be of your faith. Because faith is not mapped in the game, the probability will be spread as evenly as possible across provinces.

Strategy tip: statistically, the most cost-effective option is to spend 3 EP per province on expansion. This yields a 60% chance of annexation, and a 75% chance of religious conversion.

MP can also be used to conquer neutral polities. However, every polity in a province fights as a single unit, with a defensive MP value equal to half the polities, e.g. a 500 polity province has an MP value of 250. Polities seized by war have a 30% chance of being heathen and only a 20% chance of being your faith. They have a 50% chance of being a rival faith! Neutral polities do not inflict casualties on you.

If you have 3x more MP than the defending province, you win automatically in an overrun.

Tip: if you use EP or AP on the same province your military is attacking, all the affected polities are removed from the roll. So if you are attacking a 500 polity province, but have invested 50 EP and 50 AP into it, only 400 polities will rush to the defense... making its MP value 200 instead of 250. It is good to leverage all your state's resources in a single province.

Demigods can serve in your military, or roll to annex territory.


When talks fail, there’s always the good ole fashioned club to the head.

Warfare is straightforward. For any battle or series of battles, each side’s MP contribution is stacked against each other. The defender’s will be adjusted by 10% as a standard bonus. Any other bonuses are applied, and a roll will be made based on the sum of the two sides. So if 2 powers each contribute 10 MP, the defender will be treated as having 11 MP, and the roll will be out of 21 MP. Depending on the winner’s margin of victory (how much higher or lower it was than they needed to win), each side has casualties assessed, and territory will change hands if applicable.

Besides one’s Faith alignment, bonuses can come from making use of demigods.

Occupied territory of your faith is annexed right away (unless fighting another player of your faith), while occupied territory not of your faith will only be annexed once a peace treaty is signed.

Standard modifiers:

Defender gets +10%
Amphibious attackers -20%
Airborne attackers -50%


There are six rivalrous gods in this game, each an ascended trickster from cultures of the old era: Anansi, Coyote, Huehuecoyotl, Huxian, Reynard, and Set. The gods’ existence and powers are well-established; the conflict between faiths is now more concrete than it was in prior periods of history. Each god bestows quirks on their followers, amplified by how strong that god’s following is, and how much good work you’ve done for that god. Each god has a starting bonus, which will grow stronger or weaker as the game progresses; they can also gain bonuses.

The unit of “currency” that quantifies the approximate power of each god is Faith. You get 1 Faith point each turn for every 10 provinces of your empire that follow your state religion. For every 10 Faith points you have, there is a 20% chance of converting an adjacent neutral province both to your territory AND your religion. Accumulated Faith has a huge externality: it increases your AP, thus playing a key role in upgrading your demigods. Another notable externality is as your Faith score increases, it affects your status within your religious community; the gods favor those states that do a lot for them.

Religous conversion of owned provinces: 1 AP can be spent to instantly convert any province to your state faith. For EP, it is more complicated: for every EP you spend, there is a 25% chance of converting a heathen province, and a 10% chance of converting a heretical province. In short, focus on mass converting heathens first, because provinces worshiping the main six gods are harder to convert.


Anansi, the Spider, revered as the bringer of stories and for helping the oppressed exact Justice. His followers. Anansi’s followers are just warriors, receiving +20% to their defense when defending themselves or helping another against an unjust attacker; be warned that what is unjust or just is subject to Anansi’s approval, especially when it doesn’t involve defensive behavior. As a general rule, Anansi disapproves of offensive war because of the high human casualties involved, but ever a trickster, will likely sign off on subversive behavior to undermine oppressive regimes (which means, if said regime finds out and decides to attack you, you still have his support). Anansi players value ethical play.

Coyote, one of the most famous tricksters of all time, credited with everything from fire to death, and above all a force of Chaos. Every 6 turns, Coyote players are given 5 turns where they acquire one of the other gods’ powers in addition to their reroll power, and 1 turn where they do not receive a reroll power OR another god's power; the order that the powers cycle is known only to that player, so they are free to engage in deceit with anybody, even other Coyote players. Bad military and character rolls are rerolled once, for better or worse. Coyote players value flexibility and/or a challenge. They also value going the Mafia route of convincing everyone else they are totally not helpless on a given turn.

Huehuecoyotl, the old coyote, and an owner of great wisdom hidden behind a careless façade, caring less about worship and more about maximizing the world’s Pleasure. Huehuecoyotl’s followers receive Faith from heathen and heretic provinces at a 25% rate. Huehuecoyotl players have better things to worry about than mass conversion efforts (like rapid expansion with no regard for uniformity).

