C2C SVN Changelog

v40.0.551-alpha - 2019-09-28

All Changes

Merge pull request [#171](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/171) from caveman2cosmos/master -- raxo2222
Translated the last remaining bonuses revealed by Gathering (Tea, Tobacco, Silk, Vanilla, Peyote) and their pedia texts into German <dsma_bell> -- raxo2222
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v40.0.566-alpha - 2019-10-05

Bug Fixes :sniper::rotfl:
Paging V2: Crash when using paging and viewports together -- billw2012
Paging V2: Cities disappearing after building constructed -- billw2012
All Changes
Merge pull request [#176](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/176) from caveman2cosmos/master -- billw2012
No extra UserSettings backup folder created when settings didn't exist -- billw2012
Paging V2: Crash when using paging and viewports together -- billw2012
Paging V2: Cities disappearing after building constructed -- billw2012
Minor DllMain function cleanup -- billw2012
Tweaked python handling of folder paths a bit. -- Toffer
Fixed misleading/unnecessary text in animal herds. -- raxo2222
v40.0.575-alpha - 2019-10-07

Balance :think:
Arsonist: Base strength 8->6, reduce bombard and withdraw, remove limit -- billw2012
All Changes
Merge pull request [#180](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/180) from caveman2cosmos/master -- billw2012
Merge pull request [#179](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/179) from caveman2cosmos/arsonist-rebalance -- billw2012
Arsonist: Base strength 8->6, reduce bombard and withdraw, remove limit -- billw2012
v40.0.581-alpha - 2019-10-08

Bug Fixes :sniper::rotfl:
Crash: When queuing builds in the popup city interface -- billw2012
Event: Scholars event, Apothecary Guild option now requires Alchemy Tech -- billw2012
All Changes
Merge pull request [#182](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/182) from caveman2cosmos/master -- billw2012
Crash: When queuing builds in the popup city interface -- billw2012
Removed non-neaderthal -> neanderthal upgrade paths from units -- raxo2222
Event: Scholars event, Apothecary Guild option now requires Alchemy Tech -- billw2012
v40.0.586-alpha - 2019-10-09

Bug Fixes :sniper::rotfl:
Deliberate but pointless lights removed from lots of assets -- billw2012
Incorrect default lights removed from lots of assets -- billw2012
Memory: Paging settings relaxed to allow higher memory usage. -- billw2012
All Changes
Merge pull request [#183](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/183) from caveman2cosmos/master -- billw2012
Custom NIF scripts for cleaning up asset lights -- billw2012
Memory: Paging settings relaxed to allow higher memory usage. -- billw2012
fix: Deliberate but pointless lights removed from lots of assets -- billw2012
Removing debug code -- billw2012
fix: Incorrect default lights removed from lots of assets -- billw2012
v40.0.596-alpha - 2019-10-12

Bug Fixes :sniper::rotfl:

Crash: Traits effecting maximum allowed trade routes in a city -- billw2012
Event: Master Blacksmith Event expire null player check -- billw2012
All Changes

Merge pull request [#184](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/184) from caveman2cosmos/master -- billw2012
Fixed issues with replacements, most of resources can be now produced till end of game. -- raxo2222
Crash: Traits effecting maximum allowed trade routes in a city -- billw2012
Event: Master Blacksmith Event expire null player check -- billw2012
Merge branch 'spelling-corrections' -- billw2012
Hydro_CIV4GameText.xml fixes done -- billw2012
Add ignore instances to Autocorrect, fix google bug with translate -- billw2012
Merge branch 'spelling-corrections' -- billw2012
Tech_CIV4GameText.xml complete -- billw2012
Building game text fixes - Buildings_CIV4GameText.xml done -- billw2012
Building game text fixes, adding google search cache for optimization, handling exceptions -- billw2012
Building game text fixes -- billw2012
Building game text fixes -- billw2012
Buildings game text fixes -- billw2012
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FYI: You can find the bbcode formatted changelog at the end of the appveyor build log (for this build). Just copy between the lines where you see FORUM COMMIT MESSAGE, switch to bbcode editor here (top right button in the reply box), paste it in and post the result.
Edited those back to SVN 11037 :)

v40.0.601-alpha - 2019-10-12

All Changes

Added icons and launch script [FPKCLEAN] -- billw2012
Add icons, launch script, and FPK clean option to SVN deploy -- billw2012
Added TechReveal/Enable to manufactured resource to match their producer. -- raxo2222
Tweaked a recent commit to conform to an established consistency. -- Toffer
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  • Localization of new pedia category texts (added german translations)
  • Corrections of old German pedia category texts to fit in the new structure
v40.0.608-alpha - 2019-10-13

