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[BtS] DIPLOMACY: a mod for Diplogames!

I didn't manage to get as much work done last night as intended. But I finished the last of the Korean industrial era units, I liked this one a lot so I figured I'd post it. The uniform is based on a picture of a Korean soldier from the late 1800s and early 1900s. I am not actually sure he was a cavalry soldier, but I figured it looked well enough to be one. I took a few artistic liberties, added a Korean symbol to his ammo-box and gave him a Korean sword courtesy of Bakuel's Korean Heavy Footman. What do you think?

I like it!
I didn't manage to get as much work done last night as intended. But I finished the last of the Korean industrial era units, I liked this one a lot so I figured I'd post it. The uniform is based on a picture of a Korean soldier from the late 1800s and early 1900s. I am not actually sure he was a cavalry soldier, but I figured it looked well enough to be one. I took a few artistic liberties, added a Korean symbol to his ammo-box and gave him a Korean sword courtesy of Bakuel's Korean Heavy Footman. What do you think?

Very nice.
Also, Ekmek's improving his old Ibn Saud leaderhead.
Curious, did you make the new religious stuff from scratch, or get it elsewhere?
Been trying to find it or something similar as a mod component that I could use as a base for my own mod.
Its the Just Another Religion Mod (JARM), which is available for download as far as I am aware. I actually believe they added a few new religions, including Freemasonry (for some reason, at least that's what the word is) so you should just DL that one, its pretty good and is exactly what I used in my mod. I edited some of the art though, so it won't be the exact same.
Hi Im trying to download this mod but everytime I click the link Filefront says the file is missing. Could you help please?
Also has this been updated for BTS 3.19 yet?

I guess I have to reupload everything, FileFront has been crap lately so I might find a new location to upload it. But it is NOT compatible with 3.19, the new mod I am working on will be.

Hi, I found this a few pages and weeks eariler, so was hoping u would do this eventually.
I know the new version is coming, but till then could u reupload again the 3.17 version and the module packs?
I'm trying to get this for a long time now, files were always missing. Just managed to get the Americas modpack once when I was lucky...
FINE! But only because you are touting my LHs in Civ Gold. I don't understand why they won't use them. I made most of them because I thought a lot of the Civ Gold LHs sucked (Stambolov and Christian for example) and these are two LHs they won't use! Those bastards!

The only issue is that I have updated to 3.19, so its hard for me to check the modules but I suppose I could do that today. I'll only upload the main mod first, since I can't play the mod anymore its going to be hard for me to update the civs.

EDIT: Alright, its going to take two hours for the mod.
Hi Capo,

I am trying to download this mod, but get an error message on FileFront. I have actually received error messages for another mod that was supposed to be on FileFront as well. Don't know if you can repost or if its justa FileFront error or if this is uploaded onto another server? Do you have any suggestions? I would like to check this out.


FINE! But only because you are touting my LHs in Civ Gold. I don't understand why they won't use them. I made most of them because I thought a lot of the Civ Gold LHs sucked (Stambolov and Christian for example) and these are two LHs they won't use! Those bastards!

The only issue is that I have updated to 3.19, so its hard for me to check the modules but I suppose I could do that today. I'll only upload the main mod first, since I can't play the mod anymore its going to be hard for me to update the civs.

EDIT: Alright, its going to take two hours for the mod.

Wow, great news :D
I promise I will try to get as many of your LHs to CIV Gold as possible, but not because of this.
Your leaders are just awesome and have to be there ;)
I was not sure which LHs did u use for diplomacy and modpacks, but i think i searched almoust all the existing ones for my suggestions and I definietly have to see your mod too (for a complete picture).
Ohh and i got 3.17 and 3.19 so it wont be a problem either way. So thx anyway...
Something happened with the download, so I'll try it again but it will AGAIN take two and a half hours. I hate FileFront!

I'm currently working on the Carthaginian and Byzantine sets now (the Korean set hit a snag) because of Bakuel's awesome units. Then I think I'll go back to asia and work on the Chinese set.
It's such a pity that Kangxi was not chosen... Hope for a fantastic Chinese set!
By the way,will there be any extra module packs in the 3.19 mod? Will there be a deluxe pack with all the add-on?
It's such a pity that Kangxi was not chosen... Hope for a fantastic Chinese set!
By the way,will there be any extra module packs in the 3.19 mod? Will there be a deluxe pack with all the add-on?

All of the modules I have made (and a new set) will be created for the 3.19 mod. Basically what I am going to do is release the new mod and seperately release the new Module Pack I which will come out with it. For that module pack (although things are extremely tentative) there will be six total civs. Four of them are from the original module pack and then two new ones;

- Hungary
- Nubia
- Phoenicia
- Teutonic Order
- NEW Huns NEW
- NEW Philippenes NEW

Hungary, Nubia and Phoenicia are all getting completely new unit sets. Hungary, Nubia, and the Teutonic Order are getting new leaderheads/leaders. I am removing Balbazer from Phoenicia. From that point forward all of the other module packs will be done in basically the same order as the original module packs were done, except with a few slight changes;

Module Pack II; (will be the civs from the previously intended module pack III)
- NEW Apache NEW
- NEW Haiti NEW
- NEW Siam NEW
- NEW Puerto Rico NEW
- NEW Assyria NEW
- NEW Timurids NEW

- Canada
- Brazil
- Mexico
- Argentina
- Cuba
- Gran Colombia
- NEW Chile NEW

Module Pack III;
- Australia
- Congo
- Minoans
- Vietnam
- Iran
- Songhai
- NEW Hittites NEW

Europe I and II;
- Austria
- Bulgaria
- Denmark
- Finland
- Ireland
- Switzerland
- Ukraine
- Italy
- Lithuania
- Poland
- Romania
- Scotland
- Serbia
- NEW Belgium NEW
- NEW Holy See/Papal States NEW