Huxian, the nine-tailed fox, known for freely forming intimate relationships based on mutual self-interest, and a patron of every heart filled with Ambition. Huxian’s followers can buy new EP for 4 EP instead of 5. Huxian players are interested in amassing money fast and early.

Reynard, the amoral fox of Western European lore, notorious for his limitless SelfishnessLiberty. While an egoist who enjoys being fawned on by mortals, he is a firm believer in every individual doing what they can within their power. To that end, all demigods serving the name of Reynard have +2 to their rolls, +3 if it’s something underhanded (murder, betrayal, etc.). A Reynard state can give an extra action to any one of its demigods on a turn. Reynard players value the demigod game, and probably don’t care much for morality.

Set, the vengeful god of the desert, is a close friend to those who love War. Unlike the bleeding heart Anansi and his concern for “justice,” Set followers see a 20% increase to their offensive rolls regardless of their cause. Set players are probably warmongers so watch the heck out.

All gods grant boons to 1/3 of their followers each turn; recipients are determined randomly based on how much of their religion’s Faith value they contribute (so if you have half your religion’s Faith, there’s a 50% chance you will be chosen). Boons will increase in size as the god’s power grows, and are generally a stats boost consistent with the god’s personality (e.g. Set will increase your power to wage war); gods are aware of small nuances, however, and will not give massive boons to the leading power if they’re ahead by say, only one or two Faith points. This prevents runaway growth. Gods will also offer boons periodically for completing certain missions, such as reclaiming a Holy City from heathen control, or perhaps attacking a god they dislike.

Every religion has one holy city, placed randomly at the start, approximately in the middle of where all the various adherents are. Holy cities generate tourism money proportionate to the size of their religion’s total Faith. Most players are likely to play a small minigame deciding which state will acquire the Holy City because of the very real tangible benefits it offers. And yes, it is quite likely some holy cities will be controlled by a heretical religion. Oh, the holy wars...

It is possible to switch state religions. When you switch gods, all heathen provinces have a 50% chance of joining the new state faith, all heretic 33%, and all state 25%; you will also lose 25% of your accumulated Faith. Realistically, your new faith will be the minority in your territories and your Faith growth rate will suffer accordingly, but you'll also get the benefits of a new deity.

Intrafaith conflict:

In the event two factions who worship the same god go to war, the god will randomly decide whether to support one faction or to nullify the benefits they have against each other; an exception is Anansi, who will always support the attacked power (an exception to if the attack was provoked by some sort of state malice; Anansi is omniscient enough to know who is at fault).

-Huehuecoyotl will support the faction with the most EP.
-Coyote will choose at random who to support.
-Huxian will choose at random, with the odds being based on each party’s Faith amount.
-Set will support whoever has the most MP.
-Reynard will support whoever has the most Faith.

Summary: in short, more Faith is better, and each god’s powers are suited to different playstyles. You are greatly encouraged to work with players of the same faith to maximize your advantages, but enormous benefits would accrue to you if you were to unify every believer of your religion under a single banner. How much you cooperate or compete with your religious brethren is up to you.

Spoiler The Hexarchy’s Bios, from Most Chill to Least Chill :
ANANSI was always a figure of wisdom, known for using his cleverness to overpower foes much larger and stronger than him. As a figure from the folklore of people who suffered some of the utmost tyranny, Anansi found a welcome home in many cultures besides his native one. Endowed with godhood in the rebirth of the world, Anansi has a strong dislike of injustice, and represents the glimmer of hope to all oppressed peoples.

HUEHUECOYOTL was always the oddball of his original pantheon. While often acting like a careless fool with a love for pranks, parties, and things not discussed in polite company, he actually held deep wisdom he would share with those who earned his favor. For all his benevolence, he was said to start wars out of boredom. He would probably argue it was technically humans who started the wars, though.

COYOTE defies easy categorization, with his personality enjoying many different nuances depending on culture and whoever tells the story; perhaps as a consequence, those who meet him question his sanity. He is said to have brought fire to humanity not to assist them in Promethean fashion, but to spite the Creator. He is often considered clever, but his intelligence was largely in response to problems that he got into due to his own carelessness. A lover of stories, music, and dance, he also brought lies and death into the world. If you were to ask which stories are accurate, he would simply smile.

