Capto Iugulum


Zailing Captain
Retired Moderator
Jan 21, 2002
On the Zee
Please see the following post for full details on the current stage of events:


List of Updates
Spoiler :

1900 (Update 0): Part One, Part Two, Part Three

1901 (Update 1): Part One, Part Two

1902 (Update 2): Part One, Part Two, Part Three

1903 (Update 3): Part One, Part Two

1904 (Update 4): Part One, Part Two, Part Three

1905 (Update 5) The Great War Begins: Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five

1906 (Update 6): Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four

1907 (Update 7): Part One, Part Two, Part Three

1908 (Update 8): Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four

1909 (Update 9): Part One, Part Two, Part Three

1910 (Update 10): Part One, Part Two, Part Three

1911 (Update 11): Part One, Part Two, Part Three

1912 (Update 12): Part One, Part Two, Part Three

1913 (Update 13): Part One, Part Two, Part Three

1914 (Update 14): Part One, Part Two, Part Three

1915 (Update 15): Part One, Part Two, Part Three

1916 (Update 16): Part One, Part Two

1917 (Update 17): Part One, Part Two, Part Three

1918 (Update 18): Part One, Part Two, Part Three

1919 (Update 19): Part One, Part Two, Part Three


For new players, welcome aboard! Send me a private message and I'll be happy to recommend any nation that fits your desires. For everyone else welcome back. The rules have not changed too much and the whole format is designed to be easy to learn, but challenging to master. There are subtleties to the rules, as well as tricks that will serve veteran players of my NESes well. You veterans will want to read the new rules, as there are some key differences that will only be readily apparent upon reading Otherwise, fear not! There are many updates ahead, and more than enough time to restart with a new nation. There are no permanent losers, and all are welcome to return if their nation falls.

The stated goal of this NES is to push forward with an update for every year between 1900 and 2100. This is two hundred updates, and by estimation, this will likely take place over the course of four years in real time. I've been looking for some consistency these days, and I feel that this NES will be key in preserving at least one stable thing in my life. So I'll be here for four more years, I hope most of you will be as well. Capto Iugulum may not start as the most historically plausible scenario, but the whole NES has been rather exhaustively researched by me, as it is the NES I've always wanted to moderate. NESes like The World Turned Upside Down and A Brave New World could be seen as prototypes of this very NES. Covering two hundred years of the most dramatic changes in human history isn't going to be easy, and holding onto your nation and empire for all that time is even less likely. Consider this a rodeo in which you're all riding bulls, while trying to push everyone else off of their own mounts.

Where We Are, The Old and the New

In the early 1850s, what was popularly known as the Italian Crusade came to a violent end at the walls of Milan. The coalition assembled by Pope Leo XIII brought about a smashing defeat for the quest for Italian unification, brutally shattering the strength and capabilities of the Brothers of Italy for years to come. It seems, albeit for just a moment, that the threat of a united nationalistic nation was put to an end. This hollow victory was nearly immediately shattered with the unification of the Russian Empire, and the bloody conflict which was to come. The 2nd Orleans War brought about a full-scale conflict throughout Western Europe as the two powers of Languedoc and Paris-Burgundy fought for supremacy. From this conflict, the Franco-Burgundian Confederation was born and Europe would begin to change forever.

The 2nd Orleans War was the last war to be fought upon the European continent for decades to come, as Europe's influence spread across the world. Many old independent nations fell to the power of machine guns and ruthless diplomacy, as European empires grew and developed, all while fighting petty conflicts among themselves. Now, at the turn of the century, nine great nations stand, well above the rest. The strongest of them, Britain and Spain, have begun to heal old wounds as both stride the world with empires upon which the sun never sets. Meanwhile, a rising threat to the new order emerges from the east, as the strengths of Scandinavia and Russia continue to work more and more closely together. In the west, the Dutch and French grow close as well, dominating Western Europe and issuing a strong economic challenge to the established economies and empires of Britain and Spain. With these new blocs growing, there remain three important wildcards. The beleaguered Poles, who have built new friends and strong relationships throughout Central and Eastern Europe. The belligerent Americans, locked in a vicious political struggle with their southern neighbors. Finally, the rising Japanese, who have challenged and won against the Europeans in the past.

A new dawn for the world is emerging through the twilight of the nineteenth century. The late order of commerce and industry dominated by Britain and Spain has begun to be challenged and surpassed by other states. The Anglo-Russian War nearly put the world to the brink of total war, demonstrating the sheer ferocity and brutality of a modern conflict. In Budapest, proletarists rose, dominated the city, before being crushed by a monarchist army. The old crowns still preserve their rule, but their thrones are shakier than ever before, and some wonder if even stalwart republics can survive the incoming storm.


