BTS loading problem


Jul 21, 2006
UK, Coventry
I have played BTS for over a year now and recently, when I reinstalled XP I started having problems loading the game.

When I run the game loading screen is displayed and then upon 'Init XML (Uncached)' BTS process ends. No error, no warning, nothing.

What's curious I have exactly the same problem on my desktop and laptop. I reinstalled XP recently.

I checked my windows events and there's nothing concerning these failed launches.

Moreover I went through the technical support forum prior to writing this post and tried various fixes like installing msixml, but it did not work.
Driver problem maybe as you reinstalled XP recently, have you got latest graphics and sound drivers installed?
I'm having the exact same problem on my new Vista computer. I followed the exact same steps I do normally, but this time it didn't work. My drivers are all up to date.
did you install the game with admin rights? (i.e. did you rightclick on the installer and patches and chose run as administrator)
No I didn't, but I didn't do that on my previous Vista computer and it worked. I'll try that though.

I just realized that my situation is slightly different than the OP in that I got the "Civilization failed to load" error, but that's probably because I'm using Vista, not XP.
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