HUXIAN was once adored throughout Northeastern China. Often taking the form of a woman (whether human or fox), Huxian is said to bring prosperity and wealth in exchange for devotion, often assigning guardian foxes to her followers. The goddess of all fox spirits, who are known for their moral ambiguity and anarchism, she all too naturally mirrors these qualities. Blessed be her friends, and woe unto her enemies.

SET, once the proud ruler of Upper Egypt, has seen better times. Never entirely happy with being upstaged with Horus, the god of chaos found his calling in being the spokesperson for foreigners and the soldiers who would defend against them. Those in the urban citadels learned to demonize him after a series of foreign invasions, but those in the harsh lands on and beyond Egypt’s borders knew the truth. Millenia of scorn have shaped Set so he desires to set upon the world the storms he once held back.

REYNARD is Reynard. He lies, cheats, steals, kills, and does every other horrible act you can imagine. Representing the worst sapient beings have to offer, he is the truest example of a villain protagonist, only really rooted for because most of those who crossed paths with him were not exactly good themselves. Most trickster entities have some degree of ambiguity to their morality. Not this guy. And now he's a god.


Demigods are the dynamic of the game. Every state has 3; being blessed with superhuman longevity and durability by your gods, they do not die permanently and will eventually return to life if killed. Eventually.

Demigods can take just about any shape you desire, and need not be human. They carry out one action per turn and have 7 stats, all of which must be a minimum of 1. Stats can be upgraded through success in actions or by EP purchases.

-Health Points: Self-explanatory. If they run out, they die. They will come back at some point, but it’s a pain to lose 1/3 of your aces. HP can be recovered at a rate of 25% of their max per turn, or healed with 1 EP.
-Strength: How strong they are! Useful for a brawler to mow down enemies.
-Dexterity: Motor skills and reaction time! Useful for espionage, assassination (or avoiding it), or just using ballistic weaponry.
-Constitution: How much punishment a character can take. Useful if they’ll be doing a lot of field work.
-Intelligence: Measures overall knowledge. Especially useful for magic or mad science.
-Wisdom: Your character’s overall savvy and prudence. Remember the trickster tendency to get out of trouble because of this. Very useful for unexpected circumstances.
-Charisma: While questionably useful if you just want to smash people to pulp, it is very useful if you’re eager to persuade/manipulate others. Maybe you’ll convince that assassin to go home. Maybe you’ll provide a logical proof of why your god is the only one worth following.

On actions: you can do just about anything you desire. Just be aware it’s a die roll from 1 to 20 and God help you if it backfires. The GM reserves the right to overrule really out there actions like “end the game.”

1. Failure, with backfire.
2-4. Failure with large penalty.
5-7. Failure with small penalty.
8-10. Failure, no penalty.
11-13. Standard success.
14-16. Success with circumstantial bonus.
17-19. Success with bonus.
20. Massive success with large bonus.

An action automatically fails if there’s a serious intervening variable; you can’t assassinate a character if you don’t know where that character is, for example.

Demigods can combine their rolls to minimize chance of failure; if the combined roll is more than 30, the rolls are separated again, allowing them to get two successful rolls.

When a demigod’s HP hits 0, they die, and are removed from play until your patron god decides to revive them. Raising the dead takes work, however, so your god will count it as a boon. Revived demigods also will lose 50% of their stats; in practice, this means about a turn's worth of AP will need to be used to bring them back to where they were.

Stat Checks and Action-specific rules

1. Secret actions. To avoid being discovered by natural chance, demigods must have 10 or higher for at least 3 of the following stats: Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma.
1a. Any demigod can serve as counterintelligence, with their stats stacked against any rival demigods to determine chance of discovery. This counts as an action, however.
1b. When rolling to avoid discovery, Dexterity grants +1 for every 10 a character has.
1c. Every 10 Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma (whichever is highest) adds +1 to mission success, up to a max of 2.

2. Demigods in war. When used to take territory, besides any relevant modifiers, demigods' Strength, Intelligence, and Wisdom are converted into MP.

3. Demigod vs. demigod. Whoever has more Dexterity gets +1 to rolls for every 10 over their opponent. A successful attack grants a free defense roll to determine the severity of the attack. Damage is based on how the rolls compare to each other, and the attacker's Strength compared to the defender's Dexterity.

4. Standard stat bonuses. There are averages in the stats section. Being above or below these averages will impact relevant rolls. A very charismatic character will have more luck with diplomacy, a very strong character will have more luck with relevant feats, and so on.

Final Notes

Spending and expansion orders can be automated if you wish to focus on demigod play; you must give me basic instructions every turn, however (e.g. “focus on mass conversion” or “focus on economic growth”). You will still be responsible for all diplomacy. This preserves player-centric gameplay while allowing for less micromanagement.

