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British Football in 2012?


Wigan, England
Apr 1, 2005
Comander of the Armies of the North
Britian are not allowed to enter a British football team in the Olympics as there is no British FA, only English, Scottish and Welsh. I heard that someone on the Olympic Board had stated that if London won the right to host then they would bend this rule.

What does everyone think about a GB Football team?
It would get a lot of people to the stadiums I think. I have no clue how they want to fix this legally, but let them try.
I'd be all for a GB football team in the Olympics.
As stadia like the Millenium Stadium and ibrox are being used, the games could be quite empty unless we have a national interest competing.
chancellor_dan said:
Actually most people on here would prefer an EU team.

Playing against who? Brazil & Argentina? That doesn't sound very fair. Especially since the world team stuffed the Euro one in that Tsunami friendly.
PrinceOfLeigh said:
Playing against who? Brazil & Argentina? That doesn't sound very fair. Especially since the world team stuffed the Euro one in that Tsunami friendly.

I was being oh so slightly sarcastic, given how pro-Euro most British posters are here.
Hitro said:
Football shouldn't even be played at the Olympics. Who cares about that anyway...

I love it when people take the time out to post the old 'I don't care' line.

Scottish FA is holding the British Olympic Football Team up aparently. Everyone else has agreed to it.
PrinceOfLeigh said:
I love it when people take the time out to post the old 'I don't care' line.
Well, the thread title implied this could have been interesting. Had you put in "Olympic football" it would have become obvious that it will be almost as irrelevant as one about women's football.
Hitro said:
Well, the thread title implied this could have been interesting. Had you put in "Olympic football" it would have become obvious that it will be almost as irrelevant as one about women's football.

Sorry, I assumed that the recent news and the fact it said 2012 was a giveaway
Hitro said:
Football shouldn't even be played at the Olympics. Who cares about that anyway...
Damn straight. The Olympics could never hope to rival the World Cup and should stop trying. However I'd be willing to support women's football as an olympic sport if they're forced to wear the volleyball uniforms. :)
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