A Sample Nation

Nation Name/Player Name
Government: Monarch/Ruling Party(Ideological Affiliation)
Capital: City Name
Manpower: Bank (+Per turn)
Economic Points: Bank (+Per Turn)
Domestic Spending : -EP Per Turn
-Education: -EP Per Turn (Amount of EP required for basic nation-wide education)
-Policy #2: -EP Per Turn
Stability: #
Army: Brigades
Army Quality: #
Army Doctrine: Type
Navy: Ships
Navy Quality: #
Air Force: Squadrons
Air Force Quality: #
Colonies: Total Colonial Economic Value
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Colony Name: Economic Value
-Manpower: #
-Garrison: Brigades, Ships, and Squadrons
-Stability: #

Project Name: Spent/Total Cost


Your government is the style of regime your nation has. This can range from anywhere to the most free and open democracy to a brutal authoritarian theocratic monarchy and anything in between. Various types of governments can obviously get away with different actions, and you should always keep your government in mind. Democratic governments have elections every once in a while (determined by their constitution) and can therefore be subject to changing winds more than a monarchy. The type of ideology you follow will also alter the issues of concern of your people and bring different matters of stability to the forefront of your politics. Be aware however, that should you mistreat your people and disregard the formalities of your regime, you may be faced with revolution. Unless, of course, that's what you wanted to do in the first place.


Manpower and your Population

The manpower of your nation is representative (currently, may change with time) of a select part of your overall population. Namely, this is of standard age "warrior" males from your population. The people that are considered to be ideal soldier age by modern standards, namely men ages 16-50. The Manpower stat does not include anyone outside of this range. Regardless, you may consider these people linked to their unmarked families, and are the people who will create new families if left to their own devices. If you expend too much of your manpower in military service, your growth rate will suffer. Also, though it may be tempting for some nations, try to resist using ALL your manpower for military purposes. Doing so will not only END population growth while the situation continues, but will likely be highly unpopular with your people, unless you are engaged in a total war. If you need more manpower you can pass laws widening the amounts of people that you can recruit, or decrease the field of available people.

Colonial troops can be recruited from your colonies' manpower if you so choose. The number provided are those currently willing to join a colonial army. These troops are recruited in the colony mention and thus can be provided as a quick defense should you need to hold a colony. As a word of warning though, colonial troops that gain military experience may one day turn this experience back upon you. Use caution when building up your colonial defenses.

The Wealth of Nations: Your Economy

Your basic economy in this NES consists of Economic Points, which is the total portion of your economy which is currently useable to your goverment. Nations with a stronger economy have governments which can spend considerably more. The economy of your nation can be improved through trade agreements, technological advances, and the capture of new territories and establishment of colonies. You can use both the funds in your bank, and the incoming Economic Points in your spending orders for each turn.

It should be noted that your economy may fall on occasion from recession or, worse, national bankruptcy. If your expenses (your spending and your domestic policy costs) exceed your total bank and income, your bank will go into negative numbers and your national government will be forced to declare bankruptcy. Not only will this give numerous nations reasons to invade you or declare war, it'll throw your whole economy into chaos, making things even worse then they were before. On top of that, your stability will take a hit, threatening the development of even more chaos. Be very careful, falling into bankruptcy is a way to begin a very vicious circle which results in nothing good.


Policies and Projects

As in prior NESes of mine, you can spend portions of your economy into either policies or projects. Projects are one-time programs designed to have a set expense for completion. The speed of these solely depends on how much you're willing to commit at any one time. To establish a project, simply inform me of your methods in conducting it and the goal to which you aspire, and a cost will materialize in your stats following the update.

Policies are more in-depth long-term expenditures. These are included in your stats underneath the Economic Points section. The policies are deducted from your EP bank at the end of every turn. Policies include things which you will always have to fund, and eliminating these will frequently result in internal political turmoil. Larger (geographically) nations will always have at least some policies in place, in order to fund the bureaucracy which keeps their empires going. Keep an eye on your policy expenditures, as you may find yourself bankrupt if you don't. If you choose, you can reduce expenses however you choose, just be warned this could have ramifications upon your stability or economy. On the other hand, sometimes cutting back expenses is exactly what you need to do to increase or economy or stability. The situation can vary from nation to nation.


