[BTS 3.19] Earth 35 Civilizations MOD

Anyone have a copy of this mod in their Dropbox or Google Drive? I came back to Civ 4 after a long hiatus and thought it'd be fun to play this mod.

Would anyone that uses this map/mod be interested in a 37 Civilization mod I've been working on based upon this?
So far, I've replaced a few Civilizations, such as America(USA) and Australia with older civilizations that make more sense in the Ancient Era. I have also removed horses from the Americas(will probably script them to be added after a certain year.) The Netherlands and Scandinavia are no longer joined on the map and a few instances of map artifacts have been fixed(ie: I got rid of a few tiles of forest in shore tiles.) The Aboriginal Australians are still in the scenario and will be a formidable foe if you try try to take Australia by force anytime in the pre-gunpowder game.

The ultimate goal with this mod is going to be several different versions of the map for different starting eras with mostly-appropriate civilizations in each era. Religions will also diffuse to their true-to-life Holy Cities, or at least close enough to them near their inception date along with certain strategic resources diffusing to different geological locations, such as American horses and European tobacco.

I'm doing most, if not all, of the work solo, though. I've just been wanting a collection of scenarios that are mostly vanilla as far as civilizations and units are concerned, but still BIG and TRULY EXPANSIVE.

The attached picture is the current Player/Civilization list along with the leaders. After playing around testing the map for a few weeks, this set of leaders seems to be the best for keeping gameplay active enough to stay challenging, with or without raging barbarians. I chose the colors to adhere to either predominant colors of that nations flag(s) or colors that are important to that culture. Some had to take precedence over others, though. For example, even though Mao Zedong is the leader of China, I choose Dark Pink for the color of China since Japan's Red is right next door, so-to-speak, and it just gets a bit confusing after things heat up in Asia.

Civilization and leader names will also be changed to closer-match their true-to-life counterparts. Let me know if anyone would be interested in testing this out and I'll gladly start a thread and take suggestions and maybe even get help if some of you would be so inclined.

Edit: Fixed a typo and made a few things more clear.
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Got an issue with this map, when I start up a game as any of the civs. It loads, but when the game finishes loading, a blank screen labeled "Technology Adviser" appears. You can exit it, but the entire interface is missing. Meaning you can't found your city, can't move your units, can't see anything but the game map and the fog of war. Please help someone. I really want to get a good game going as the Native Americans.
When you enter the game save and then load the save and the interface will appear.
I would really like to play this map, but all the download links are down.
Can someone help out?
Well if the link is dead, and the author missing, maybe one of the moderators who have the files in their HDD can re-upload it for us?
I don't think I have this download somewhere.

If you want to play just any map with more civs, you can also play with 50, https://forums.civfanatics.com/resources/bts-3-19-50-civ-gamecore.13181/ , and make the maps compatible yourself, see this tutorial https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/modding-maps-with-a-text-editor.374496/ .

(yes, would it be better if we had something like this ready made? certainly. Maybe we have it even somewhere else in the database, not sure. But this is right now what I can tell you is possible. Sorry for not being more helpful)
I don't think I have this download somewhere.

If you want to play just any map with more civs, you can also play with 50, https://forums.civfanatics.com/resources/bts-3-19-50-civ-gamecore.13181/ , and make the maps compatible yourself, see this tutorial https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/modding-maps-with-a-text-editor.374496/ .

(yes, would it be better if we had something like this ready made? certainly. Maybe we have it even somewhere else in the database, not sure. But this is right now what I can tell you is possible. Sorry for not being more helpful)

I am impressed, that was fast and helpful and on point, thank you for taking the time to help me out! :thumbsup:

lol and I thought 35 civs was pushing it to the limit, damn :crazyeye:
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