C2C SVN Changelog

v41.2.4379 - 2021-05-01

  • Revert "Forced reset of Unit Naming module due to purge of unit combats" (raxo2222)
  • Fixed spawn tag default value bug. (Toffer)
  • enabled python error: no-value-for-parameter (#845) (MattOttawa)
  • enabled python error: unused-import (#814) (MattOttawa)
  • exposed rect iter to python (#972) (MattOttawa)
  • rect iter (#971) (MattOttawa)
  • It appears this stuff needed entire list of potentially buildable unitcombats. (raxo2222)
  • Forced reset of Unit Naming module due to purge of unit combats (raxo2222)
  • removing/fixing wrong translations (Sannita)
  • added a line I forgot (#968) (MattOttawa)
  • Added Game Option tab to BUG options screen (#967) (MattOttawa)
  • Fixed indenting issues in xml files (whitespace cleanup). (raxo2222)
  • Removed trailing whitespaces in all xml files (raxo2222)
  • Not used by EXE, but used by vanilla asset, that is used by mod (raxo2222)
  • Merge pull request #954 from caveman2cosmos/NoStrategyTextExperiment (raxo2222)
  • Second pass of unused text removal (raxo2222)
  • Make autolog start date not reference fixed year in mot places (raxo2222)
  • Removed unused optlabels (raxo2222)
  • bug cleanup 3 (raxo2222)
  • bug cleanup 2 (raxo2222)
  • B.U.G. cleanup 1 (raxo2222)
  • non opt bug texts (raxo2222)
  • Created gametext file dedicated to things referenced by EXE (raxo2222)
  • Moved used texts from disabled module (raxo2222)
  • One GP had text but wasn't in pool of unique names (raxo2222)
  • Only great people deseve unique name (raxo2222)
  • moved great person texts to single file (raxo2222)
  • removed unused great detective entries (raxo2222)
  • removed unused rev texts (raxo2222)
  • leader cleanup 4 whytf firefax had spaces in tags (raxo2222)
  • leader cleanup 3 (raxo2222)
  • leader cleanup 2 (raxo2222)
  • Leader Text cleanup 1 (raxo2222)
  • Moved some special handling texts to separate gametexts (raxo2222)
  • Apparently those were used (raxo2222)
  • unused popups (raxo2222)
  • unused playeroptions (raxo2222)
  • Events in core shall belong to event gametext (raxo2222)
  • removed unused event texts (raxo2222)
  • some dead mod texts (raxo2222)
  • more unused texts (raxo2222)
  • Unused GP names (raxo2222)
  • Removed some unused texts (raxo2222)
  • Fixed Stray space (raxo2222)
  • deleted unused dead module (raxo2222)
  • misc unused text (raxo2222)
  • Removed unused combat and other misc texts (raxo2222)
  • Removed unused promotion and promotionline texts, also fixed random typo (raxo2222)
  • Some unused texts (raxo2222)
  • PLE doesn't use text? (raxo2222)
  • More removed leftovers (raxo2222)
  • Dead concept civ and texts (raxo2222)
  • Some unused remains of bufft/barbciv (raxo2222)
  • Buunchy of unused unit texts and typo (raxo2222)
  • Threw out advanced unit naming excessive amount of unused filler, now only default is left (raxo2222)
  • those txt keys weren't used (raxo2222)
  • oops (raxo2222)
  • Removed unused TBD entries, changed economy effect pedia to economy pedia in space module (raxo2222)
  • minor nitpick (raxo2222)
  • Cleaned whitespace issues (raxo2222)
  • Backtranslated TBD texts some of them had actual translations (raxo2222)
  • TBD thou shalt be used as marker for no text (raxo2222)
  • Standarized </Help> text string and removed it in unnecesary places. (raxo2222)
  • Changed letter notation to utf-8 (raxo2222)
  • Added BTS descriptions, that were related to pedias, also cleaned up missing/redundant text (raxo2222)
  • Removed tabulation from beginning of texts (raxo2222)
  • Converted vanilla special characters to UTF-8 (raxo2222)
  • Added vanilla unit pedia entries (raxo2222)
  • Cleaned up some pedia debris (raxo2222)
  • Added vanilla leader descriptions (raxo2222)
  • Added vanilla concepts and cleared up unused ones (raxo2222)
  • Added vanilla civ pedias and did minor cleanup (raxo2222)
  • Added Vanilla building pedia texts referenced by mod so it can be updated (raxo2222)
  • Added vanilla concepts so links can be updated to C2C (raxo2222)
  • Added TBD entry for missing Resource pedia entries (raxo2222)
  • oops (raxo2222)
  • Civilopedia entries now always end in _PEDIA (raxo2222)
  • Postprocessing cleanup (raxo2222)
  • Nuked building strategy texts (raxo2222)
  • Removed scattered building strategy texts (raxo2222)
  • Nuked rest of Unit strategy texts (raxo2222)
  • Removed strategy texts in pepper module only early colonization tips were of value anyway (raxo2222)
  • Manually vaporized unit strategy texts in sparse files (raxo2222)
  • Vaporized Tech strategy texts (raxo2222)
  • Added back strategy box for buildings (raxo2222)
  • Removed Strategy referene in Building pedia, Era infos have only one text reference other than Description (raxo2222)
  • Proces strategy texts were red herring (raxo2222)
  • Removed unused property strategy texts (raxo2222)
  • Purged smaller groups of unused/outdated strategy texts (raxo2222)
  • Removed strategy texts from units, buildings and techs outdated in vast majority (raxo2222)
  • Revert "Removed strategy text references from info files" (raxo2222)
  • Removed strategy text references from info files (raxo2222)
v41.2.4453 - 2021-05-12