In the off chance your empire is destroyed, you can still stay in the game with your demigods.

Fractional investments into EP and MP are valid now, thus avoiding the need to bank funds.
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Name: Noul Stat Românesc (New Romanian State)
Leader: Conducător Mihaela Şoimescu
Government: One Party Presidential Dictatorship
Official Religion: Orthodox Romanian Church (de jure), Set Worship (de facto)




The origins of the Noul Stat Românesc is fundamentally tied to its undead leader, the great Conducător Mihaela Şoimescu. No one for certain knows where she came; whether she was a survivor of the first world that the tricksters destroyed in fire, one of the first humans of the second world, or a primordial force of evil that has always existed in some form in the hearts of man. Some say she was an aristocrat, others a peasant; some say she was always a warrior, others say she used to be a race car driver before she moved into warlordism. If one were to ask Şoimescu, she'd just tell you the awnser you'd want to hear, before likely executing you for insubordination.

The only thing that everyone can agree on Mihaela Şoimescu is that she is inhuman. With her pale skin, blood red eyes, and long canine teeth, she makes no attempt to hide her vampirc condition. Şoimescu openly feasts on humans, and makes no real qualms in hiding this fact either. She has a penchant for feasting on warriors, and will scour the battlefield to drink from those left to succumb to their wounds.

Mihaela Şoimescu is aggressive, ambitious, and filled with anger. She relishes fighting, and will take any opportunity to visit a battlefield personally to engage in combat herself. If there is a problem in life, Şoimescu would perfer to attack the problem directly (although not nessecairly literally), and destroy it utterly so that it may never threaten her again.

Mihaela Şoimescu is highly xenophobic, beleiving that the Romanian people is uniquely blessed by God, expressed through their ancient continuity with the Roman Empire and Christian Church of old. She views history as a conflict between nations, and that Romania, the nation of Romans, must win it in order to survive, and those that resist must be exterminated. This also leads to an intense hatred of both capitalists and internationalist socialists (or "bolsheviks" as she derides the latter), who she feels are race traitors who sell out the nation for personal gain. Romanians who embrace these outdated ideologies are no Romanians at all to her, and thus do not deserve to exist in her state.

However, the Conducător eschews the typical vampire belief of dominance over humanity. In fact, while she understands that she is not a typical human, and that the term "vampire" meaningfully describes her differences from the baseline, she would not really consider herself to be anything but a heavily modified homo sapiens. The people of Romania are not merely prey, but her children, and she is their mother. She gave (metaphorical) birth to them by providing a safe haven to live, protected them, raised them, and all she expects in return is the same deference and obedience a child gives to their mother.
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The flag of the UGC: the Safon y Ddraig

Nation: United Goch Clans

Colour: red


God: Huehuecoyotl


The capital is maintained by a order of elders known as the Carseld, who serve as caretakers of the prime assembly AKA capital of the UGC, Stól. The Carseld are made up of members of all the clans send forth. Local desires in the capital are respected through a city assembly of councillors to draft local laws; the power of the Carseld henceforth is towards the whole of the UUC as a moral power of the faiths. Current Reverent Seer is the orcish Chaddoqqen elder Sudqi Biq vo Chaddoq.

Spoiler flag of the capital and the Carseld :

Government: Assembly of Clans

Each clan is elective. In addition electing on clan leaders and major policies the clan members also appoint a clan hand to represent the clan at the Assembly of Clans, nicknamed the Hand Assembly. The Assembly of Clans serve as the prime joint policies of the UGC and as a means for diplomacy between the clans. The Assembly in peace times keeps a limited executive function on grounds of maintaining harmony between the clans and cultural believes that only the dragons (holy be they) are worthy of crowns. In times of war or emergencies can appoint a Warchief to provide a united front.

Clans: the 20 are listed here

Prime Religion: Dragon Worship (Huehuecoyotl favours this due to a mutual like of dragons) though the clans embrace free religion and have plenty of direct Huehuecotoyl worshippers, druids, Irish Neopagans, Hellenists, Quakers and other faiths
Species: orcs, goblins, gnolls, humans, minotaur, dragonborn, kobolds, trolls, bearbugs, the Fair Folk, gorgons, centaurs, satyrs, werewolves, gnomes...


Aeron Rhydderch AKA Aeron the Sapphire

A young human warlock from Caernarfon who has taken up membership in Clan Bearg. Warlocks gain their magic through pacts and Aeron made it with the mystical azure dragon queen Brenhineslas. The destiny of the young warlock may lead to a path in the understanding of magic and beyond the mortal form.