Bug Fixes :sniper::rotfl:
Planned is now before Regulated on the civic advisor screen -- Marcos Amores
Translation: fixes from dsma_bell -- billw2012
All Changes
Merge pull request [#186](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/186) from caveman2cosmos/master -- raxo2222
Resource producer obsoletion adjustments, and misc fixes to buildings -- raxo2222
Translation: fixes from dsma_bell -- billw2012
Minor Unit Design Adjustments -- Thunderbrd
fix: Planned is now before Regulated on the civic advisor screen -- Marcos Amores

This version denotes V40
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v40.0.625-alpha - 2019-10-15

Bug Fixes :sniper::rotfl:
Combat: Incorrect behaviours reported for non combat units -- billw2012
Crash: Protect unit mission -- billw2012
All Changes
Merge pull request [#191](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/191) from caveman2cosmos/master -- billw2012
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/v40.1-fixes' -- billw2012
Combat: Incorrect behaviours reported for non combat units -- billw2012
Null checks before delete -- billw2012
No longer assert on null delete. -- billw2012
Crash: Protect unit mission -- billw2012
Merge branch 'spelling-corrections' into v40.1-fixes -- billw2012
Adjusted starting turn for later era starts. -- raxo2222
Draw picture frames around event images. -- drd-avel
WIP Units_CIV4GameText.xml text fixes -- billw2012
Icon improvements (resources, buildings, goods, fonts) -- drd-avel
v40.0.660-alpha - 2019-10-27

Features :hammer:
Tech Tree: progress shown on each tech -- billw2012
Criminal Infiltrate Mission Espionage Formula -- Thunderbrd
Fix #204
All Changes
Merge pull request [#205](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/205) from caveman2cosmos/master -- billw2012
Tech Tree: progress shown on each tech -- billw2012
Fix: Criminal Infiltrate Mission Espionage Formula -- Thunderbrd
Fix #204
Value adjustments to bombard promotions -- Thunderbrd
Merge pull request [#202](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/202) from caveman2cosmos/tech-tree-paging -- billw2012
Tech tree mouse wheel scroll added, refactored Win32 python fns -- billw2012
Tech tree left/right short cut keys -- billw2012
Another pack of icons improvements! -- drd-avel
Paging tech screen working. -- billw2012
WIP Era markers -- billw2012
WIP custom scrolling mostly working -- billw2012
WIP custom scrolling -- billw2012
Improved and clearer icons for goods, buildings and other -- drd-avel
WIP refactor to paging -- billw2012
WIP refactor to paging -- billw2012
WIP making tech tree details load in batches -- billw2012
Revert "WIP making tech tree details load in batches" -- billw2012
WIP making tech tree details load in batches -- billw2012
Removing reference to non-existent Python EventTrigger callbacks -- billw2012
Merge pull request [#166](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/166) from caveman2cosmos/techTreeRewrite -- billw2012
Merge branch 'pr/190' -- billw2012
Moved Tech_CIV4GameText.xml to proper dir -- GreatCoffers
Delete Tech_CIV4GameText.xml -- GreatCoffers
Renamed most techs I wanted to at this point -- GreatCoffers
Add files via upload -- GreatCoffers
Add files via upload -- GreatCoffers
Fixed a logical error in era drop-down lists -- Toffer
Cleanup -- Toffer
noticeable speed improvement, and visual tweak. -- Toffer
Added back in a tiny bit of caching. -- Toffer
Further fine tuning. -- Toffer
Scales better to dif. resolutions. -- Toffer
Opening the tech screen is now a bit faster. Interactions when inside it is the same. -- Toffer
Good enough to play with. -- Toffer
Initial rewrite -- Toffer
Add files via upload -- GreatCoffers
v40.0.744-alpha - 2019-11-08

