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[BtS] DIPLOMACY: a mod for Diplogames!

Honestly, neither Kangxi can hold a candle to the Cixi model Ekmek made. He may be the better choice historically, but she's the definite superior resource.

So maybe one of our awesome LH makers could step up and provide us with a worthy Kangxi... ;););)

I think you could use the Taizong people originally used (which was made by Kao'Chai) as Kangxi.

I'm thinking Willem with the clothes of Taizong. But the hat??? No ideas!

Asianified Willem could work very well. The hat... screw the hat. We'll give him a new hat.
Maybe a red version of the alternate Qin Shi Huang leaderhead?
Capo would probably rather have this conversation elsewhere, since he doesn't even seem to want Kangxi in, and already has quite a few leaderheads on his plate.

That said, a modified hat from the Colonization Spanish King might work well.
All you need is a little imagination boys! Just take Kublai's hat, mend the split in the rim around the top, resize the top part to meet the edges of the split, add the headband underneath Ghengis' fur thing, and then copy the rim and duplicate it but flip it over. Perfect.

Unfortunately I have no use for Kangxi, so I don't see myself making him. And actually if you guys found the old Richelieu LH (not mine but the old one) that would make a better base for this LH, the eyes look very similar.
Hey, Capo. What do you think of substituting Marcus Aurelius for Trajan (Mark Antony LH) and adding a new LH to Rome? I ask this because I just got Civ Gold, and the Seleucus LH they use looks A LOT like Scipio Africanus.
Hey, Capo. What do you think of substituting Marcus Aurelius for Trajan (Mark Antony LH) and adding a new LH to Rome? I ask this because I just got Civ Gold, and the Seleucus LH they use looks A LOT like Scipio Africanus.

If we go that route, I finished a personality for Trajan this morning.
You seen that LH, DF?
You seen that LH, DF?

I like Ekmek's Trajan, though.

Capo, odd question.
How did you learn to mod?

I've been thinking over starting up my own mod. There's a lot of stuff I'd like to do to Civ4, but I doubt I'd ever see them in a combined modpack.
Basically I want to do... something that adds a lot of new leaders, more civilizations (not as much as CivGold, though), more religions, a few new traits, and rebalance some stuff in the basegame.

Thankfully, most of what I'd love to combine already exists. I just need to learn how to combine them all.
I learned to mod by trying to customize other mods that I liked but had features I didn't like or were lacking things I wanted. So I made small edits but by doing so you start to learn how to change a lot of things. And a lot of patience.

Well anyway I started on Korea's industrial-era units. This is what I have for the Korean Rifleman, I think its pretty good.

I learned to mod by trying to customize other mods that I liked but had features I didn't like or were lacking things I wanted. So I made small edits but by doing so you start to learn how to change a lot of things. And a lot of patience.

Well anyway I started on Korea's industrial-era units. This is what I have for the Korean Rifleman, I think its pretty good.

Very nice, love the uniform.
I just finished the Grenadier and Cannon and I have to say they look pretty awesome, so I'm pretty excited about the Korean set. I just have to make a cavalry and then see if there are any more modern units I can find for them and I'll try to have a preview ready for you guys depending on my schedule tonight, I will say though that I am going out and I might wind up getting drunk, if that's the case it'll be a few days before the preview.

I'll also upload the Korean industrial units I've made when they are finished in case anyone else wants them.
The Capo, wasn't there another Module Pack in the works?

Yeah, but one of the civs for it ended up slowing the whole thing down.
alguien me podria decir adonde puedo conseguir el crack del parche bts 3.19?
lo he buscado como loco pero no lo encuentro por ningun lado
alguien me podria decir adonde puedo conseguir el crack del parche bts 3.19?
lo he buscado como loco pero no lo encuentro por ningun lado

I'm sorry, but all I can say is that I am working on a new mod, which will be ready for download as soon as it is finished. I will probably put it out even before it is ready! I just have this vision, and I need a moment to spread it. Right now I'd have to change a lot of modules, however I told TAdF that I'd try and get him module pack I when it was finished... now, I am in the process of revamping those modules so it may take a moment, but the benefit will only be yours! I will use updated leader-profiles, image-art, and even statistics (for the Uniue Building and Unique Unit). I just want to make sure everything is appropriately right, and there are a few leaders for this module pack in the works, so please give me the benefit of the doubt..... have I steered you wrong before?
Capo, suppose (Alongside Nasser, of course) Arabia could also get Ekmek's Ibn Saud?
VD kinda got me addicted to playing as him, that and he's a great representation for Saudi Arabia. First king of modern unified SA, in power during the discovery of oil in his nation, ruled over the modernization of said nation due to that oil.
Capo, suppose (Alongside Nasser, of course) Arabia could also get Ekmek's Ibn Saud?
VD kinda got me addicted to playing as him, that and he's a great representation for Saudi Arabia. First king of modern unified SA, in power during the discovery of oil in his nation, ruled over the modernization of said nation due to that oil.

Hmm, we'll see. I am already adding a modern leader for Arabia in Nasser and that would mean Arabia had four leaders (Saladin, Harun al-Rashid, Abu Bakr, and Nasser) so depending on how good it looks I suppose I could bump Abu Bakr or Harun al-Rashid, we'll see. I am going to finish up the flavored units first, and then begin adding the new leaders when I start adding the new civs (Israel, Iroquois, Polynesia, Franks, Sioux) so there's plenty of time for me to alter the roster of leaders.
I didn't manage to get as much work done last night as intended. But I finished the last of the Korean industrial era units, I liked this one a lot so I figured I'd post it. The uniform is based on a picture of a Korean soldier from the late 1800s and early 1900s. I am not actually sure he was a cavalry soldier, but I figured it looked well enough to be one. I took a few artistic liberties, added a Korean symbol to his ammo-box and gave him a Korean sword courtesy of Bakuel's Korean Heavy Footman. What do you think?
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