Health 5

Strength 5

Dexterity 5

Constituion 5

Intelligence 20

Wisdom 20

Charisma 10

Gogrum Dorr

A orcish warrior hailing from Clan Chaddoq, remarked as among the greatest champions among the clans. It is believed that Gogrum is the latest reincarnation of a legendary hero, the Aki, who serves as a champion of the dragons.

Health 10

Strength 15

Dexterity 10

Constituion 15

Intelligence 5

Wisdom 5

Charisma 10

Ariel Argyris

A famous minotaur adventurer from Clan Stuhdah. Ariel has earned through adventuring trust with Stuhdah as a honourable counsellor and also tries to help settle disputes while journeying across the lands. Rumoured it be that Ariel process a lucky charm and a unusual interest from divine forces.

Health 5

Strength 10

Dexterity 15

Constituion 5

Intelligence 10

Wisdom 10

Charisma 15

In progress
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Name: Magayo
Leader: Shikahn ✊
Government: Merchant Fiefdoms
Religion: Way of Wayway (What locals call Huehuecoyotl in his dragon form.)
Species: Magayoans (4 ft. tall beefy lizard folk), Kobolds, Yuan-Ti, Dragons, and Humans (kept as slaves.)

History and Culture:

[mostly pending]

Magayoan Language

Magayoans no of have word of mouth. We of have word of body and of pen. All we's word of mouth is of mirrormouth of other peoples word of mouth.

We's names is of one of kind word of body. When in word of pen, is of one of kind symbol. (Worshippers of booksmart call it "emoji").


The kaiju were of born when Wayway made snusnu with our dinos. Each has a shaman who watch over them (OOC: They're there for RP reasons.) In others's word of mouth, they be like of "demigods."

, Kaiju of Land:

-Health Points: 20
-Strength: 20
-Dexterity: 1
-Constitution: 20
-Intelligence: 5
-Wisdom: 1
-Charisma: 3

is born of Stegosaurus. is of many bigs and many thicks, even more bigs than tree of mostest bigs and as many thicks as some mountains. He walk on two feet and smash and also shoot beams from mouth. He is of dark as night with spines green and bright as fire. His shriek can be heard from many lands away.

Shaman is of watch over . is very old kobold that live in hut on 's head.

, Kaiju of Sea:

-Health Points: 20
-Strength: 10
-Dexterity: 8
-Constitution: 20
-Intelligence: 1
-Wisdom: 1
-Charisma: 10

is born of notknow but is of sea serpent. lives deep underwater and rises to attack many ships and can swim far away. has been given bags to carry many goods far away. may fight meanly but he is very sweet and of love children. is blue with spines of orange and many longs.

Shaman is his friend and is also of merchant and carries many goods with him. is a Magayoan who lives on raft tied to .

, Kaiju of Air:

-Health Points: 30
-Strength: 1
-Dexterity: 5
-Constitution: 20
-Intelligence: 10
-Wisdom: 1
-Charisma: 3

is born of Quetzalcoatlus. She is many bigs, her wings is of 10 manys of normal wingspan. When she flap wings, it sound like thunder and many winds are created. Her screech sound like 1000 people screaming at once. She can attack with lightning beams from mouth. She is every color of rainbow.

Shaman is a dragon who thinks herself 's sister. She flies with under her belly.
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Name: The Empire of the Holy Flame
Leader: Grand Strategos Marius Anasos
Government: Parliamentary Republic
Official Religion: Order of the Holy Flame (Worship of Anansi)


- Vaskus
"The Phoenix Guardian": An actual Phoenix, Vaskus serves as messenger for Anansis in the Empire, but mostly just makes sure people don't bother the god or get killed or kill themself. A beloved creature and treasured advisor Vaskus has the entire nations love and support.


-Health Points: 10
-Strength: 3
-Dexterity: 12
-Constitution: 7
-Intelligence: 14
-Wisdom: 14
-Charisma: 10

- Kenar Rytos "The Knight of Knights": The greatest of the Knights in the Order, a demigod and greatest warrior known to his people. The Lord Commander of the Order and hero of the land, his Charisma and strenght motivate his knights to follow their dragon riding leader everywhere. Although he often has to rely on Vaskus for advice, since his intelligence is also legandary.... and limited.