Stability acts much has it has in my previous NESes. Stability is measured on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being a nation virtually in anarchy and in collapse, and 10 being a regime with very few internal problems. There are three major factors upon your stability that exist in your stats. The first of these is your manpower relative to your army. While you may desire an immense army, the process of recruiting for it is likely to destabilize your nation. Massive demobilizations of your army are likely to do the same. The other is your economy. Changes in the organization and strength of your economy likely to to destabilize or stabilize your nation. Finally, conducting too much change all at once will definitely result in instability. Typically, raising the level of control will destabilize your nation, and lowering it will stabilize your nation. There are exceptions to every rule, but this one holds fast in all cases at the start of the NES. Non-Western nations may also have to deal with other stability drops when attempting to introduce western ideals or military tactics into their nation.


Education and Technology

The education portion of your domestic spending is solely dictated by you, but it should be mentioned that the more you dedicate to education the more innovation and development, as dictated by the proportion of your manpower to the total amount of spending into education. Needless to say, a larger population will inherently require more spending on education to be truly effective. Having less than the recommended amount is ok, it's a recommendation, not a minimum. In the strictest sense, you may often be better served using the EP elsewhere, all nations will start with the full contribution, but you may reduce or increase it as you see fit. After all, Education provides a very intangible benefit, you may find the EP more useful elsewhere. When it comes to adjustments however, the less often you do it, the better for stability. Shifting back and forth too quickly only leads to pain and instability at home.

Now as it is, almost all research is out of the direct control of players. The independently researched stuff mostly includes civilian technologies and theoretical advancements. Therefore the broadest levels of research will not be under your control at any stage of the game, except for the speed at which they are achieved based on your education and portion of the economy dedicated to the private sector. Despite this, we now have the return of a limited "tech tree" to my NESes. Within this tech tree are technologies which would be within a government's interest for research during the relevant time period. Therefore this includes weapons technologies, and (eventually) nuclear and space programs. This method of research is fairly expensive and it should be noted that most of the tech tree technologies will emerge naturally even if the tech tree isn't used. The best use of the tech tree is if you want to gain a temporary edge against your nation's enemies. Unlike in the past NES, random technologies (with a few notable exceptions) won't be paraded about. Instead, they'll manifest in the "background" of the NES until eventually they're everywhere. This is to establish at least some realism in the sense that it is hard to predict what technologies will be the dominant ones in as short of a time as a mere decade.

With that it should be stated that ALL technologies (with exception of nuclear/space programs) are gradually shared among all nations when researched. This includes the tech tree along with advancements made by the private sector. Do not take this to mean that one nation cannot be backwards when compared to another. In addition to the levels of Army Organization, which help differentiate militarily, the nation which leads the way in technology will also take great leaps forward in economic and military quality stats (depending on the invention). Meanwhile, those not in the technological lead will progress in quality stats at a much slower rate. Therefore, even though you don't have to pave the way in technologies, it certainly won't hurt if you do.

One final note: if you have an idea for a secret technology research, feel free to ask me. Be warned, I will more likely than not shoot down your idea. Never hurts to ask though.

Army Doctrine

Army Doctrine is a distant cousin of Army Organization from the last NES. While they may look the same at a cursory glance, I assure you they most definitely are not. Army Doctrine has a much more direct effect upon the costs of various units, and will not be a set cost for all units as it was in the previous phase of the NES. The actual details of Doctrines and how to conduct this are discussed in the Army Doctrine Post below.

It might seem that the effort may be too expensive, and you may be right. A very large army has a very difficult time in converting to a more modern design for their forces. This however is completely realistic and some may find it easier to simply have a smaller, but modern, standing army. Unlike in previous NESes however, Army Doctrine is significantly more important than Army Quality when it comes to deciding battles. Therefore, while you may be able to let your upgrading slide for a time, you certainly cannot forever. Ideally, a army will attempt to modernize its organization and doctrines once every ten to twenty years. As stated in the economic section above however, the economies of all nations will be inflated compared to past NESes, so this is not as daunting as it might sound.

Wars, Warfare, and Units

The most important thing for all of you aggressive NESers, is that no matter how flimsy it may be, you need to have a reason for your wars. Your people will fight and die for you, but they'd like to know why. If it's a good reason, they'll fight all the harder. This may include to liberate an oppressed people, claim more land for exploitation, or to unify a national group. If it is a bad reason, they may rebel. Bad reasons may include totalitarian conquest of other nations, or no reason at all. Remember, if you want to fight a war, give the world a reason why.