All Changes

Merge branch 'master' into release -- Toffer
Fixed great hunter unable to upgrade to "master X" unit. -- Toffer
reverted change that messed up health bars under unit icons in the unit plot list.. -- Toffer
deleted unused Bug module TechPrefs.py ([#979](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/979)) -- MattOttawa
deleted GetInfoType function ([#981](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/981)) -- MattOttawa
deleted unused vanilla python file I added CvScreenUtils.py ([#980](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/980)) -- MattOttawa
Tweaked some unit help tooltips -- raxo2222
Direct nuke hit on pop 1 city will now raze it, misc refactoring. -- Toffer
Put to sleep unused space goody hut -- raxo2222
whitespace -- raxo2222
Moved out unused WIP improvement to its WIP disabled module -- raxo2222
Killed code for 4 unused translations - all texts exists in mod now -- raxo2222
Removed dead translations - they were fake anyway -- raxo2222
fixed my mistake ([#977](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/977)) -- MattOttawa
Merge pull request [#976](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/976) from caveman2cosmos/noVanillaTextXML -- raxo2222
Merge branch 'master' into noVanillaTextXML -- raxo2222
this file was removed on master -- raxo2222
Fixed all [link=...] issues -- raxo2222
Link cleanup 1 -- raxo2222
enabled python error: assert-on-tuple ([#836](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/836)) -- MattOttawa
enabled python error: useless-else-on-loop ([#831](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/831)) -- MattOttawa
switched some getInfoTypeForString calls in python ([#975](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/975)) -- MattOttawa
deleted some unused variables in python ([#817](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/817)) -- MattOttawa
Fixed mistake in promotions -- raxo2222
Merge pull request [#970](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/970) from caveman2cosmos/OneBuildPerOneImprovement -- raxo2222
Removed captive improvement builds -- raxo2222
cleared trailing whiltespaces -- raxo2222
Converted number special chars to UTF8 -- raxo2222
Final text cleanup -- raxo2222
enabled python error: function-redefined ([#812](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/812)) -- MattOttawa
Added missing txt keys -- raxo2222
Some tweaks to plot tooltip content when in debug mode. -- Toffer
Removed 3 duplicates -- raxo2222
removed txt key, that was actual mistake in code -- raxo2222
Merge branch 'master' into noVanillaTextXML -- raxo2222
All cpp/python txt keys now present in game -- raxo2222
Fixed a text error -- Toffer
code text t, u -- raxo2222
code txt r, s -- raxo2222
code txt p -- raxo2222
code text pitboss fluff -- raxo2222
code text m - p -- raxo2222
code text m -- raxo2222
code text i - l -- raxo2222
code txt g, h -- raxo2222
