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C2C SVN Changelog


Started revising the pedia sections of technologies starting in the Prehistoric era, this includes adding sources to quotations, adding strategy sections and updating history sections as well as sourcing them. So far 21 technologies have been worked on, from Adhesives to Ceremonial Burial.


Corrected an issue with the event that makes a ship stuck on a reef as there was a lack of an integer (bUnitsOnPlot) that was checking whenever an unit was actually on said reef. This caused ships that weren't even close to get the event. (reported by @Pit2015)
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Removed 3 tech redundancies.

All techs belonged in Information era.
Derivatives no longer requires Long Range Forecasting - Covered by Communication Networks prereqs.
Virtual Reality no longer requires 3D modelling - Covered by Communication Networks prereqs.
Renewable Energy no longer requires Climate Modelling - Covered by Nanotechnology prereqs.

Nanotechnology needs Communication Networks needs Chaos Theory needs Climate Models needs Long Range Forecasting and 3D Modeling.
This was affected branch.
  • Changed how building columns are displayed in the domestic advisor.
    • Building icon instead of name in header.
    • Its value is now an indication about it being buildable, already built, under construction, obsolete or unavailable in the city.
    • Fixed a divide by zero issue in the advisors tab of the domestic advisor.
In response to this post by @Jalos.
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Buildable Animal Stories now have proper cost - same as Library, which is needed to build them.
Weaver's Hut now is moved back to Weaving.

Most likely animal stories costs never got recosted at first place.
Their cost was 400 - 800 originally.

Revised tech tree in early moderm era (first three columns after Modern Lifestyle).
Recosted 3 techs and buildings/units in them as result of revision.
Doubled cost of animal stories, as they are National Wonders.

Changed modern techs and animal stories as per requests of Thunderbrd and DH.

Removed faulty unit upgrade - one of heroes upgraded to itself.

It seems to be normal unit after all, just misplaced in wrong file.
Also it has hero icon as if it was hero unit.

Untangled arrows in late Industrial era tech tree - moved two techs one column up.
Barbed Wire had to be moved one column back. Tech and its building was recosted.
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Fixed recosting errors of buildings unlocked by Enginering.
Standard cost for Engineering tech column is 300, Castle requiring buildings cost 150, as their cost meant to be halved.

Found these errors when checking building bonus requirements.
Locksmith also got their cost fixed.

Revised buildings unlocked before their resource requirements.
Some resources are now unlocked earlier.
Corrected minor issues in game text and TradeGoods.
Fixed few more recosting errors

Full list of changes is here.
Entries that had their tech requirements changed are recosted.

Updated KATION'S Space Map - Now each civ has craters nearby for crater related buildings.
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Fixed all recosting errors.
Fixed few errors in space content.
All buildings are now unlocked after their prereqs - that is changed tech, resource and building requirements.
All natural resources are now Revealed (useable for Vicinity buildings) before or on same tech, as they are Enabled (usable anywhere and tradeable)
Moved few National Wonders to proper place (Regular -> National Buildings XML).
Some misc text fixes.

Changes to buildings and resources are listed there.

National Wonders cost is 2X, Group Wonder cost is 4X, Great Wonder cost is 6X and Project cost is 10X.
I did some modifications - mainly recosting - in your module.
You might want to review space building costs - some of them costed more than Earth buildings in given column.

@Dancing Hoskuld
I did some changes to resource reveals (useful for Vicinity buildings) and enables (full functionality).
Also I recosted some of religious buildings, that had tech prereqs - that is Priesthood, Meditation, Musical Notation.
I left alone religious buildings without tech prereqs.
That is some Temples/Monastries/Cathedrals had inconsistent costs.

Lunar Observatory now can use crater of any size.

Crater without size in its name is Earth one and Small/Medium/Large Craters are used by building on Moon - those are lunar craters.

Kation's space map update:
Craters on map are now of correct type on Earth part.
Moon got some Lunar craters for Lunar Observatory buildings.
Each civ now has two ancient relics - those are used for world wonder and normal building.

Added Shellfish as alternative of Raw Fish for Dried Fish Maker.

Changed names of animal NPC civilizations.

Fauna Creatures was Passive Animals
Fauna Beasts was Neutral Animals
Fauna Predators was Aggressive Animals

Civic screen now has yellow strategy text.

Reverted unneeded change to source code [SVN 10169]

Moved few techs: tech X needing tech Y now aren't in same columns.
2 pairs in Prehistoric era and 1 pair in Medieval era were left alone - solving those would mean total revolution.
Recosted buildings and made sure building/resource requirements for buildings weren't suddenly unlocked later than buildings themselves.
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Foreign Advisor now correctly orders the abbreviations for displayed civics.

Note: A few categories are still lacking the abbreviated format but that will be corrected in the close future once the civics lore revision is implemented.
Changed tech tree color scheme to rainbow.

I changed color scheme as previous one was bit random.
Here is how it looks internally.