I would give an explanation of war in the 20th century, but I have chosen not to. This is mostly due to the unpredictable nature of the possibilities of war in this period of time, and changing thoughts and ideologies. There is one very broad tip I can give however: Just because it's 1914, doesn't mean that all wars must be fought in the trenches; similarly, just because it's 1939 doesn't mean that setting the tanks to rolling is the same thing as a blitzkrieg. Know your wars, terrain, and army, as some armies, thanks to doctrine, may be better at certain things than others.

Unlike in army combat, where Doctrine is king, the key elements of naval and air battles are a much more equal combination of quality and tech. Better aircraft will outperform worse types, but it should be considered that a better quality air force may still outmatch a poorly trained one, no matter how good their planes are. This somewhat affects armor as well as the stats of armor are highly significant in modern battles of tanks. The right stats in the right places may turn the tide of a battle, regardless of what the enemies stats may be.

With the exception of Special Forces and Army Doctrines, ALL unit designs are solely created by EP. The more EP you invest in a type of unit, the better the unit that you create. All types will initially be fairly expensive to design, but as technology advances and changes, the design of varying types of units will become substantially cheaper. I should note one very important thing about this though. While you may be tempted to spend all your money on a uber-death tank, plane, or battleship, all units have weaknesses, and it should be noted that there is a definite correlation between the cost of a unit and the amount of stat points it has. The full details and costs are provided in the Army/Navy/Air Force Posts below this one.


Stories, Tales, and Culture

For a moment there, I bet some of you thought I had lost sight of the Story part of NESing. Not so! As in A Brave New World, I'll be bringing back a number of things which we haven't seen in a while. Among these will be movie reviews, as well as cultural tidbits for the update. This will include a section in the update for political cartoons, reviews of plays/movies/books, and perhaps any other little cultural pieces we'd like to add in there. If you'd like to contribute, simply post your idea on the thread or in your orders, and watch as your people make cultural history. I of course will be holding onto editorial rights to make sure that it remains consistent in style to the rest of the update and what can be included for space reasons.

Orders and Updates

An Order deadline will be at the top of this post every week, and we'll be attempting to manage an update a week to start us off. Update 1 may take two weeks to allow everyone to adjust and work out how the rules work and the best way to send orders. Each update will be a year of game time, so plan your wars and policies accordingly. The only requisite I have for the format of your orders is that you provide the name of your nation in the title of your private message. Other than that, feel free to format your orders in the way that best suits you.

World Map
Army Doctrine Types

Your Army Doctrine is the key part of your military, and is the main basis for the victory or defeat of your forces on the field of battle. Each stat has obvious uses and stat effects, while altering the prices of your generic units. The unit prices for generic types of units will be altered depending on what doctrine you have, vastly effecting the style of army that you can produce. All of the basic generic units cost 5 EP before doctrine alterations. The amount of points you can put into a new doctrine is equal to the amount of points you have in your Army Quality. The cost of a new design is 20 EP +1 EP for every army unit you possess, including elite and armored vehicles. This cost is the same for adopting someone else's Army Doctrine, but you must have their approval to do so. Doctrines CAN be collaborated upon by a number of nations, but as a warning, in that situation, the total cost would be for all army units in all involved nations.

Conscript Brigades are a new addition with this NES. Consider them to be a cheaper and rushed version of infantry. If you need a lot of troops and for the outbreak of a total war, these are the guys to call and recruit. They can only be recruited in times of war, and will be automatically returned to the manpower pool when the war is over. CONSCRIPTS CAN ONLY BE USED IN TIMES OF WAR, AND WILL IMMEDIATELY DISBAND WHEN YOU ARE NO LONGER AT WAR.

Mass: Emphasis in the use of larger formations, and more soldiers on the battlefield. Includes mass conscription methods and the formations of very large armies. Reduces the base cost of infantry by 1 EP per point, or (if 5 points and over have been put into this stat) increases the amount of brigades produced, with corresponding manpower deduction.
Training:: Emphasizes above average and superior training and techniques for the average infantryman. Marginally improves the combat effectiveness of Infantry Brigades. Increases the cost of Infantry Brigades by 1 EP. NOTE: This does not mean that having 0 Training means that your army is a mere rabble, just that they have a very basic level of training.
Firepower: Emphasis in heavier firepower, using support weapons such artillery to decimate an enemy position. Reduces the cost of all artillery units by 1 EP per point (no bonus to production if maximum reduction reached) and increases overall artillery effectiveness.
Mobility: Emphasis in quicker moving armies, using trucks to mobilize your infantry and increase the quality of mechanized forces. Reduces the cost of all cavalry and armored vehicles by 2 EP per point in this stat (No bonus to production if maximum reduction is reached), while increasing the cost of Infantry by 1 EP. Armies move faster on the battlefield with each point in this stat.
Logistics: This stat emphasizes the reliance on support hardware, including trucks, radios, and various other mechanical devices which aids in warfare. Each point into this stat increases the ability to supply forces at great distances.

