[BUG LIST] DoaNE bugs

Actually after progressing a few turns, I've found some of these problems are linked. I have a fleet stuck in the seaway again, and a fleet stuck in the Admiralty screen. This is the same game, just a few turns later.

- In this screen shot, I have a fleet stuck in the seaway with a 'phantom' ship that is or isn't there; it will not progress to Europe nor Jamestown (its on a Jamestown-Europe trade route). If this fleet is NOT selected and you mouse over it, it lists three ships in the fleet: a Ship of the Line and two Galleons. If you click on the fleet and select it, and then mouseover it, it shows four ships in the fleet -- the Man-o-War, plus the Ship of the Line and the two Galleons. This fleet also shows as being in Europe under the Admiralty with the Man-o-War, Ship of the Line and THREE Galleons for a total of five ships, though you can't do anything with it except to modify the state of the ships. Using a mouseover in any of these three contexts (in the main game map with the fleet NOT selected, in the main game map with the fleet selected, or in the Admiralty screen) indicates 'a convoy of 5 transport units is awaiting reunification with this convoy' which doesn't make a whole lot of sense, as I'm pretty sure it isn't two fleets of five ships attempting to unify.

In any case, the fleet is stuck -- the fleet in the seaway won't move. I can't get it to go to Europe either, it just sits there in that seaway.

I did manage to un-stuck it by cancelling the stuck-in-seaway convoy's automove and splitting it into individual ships, and sending each to Europe. Still, I think its worth fixing.

For that matter, I hope the convoy auto-joining can get a bit tweaked overall to make it easier and simpler to add ships to convoys ... I can't quite figure out how to get ships to join ship convoys unless those ships are trading with Europe (so convoys of ships running between settlements, or convoys of ships auto-trading with Indian villages ... how do you get ships to auto-join those convoys?).

Thanks, hopefully the problem I perceive and am trying to report here is comprehensible.


  • Chibiabos AD-1640-July - Stuck Fleets.ColonizationSave
    485.4 KB · Views: 183
One item for 4.0. It seems that you can only load units onto a Military wagon train when there is a ship in the port. So you can't load them up at all on inland colonies.
Hi M07,

as i mentioned earlier... the highly anticipated new Doane mod 5.0 is great. I mean that! Some things that well balanced. Pirates now come more frequently but not too anoying. They pose much more a challenge now. also the AI is much better. it makes a great MOD even greater.

There are some bugs (done intentionally?) however i would like to report. If you would like save games to understand a little better please feel free.

1. when trading with indians for changing goods (tools, horses, ...) you get an agreement for example : 40 cacao for 15 tools. you can ask negotiate for 13 tools or so, but when you get to the final screen (finalisation) you see that the tools negotiated are much higher (allmost double).

2. When changing a colonist to an explorer you get exploration points. As he reaches 50 points the explorer can't be used anymore to be trained in village. he will automatically revert the next turn to a scout. even you delete the profession as scout. is this done intentionally?

3. The Pirates are concentrated in one place. I'm not sure if this is correct but in doane 4.0 you could try and defend your "Cape" by putting a frigate to an important trade route but the pirates would still try to attack you. In Doane 5.0 i received 5 ships without any attack (was it too well defended?). i saw they were concentrated to another place so i went there seek them to get some important XP.

4. when adding a seawaypoint closer to a nearby city i have the impression when you add an automated route he will not revert to the closest seaway but will go to first seawaypoint you made. i had the impression this wasn't something i saw in 4.0.

5. when you encounter a new indian civilization a little while later you will get automatically "-3" saying that the trade relations have not been faire. however there has never been a trade whats soever in the past.

6. sometimes you have "ghost ships" (could be pirates or other european nations). When entering the world builder you can see them but when you navigate your naval escort to the tile of the ship you can't see it. the next turn it attacks your trade ships.

also much kudos btw for the new "immigration relation points" it's really addictive to see if you can finally "buy" an immidiate recruit. This is a very good addition. to be honest i will try to tweak it a little bit to my taste (make the veteran soldier a little easier...) :D

I saw you fixed the bug when capturing a ship of an other european nation you could still attack a city so that the ship on itself could gather XP. i never reported that bug because i liked it. haha

The new managing of the trade route between Europe and the colony is really fantastic! makes it so much easier.

I have a small question... you mentioned that the Rum distiller will come earlier in the game is that correct? i am at turn 105 (1545) but haven't seen it yet. Can you tell us when it comes?

My bug report is just a very positive feedback. Thank you M07 for all your work and willing to share it with us!
Hello Nexus1980,

Thank you really much for your impressive feedback.
First of all, I inform you that I have planned to deliver the v5.10 in July, in order to fix all bugs and improve the AI.
So I will answer you question by question :

1) I had already noticed this issue with native contracts when I played the previous weekend. So it will be fixed soon.

2) For explorers, i never think about and it is absolutely correct. I have created an issue on by board.

3) The 5.0 version has fixed this issue, but we are still a little disappointed about them. They will be stronger on the next version.

4) You are allowed in the automatic trade routes screen to choose for each fleet which seaway he will go through. I think it will solve your issue right?

5) For native relation ship you are right, I should fix it.

6) In fact those "ghost ships" are a feature. Each ships can be temporary invisible because ocean are very large, we are supposing that two ships can on the same tile without seeing each other. So it happens that a ship can appear the following as if by magic.

also much kudos btw for the new "immigration relation points" it's really addictive to see if you can finally "buy" an immediate recruit.
After playing some games, we have faced issue to not have sometimes a specific king of immigrants (statesman, agronomist, veteran soldier, ...) so we have added this feature to solve it.

I have a small question... you mentioned that the Rum distiller will come earlier in the game is that correct? i am at turn 105 (1545) but haven't seen it yet. Can you tell us when it comes?
The rum should come between the turn 100 and 200. On the v4.00 I think it was more about 350 :D. I could maybe reduced the range... Ok I will do it between 50 - 150.

Thank you again for your feedback, we really appreciate this kind of constructive answer.
Hi MI07,

great mod, I'm back again playing it after 3 years of absence, this time with the new version 5.23.

One bug that hinders any era advancement though is that rebel sentiment always stays at 0%.

In more detail, what works as before:
  • Colonists get efficiency bonus based on the city's rebel sentiment.

And what does not work any more:
  • In the city screen, the independence screen and the era screen, the rebel sentiment is always displayed as 0%.
  • Culture stays eternally at 0, even though something like "(4 turns)" is displayed beyind the "0/20" for a city with 6 bells / turn.

I hope that it's not too difficult to fix this, as this is game breaking for me...
Hi oyh,
It can be disturbing but that's not a bug.
You just have to have two Statesmen inside your city hall, and build a printing house
Culture stays eternally at 0 for the first era. It only starts on the second era.
Tell me if it solves your issue.
Hi oyh,
It can be disturbing but that's not a bug.
You just have to have two Statesmen inside your city hall, and build a printing house
Culture stays eternally at 0 for the first era. It only starts on the second era.
Tell me if it solves your issue.

Hi M07,

you are right, it works! My confusion was due to the lack of transparency of how many bells are actually needed. But no problem - I'll just start the office/statesman earlier next time...

Thanks for your reply and this great mod!
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