- Health Points: 11
- Strenght : 16
- Dexterity: 6
- Constitution: 15
- Intelligence: 3
- Wisedom: 5
- Charisma: 14

- Sarah Jutila
"The Guard of Athens" An unshakable woman, so very much even in all her skills its unbelievable. Since anybody can remember she stood watch over Athens and many see her as the reason for its continued prosperity. She also gourds the Holy Temple of the city.

- Health Points: 10
- Strenght : 10
- Dexterity: 10
- Constitution: 10
- Intelligence: 10
- Wisedom: 10
- Charisma: 10

The Empires foundation is Vaskus, the Phoenix Guardian. As the local cities declared him the messenger of their god, their kind god who had helped them through all the troubles. Over time these few tiny towns became larger and formed a nation that would prosper with help of Vaskus wisedoms and the holy Flames protection.
While still calling itself an Empire, they are a Republic in everything but name, guided by wise statesmen and - women who follow the will of the people and protect them. The Empire is a place differences, of old and new and of conflict and peace.
The Ancient Order of Knights and their dragons are the Guardians of peace and justice, they use magic and weapons of old. At the same time the Imperial Armed forces are modern and use jets, modern warships and tanks, still both exsist side by side.
The nation is majority human, but generally accepts other people, as long as they adapt the culture and ways of the nation.
THe Empire will not let itself be bullied by other nations, but does not seek conflict.
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in accordance with tradition here is a claims map and nothing else
Daylamite People's Republic

God: Huehuecoyotl
History: Mazdak the Younger beat Huehuecoyotl in a game of riddles after dying & was granted a boon in return. He sat on the boon for untold years until the world was remade, then called in the favor. Huehuecoyotl teleported Mazdak, his followers, & various historical figures who would be sympathetic to Mazdak's cause to Daylam where they set about attempting to build a paradise on Earth.
  • The Spectre of Communism
    • While Mazdak was hanging around the afterlife waiting to cash in his boon, he encountered the souls of homosexual alien robots. Realizing that these machines were vital for his plans to succeed, Mazdak merged the souls into a single entity the size of a small planet. When Mazdak returned to Earth, he took The Weltgeist with him. Now the Spectre of Communism is Mazdak's wrecking ball, ready to fight for space communism everywhere
    • HP: 20
    • Str: 20
    • Dex: 12
    • Con: 15
    • Int: 1
    • Wis: 1
    • Cha: 1
  • The Red Amesha
    • The was a 7th Amesha Spenta that Zoroaster didn't tell his followers about, but Mazdak knew. This Amesha was the Amesha of the workers, and followed Mazdak to Earth to improve the lives of global labor.
    • HP: 10
    • Str: 1
    • Dex: 20
    • Con: 8
    • Int: 15
    • Wis: 10
    • Cha: 6
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I may look into this later. Though I’m eyeing the region in Normandy France.

I’m not 100% sure on the choice for the god since I’m largely going for stealth based.


Someone has hung around with Curtsibling, a bit to much :p.

Country Name: 常緑 (Hinori) [Literally: Evergreen (Country)]
Title for Ruler: 聖皇陛下 (Seiō Heika or Her/Your Majesty the Sacred Empress)
Personal Name for Empress: 赤羽 (Akaha)
Era Name for Regency: 回復時代 (Kaifuku Jidai or Kaifuku Period) [Literally: Recovery Period]
Era Name for Empress's Reign: To be determined by regency council.
Capital Name: 紅京 (Irokyo) [Literally: Crimson Capital]
Regent Name: 相馬昭実 (Sōma Akizane or Akizane Sōma)

Patron Deity: 稲荷大神 (Inari Ōkami) [Huxian]
Claims: Here

History: According to legends, and the imperial family's records, the Sacred Emperor is the deity Inari made flesh and blood. This belief is buoyed by the supernatural connection and command the Imperial family has over the native wildlife, including some properly classified as mystical creatures and monsters. Regardless of any truth to this, the Sacred Emperor has throughout most of Hinori's history played a largely ceremonial role where the day to day business of the realm is controlled by a combination of the state bureaucracy and minor officials holding hereditary posts within it. This started to change a decade ago as the Sacred Emperor Ninkō saw to implement reforms to get rid of corruption and the existence of the hereditary posts and instead reform the system alongside meritocratic lines. This started a brutal civil war ending with the five-year-old great-niece of Sacred Emperor Ninkō ascending to the throne and General Sōma Akizane adopting the title of Sesshō, or regent, drawing a collection of bureaucrats and soldiers to make up a regency council for the child Sacred Empress.

