Building DLLs


Blue Period
Aug 23, 2009
In case there are DoC contributors who would like to compile their own DLLs but haven't yet gotten around to setting everything up, let me highlight two possible solutions for you

1. This guide (preferred)

I set everything up to make installing a compiler as easy as possible. The guide is for the BtS base game, but it should also work for DoC.

The only exception is step 3: it includes the BtS source code. Obviously you don't have to do that. But if you are modding from the DoC git repository, you already have the source code anyway. It is set up in exactly the same way as in the guide.

The only thing you have to do differently is open the Makefile.settings.backup file in the CvGameCoreDLL directory and copy its content into Makefile.settings, overwriting its contents.

You should be able to move on to step 4 afterwards and open your IDE.

2. Using the AppVeyor build server

As you may know, I have set up a build server for DoC that will compile a new DLL after every commit. I have recently fixed its builds and also enabled it to publish the DLL it created, which you can download afterwards.

Here is the list of builds. The branch they belong to is indicated in the description, you can select your build and then download the DLL in the "artifacts" section.

Please don't abuse this service to test your DLL code, the free tier server is slow and it doesn't help anyone if you clog it with dozens of commits and the resulting builds. If you need to develop more complex features in the DLL, try the above guide instead.
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