C3C PBEM : "Happy Trails" - Rise of Rome scenario


This ones for you Pinman.

Sorry but the last turn played was Nov 20th.

That has been 7 days. So what we get here is a Tic-Tic-Tic. ;)

Give us a update on your troubles. You knew when you took over that
we needed to speed this game up a bit. :cool:

You know what to do. Press the skull. :p

:rockon: :rockon: :run: :run: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :run: :run: :rockon: :rockon:

Blaze Injun

I got a email from Pinman. He has a problem with is eye.

Basically he was told not to use a PC or cut way back on
his PC time or there is a chance of going blind in one eye.

But to quote Pinman:

"I've stayed off completely for a few days and my problem is getting better. Give me 4 more days and i'll start playing again."

"I do apologize for this and my precautions are rather extreme. I just can't risk permanent vision loss for civ."

Blaze Injun
Thank you all for the well wishes.

Here is my turn:

Musings from Macedonia


Commander Ajax's Heavy Cavalry unit screamed their battle cries as they charged into the Persian city of Charsadda. The force of their charge carried them right through the thin enemy lines.

Ajax himself calmy sliced an enemy Mercenary in half before cooly running another through. "Amateurs", he thought disparingly, "The Persians are fools if they think men like this will stop us."

With nobody else to fight the commander took a moment to survey the field. The ground was littered with the enemy dead and all around he heard the cries of enemy wounded. 'Alexander chose his replacement in the north well, he thought. I know how to deal with these Persian Scum.

The Commander smiled as he prepared to examine the newly captured city: Charsadda.

5/5 HC (3/5 *Ajax Great Leader Born*) vs 4/4 Num
4/4 HC vs 3/3 Num (2/3)
4/4 HC (3/4) vs 3/3 Num
4/4 HC (3/4) vs 3/3 Num
4/4 HC vs 2/3 Num

New Samara

Commander Ajax took his new bodyguard to New Samara. The Greeks burned the empty city to the ground.

GPS to Eclipse.


GPS to Rome.

Carthage War Report

Roman Forts Now Carthaginian Forts.

Roman fortification "Little Mother Whore House"
With the road across the battlefield called The Vines finished.
Hannibal ordered Carius of Olbia & his Firecats to move undercover
of darkness to within range of Parum matris Meretricis domus.
How Carius smiled at the thought of the massive power at his
command. This would be the largest known use of siegecraft the
world had ever heard of. It would be as if Pluto had unleashed
the fires of Hades on the fort.

At sunrise the siegecraft began its deadly rain of fire. By midday
Hannibal was ready to send in his War Horses & Heavy Cavalry.
The wounded Romans fought till they were but a shell of a force.
Except a Gods damned Elite Garrison. With a fury he had not
had since the fall of Tarentium, Hannibal made the final attacks
on "Little Mother". He destoried 2 legionaires and the hated garrison.

With the fall of Parum matris Meretricis domus & the capture of 9
new Roman Firecats Hannibal order the road to the 2nd Roman
fort, Pinguis solum Puella domus(Fat Bottom Girls House), be cut. That done
the firecats were turned on Pinguis solum Puella domus & its defenders.
Heavy Cavalry from Take Warning was sent to attack. The fort
fell as its sister did.

Parum matris Meretricis domus
Firecats vs XXVII Legionaire -3 (2/5)
Firecat vs XXX Legionaire -3 (2/5)
Firecat vs XXIII Elite Legionaire -1 (3/6)
Firecat vs XII Elite Legionaire -2 (2/6)

Spainish HC vs XXIII Elite Legionaire (3/6)
XMIII War Horse vs XXIII Elite Legionaire -2 (1/6)
Numidian vs Roman Garrison -1 (3/4)
I Elite Nora War Horse -4 (1/5) vs XXVII Elite Legionaire
II Nora War Horse -2 (2/4) vs XXX Legionaire
I Syracuse -3 (1/4) retreated vs XII Elite Legionaire (2/6)
V Nora War Horse -3 (1/4) retreated vs XII Elite Legionaire -1 (1/6)
II Cartho War Horse vs Roman Garrison +1 (4/5) (now Elite)
Hannibal's War Oliphants -1 (15/16) vs Roman Elite Garrison
Hannibal's War Oliphants -1 (14/16) vs XXIII Elite Legionaire
Hannibal's War Oliphants -1 (13/16) vs XII Elite Legionaire

Pinguis solum Puella
Spainish Heavy Cavalry vs XXXI Legionaire
III Messana HC vs XVII Legionaire
5th Italian HC vs Roman Garrison

Roman Fleet Confronted at Telum
The Carthaginian Admiral Surfar Malius moved to attack the Roman

Surfar Malius -1 +1 (4/5) (now elite) vs Unknow Roman Galley

Blaze Injun
Roman forces abandon Canusium
The XXXVII Legion was order to cover the withdrawl by launching an attack on Hannibal's Army. Though doomed they forced the Carthaginian general to seek shelter behind the ranks of his mercenaries.
5/5 XXXVII Legion(III) vs. 13/16 Hannibal => 0/5 XXXVII Legion(III) and 6/16 Hannibal
In the ensuing withdrawl a fire broke out in Canusium destroying the fortified town.

A kind of victory
The only bright spot was the destruction of the Carthaginian galleys, Phininius & Surfar Malius though once again the enemy sailors acquitted themselves well. A galley was lost and the others suffered a point each, their crews now enjoy some shore leave :)

Gauls asked to leave Roman territory
Irritated with the constant blocking of Roman roads by Gaulish soliders the one time allies of Rome were politely asked to leave. A request which was granted :faint:

GPS Pinman

Roman forces abandon Canusium
The XXXVII Legion was order to cover the withdrawl by launching an attack on Hannibal's Army. Though doomed they forced the Carthaginian general to seek shelter behind the ranks of his mercenaries.
5/5 XXXVII Legion(III) vs. 13/16 Hannibal => 0/5 XXXVII Legion(III) and 6/16 Hannibal
In the ensuing withdrawl a fire broke out in Canusium destroying the fortified town.