In Development Army Doctrines​
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None at this time

Available Army Doctrines​
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British Royal Army 1890
Designer: United Kingdom of Great Britain
Mass: 0
Training: 2
Firepower: 4
Mobility: 1
Logistics: 3
Conscripts: 3 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Infantry: 10 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Cavalry: 7 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Artillery: 4 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade

Confederate Army 1890
Designer: Franco-Burgundian Confederation
Mass: 2
Training: 3
Firepower: 3
Mobility: 1
Logistics: 1
Conscripts: 2 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Infantry: 8 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Cavalry: 5 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Artillery: 3 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade

Ejército Imperial Español 1890
Designer: Spain
Mass: 2
Training: 2
Firepower: 3
Mobility: 2
Logistics: 1
Conscripts: 3 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Infantry: 8 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Cavalry: 4 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Artillery: 3 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade

Imperial Scandinavian Army 1890
Designer: Scandinavia
Mass: 1
Training: 2
Firepower: 3
Mobility: 2
Logistics: 2
Conscripts:3 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Infantry: 8 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Cavalry: 5 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Artillery: 4 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade

Polish Army 1890
Designer: Poland
Mass: 1
Training: 1
Firepower: 4
Mobility: 2
Logistics: 2
Conscripts: 2 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Infantry: 7 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Cavalry: 5 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Artillery: 3 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade

Russian Imperial Army 1890
Designer: Russia
Mass: 6
Training: 1
Firepower: 1
Mobility: 1
Logistics: 1
Conscripts: 1 EP, 2 Manpower for 2 Brigades
Infantry: 2 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Cavalry: 5 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Artillery: 5 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade

United States Army 1890
Designer: United States of America
Mass: 1
Training: 3
Firepower: 1
Mobility: 2
Logistics: 3
Conscripts: 4 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Infantry: 12 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Cavalry: 6 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Artillery: 7 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade

Triple Alliance Army Doctrine 1904
Designer: Franco-Burgundian Confederation
Mass: 3
Training: 3
Firepower: 4
Mobility: 2
Logistics: 2
Conscripts: 3 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Infantry: 9 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Cavalry: 5 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Artillery: 3 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade

Imperial Japanese Army 1908
Designer: Japan
Mass: 6
Training: 3
Firepower: 2
Mobility: 1
Logistics: 3
Conscripts: 1 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Infantry: 3 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Cavalry: 4 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Artillery: 3 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade

British Royal Guard 1909
Designer: United Kingdom of Great Britain
Mass: 6
Training: 3
Firepower: 0
Mobility: 3
Logistics: 2
Conscripts: 2 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Infantry: 5 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Cavalry: 1 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Artillery: 5 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade

Ejército Imperial Español 1909
Designer: Spain
Mass: 7
Training: 1
Firepower: 3
Mobility: 4
Logistics: 2
Conscripts: 1 EP,1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Infantry: 3 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Cavalry: 1 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Artillery: 2 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade

Arabian Army 1909
Designer: Arabian Empire
Mass: 6
Training: 3
Firepower: 2
Mobility: 1
Logistics: 0
Conscripts: 1 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Infantry: 3 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Cavalry: 4 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Artillery: 3 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade

Royal Portuguese Army 1909
Designer: Portugal
Mass: 4
Training: 3
Firepower: 4
Mobility: 0
Logistics: 0
Conscripts: 1 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Infantry: 4 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Cavalry: 5 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Artillery: 1 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade

Persian Royal Army 1910
Designer: Persia
Mass: 6
Firepower: 3
Mobility: 1
Logistics: 1
Conscripts: 1 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Infantry: 3 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Cavalry: 4 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Artillery: 2 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade

Imperial Scandinavian Army 1910
Designer: Kongo
Mass: 2
Training: 5
Firepower: 2
Mobility: 1
Logistics: 4
Conscripts: 3 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Infantry: 10 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Cavalry: 1 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Artillery: 3 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade

Russian Imperial Army 1910
Designer: Russia
Mass: 9
Training: 3
Firepower: 2
Mobility: 1
Logistics: 3
Conscripts: 1 EP, 2 Manpower for 2 Brigades
Infantry: 1 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Cavalry: 3 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Artillery: 3 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade

Confederate Army 1910
Designer: Franco-Burgundian Confederation
Mass: 7
Training: 3
Firepower: 3
Mobility: 2
Logisitics: 3
Conscripts: 1 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Infantry: 3 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Cavalry: 1 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Artillery: 2 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade

Vojska Srbije Doktrina 1911
Designer: Serbia
Mass: 0
Training: 1
Firepower: 4
Mobility: 2
Logistics: 3
Conscripts: 3 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Infantry: 8 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Cavalry: 1 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Artillery: 1 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade

American Federal Army 1912
Designer: United States of America
Mass: 3
Training: 4
Firepower: 2
Mobility: 3
Logistics: 3
Conscripts: 3 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Infantry: 9 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Cavalry: 1 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Artillery: 3 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade

Freedman's Liberation Army 1912
Designer: Mississippi Proletarist Republic
Training: 1
Firepower: 0
Mobility: 1
Logistics: 0
Conscripts: 1 EP, 2 Manpower for 2 Brigades
Infantry: 1 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Cavalry: 3 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Artillery: 5 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade

Fatherland Proletarian Army 1913
Designer: Scandinavia
Mass: 5
Training: 4
Firepower: 4
Mobility: 2
Logistics: 1
Conscripts: 2 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Infantry: 6 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Cavalry: 1 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Artillery: 1 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade

Bulgarian Unified Legion 1914
Designer: Bulgaria
Mass: 3
Training: 3
Firepower: 2
Mobility: 1
Logistics: 0
Conscripts: 2 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Infantry: 6 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Cavalry: 3 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Artillery: 3 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade

Occitanian Home Army 1914
Designer: Occitania
Mass: 5
Training: 4
Firepower: 2
Mobility: 2
Logistics: 1
Conscripts: 2 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Infantry: 6 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Cavalry: 1 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Artillery: 3 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade

Pacific Coast Army 1915
Designer: Jacksonia
Mass: 5
Training: 3
Firepower: 4
Mobility: 1
Logistics: 1
Conscripts: 2 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Conscript Brigade
Infantry: 4 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Infantry Brigade
Cavalry: 3 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Cavalry Brigade
Artillery: 1 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Artillery Brigade

Croatian National Army 1915
Designer: Croatia
Mass: 4
Training: 3
Firepower: 4
Mobility: 1
Logistics: 1
Conscripts: 2 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Conscript Brigade
Infantry: 5 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Infantry Brigade
Cavalry: 3 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Infantry Brigade
Artillery: 1 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Infantry Brigade

Magyar Birodalmi Army 1916
Designer: Hungary
Mass: 7
Training: 3
Firepower: 4
Mobility: 1
Logistics: 1
Conscripts: 1 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Infantry: 2 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Cavalry: 3 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Artillery: 1 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade

Turkish National Army 1916
Designer: Turkey
Mass: 5
Firepower: 2
Mobility: 0
Logistics: 0
Conscripts: 1 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Infantry: 3 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Cavalry: 5 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Artillery: 5 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade

Roman Legion 1917
Designer: Roman Empire
Mass: 5
Training: 3
Firepower: 2
Mobility: 1
Logistics: 1
Conscripts: 1 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Infantry: 4 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Cavalry: 3 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Artillery: 3 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade

Mayan National Army 1917
Designer: Mayan Republic
Mass: 3
Training: 2
Firepower: 3
Mobility: 0
Logistics: 2
Conscripts: 1 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Infantry: 4 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Cavalry: 5 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Artillery: 2 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade

Specialized Army Units

Elite Infantry Brigades​

Elite Infantry Brigades are the finest troops your army can provide, creating a force to be feared across the world, if done right. They are expensive, but used in the right circumstances, they can be nigh unstoppable. Elite Infantry Brigades' stats are determined by the total Army Quality you possess. To create a new style of Elite Infantry the costs are simply 30 EP. Elite Infantry Brigade designs are the only type of unit which cannot be shared, traded, or collaborated upon. You may have multiple types of Elite Brigades at any given time, focused upon different doctrines or tactics.

Amphibious Warfare: The skill at which these brigades seize beachheads and clear the way for a larger landing.
Jungle Warfare: The skill at which these brigades fight in jungle or tropical terrain.
Mountain Warfare: The skill at which these brigades fight on mountains, and their tactical skill in seizing heights
Covert Operations: The skill at which these brigades fight in smaller units to run sabotage and other similar activities in war time.