Merge branch 'master' into noVanillaTextXML -- raxo2222
minor cleanup -- Toffer
code text f -- raxo2222
code txt e -- raxo2222
code txt d -- raxo2222
code txt c -- raxo2222
code txt b -- raxo2222
code txt a -- raxo2222
Added Interface txt keys and removed unnecesary vanilla system txt key -- raxo2222
some stuff was missed -- raxo2222
removed duplicate -- raxo2222
All vanilla xml info txts are here -- raxo2222
Bit more of xml text keys -- raxo2222
txt keys h - m -- raxo2222
txt hint now in one place -- raxo2222
txts - f - h -- raxo2222
2 wrong things were accidently removed -- raxo2222
Removed unused vanilla texts from events -- raxo2222
removed eventtext duplicates -- raxo2222
So many txt event - better of eating it whole and then checking for unused -- raxo2222
txt denial, espionage and few more -- raxo2222
txt command/cultlevel/commerce -- raxo2222
txt city/civ -- raxo2222
lol they added some txt keys to game, just to never have texts for them. -- raxo2222
txt actions -- raxo2222
removed duplicates -- raxo2222
All diplo texts now are present -- raxo2222
few more of those -- raxo2222
diplo texts -- raxo2222
and some more -- raxo2222
more of those -- raxo2222
more diplo txts -- raxo2222
more diplo txts -- raxo2222
Renamed _changed_ txt keys to not contain this -- raxo2222
diplo text -- raxo2222
Added bunch of vanilla infotype xml, that referenced vanilla texts -- raxo2222
Merge branch 'master' into noVanillaTextXML -- raxo2222
Fixed raxo's sloppiness in fixing firaxis sloppiness. -- Toffer
Fixed firefax sloppiness -- raxo2222
Revert "Validator complains for no reason" -- raxo2222
To space we go, space build. -- raxo2222
Validator can't complain about commented out file, if it doesn't exist -- raxo2222
Disabled Captive Build Actions - it destroys AIs ability to value builds -- raxo2222
Validator complains for no reason -- raxo2222
Bunch more texta -- raxo2222
Done options -- raxo2222
Hall of fame and some options -- raxo2222
Changed some main menu text related to gamespy MP options -- Toffer
Time and map texts -- raxo2222
Those were referenced by EXE too. -- raxo2222
Ok, reverting the revert, works this time. -- Toffer
Revert "Exe referenced a txt key with non standard prefix CHANGE_TXT_KEY" -- Toffer
Exe referenced a txt key with non standard prefix CHANGE_TXT_KEY -- Toffer
All text referenced from EXE is now in C2C. -- Toffer
More exe text, ah so close. -- Toffer
More exe text, just a little bit more to go now. -- Toffer
All exe TXT_KEY_MAIN_MENU_ added. -- Toffer
More exe text -- Toffer
More exe text -- Toffer
Fixed validator error -- raxo2222
Added some more exe text, will continue. -- Toffer
Removed vanilla text xml parsing and reorganized some C2C text xml. -- Toffer
v41.2.4456 - 2021-05-13

All Changes

Merge branch 'master' into release -- Toffer
Fixed similar issues as last commit did. -- Toffer
Fixed young forest maturing into the ice feature. -- Toffer
v41.2.4506 - 2021-05-16