Minor changes to previous commit
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Revised early Ancient era tech tree - Sailing is now in Early ancient instead of late Prehistoric era.
Recosted techs and buildings.
No building is unlocked earlier than its building/resource prereq.

@KaTiON_PT did those changes, I revised them for any errors.
Change to Sailing tech was requested here (two pages of discussion).
This change meant slight remodeling of early part of Ancient era.

General text cleanup.

That is removed space between text and . , ! ? : characters.

Continued cleanup of gametext files.

Apparently a lot of stuff was left in previous commit.

Continued text cleanup.

This time it was removing random question marks, that were missed previously due to spacing.

Fixed cost of Neanderthal Ancient Workboat
Changed "Rite" to "Right" OR "Ritual" in game text depending on context (ritual as of custom or right as in Right of Passage for units)
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In this case, you changed from the correct usage (rite: a social custom, practice, or conventional act) to an incorrect homonym of the accurate word.
Rite and Ritual is same or very similar thing, maybe one is American and other is British spelling.
Or maybe ritual is whole thing and rite is part of ritual?

Also there was Rite of Passage referring to units ability to travel in other civs territory - I changed this to Right of Passage.

You both just misread my post.
I guess you didn't see actual changes in files.

It appears Rite IS part of Ritual.
I'll revert Ritual to Rite (as in custom) but not Right to Rite (homophone of Right)

Reverted Rite -> Ritual chganges.
Removed remaining [NUMBER] entries - they got copypasted from wikipedia.
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Also there was Rite of Passage referring to units ability to travel in other civs territory - I changed this to Right of Passage.
Both of these phrases are correct; they do, however, refer to different targets.

A rite of passage is typically a ceremony by which the honoree is inducted into something, frequently recognized adulthood or membership in an exclusive group.

Right of passage is a diplomatic recognition, by which a foreign element is granted leave to travel through the sovereign territory of another polity.

Your correction in this case was accurate - right of passage is the term for allowing one civilization's units to travel through another civilizations territory.
Rite and Ritual is same or very similar thing, maybe one is American and other is British spelling.
Or maybe ritual is whole thing and rite is part of ritual?
Actually, in this case, both words are part of both dialects, and are very closely related. There are some connotative differences, but for the most part, the two words can be regarded as very nearly interchangeable. The exceptions would be primarily cases where one word or the other is part of a notable phrase, or cases where there are grammatical considerations - ritual can be used adjectivally (ritual sacrifice), while rite is almost entirely an obligate noun.
This one is production rebalance.

Game text: Replaced lack of any entry with TBD placeholder (or simple entry like single !/./Strategy text), and done few fixes.
Added missing text to vanilla tag (BUILDING_ANARCHY_TIMER_MOD).

Building infos: Buffed weakest production buildings.
Later eras see higher minimum values for increment or percentage increment of production from buildings.
Made sure, that replacements don't lower production.
Reduced power of assembers - cumulative boost of production in mid and late game is big enough.

Properly recosted taxonomy myths - they are effectively National Wonders.
Fixed too early obsoletion of cat/dog breeders.
Three space buildings unlocked in Information era now need Advanced Astro-Environment (opening tech for space colonization) making then Nanotech buildings.
Antigrav factory produces levitation generators too - this factory replaces levitation generator factory.

Details of production rebalance are here.
Generally new/developing cities should now ramp up production faster.

Added production yield to candle/tannin factory - they replaced buildings, that had production yield.
Increased a bit yield of their megafactory replacement - production shouldn't be lower in replacing buildings.

Increased contrast between Modern/Information era techs and tech selection in tech tree - selected techs now have darker grey-blueish color.

Moved Unlicensed Cloning to Mainstream Cloning from Cloning.
Moved Aircraft Hijacking to Aviation (1930's/1940's) from Flight.
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  • all penguins are now equal
  • Change custom religion Druid
    • Merge in a subfolder to do with Kava and fix text (NB this deletes a folder)
    • Adjust building costs
    • Adjust yields on Monastery buildings since you can't move plants around like you can animals for the Shaman custom religion
  • Place holder comment in Tech Infos for the Dreamtime custom religion. Yes I am working on getting the Dreamtime religion by Kornifere into core.

    It wont include his "auto build missionaries" component but I will be using it as part of the "religion builds sufficient missionaries" mod. In that mod holy shrines and some holy wonders (or improvements) will examine the world and see if any missionaries are needed for the religion and build some if there are.
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Removed multiple Walls and High Walls entries to fix graphical glith with Walls and High Walls buildings.
Walls weren't properly displaying for certain artstyles.

Now there is single Walls/High Walls for all artstyles.
Walls were lasting less than one era anyway, and high walls had only two versions - so much effort wasted here...
Bug report is here.
Some things just can't stand test of time.

By the way sometimes you guys committed things without writing message - went all way to SVN 6800.
Before that you guys made like 10 commits per day and kept forgetting about writing SVN number on forums :p
Those were from February 2014.
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