Spoiler :

Legion Hispania
Creator: Spain
Year of Creation: 1900
Cost: 33 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Amphibious Warfare: 3
Jungle Warfare: 3
Mountain Warfare: 2
Covert Operations: 3

United States Rangers
Creator: United States of America
Year of Creation: 1900
Cost: 33 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Amphibious Warfare: 2
Jungle Warfare: 6
Mountain Warfare: 2
Covert Operations: 1

Creator: Japan
Year of Creation: 1901
Cost: 33 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Jungle Warfare: 3
Mountain Warfare: 4
Covert Operations: 4

Republican Guard
Creator: Netherlands
Year of Creation: 1901
Cost: 30 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Amphibious Warfare: 3
Jungle Warfare: 4
Mountain Warfare: 2
Covert Operations: 1

Creator: Brandenburg
Year of Creation: 1903
Cost: 24 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Covert Operations: 8

Persian Raiders
Creator: Persia
Year of Creation: 1907
Cost: 33 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Mountain Warfare: 2
Covert Operations: 9

Forze Speciali
Creator: Naples/Italy
Year of Creation: 1908
Cost: 27 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Amphibious Warfare: 1
Mountain Warfare: 6
Covert Operations: 2

The Emperor's Hand
Creator: Russia
Year of Creation: 1908
Cost: 45 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Covert Operations: 15

Creator: Brazil
Year of Creation: 1909
Cost: 27 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Amphibious Warfare: 6
Jungle Warfare: 3

Section Two
Creator: Occitania
Year of Creation: 1909
Cost: 42 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Covert Operations: 14

Dragon Warriors
Creator: China
Year of Creation: 1910
Cost: 12 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Covert Operations: 4

Creator: Cuba
Year of Creation: 1911
Cost: 27 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Covert Operations: 9

La Croix-Blanche
Creator: Franco-Burgundian Confederation
Year of Creation: 1911
Cost: 51 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Covert Operations: 17

Creator: Vinland
Year of Creation: 1913
Cost: 24 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Amphibious Warfare: 5
Mountain Warfare: 2
Covert Operations: 1

Mae'r Milwyr Cudd
Creator: Brittany
Year of Creation: 1915
Cost: 21 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Covert Operations: 7

Fire Brigade
Creator: Jacksonia
Year of Creation: 1915
Cost: 42 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Amphibious Warfare: 2
Mountain Warfare: 5
Covert Operations: 7

Andean Rangers
Creator: Peru
Year of Creation: 1915
Cost: 24 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Jungle Warfare: 4
Mountain Warfare: 3
Covert Operations: 1

Tizona Special Forces
Creator: Spain
Year of Creation: 1916
Cost: 48 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Amphibious Warfare: 1
Jungle Warfare: 4
Mountain Warfare: 3
Covert Operations: 8

Crna Legija
Creator: Serbia
Year of Creation: 1916
Cost: 33 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Amphibious Warfare: 1
Covert Operations: 10

Arab Guard
Creator: Arabian Empire
Year of Creation: 1917
Cost: 36 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Mountain Warfare: 6
Covert Operations: 6

Creator: Japan
Year of Creation: 1917
Cost: 42 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Covert Operations: 14

Freedman's Cadres
Creator: Tennessee Proletarist Republic
Year of Creation: 1917
Cost: 30 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Amphibious Operations: 4
Covert Operations: 6

Shrouded Suns
Creator: Argentina
Year of Creation: 1917
Cost: 21 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Covert Operations: 7

Creator: Peru
Year of Creation: 1918
Cost: 27 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Amphibious Operations: 1
Jungle Warfare: 1
Mountain Warfare: 1
Covert Operations: 6

Freedman's Liberation Army Engineers
Creator: Tennessee Proletarist Republic
Cost: 33 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Mountain Warfare: 11

Praetorian Guard
Creator: Roman Empire
Year of Creation: 1900 (Reorganized 1919)
Cost: 36 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Amphibious Warfare: 5
Mountain Warfare: 5
Covert Operations: 2

Creator: Roman Empire
Year of Creation: 1919
Cost: 36 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Covert Operations: 12

Crimson Guard
Creator: Scandinavia
Year of Creation: 1919
Cost: 45 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Amphibious Warfare: 5
Mountain Warfare: 10

Водные силы вторжения (BCB)
Creator: Russia
Year of Creation: 1919
Cost: 51 EP, 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Amphibious Warfare: 12
Covert Operations: 5

Armored Vehicles​

Armored Vehicles are your standard tanks, but can also included armored cars and supporting light vehicles. The style of the tank you are creating widely depends on the stats you give it. With time, the costs will be reduced and technology plays a major role in the cost of the development of these vehicles. As the price of designing an armored vehicle changes, this post will be updated, as well as a notification of the change in the relevant update. Armored Brigades can be traded to other nations, assuming that they have the manpower available to crew their newly acquired tanks. Armored Brigades can be collaborated upon by any number of nations providing financing, but a design MUST be completely financed in a single turn. Existing tanks in your arsenal can be scrapped for 25% of their base cost.

