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[BtS] DIPLOMACY: a mod for Diplogames!

That's because I'm making a new one for 3.19. And FileFront keeps dropping my files and I haven't got around to finding a new site to host it. The flavoring is really tedious, but here are some previews for Japan...

EDIT: Oops I cut out the fighter on that last one, its just the Kate that I think Dutchking made. I think I'll do Korea next, I see your location says China, there are so many Chinese units around I don't know what to do with myself! But I'll get around to that eventually.
TAdF; how are those leader personalities coming along? Who do you have left to do and did you need a list of the new leaders?

I posted my finished personalities earlier in a rar.
There's a few from the Europe packs missing, and the leaders from Module Pack 1. I'll need to redownload them when you reupload them.


Also, a few changes I wasn't sure if you'd agree with, so I thought I'd go ahead and point them out.
I focused mainly on Hirohito's actual period of power, but not entirely. So he's more of a warmonger.
I also made Ptolemy's personality fit his actual reign, rather than have him represent Hellenic Egypt as a whole. So he's also more of a warmonger (I made him kinda like Alexander, but a bit more tactical.)

I also kinda kept Meiji as a bit more of a peaceful, which in retrospect might not have been a good idea. I did it to make him stand out as a leader compared to Hirohito and Tokugawa a bit more.
That's fine, just keep in mind that the idea behind adding the new leaders is to mix up the experience when playing. So ultimately I want them to be more different than historical when appropriate (while, of course, sticking to history as much as possible) so just keep in mind that Jingu will be added to japan as well, so her personality should be contrasting (again, as much as possible considering history of course) to the other leaders. The same goes for any new leaders. I might make edits to your work, at least in the traits area but I do really appreciate it. I'll try and have Module Pack I up for you as soon as I can.
That's fine, just keep in mind that the idea behind adding the new leaders is to mix up the experience when playing. So ultimately I want them to be more different than historical when appropriate (while, of course, sticking to history as much as possible) so just keep in mind that Jingu will be added to japan as well, so her personality should be contrasting (again, as much as possible considering history of course) to the other leaders. The same goes for any new leaders. I might make edits to your work, at least in the traits area but I do really appreciate it. I'll try and have Module Pack I up for you as soon as I can.

Jingu can pretty much go either way, in terms of personality.
We don't know that much about her in terms of reality, just a lot of myths we can pick and choose from.
By the way, thanks for doing this boring LH personality stuff. I update my game with your work now, so I am hoping to get more unique leader personalities. I do have one minor correction for you. You made Harald Hardrada's favourite religion the Norse religion, but actually Harald was a Christian and even spent some time in the Holy Land in some sort of "crusade". I think you should correct this.
By the way, thanks for doing this boring LH personality stuff. I update my game with your work now, so I am hoping to get more unique leader personalities. I do have one minor correction for you. You made Harald Hardrada's favourite religion the Norse religion, but actually Harald was a Christian and even spent some time in the Holy Land in some sort of "crusade". I think you should correct this.

Thought I corrected that. I noticed it too.
Guess I forgot to.

Also, no problem. I like having excuses to go back over and research things.
I gave Harald the Norse Religion, I also gave Sundiata Keita Voodoo as a favorite religion (same with Shaka), I did this primarily to spread the religions around more. It was done intentionally, I know Harald was a Christian but I figured there were too many people who favored the base religion so I spread it around a bit more. You will notice that the Celtic leaders have Norse religion as their favorite too which makes no sense.
I gave Harald the Norse Religion, I also gave Sundiata Keita Voodoo as a favorite religion (same with Shaka), I did this primarily to spread the religions around more. It was done intentionally, I know Harald was a Christian but I figured there were too many people who favored the base religion so I spread it around a bit more. You will notice that the Celtic leaders have Norse religion as their favorite too which makes no sense.

What religions are you adding in the next round?
Native American Paganism I remember...

I hope we see maybe something Roman (besides Christianity) thrown in, but I understand if you just use the Greek religion for them.
Nothing is final yet, but this looks like the list of religions I'll probably go with (I have included the ones in the mod already just to make it easier to keep track of), and do not consider any of the names official, I know how people start up entire debates over historic names etc. and I have no interest in that at this point;

Celtic Paganism
Norse Mythology
Olympic Pantheon
Shamanism (current name for "North American" native religion)
Nahualism (Mesoamerican religion)
Canaanite Faith (don't know a good name for it yet)
Marduk/Mesopotamian Faith

This is the current list of new religions I intend on adding. Obviously some of the names need work. You may wonder why there are religions for seemingly one or two civs, well the main purpose is to offer a secondary choice if the religion you wanted isn't chosen. If you are Israel and someone picks Judaism (which is partially why I gave all leaders a favorite religion, even "atheist" Communist leaders, and why I gave Harald Norse instead of Christianity so if there was a game with Spain and France for example one of them could take Christ while the Vikings get the Norse faith) you could always choose the Canaanite Faith and still have a relatively "flavored" religion. The purpose is to maintain the original reason I made the mod; which is to give full flavoring to the game experience since the original mod was made for Diplogames.