All Changes

Merge pull request [#995](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/995) from caveman2cosmos/master -- raxo2222
Split off missionaires and excecutives to separate category. -- raxo2222
added vanilla python file CvDiplomacyInterface.py ([#994](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/994)) -- MattOttawa
Misc category of units now contains all no cost units, that aren't part of other special categories. -- raxo2222
Revert "deleted GetInfoType function ([#981](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/981))" ([#993](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/993)) -- MattOttawa
fixed python error ([#992](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/992)) -- MattOttawa
Two texts ran away -- raxo2222
Fix accidentally duplicated text -- raxo2222
Renamed text files in unloaded modules to prevent false positive duplicates -- raxo2222
UNIT -> UNITHELP -- raxo2222
PROMOTION -> PROMOTIONHELP, existenxe of _TEXT made it easier. -- raxo2222
CIVIC -> CIVICHELP -- raxo2222
TRAIT -> TRAITHELP -- raxo2222
TECH -> TECHHELP -- raxo2222
BONUS -> BONUSHELP -- raxo2222
BUILD -> BUILDHELP -- raxo2222
Infotype text and code text shouldn't share name for clarity. -- raxo2222
Removed useless debug globe layer -- raxo2222
This is used by green button in globe view over minimap -- raxo2222
All starter civics now have strong repulsive flavor to force off AI ASAP other civic is available in category. -- raxo2222
moved info type caching earlier ([#990](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/990)) -- MattOttawa
deleted GameOptionsTab ([#989](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/989)) -- MattOttawa
Merge pull request [#988](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/988) from caveman2cosmos/add_bonus_to_evaluation -- flabbert
add bonustype to plotinfo -- flabbert
Merge pull request [#983](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/983) from caveman2cosmos/Module-Cleanup -- raxo2222
Game options shouldn't be changeable by default in midgame. -- raxo2222
CyArea loops ([#973](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/973)) -- MattOttawa
Merge pull request [#986](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/986) from caveman2cosmos/Merge-conflict-fix -- raxo2222
This was already moved to unloaded module -- raxo2222
python linter is yelling at me for print, started fixing -- flabbert
tweaks to strategic resources that were way too rare (copper and horse) mostly for experimenting -- flabbert
disable AI_strategicforts, it seems to break things -- flabbert
small bugtesting and improvements, forts are still prevalent where they shouldnt be though -- flabbert
commented out some logging that crashes things -- flabbert
resolved crash, evaluation sorta working, but still needs work -- flabbert
Added proxy of culture requirement to culture improvement. -- raxo2222
Those shall obsolete at Classical, upgrade is available in Ancient. -- raxo2222
Bkill wariants shall obsolete, when no bkill wariants unlock -- raxo2222
XML tweaks to improvements -- raxo2222
switch to vector of BuildTypes and used delayed res -- MattOttawa
remember to ctrl+s boys and girls -- flabbert
xml errors gone, so seems to be the xml.. -- flabbert
xml doesnt load properly, and gives errors... i am fed up -- flabbert
the rework continues -- flabbert
More text descriptions -- raxo2222
Moved things, that were placed in modules unnecessarily. -- raxo2222
Removed female variants of units - was incomplete -- raxo2222
This trait overrides is outdated and deactivated since long time -- raxo2222
Removed now unnecessary module, where later resource producers required earlier ones -- raxo2222
Some rudimentary texts for transhumanism buildings -- raxo2222
added a FAssert ([#982](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/982)) -- MattOttawa
Modern era was renamed to Atomic long ago... -- raxo2222
Tamed animals now have unit AI of subdued animals only -- raxo2222
Removed unused variable -- Toffer
v41.2.4512 - 2021-05-16

All Changes

Merge pull request [#996](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/996) from caveman2cosmos/master -- raxo2222
Fixed improvement pedia and changed some missed texts -- raxo2222
Accidental duplicate... it appears we never had advanced diplomacy concept at first place? -- raxo2222
Removed unnecessary _TEXT suffix -- raxo2222
Removed unnecessary _C2C suffix -- raxo2222
v41.2.4519 - 2021-05-17

All Changes

Merge pull request [#997](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/997) from caveman2cosmos/master -- raxo2222
Fixed severe error for culture levels in long game -- raxo2222
Few more tweaks -- raxo2222
Top culture level is called "Monumental" -- raxo2222
Cultural victory should be bit grander -- raxo2222
Small tweak to irrigation requirement text -- raxo2222
v41.2.4545 - 2021-05-21

