Capto Iugulum

I'm not sure cheekiness really "works" very well off the internet either. :p

Spoiler :
hypocrisy alert! :D

EQ, did you just RNG the Olympics, or was there more to it than that?
It was all RNG, though I did give some limited emphasis to nations with higher populations, though oddly you and the Netherlands kept popping up.
EQ, if people were to cooperate on an Army Doctrine, would you use their combined army quality for determining the points they can place?
@theDright: No. I would not, as I had not considered that. I would use the average of their combined Army Qualities, rounded down.

Is the number of points you can place in Armoured, Naval, or Air units limited by Army/Navy Quality as well? Or just EP?

Does the researchable technology behave the same as in your previous NES? Or if we don't research it, are we doomed to a turn-of-the-century military forever? And can we cooperate on that?
@theDright: As for your first question, that should be all handily answered on the front page section on units. For your second question, no it does not behave the same, but I will not elaborate on what it would mean if it stays unresearched. All I can say is that the choices players make on the tech tree can and will have an effect on the shape of technology over the next two hundred years.
New Year’s Day 1900 was a bright blue day in Georgia, and Ret. Col. James P. Watterson was not going to pass it up. He wore a tweed suit and a straw hat, and his whole family was dressed for the picnic. There they were on the front porch of his plantation home, his two little girls each with a basket in one hand and a picnic blanket in the other. He took a deep breath of the fresh air, his swelled belly pushing against the buttons of his suit.

“It’s the turn of the century, Beth,” he said to his lovely wife, “and I figure we start it off right.” He noticed that the flag pole was bare. “Where’s Horace, Beth?”

“I haven’t seen or heard of him all day, Jim.”

“Horace!” Col. Watterson bellowed into the house. “Horace, get your lazy black hide out here this moment! And bring the flag, too!” Last thing Col. Watterson wanted was for the country he took a machine-gun’s bullet in the seat for in Panama to not get the proper recognition it deserved on New Year’s Day of the turn of the century.

Horace, a very old black man with graying hair, trundled through the hallway with the flag in his hands, properly folded. Horace never really smiled or looked cheerful, but today Col. Watterson thought he appeared more dejected than usual. Didn’t matter too much, though. A house slave’s happiness was not his particular concern.
“Well, don’t just stand there looking like a fool, Horace. Let her fly!”

Horace plodded past the family to the flag pole in the hard, unfurled the flag properly (Col. Watterson would not allow old Martial Glory to be treated with disrespect), and attached it to the flag’s string. Col. Watterson and his family saluted as the Martial Glory, the Eagle and Stripes, inched its way up the pole, slower than usual. His wife elbowed one of his fidgeting daughters.

“Now ain’t that a sight to see, Beth,” Col. Watterson said to his wife, “that flag up there billowing proudly. Would make ol’ President Wareing proud, wouldn’t it?”

“Indeed it would, dear,” his wife said.

Horace usually would return to the house after hoisting the flag. But today, he simply stood there, fingering the flag’s string, looking at it intently. It perplexed Col. Watterson. Horace was behaving rather oddly today.

“What’s the matter, Horace?” he asked. “Got roots for legs? You got chores to do, ya hear?”

Horace was silent for a good five seconds before saying, softly, “Yes, suh,” still fixated on the flag’s string “What year is it again, suh?”

“1900. The turn of the century. Now don’t be a fool and get back inside.”

“Yes, suh,” Horace said. He then turned and slowly made his way back to the house, passing by the family without looking up.

“Wonder what’s eating him up,” Col. Watterson wondered aloud. “No matter. Let’s head off, now.”

It was a wonderful picnic. The cook made little individual cherry pies for every member of the family. The girls played in the stream and the Colonel and his wife watched amicably underneath a willow tree, side by side, his arm around her waist. It would have been a wonderful day had they not returned home to see Horace hanging from the flag pole string, limp, the Eagle and Stripes still flying high.
OOC: Circuit is a brilliant writer, though.
OOC: Danke! I'm trying to take up the habit of writing a story every week in the pre-NES time. Perhaps you all should take up the challenge as well? Would make me less disappointed when I refresh the page every 5 minutes. Doesn't have to be long, either (my goal is to get my stories UNDER 600 words and have it still feel complete; it's harder than you think, but at the same time can be done in half an hour). Scottite USA should give all the Americans plenty to write about.

Here's a link on a guide to write flash fiction, for those of you wanting to write stories, but not long ones (although long ones and serials are still cool, and I may write some from time to time). And also, here's a website that posts a new SF flash fiction every day, so you can get more familiar with the genre.

And I wouldn't be too worried about the quality, either. In NESing, even mediocre stories are welcome (at least, I welcome them and want to read them). Still gives the feel of whatever you're writing a story about. And you'll get better the more you write, guaranteed.

Let's flood the thread with story!
I have taken the liberty of updating the Vinlander flag from this:

To this:

The proportions are a little neater (6/1/2/1/14 on the top and 6/1/2/1/6 on the side) and the sword and Tre Konor fit together a bit better.
For what it is worth, Lord Iggy's update to Vinland's flag has my blessing.
The blue is slightly darker and the yellow is less gold.
The blue is the same, the difference is just an optical illusion like this one. The Gold is more yellow and less orange. I redid it with the yellow colour matching the shade in Sweden's flag, and got this:

I maintain my preference for the 'yellower' shade.
I agree with Lord Iggy, and hopefully this post will put the update at the top of the next page for me.
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