• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

C2C SVN Changelog

In the latest asets the projects XML is bugged:

2 projects have:



I forgot that the Manhattan Project was changed to a building in RoM. :( Wonder why I am not getting any XML errors?
In the latest asets the projects XML is bugged:

2 projects have:



Fixed, thx.;)
Just pushed to SVN:
  • Fix of incorrect calculation of hurry modifiers (and some inflation modifiers) on asset change recalculation
  • Protected against potential divide by zero in hurry calculations

Make sure you say yes to the recalculation prompt with this update.
1) I tried putting Cutscene stuff in my FPK but it does not work. I will need to change my FPK to get it to work. I am moving someof it back into the Art folder and I will update the FPK later.
2) I have done some work on the new map resources. It is not complete but this is a good place to stop since most of it is now fixed.
3) I still need to do the low resolution stuff for pumpkins etc plus fix the Modifieda4's modules.
@Hydro - the instrument maker buildings seem too good to me. The amount of gold from them is HUGE (same as a bandit hideout but with no downsides, and they produce culture too). To put it in perspective it's FAR more gold than I would get from markets, trading posts, or grocers in the saem city, and they are way cheaper as well.

Given all the pluses they get from techs, I would set the base level to 1 gold.
When exporting SVN to BTS/Mods does it also delete SVN removed files if I have an earlier revision in BTS/Mods already or do I have to delete the mod before exporting all items every time I update to current SVN?

Sorry for posting here and even more so for posting twice in a row.

@Koshling: I noticed that recalculating for this update messes up the Free XP awarded to built units. I can't say if it's only this update or before too as I hadn't checked this before.

Recon units, hunter units, melee units, and archer units lost creation XP.
Boat units gained creation XP.

I'll update after building a few to see if it's just a display bug or an actual remodification bug.


It's not just a display bug, the actual XP gained on creating a unit has changed, is wrong. The amount differs with every city so leads me to believe it's some or one building/effect that's bugged. Going to check what I have in those.

Archer Unit: London
Wonders/Civics: +4
Specialist: +1
Totem Pole: +3
Archer Range: +3
Fletcher's Hut: +2
Military Standard (Animal): +1
Total: 14. Actual gain 10. Lost 4 somewhere.

Archer Unit: York
Wonders/Civics: +4
Military Standard (Animal): +1
Total: 5. Actual gain 4. Lost 1 XP somewhere

Melee Units: London
Wonders/Civics: +4
Specialist: +1
Barracks: +3
Meeting Hall: +1
Military Standard (Animal): +1
Total: 10. Actual gain 9. Lost 1 somewhere.

Melee Units: Arbel
Wonders/Civics: +4
Barracks: +3
Meeting Hall: +1
Arena: +1
Asatru Cathedral: +3
Asatru Monastery: +2
Asatru Temple: +1
Mercenary Camp: +1
Assassin's Den: +2
(Chief's Hut: +1. Not sure this one should be shown at all as it's supposed to require Chiefdom to be active.)
Military Standard (Animal): +1
Total: 19(20). Actual gain 19. Only lost one IF Chief's Hut should count.

Wooden ships seems easy to check what went wrong, though even if it fits in ALL my cities I can't be 100% sure, of course:
XP displayed and gained match up in every case where there's no Meeting Hall (+2) built.
XP gained is 2 higher than it should be where where there is a Meeting Hall (+2) built.
Thus seems the modifying doesn't remove the XP gain from Meeting Hall before adding it again.

Sorry for posting here and even more so for posting twice in a row.

@Koshling: I noticed that recalculating for this update messes up the Free XP awarded to built units. I can't say if it's only this update or before too as I hadn't checked this before.

Recon units, hunter units, melee units, and archer units lost creation XP.
Boat units gained creation XP.

I'll update after building a few to see if it's just a display bug or an actual remodification bug.


It's not just a display bug, the actual XP gained on creating a unit has changed, is wrong. The amount differs with every city so leads me to believe it's some or one building/effect that's bugged. Going to check what I have in those.

Archer Unit: London
Wonders/Civics: +4
Specialist: +1
Totem Pole: +3
Archer Range: +3
Fletcher's Hut: +2
Military Standard (Animal): +1
Total: 14. Actual gain 10. Lost 4 somewhere.

Archer Unit: York
Wonders/Civics: +4
Military Standard (Animal): +1
Total: 5. Actual gain 4. Lost 1 XP somewhere

Melee Units: London
Wonders/Civics: +4
Specialist: +1
Barracks: +3
Meeting Hall: +1
Military Standard (Animal): +1
Total: 10. Actual gain 9. Lost 1 somewhere.