I wish they had a way to take a picture in 55 BC. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Are we to the point that we are withholding pictures? :mischief:

Or is it what the Hunters in the Mountians around here call "The Rutting Season". :groucho:

Blaze Injun
Are we to the point that we are withholding pictures? :mischief:
Blaze Injun

That would be telling... ohh! The Prisoner flashback.
"Where am I?"
"In the Village."
"What do you want?"
"Whose side are you on?"
"That would be telling.... We want information. Information! INFORMATION!"
"You won't get it."
"By hook or by crook, we will."
"Who are you?"
"The new Number Two."
"Who is Number One?"
"You are Number Six."
"I am not a number — I am a free man!"
(Laughter from Number Two.)
Yep I have the turn.

I had a game specific issue which has now been resolved. Expect it within 24 hours.

GPS to Eclipse.

Nothing happening for once.

It's been a pleasure everyone. I hope that Eclipse will take a look at the save with the admin pass. You'll probably kick yourself when you see all the ways I could have been blocked. ;)

I look forward to future games with everyone. Depending on how quickly I get kicked out of Gift Horse, I might join the replacement game that Blaze and grey are going to cook up. (Hey want to have another Napoleonic Wars? I can play those quickly so I could join)


Carthage is Happy to announce that Happy Trails is at a End!!!

Greygamer has been nice enough to concede a Carthage Victory.
(Greygamer as Augustus) :groucho:

Yes we know that Persia & the Greeks have more points & that stuff.
Greygamer & I wanted the challenge of facing each other.
His Defensive Genius vs My Offensive Cleverness. So as the last 2
starting Players we are ending the game.

I didn't do a thing on my turn. Just took pix.

I did reopen it to see if the Carthage Navy could take out the Greek Navy.

The Carthage Navy sunk 9 Greek galleys out of the 12 I could see.
The other 3 I was a tile short of attacking. Carthage lost 1 galley in 10 attacks. Whats the odds? :lol:

Thanks to Kingstuart for the Game. To Soul a fine builder. I think you
would have won by Domination. Pinman & Eclipse or joining in
our time of need. And Greygamer its been a War to remember. I'm going
to go reread the thread.

It has been a pleasure. :twitch:

Blaze Injun
much obliged, Blaze :religion:
good win here, good loss there :D

dom was indeed my aim, but the darn greeks kept interfering ;)

even while i did leave this - the turns where VERY time consuming.

good fun watching....
and ill beat you still.
Yes we know that Persia & the Greeks have more points & that stuff.
Greygamer & I wanted the challenge of facing each other.
His Defensive Genius vs My Offensive Cleverness. So as the last 2
starting Players we are ending the game.

Thanks to Kingstuart for the Game. To Soul a fine builder. I think you
would have won by Domination. Pinman & Knutis thanks for joining in
our time of need. And Greygamer its been a War to remember. I'm going
to go reread the thread.

Blaze Injun

Yes it was quite a chess match, I'd tried to avoid being too defensive as it probably would have made more sense to build 90% garrisons. (Half the cost of Fire Cats and they don't change sides ;) ). Whilst waging a land war in the west. Unfortunately I could never muster enough of an offensive force to withstand the pounding the Carthagian Fire Cats would have handed out should I have launched an attack on Neapolis.
For me the key moments were the destruction of most of my offensive forces on Sicily and the loss of the Lighthouse. I never was able to regain the initiative after that and only Hadrian's Wall kept me in the game. Otherwise it would have been over a long time ago.
Not getting any Armies was the final nail in the coffin :(

It was fun facing hordes of Goths though :D

Yes it was quite a chess match, I'd tried to avoid being too defensive as it probably would have made more sense to build 90% garrisons. (Half the cost of Fire Cats and they don't change sides ;) ). Whilst waging a land war in the west. Unfortunately I could never muster enough of an offensive force to withstand the pounding the Carthagian Fire Cats would have handed out should I have launched an attack on Neapolis.
For me the key moments were the destruction of most of my offensive forces on Sicily and the loss of the Lighthouse. I never was able to regain the initiative after that and only Hadrian's Wall kept me in the game. Otherwise it would have been over a long time ago.
Not getting any Armies was the final nail in the coffin :(

It was fun facing hordes of Goths though :D

Yes the Death of Augustus in Sicily was a big moment for me too.
It was the hinge that opened the door to taking Neapolis. The
Great Lighthouse gave the Carthage navy a movement of 5. Keeping
the Roman galleys at a movement of 3. To me that had the biggest
effect on the game for me. I was able to sail unhindered most of
the game. Plus the destorying of the Roman Horses at Croton must
have hampered you. You should have saw that move coming.
Remember the War with Russia over at L.E.F. :mischief:

And damn straight about those Garrisons. The worst unit I ever fought.
I pull more hair out watching those little punks destory War Horse after
War Horse. :cringe: I swear I'd never play this scenario again. ;)
Not as Carthage that is.

And that Hadrians Wall just gave me :twitch: !!!

I still can't believe you didn't get any Armies. A Legionaire III Army
would have changed everything.

To the Greeks (Pinman's Greeks). I bluffed you Big Time. You were [pimp]ed.
I had nothing to stop your expansion in Northeast Afrika. The threat in
Carthage Italy was real but nowhere else. I would have destoried your
fleet but I couldn't have stopped any kind of push by you in Northeast Afrika.

One last Big thanks goes to Carius of Olbia & his Roman Firecats!!! :D

Blaze Injun
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