EDIT: I think Olympic Pantheon is sufficient to cover the Romans as well, if anything other than Christianity or Olympic Pantheon is going in that may be more Roman it would be Mithraism, although that's of Parthian origin. Although Mithraism is basically in the game already... its just called Christianity... :mischief:
Nothing is final yet, but this looks like the list of religions I'll probably go with (I have included the ones in the mod already just to make it easier to keep track of), and do not consider any of the names official, I know how people start up entire debates over historic names etc. and I have no interest in that at this point;

Celtic Paganism
Norse Mythology
Olympic Pantheon
Shamanism (current name for "North American" native religion)
Nahualism (Mesoamerican religion)
Canaanite Faith (don't know a good name for it yet)
Marduk/Mesopotamian Faith

This is the current list of new religions I intend on adding. Obviously some of the names need work. You may wonder why there are religions for seemingly one or two civs, well the main purpose is to offer a secondary choice if the religion you wanted isn't chosen. If you are Israel and someone picks Judaism (which is partially why I gave all leaders a favorite religion, even "atheist" Communist leaders, and why I gave Harald Norse instead of Christianity so if there was a game with Spain and France for example one of them could take Christ while the Vikings get the Norse faith) you could always choose the Canaanite Faith and still have a relatively "flavored" religion. The purpose is to maintain the original reason I made the mod; which is to give full flavoring to the game experience since the original mod was made for Diplogames.

EDIT: I think Olympic Pantheon is sufficient to cover the Romans as well, if anything other than Christianity or Olympic Pantheon is going in that may be more Roman it would be Mithraism, although that's of Parthian origin. Although Mithraism is basically in the game already... its just called Christianity... :mischief:

It'd be funny to have a sort of Cult of Personality religion for our totalitarian leaders.
Have the shrines be wall murals and the like. It'd be hard to pull off, though. Without actually showing a leader on it, I mean. Unless you just make it an undetailed person in a generic totalitarian pose.
That's because I'm making a new one for 3.19. And FileFront keeps dropping my files and I haven't got around to finding a new site to host it. The flavoring is really tedious, but here are some previews for Japan...

EDIT: Oops I cut out the fighter on that last one, its just the Kate that I think Dutchking made. I think I'll do Korea next, I see your location says China, there are so many Chinese units around I don't know what to do with myself! But I'll get around to that eventually.

How many UUs will you put in your mod?Here is some advice from a native Chinese!
In fact, Cho ku nu weren't widely used in wars,cavalry were much more important.The palace guards and the Central Intelligence Agency in imperial China were also important,such as the Jinyi Wei of Ming.see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jinyi_Wei

By the way the Manchurian Eight Banners were well-known all over China, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eight_Banners
That's because I'm making a new one for 3.19. And FileFront keeps dropping my files and I haven't got around to finding a new site to host it. The flavoring is really tedious, but here are some previews for Japan...

EDIT: Oops I cut out the fighter on that last one, its just the Kate that I think Dutchking made. I think I'll do Korea next, I see your location says China, there are so many Chinese units around I don't know what to do with myself! But I'll get around to that eventually.

Since you're doing Korean, suppose you'll make any of the ships look like Korea's famed turtle ships?
I don't want to alter too many UUs, so the Chinese UU will probably remain the same. I don't want to alter the game too much because that is the main point of the mod (to serve as a mod that adds a lot without changing the gameplay to such a huge degree as many mods do), there are already a litany of UUs and UBs that are going to be altered (actually I think China's UB is one of them) so I don't want to do it for the sake of doing it. I want to change them when there is a huge mistake (like making the Immortals mounted units) or when I think there has been a glaring omission (Giving the Praetorian, which I will rename Legion, the ability to buid roads/forts), or if I think the graphic could be better (Cho Ku Nu, Jaguar Warrior, Dog Soldier, Gallic Swordsman etc.). A really good Chinese mod is the History of the Three Kingdoms, although they are about to make a huge upgrade so I'd wait a couple of days before DLing it.

Since you're doing Korean, suppose you'll make any of the ships look like Korea's famed turtle ships?

The Kobukson or "turtle ship" will appear as Korea's Frigate.
The Chinese will have the base leaders Mao, Qin Shi Huang and Taizong (from the Chinese edition of the game) and the fourth leader will be Empress Dowager Cixi. Kangxi might actually be a better option but the Cixi LH is awesome (and Ekmek made it, he was like my mentor when it came to making LHs so I use his LHs when I can) and I wanted to get more female leaders into the game. I also have a personal limit of four LHs per civ, although I have heavily considered an LH expansion pack for people who want more, so if that happens I'll include Kangxi in this pack.

Which LH did they use for Kangxi BTW?
Honestly, neither Kangxi can hold a candle to the Cixi model Ekmek made. He may be the better choice historically, but she's the definite superior resource.
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