Melee Units: Arbel
Wonders/Civics: +4
Barracks: +3
Meeting Hall: +1
Arena: +1
Asatru Cathedral: +3
Asatru Monastery: +2
Asatru Temple: +1
Mercenary Camp: +1
Assassin's Den: +2
(Chief's Hut: +1. Not sure this one should be shown at all as it's supposed to require Chiefdom to be active.)
Military Standard (Animal): +1
Total: 19(20). Actual gain 19. Only lost one IF Chief's Hut should count.

Wooden ships seems easy to check what went wrong, though even if it fits in ALL my cities I can't be 100% sure, of course:
XP displayed and gained match up in every case where there's no Meeting Hall (+2) built.
XP gained is 2 higher than it should be where where there is a Meeting Hall (+2) built.
Thus seems the modifying doesn't remove the XP gain from Meeting Hall before adding it again.


Thanks for doing so much diagnosis. I can't think what might be special about meeting halls in terms of recalculation, but I'll certainly look into it tomorrow.
The F1 city list- is there an easy way to make your customization remain in tact when you load?
Would love to know.
I know its possible coz its in RAND new version and os79's beta patch aswell.
Just pushed to SVN:
  • Experimental changes to how unit graphics are handled, but disabled . Right now the gains don't justify the extra complexity (and therefore bug risk), but the code is now present and can be turned on in the future if we wish to
  • New global define 'SHOW_BUILDINGS_LEVEL' defined in A_New_Dawn_GlobalDefines.xml. It can take the values 0 (don't display any unique building art), 1 (display for wonders only), or 2 (display all). Currently set to 2 in the SVN
  • Corrected a few spelling and grammar errors in RoM hints
Changing the 'SHOW_BUILDINGS_LEVEL' value reduces graphical intensity, and may solve some CTDs. It also somewhat reduces memory usage.

If you're havign random CTDs and AIAndy's turn-off-city-display test helped for you, try setting 'SHOW_BUILDINGS_LEVEL' to 0 and see if that also helps.

Hmm, just ran full update on my svn directory, and i can't find such entry in A_New_Dawn_GlobalDefines.xml file
At the very end you have:

<!-- Use the following to determine what building art
is displayed on cities:
0 = none
1 = Wonders only
2 = all -->

Pushed to SVN today:
  • Fix to SO's WFoC
  • Potential fix for GC OOS issues
  • Modified SHOW_BUILDINGS_LEVEL so that 2 now means Wonders and city defences, and 3 means all (changed default to 3 so default is semantically unchanged)
Note that the last change is at request by a few people. I have verified using the save game from SO that reliably crashes for me on certain actions with all building art displayed, that it is OK on setting 2 (so allowing defensive buildings to display seems not to be a problem).
]@Hydro [/B]- the instrument maker buildings seem too good to me. The amount of gold from them is HUGE (same as a bandit hideout but with no downsides, and they produce culture too). To put it in perspective it's FAR more gold than I would get from markets, trading posts, or grocers in the saem city, and they are way cheaper as well.

Given all the pluses they get from techs, I would set the base level to 1 gold.

I realise I was slightly misinterpretting heer, in that the base values ARE only 1 gold and 1 cultrure. However, in the classical period wind+percussion in each city is over HALF of my entire civilization's gold output!! Basically they power up and stack too well too early.

All the incremental upgardes make sense in respect to the techs that give them, but the aggregate is too much. Without fractional commerce values I'm not sure what to suggest however. Maye if some of the increments were on a natioanl wonder that required the instrument resources this would help scale it down somewhat (since said national wonder could only be in one city rather than every city). That way the base buildings could have far less incremental gains (or none at all even), but the wonder could have them all (even increased a bit potentially)...?
  • Added generic properties to plot, unit, team, game objects (first two displayed on their mouseover text, second two displayed in the flag mouseover).
  • Added property name to city screen property display.
  • Changed property storage from two vectors to a vector of pairs (if the number of properties grows beyond a certain point, I will change that to a map).
  • Moved the generation of the AI strategy rand to AI_doTurnPre (should fix the first OOS problem with Pitboss but there are probably a lot more).
  • Added some test code to retrieve a csv table of how many of what buildings were built when from a running game.

I'm trying to get onto the SVN to try it out, and I am getting "Checkout Failed!" errors when I try to do the checkout. The error message I'm getting is "Unable to connect to a repository at URL:" followed by the URL in the 1st post. Is there a different URL I should try to checkout from?
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