All Changes

Merge pull request [#1000](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/1000) from caveman2cosmos/master -- raxo2222
Hunting Sight also was meant to be placed on better hunters only -- raxo2222
Removed unobtainable do nothing sea master hunter and fixed master hunter -- raxo2222
Merge pull request [#999](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/999) from caveman2cosmos/Merge-CivsLeaders-to-core -- raxo2222
Some infotypes were duplicated in core -- raxo2222
typo in text file -- raxo2222
Apsolutely no idea why this fixed loading errors but ok -- raxo2222
some old text bug -- raxo2222
All diploinfos now in core -- raxo2222
tributes were messed in other way -- raxo2222
Merged some diploinfos, greetings and tribute were bit messed up in modules -- raxo2222
simple leader diplo texta -- raxo2222
Leader civs to core -- raxo2222
All leaders except Confederacy are in core -- raxo2222
leaderheads -- raxo2222
Leader artdefines -- raxo2222
Merged module civ/leader text to core -- raxo2222
Aggresive preparation of text move -- raxo2222
Moved civs -- raxo2222
Moved leader stuff to custom leaders -- raxo2222
Color defines -- raxo2222
Art defines -- raxo2222
Barb leader is allowed to be in the pedia leader category list. -- Toffer
Barbarian leader had pink square -- raxo2222
removed unused leaders from depedencies -- raxo2222
Deleted unused leaders -- raxo2222
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/caveman2cosmos -- flabbert
City attack stacks no longer disperse after successfully entering a fort. -- flabbert
Capped flavors to 10 (trait flavors are unchanged). -- raxo2222
Removed negative flavors from civics -- raxo2222
changed productionModifier to work on hammer cost rather than city hammer output. -- Toffer
v41.2.4584 - 2021-05-30

All Changes

Merge pull request [#1002](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/1002) from caveman2cosmos/master -- raxo2222
Revised build action texts. -- raxo2222
Some misc refactoring here and there -- Toffer
Fixed Machu Piccu improvement and added tech req to other improvement -- raxo2222
Moved trait pedia texts to trait infos -- raxo2222
Turn off Nanopunk specialbuilding tech requirement until we get Nanopunk stuff -- raxo2222
Merge pull request [#1001](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/1001) from caveman2cosmos/SpecialBuildingExperiments -- raxo2222
Merge branch 'master' into SpecialBuildingExperiments -- raxo2222
Manually fix merge conflict -- raxo2222
Halved population requirements of cities, as they grow slower. -- raxo2222
Buttons for tech groups of special buildings -- raxo2222
Cleanup of specialbuildings + ancient ways special building -- raxo2222
Punk special buildings -- raxo2222
Megafauna specialbuilding -- raxo2222
Experimenting with special building type tech requirements -- raxo2222
Marked two specialinfotype entries for deletion - can't remove fully without breaking saves -- raxo2222
Recosted religious buildings - only earliest and latest seemed to not be costed accordingly -- raxo2222
Storage pit now obsoletes later -- raxo2222
Fixed cost of group wonder -- raxo2222
Rescaled Nanotech buildings, Information were OK -- raxo2222
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos -- raxo2222
Recosted Atomic buildings -- raxo2222
Fixed help text issue with free promotions from buildings. -- Toffer
Recosted Industrial buildings -- raxo2222
Recosted Renaissance buildings -- raxo2222
Recosed Medieval buildings -- raxo2222
Recosted Classical buildings -- raxo2222
Recosted Ancient buildings -- raxo2222
Fixed cost of prehistoric buildings -- raxo2222
Pedia now places items in Prehistoric category, if cost > 0, and they don't have tech requirement. -- raxo2222
It was using main empire name -- raxo2222
Fuhrer now has more fuhrerous texts, -- raxo2222
nitpick -- raxo2222
Singled out NPC civs -- raxo2222
minor nitpick in civ names -- raxo2222
Native American civ renamed to Sioux, as its generic name caused confusion and both its leaders are Sioux.. -- Toffer
Fixed 0 hammer cost bug. -- Toffer
Fixed redundacies of tech requirements in units and buildings. Prereq tech should be one with highest xgrid. -- raxo2222
Fixed tech redundacies in tech requirements up to Industrial era -- raxo2222
Moved techs in file to be sorted by x/y grid -- raxo2222
Fixed recost errors in techs and buildings -- raxo2222
Tech Tree Changes Ancient Era Remap -- Thunderbrd
Fixed bug, that effectively disabled Range Targetting buildup -- raxo2222
cleaned up specialist infos -- raxo2222
Those four units needs events enabled to spawn. -- raxo2222
Only fort like improvements can generate culture -- raxo2222
Removed Beastmaster (was graphics only), now Story Teller serves this purpose - disable Single Unit graphics option! -- raxo2222
Militia promotions doesn't need tech to get them -- raxo2222
v41.2.4596 - 2021-06-01