The Sacred Empress
HP: 10
STR: 10
DEX: 10
CON: 10
INT: 10
WIS: 10
CHA: 10

Name: Ōmukade (Giant Man-Eating Centipede)
HP: 18
STR: 20
DEX: 10
CON: 15
INT: 5
WIS: 1
CHA: 1

Name: Ryūjin (Dragon God of the Sea, is a rival of Ōmukade)
HP: 12
STR: 7
DEX: 10
CON: 8
INT: 10
WIS: 15
CHA: 8
Kingdom of Valfian
Government: Feudal Monarchy
Ruler: King Tormak
Capitol: Gethos, a massive port city.
Races: A mix of Humans, Naga, Rakasha, Orcs, and Kobolds.

Originally a pirate city, the city of Gethos was a disorganized mess of feuding captains and local tribes. Seeing the possibilities that the city could hold, a pirate captain named Valfia united the various pirate crews into one large union. She rapidly expanded the pirates range of influence, eventually controlling the entire Indian Ocean. However at the height of her power Valfia was assassinated by a rival captain who wanted to rule the pirate kingdom. Tormak killed the treacherous captain and took the throne on the goodwill the revenge killing got him. The sudden change of leaders left the kingdom unstable, and many pirates left to form their own little city states. Tormak was able to keep control over the center of the Kingdom of Valfian with the aid of his demigod powers and the Naga sorceress Asmadi. Now Tormak plans to rebuild the shattered kingdom and eventually rule the world's Oceans.

Name: Tormak, King of Valfian
Health 15
Strength 3
Dexterity 13
Constitution 6
Intelligence 8
Wisdom 8
Charisma 17

Description: A white and black striped Rakasha. He is always dressed in rich gold and purple silks.
Name: Valikid
Strength 20
Dexterity 10
Constitution 15
Intelligence 1
Wisdom 5
Charisma 1
Description: A large gray crab. He is covered in barnacles and is often mistaken for a boulder when asleep.

Name: Asmadi
Health 7
Strength 3
Dexterity 6
Constitution 5
Intelligence 23

Wisdom 23
Charisma 10
Description: A Naga sorceress with deep purple scales. She uses powerful water magic to control the coastal waters of the kingdom.
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Flag: <to come later>
Territory: Greater Boston metropolitan area and Rhode Island

Name: New England Dominion
Government: Stratocracy
Ruler: Suprime Moff November “Nova” Terra
Capitol: Boston
Color: Light Purple
Races: Terrans (humans), Twi'leks

History: <to come later>
Patron Deity: Reynard

Sarah Kerrigan, Queen of the Blades (Infested Terran. Human-Zerg hybrid)

Health 10
Strength 14
Dexterity 10
Constitution 10
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 12
Charisma 2

Faye Starwind, Dark Lady of the Sith (Terran/Human)

Health 10
Strength 12
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 8
Charisma 4

Maximilian Veers, Imperial General - "The Blizzard Fox" (Terran/Human)

Health 8
Strength 6
Dexterity 10
Constitution 10
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 14
Charisma 10
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Map updated. Signups still welcome!

There are some incomplete signups, but if being a college student has taught me anything, it is the importance of deadlines and how things tend to come together as they grow closer.


Sunday afternoon PST, signups will lock.

I will work on an update, and then Turn 1 will start. In the off chance your demigods and deity are not finished by then, you can still finish them during the turn. That is, if you don't have demigods sorted by the start of Turn 1, so long as they're finished by the time you submit your orders, everything will still be valid.

In the event demigods and deities are not finalized by the time Turn 2 starts, your state simply does not collect any of benefits from them from Turn 1. Considering the importance of Faith and demigods in this, I highly advise against putting them off until Turn 2.
Name: KPCR
Government: Anarcho-Syndicalist Therianarchy
Territory: Alaska/Northwest Pacific
Ruler: The Therians and Workers of the KPCR
Races: The KPCR is populated by Therians, beings who are a hybrid of animal and human. Some are able to transform between the two states, while others are locked into a hybrid form. Many Therians were humans given the blessing (or curse) of
Therianthropy while others are instead other species that merely resemble humans inflicted with the condition.
Capital: Solidarity (Geographical location is Ocean Shores, Washington)
Color: Any shade of red, obviously :^)
God: Coyote

History: The were-creatures of the world have known little but hardship. Scorned and persecuted by those who came to rule the world, the werefolk soon learned that there was no one they could trust but themselves, so they banded together time after time, only to be struck down and scattered by the forces of so-called law and order. Years of suffering hardened the werefolk, instilling in them a hatred of the trappings of the world that oppressed them, a hatred that was wild and violent until the words of a German philosopher gave it direction.

