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Can events be done yet in Civ 3


Aug 23, 2003
Its been a very very long time since I played civ 3 and right now I only play civ 4.

Can anyone tell me if there has been any changes in civ 3 to allow events or triggers.

I noticed that the civ 3 community has exploded since I last was here. I especially love the huge variety of ww2 units that have come on the scene.
Can anyone tell me if there has been any changes in civ 3 to allow events or triggers

Hi ww2commander,

there are no events in Civ3, but the submarine-bug is sometimes used as a trigger (nothing new).

When I followed the links in your sig, it lead me to a "low-graphics"-mod for Civ IV. Is it possible to import Civ 3 units with this mod to Civ 4?
Is there a specific thread where the "bug as trigger" is discussed?

I don´t know of any, but it works pretty well. I use it in SOE (normal submarine) and Equulus take use of it in a WW2 Global modification (land units): http://forums.civfanatics.com/showpost.php?p=5251689&postcount=7008

A strong unit, moving on a long path where it only can go forward (or backward) in an unused corner of the map to a victory point. On the path are very weak invisible units of different countries. As normally each move is a turn, you can time, when the strong unit runs in the immobile weak (land-submarine) units.
Yes, it´s a trigger, like I said. :)
This trigger idea is BRILLIANT, but I don't get how it works. Is there a box to check in the editor? can it only trigger war by fighting a unit? or is there more? And if that's all, it's not really guaranteed to work, is it?

I'd love to find out the extent of this possibility.
Keroro uses it now to make Cyrenacia declare war on you without having them in a locked alliance against you :)

...or in WW 2, that Germany declares war on the Dutch or on Russia and the USA. But as these wars in unlocked alliances end after some turns, there should be the next war trigger against such a civ on the path soon. ... And take care that there is no lethal bombing against your "trigger-unit" or the "victim-units".
Damn, you guys sure provide a good forum over here in the civ 3 area.....I am lucky if I get a single reply back on anything I post over at the civ 4 side :(

I guess we 4'ers are just a bit less talkative :lol:

When I followed the links in your sig, it lead me to a "low-graphics"-mod for Civ IV. Is it possible to import Civ 3 units with this mod to Civ 4?

Civinator, I wish this was possible but unfortunately it is not. The graphics options and possibilities in civ 4 are screwed up major. The only reason I choose to do my Eastern front scenario in civ 4 is because of the ability to have events, triggers and the game is very moddable (assuming you have a PhD in programming :cry: , 3d modelling :hammer2: and extreme patience :badcomp: ).

The reason you cant port civ 3 units into civ 4 is that I have read they are higher polycount. The idea I was interested in was using flat counter units to improve performance of the game and get around the fact that half the units I may need are not available.

I look at the huge range of civ 3 ww2 units available and become depressed. I wish Firaxais had left things that worked perfectly fine alone. This false belief by gaming companies that 3d is better has become the nail in the coffin for most legendery games (civ, simcity etc.)

I will donate a kidney to have more strategy, options and gameplay over preety graphics that amuse for 5 mins and make your computer slower then a one handed brick layer in Baghdad!
What about having an invisible civ with knowledge of the entire tech tree, or certain paths. You could have some civ specific buildings which act like Great Libraries. It might only work once, I haven't tested. But, if this "God" civilization was isolated from others, but knew everything, then once a civ learns a tech, then which ever civ built that specific building could be granted the next tech was could allow more advanced units, for example.

Sure, it won't trigger a war, but what if the tech revealed a really rare and valuable or important resources. Would that be enough to cause the AI to go to war? Perhaps. This could be used in conjunction with the vassal system used in the MEM mod or something similar. How does this sound?

Sub bug.....filing away for future use.
Mildly but you can't directly control them. By the way you can make a invisible civ with contacts.
@ ww2commander, thank you for your reply. I completely share your opinion about these silly 3d-graphics in Civ 4. BTW.: Have you seen, that Wyrmshadow has just released about 300 new WW2 planes for Civ 3?

Good luck to your Civ 4scenario. :thumbsup:

@ Oz, of course this should work for a "Fall Of Rome scenario" too. Here the trigger units shouldn´t be endangered by lethal strategic bombers. :) "Arrival" was interpreted by me with "going to war against Rome" and arrive their as opponents. But this trigger doesn´t prevent, that war can occur earlier between the two civs.
@ Oz, of course this should work for a "Fall Of Rome scenario" too. Here the trigger units shouldn´t be endangered by lethal strategic bombers. :) "Arrival" was interpreted by me with "going to war against Rome" and arrive their as opponents. But this trigger doesn´t prevent, that war can occur earlier between the two civs.

I was actually imagining something a little different: a "pathway" of tiles, one tile wide, bounded by impassable terrain and/or the edge of the map, leading into the playing area itself. (Of course the "pathway" would consist of tiles where cities cannot be built :nono: ) Presumably the AI settler unit would trudge along the path until it reached the board and settleable tiles (and, no, I don't think "settleable" is actually a word ... :hmm:


A strong unit, moving on a long path where it only can go forward (or backward) in an unused corner of the map to a victory point. On the path are very weak invisible units of different countries. As normally each move is a turn, you can time, when the strong unit runs in the immobile weak (land-submarine) units.

This is a very clever idea. It seems to me that the one major drawback is that if the AI unit is to trigger a war with the player then you must put an unmoveable unit belonging to the player on that path, which means that the player can see that part of the map and wonder why they have an unuseable unit there. Which wouldn't stop it working, but it would look messy.
This is a very clever idea. It seems to me that the one major drawback is that if the AI unit is to trigger a war with the player then you must put an unmoveable unit belonging to the player on that path, which means that the player can see that part of the map and wonder why they have an unuseable unit there. Which wouldn't stop it working, but it would look messy.

..and the unit must be set to be not disbandable. :)
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