All Changes

Merge pull request [#1004](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/1004) from caveman2cosmos/master -- raxo2222
Some trailing whitespaces appeared over time -- raxo2222
cleared up trailing spaces. Tech types usually have lower xgrid tech prereq -- raxo2222
Merge pull request [#1003](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/1003) from caveman2cosmos/Astro -- Thunderbrd
added missing txt key and removed defaults from special building -- raxo2222
fixed appveyor complaint - PrereqTech not PreReqTech -- raxo2222
Ancient Lifestyles have core tech requirement defined trough special building type -- raxo2222
Astrological Influences -- Jo
Space buildings now have separate category in pedia -- raxo2222
Created separate pedia category for technocultural resources -- raxo2222
v41.2.4611 - 2021-06-03

All Changes

Merge pull request [#1006](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/1006) from caveman2cosmos/master -- raxo2222
Drug prohibition now bans synthetic one, Trance hut can use any fun plant in wild form. -- raxo2222
Upgrading unit now always take at least one gold. -- raxo2222
Moved postapocalyptic unit to its module -- raxo2222
Fixed most of units, that had upgrade on same xgrid as their tech unlock. Neanderthal and postapocalypse are exception -- raxo2222
that accidentally uploaded file points to local file, not present in SVN anyway. -- raxo2222
v41.2.4634 - 2021-06-05

All Changes

Merge pull request [#1010](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/1010) from caveman2cosmos/master -- raxo2222
switched SetOptionalIntVector calls to SetOptionalVector ([#1008](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/1008)) -- MattOttawa
Fixed copy paste error in python -- Toffer
Converted singular OR building prereq to AND prereq -- raxo2222
Variable controlling what gets displayed needed to be set two other times -- raxo2222
Building, that is "anywhere in empire" requirement of other buildings now shows this info in game, needs tweaks -- raxo2222
typos -- Sannita
Building, that is OR requirement of other buildings now shows this info in game -- raxo2222
Removed redundant unit upgrades -- raxo2222
Fixed redundant list of unit upgrades - this was fix to bug, that was fixed some time ago -- raxo2222
v41.2.4667 - 2021-06-06

All Changes

Merge pull request [#1013](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/1013) from caveman2cosmos/master -- raxo2222
Space bonuses/their producers are later, Earthly manufactured resources tech reveal was moved earlier -- raxo2222
Fixed more late resource requirement issues -- raxo2222
Fixed resource requirements being too late compared to tech unlock of buildings -- raxo2222
Route change recal fix ([#728](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/728)) -- MattOttawa
switched vector to IDValueMap ([#1007](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/1007)) -- MattOttawa
Geothermal Powerplant now has Tech Reveal type bonus prereq + improvement prereq as its unique for resource. -- raxo2222
Buildings now what units they might train (units requiring one of multiple buildings) -- raxo2222
Mercantilism disables foreign trade completely, so no need for this tag, as you need it for its effect to be felt. -- raxo2222
Removed uses of <CommerceChangeDoubleTimes>, that did nothing -- raxo2222
deleted unused variables ([#1009](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/1009)) -- MattOttawa
v41.2.4672 - 2021-06-06

All Changes

Merge pull request [#1014](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/1014) from caveman2cosmos/master -- raxo2222
Now all bonus requirement vicinity texts in pedia have links -- raxo2222
Singular vicinity prereqs now have links in pedia -- raxo2222
Renamed vicinity texts for uniformity -- raxo2222
Put vicinity texts closer -- raxo2222
Bonus Pedia - OR Vicinity/WarVicinity -- raxo2222
Bonus Pedia - singular RawVicinity -- raxo2222
Added CPP/PY interface functions from my branch to expand functionality of bonus pedia -- raxo2222
v41.2.4697 - 2021-06-07