Bug Fixes :sniper::rotfl:

City screen spy icon border -- billw2012
Buildings: Allow 'Driftwood Gatherer' to meet requirement for 'Fire Pit' -- billw2012
Crash: upgraded unit access after deletion. -- billw2012
Events: Removing all references to missing Python functions -- billw2012
Events: removing reference to missing Migration event callback -- billw2012
Python: onSwitchHotSeatPlayer crash -- billw2012
Tech Tree: exit shortcuts -- billw2012
Features :hammer:

Language: german translations to some of the new pedia labels -- dsmabell
Maps: added Snofrus' maps -- billw2012
Tech Tree: some era tech borders -- billw2012
Tech Tree: added minimap for techs -- billw2012
All Changes

Merge pull request [#221](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/221) from caveman2cosmos/master -- raxo2222
Rewerted tech renames -- raxo2222
Text fix for national achievement popup. -- Toffer
fix [#215](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/215) -- Toffer
fix #215
Update README.md -- billw2012
Merge pull request [#198](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/198) from caveman2cosmos/python-call-improvement -- billw2012
Crash: upgraded unit access after deletion. -- billw2012
Update README.md -- billw2012
Buildings: Allow 'Driftwood Gatherer' to meet requirement for 'Fire Pit' -- billw2012
typo fixes -- MinchinWeb
Allow 'Driftwood Gather' to meet requirement for 'Fire Pit' -- MinchinWeb
Fix problems with removing cannibalism WW -- Toffer
Fix CvGameObject python wrappers -- billw2012
Cleanup of maps -- raxo2222
Maps: added Snofrus' maps -- billw2012
Minor correction/clean up related to recent filter btn work. -- Toffer
Fixed broken multilists. -- Toffer
Fixed a minor error in hotseat mode at end turn. -- Toffer
Tech tree styles -- billw2012
Enhanced icons: fixing errors, improving quality -- drd-avel
Fixing python optional map gen calls -- billw2012
Tech Tree art -- billw2012
Added a couple xml art defs for filter buttons. -- Toffer
Reworked building-city-tab filters. -- Toffer
Reworked unit-city-tab filters. -- Toffer
Fix first tech column missing from the tech tree -- billw2012
New building filter buttons by DrD_AVEL -- Toffer
fix: City screen spy icon border -- billw2012
Tech Tree: exit shortcuts -- billw2012
Merge pull request [#212](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/212) from caveman2cosmos/tech-tree-revision -- billw2012
Tech Tree: some era tech borders -- billw2012
WIP tech styles and layout -- billw2012
Tech Tree paging improvement -- billw2012
Refactor color and style for tech tree -- billw2012
Tech Tree: added minimap for techs -- billw2012
Merge pull request [#210](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/210) from dsmabell/master -- billw2012
WIP queue position -- billw2012
Add Minidumps to MAF -- billw2012
WIP queue position labels -- billw2012
Adding placeholder for all tech tree era styles -- billw2012
Events: Removing all references to missing Python functions -- billw2012
Add script for removing references to missing Python functions from XML -- billw2012
Mapping themes to eras for finished techs, wip -- billw2012
Another pack of enhanced icons! -- drd-avel
Tech tree custom minimap slider -- billw2012
Tech Tree minimap coloration working -- billw2012
WIP Tech Tree overview -- billw2012
Color and style tweaks -- billw2012
Add Testing build config, writing asserts to Asserts.log instead of dialog -- billw2012
Events: removing reference to missing Migration event callback -- billw2012
Tech Tree: changed border, colors -- billw2012
Fixed misaligned tech arrows -- Toffer
Removing Windows 32bit support from Python 3 install script, hopefully a fix -- billw2012
Python: onSwitchHotSeatPlayer crash -- billw2012
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into python-call-improvement -- billw2012
Language: german translations to some of the new pedia labels -- dsmabell
Adding Python and DLL callstacks to Asserts -- billw2012
Add default value for Python return values -- billw2012
Fixing newlines -- billw2012
Python calls all updated to new interface -- billw2012
Removed redundant IFPPythonCall functions, WIP on python arg wrapper -- billw2012
CyArgsList supports fluent like construction syntax -- billw2012
WIP Add python call function that works in one line -- billw2012
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