(all of these civs will be in the "Deluxe Edition" which will have them in as base-civs rather than modular, so its kinda civ-gold-esque except for the extended future era and a few other features... and of course better graphics all-around... sorry Wyz, couldn't resist)

That is the plan as of right now, obviously things can change depending on what happens between now and then. A lot of these modules will be getting new units or new graphics for buildings etc. But for the most part they will be pretty similar to the originals (I won't be changing any UUs or UBs other than graphics for example), although there may be a new leader or two in the mix. I haven't finalized the list of new leaders for Diplomacy 2 just yet, but I am going to get to that when I arrive at the "add new leaderheads" phase of the mod. Which may actually take some time because I am going to do a bunch of LHs at that point in time. For now I'm learning the new Blender so I'm currently working on Askia Muhammad Toure who should be available for download in a week or so. Hope that was informative, I finished Byzantium and Carthage last night so the list of civs I have done so far are;


There is no real "order" I am going in, just whatever piques my interest at the time. So I have the rest of the vanilla civs to do, then I have to do the sets for the Sioux, Iroquois, Israel, Franks, and Polynesia; quite a ways to go. I'm going to try and get two more civs knocked out today... wonder who they'll be...
You might be wondering why a Deluxe Edition when all of those civs are modular. Well for one there is going to be a bit more content in the Deluxe Edition, obviously between now and then I can come up with a few extra civs to add. I'll probably put a few extra features for people who want more features than the regular version will have (which is meant to be played as a Multiplayer mod, just like its daddy Diplomacy 1), also since you can't really do custom music with a modular civ (and still have the ability to remove it easily) or custom order/select sounds and diplomacy texts, which will all be in the deluxe edition. Just wanted to clear that up.

EDIT: I'm also hoping to have a few simple scenarios that can be played as two civs; (Peleponnesian wars, Gallic Wars, Biblical Wars, Lithuania/Teutonic Wars etc.) as well as some historic maps with pre-set starting locations. So its going to be a cool little mod when I'm finished with it.
I think either France or Germany should be next.
I guess I'll do China next, since I disappointed you with Kangxi. Basically I don't want more than four leaders per civ (partially to save space, but also because I think it looks better that they are all capped at four), there are already three Firaxis-made Chinese leaders (Mao Tse Tung, Qin Shi Huang, and Tang Taizong) and when there is a choice between an awesome female model and a non-existant male model that I'd have to make on top of the huge list I already have to make the choice is quite easy. I'm sure you'll be happy with the Chinese civ though, I am going to make it look cool.
I think either France or Germany should be next.

I still have to make a few units here and there for France and Germany, so they're on the back-burner for now.

Another slight issue I have is England; I don't quite know what to do for their Ancient set. Bakuel mentioned making Briton-Roman units for ancient England, but I am not sure how long it will be before he is finished with that (probably months from now), in the interim I used Zerver's England Ancient set, which is basically just medieval-looking units so I am not very happy with it (although they are great models). Another option is to use Celtic units that Chuggi made which look more British-celtic than the Gallic celts I am using for the Celts right now (France is also going to have some Gallic looking units as their ancient set, but they look much different than the Celts set). So I am a little torn between what to do for England right now, so while their set is finished there is still some work I'd like to do on England. This really goes for every civ, this is just the first round of flavoring, There will be a few rounds where I update and revise the sets so nothing is finalized at this point.

EDIT: Although now that I think about it, the Britons that Bakuel is going to make (the Romanized people who basically brought-in and had to fight against the Angles and Saxons) actually became Welsh, and not English, so maybe that doesn't really make sense after all. Of course I'm not saying anything to him, I would NEVER stop Bakuel from making any units.
I'm glad to hear we'll be seeing a Papal civ.
I tried making one a long while back, I got the coding done but right as I was finishing up the UU and UB, my harddrive dies. I guess I was so angry that none of it was saved that I took an extended break. Not only from Civ4, but from modding.
If you're curious for what I went with:
Starting Techs: The Wheel, Mysticism
Leaders: Pope Innocent II (Spiritual/Organized), Pope Urban II (Spiritual/Imperialistic)
Unique Unit: Templar Knight, replaces Knight, starts with City Raider 1
Unique Building: Templar Church, a bank made available by Theology

Then for city names I just went with a bunch of templar states and conquered cities.

Also, just a thought on the four Arab leaders. With the current four, we'll have two warmongers (one a warmonger/builder), a cultural leader, and... sort of a half warmonger half culture/religion building.
If you replaced Abu Bakr with Ibn Saud, that'd introduce an entirely different play style for Arabia. A leader that focuses on building wealth, faith, and building up his nation.
We'll see how Ekmek does on Saud and then we'll make a decision. The LHs are a ways off anyway so there is still plenty of time for changes here and there along the way.
A papal civ, you say? I already made text to be shared between the two popes.

<English>God bless you, [CT_NAME], I am [CT_NAME], Supreme Pontiff of the Church! Are you a righteous man, are you asking for a crusade?</English>
<English>Go away! And stop making fun of my hat!</English>
<English>You ask me for peace? You speak blasphemy, [CT_NAME]!</English>
<English>I've thanked God millions and millions of time for the blessing of being able to talk to you, [CT_NAME]!</English>
<English>[CT_NAME], what are you doing here? Fine, I'll hear your heresy.</English>
<English>If you don't give me this you'll face excommunication. You wouldn't want to make the big man upstairs angry, now would you?</English>
<English>Give me this or it's no more Mr. Nice Pope!</English>
<English>Hand this over or I'll send my knights to slay you in the name of God!</English>
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