All Changes

Merge pull request [#1017](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/1017) from caveman2cosmos/master -- raxo2222
Updated TB's commented out debug display code -- raxo2222
Fixed accidentally reverted TXT keys -- raxo2222
const ([#1012](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/1012)) -- MattOttawa
switched arrays that use global defines for size to vectors ([#1016](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/1016)) -- MattOttawa
deleted some unused code ([#1015](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/1015)) -- MattOttawa
Bonus must have placement order to have graphics in pedia -- raxo2222
changed range to xrange -- raxo2222
Found couple more loops that could share similar optimizing trick -- raxo2222
Optimized this heavy loop, that slowed down pedia in resource section a lot -- raxo2222
Undummied old tag, that centers map and lets you see longitude/latitude with BUG option. -- raxo2222
v41.2.4736 - 2021-06-10

All Changes

Merge pull request [#1022](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/1022) from caveman2cosmos/master -- raxo2222
Cultural workers unlocked at Plough now have builds of Dog Worker. Cultural park rangers now have builds of base park ranger -- raxo2222
deleted an unused call to python ([#1021](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/1021)) -- MattOttawa
Noticed this small thing while looking for units with GOM TECH requirement -- raxo2222
Two cultural industrial workers now have Industrial Worker build actions, and upgrade to Modern Worker -- raxo2222
Fixed bark working quote text/sound mismatch -- raxo2222
Merge branch 'master' into master -- MattOttawa
Added other tech mod python interfgace entries in code -- raxo2222
Removed tech mods, that came before building was unlockable of after it obsoleted -- raxo2222
Removed 4 unused TXT keys after recent refactor -- raxo2222
Removed <TechHealthChanges> and <TechHappinessChanges> that were for tech before building unlock or after building obsoletion -- raxo2222
Raxo is such a stickler for consistency, renamed some function variable names; also tweaked building schema slightly. -- Toffer
Fixed false positive error from xml validator. -- Toffer
Cleaned up two building tags that were identical in fuinction. -- Toffer
Whoops, reverted a minor unintended change. -- Toffer
Some code cleanup, removed python stuff we will probably never need or use. -- Toffer
fixed typo I made ([#1019](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/1019)) -- MattOttawa
fixed a typo I made -- MattOttawa
exposed TechHappinessTypes and TechHealthTypes to python ([#1018](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/1018)) -- MattOttawa
Eliminated all chipotle presence in python, and improved some debug mode stuff in python. -- Toffer
Sped up automated unit moves when quick moves and minimize AI turn is used. -- Toffer
Improved functioning of auto-end-turn options, brought back the push enter to end turn notification text. -- Toffer
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/MattOttawa/Caveman2Cosmos -- MattOttawa
delete line -- MattOttawa
Merge pull request [#147](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/147) from caveman2cosmos/master -- MattOttawa
moved info type caching earlier -- MattOttawa
fixed my mistake -- MattOttawarever -- MattOttawafixed python error in my last commit. -- MattOttawa
switched not around -- MattOttawa
added pull request to workflow -- MattOttawa
v41.2.4753 - 2021-06-10

All Changes

Merge branch 'master' into release -- Toffer
Fixed mistake I made a couple days ago. -- Toffer
Fixed save write corruption error. -- Toffer
Some CvUnit.cpp refactoring -- Toffer
Merge branch 'unitComponents' -- Toffer
Fixed minor pedia text bug. -- Toffer
Misc -- Toffer
added missing include -- MattOttawa
CvUnit::getCommander() refactor -- Toffer
structure simplification test -- Toffer
Minor typo fix -- Toffer
Initial commit, not compilable. -- Toffer
const ([#1023](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/1023)) -- MattOttawa
Minor refactor -- Toffer
v41.2.4770 - 2021-06-11

All Changes

Merge pull request [#1025](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/1025) from caveman2cosmos/master -- raxo2222
Increased yields of upgrades, as only one yield at most can decrease on upgrade. -- raxo2222
Ensured, that tech yield boosts aren't lost on improvement upgrade -- raxo2222
No boosts to improvement before it is unlocked -- raxo2222
Last CvUnit refactor for the time being. -- Toffer
Further CvUnit refactoring. -- Toffer
Misc refactor, isolated a function so that only exe ever calls it; useful for analyzing exe behavior and logic. -- Toffer
added delete for UnitComponent and added to vs files ([#1024](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/1024)) -- MattOttawa
coal doesn't give food -- raxo2222
Fixed improvements losing value on upgrade, Hunting Preserve is doing a equivalent exchange -- raxo2222
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