Hatred of the human society became a hatred of capitalism and the state, and over time the werefolk of the world came together under the new banner of anarchism and syndicalism. It was the glue that held them together when the world fell apart, and upon its rebirth, the werefolk emerged triumphant over the bourgoise and the capitalist system, waving the flag of the Konfederatsiya pushistyy cheshuychatykh rabochikh. The kings and gods of old are dead. Wereworkers of the World, Unite!
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@GenMarshall Your demigods are way overstatted. They should have 70 total points across all 7 stats.

Turn I


The fires of renewal have dimmed, and while most areas have some degree of political order, the vast majority of those “orders” barely qualify as such. Indeed, only 10 real states have emerged, spread across the globe and worshipping a variety of patron deities. Joining them are 6 isolationist city-states, each fueled by the economic activity from a holy city.

Though it is only the affairs of the first 10 that will shape the world. Perhaps it is an indictment of human hedonism that Huehuecoyotl enjoys the plurality of followers, though the geographically disparate nature of the Huehuecoyotl states mitigates the likelihood of the Great Old Coyote enjoying political dominance. Coming in second place are the industrious followers of Huxian, who look poised to have much of Asia all to themselves; truly, the likelihood the business-minded look to enjoy a strategic first place would please the pagan faith of Aynism. The remaining 5 states of the world follow a diverse set of denominations, equitably split between them.

With no faith nor state having clear dominance, the direction of world affairs remains to be seen. Will there be a peaceful coexistence, or will the world perish in the fires of renewal once more? Only time will tell.

GM Notes

-There are six areas on the map marked in gold, consisting of seven hexes. These are the six holy cities. To take the holy city, you must conquer all seven hexes. Once they are all seized, the Holy City only consists of the central hex from that point on, and will be under the control of whoever has that hex. The Holy City is marked with a number corresponding to the god: 1 for Anansi, 2 for Coyote, 3 for Huehuecoyotl, 4 for Huxian, 5 for Reynard, 6 for Set. Anansi’s is in Botswana, Coyote’s in Northeast Brazil, Huehuecoyotl’s in Morocco, Huxian’s in Southeast China, Set’s in Nigeria, and Reynard’s in Ethiopia. Holy cities are purposefully placed to be relatively remote to the player regions; any move towards them is likely to trigger a colonial scramble. Holy cities do NOT engage in diplomacy, expansion, etc. They are there purely as prizes that will enormously increase your EP if you can capture them.

-For players with incomplete signups, you still have until the end of this turn to finish them. If signups are left unfinished, you receive no benefits for whatever was left unfinished.

-You are able to expand to non-contiguous areas, but bear in mind airborne assaults carry a 50% penalty. Your EP and AP are precious, meanwhile.

-Turn 1 will have less to do than following turns, so I’m hoping to keep it brief (3 days or so?). What I’d like in your orders PM is as follows:

--What AP is spent on (upgrading demigods’ stats (1:1 ratio), or instantly annexing territories (1:1 ratio))

--What your EP is spent on (increasing EP (5:1 ratio, 4:1 if you’re a Huxian state), increasing MP (5:1 ratio), expansion (any amount)

--How your MP is allocated between national defense, defense of specific areas (if applicable) and assaults on neutral territory (if applicable)

--What your long-term territory goals are (this helps with allocating your territory awards that you get between turns)

--Demigod actions. Remember every demigod has 1 action, while Reynard players can make one demigod have 2 actions.

--ALTERNATIVELY, instead of specifying your exact spending and expansion plans, you can give me more general directions of what you want and I’ll work with that, while you can focus on demigod-based play. This is HIGHLY recommended for expansion in particular given the large hex map.

Nation-specific notes:

Asmadi of Valfian had stats that added up to 77. Each stat has been reduced by 1 to make them add up to 70; LordArgon is welcome to change the stats to add up to 70 in a different way.

All three of the New England Dominion’s demigod stats were way over 70. GenMarshall should message me with updated stats where each demigod’s attributes add up to 70, or I will need to reduce the stats proportionally to add up to 70 for each demigod.

Double A has to give me their nation’s… everything. If I see no activity, I’ll have to dissolve it.
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I'd say orders lock in 72 hours.

Needed information:

Romania - Demigod stats
Double A - Nation name, patron deity, demigods
New England - Revised demigod stats; each demigod's stats should add up to 70
KPCR - Demigods
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