An existing design can be upgraded into a newer design. This means that if you need a new tank quickly you can increase the amount of points (note: NOT decrease) in an existing design. It'll cost a little more than designing a completely new tank, but it will be worth it if you need the new tank immediately. Any tanks you have in the field of the older model will be automatically upgraded. You must share construction rights if you want the new model to emerge for any of your allies.

Basic Armored Vehicle Stats

For now it costs 40 EP per point designed into an armored vehicle.

It costs 60 EP per point to upgrade a design of an existing armored vehicle. This does not upgrade older types of the original design already in the field.

Firepower: Affects the size and power of the gun or guns attached to the armored vehicle.
Armor: Affects the strength and substance of the armor protecting the armored vehicle.
Engines: Affects the speed at which the armored vehicle moves across open terrain, as well as the capacity for the vehicle to hold large amounts of armor and firepower.

Available Armored Vehicle Modules

Modules are elements you can add to armored vehicles to make them more effective. Unlike Firepower, Armor, or Engines, these are more specialized assets which do not add to the overall cost of the vehicle. They are still invaluable for their purposes, fortunately, you can always have more than one type of tank.

No modules are as of yet available to add to armored vehicles.

Design Bonuses per Nation

Design bonuses are points that are received based on experience in creating designs of various types of equipment and units. They allow you to provide an extra number of points without paying the design cost listed. This of course does not apply to refining older vehicles, which do not add to your bonus. Furthermore, the amount of points your next design will need to provide you a bonus will be listed with the current bonus you currently have. The bonus points you have do count towards the total for a new bonus point.

Russia: 2
Spain: 2
United States of America: 2
Brittany: 1
Franco-Burgundian Confederation: 1
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland: 1
Vinland: 1

Current Armored Vehicle Designs

Spoiler :

Mark One "Washington" Barrel
Designer: United States of America
Design Year: 1906
Construction Rights: Mayan Republic, Occitania, Hungary, Serbia, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Peru, Venezuela, Arabian Empire, Japan, United States of America, Kurdistan, Croatia, Switzerland, Oranjien, Angola, Florida, Jacksonia, Germany, Puerto Rico, Hispaniola, Nicaragua, Honduras, Costa Rica
Cost: 20 EP, 1 Manpower per brigade
Armor: 1

M1 "Prussia" Tank
Designer: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Design Year: 1910
Construction Rights: Argentina, Brazil
Cost: 30 EP, 1 Manpower per Brigade
Armor: 1
Engines: 1

M1911 "El Cid" VB
Designer: Spain
Design Year: 1911
Construction Rights: Cechy-Morava, Germany, Italy, Japan, Franco-Burgundian Confederation, Netherlands, Sardinia, Corsica, Occitania
Cost: 30 EP, 1 Manpower per brigade
Firepower: 1
Armor: 1

Tonneau Patriotique I
Designer: Franco-Burgundian Confederation
Design Year: 1912
Construction Rights: Scandinavia, Netherlands, Portugal, Brittany, Kongo
Cost: 40 EP, 1 Manpower per brigade
Firepower: 1
Armor: 1
Engines: 1

M1916 VB
Designer: Spain
Design Year: 1916
Construction Rights: Germany, Italy, Japan, India, Franco-Burgundian Confederation, Netherlands, Sardinia, Corsica, Occitania
Cost: 30 EP, 1 Manpower per brigade
Firepower: 2
Armor: 1
Engines: 2

Cawr Arfogedig 2 (Cawr-2)
Designer: Brittany
Design Year: 1916
Construction Rights: Occitania, Argentina
Cost: 60 EP, 1 Manpower per brigade
Firepower: 2
Armor: 2
Engines: 2

Designer: Russia
Design Year: 1917
Construction Rights: None
Cost: 60 EP, 1 Manpower per brigade
Firepower: 2
Armor: 2
Engines: 3

Lodjur-Modell Stridpansar
Designer: Vinland
Design Year: 1918
Construction Rights: None
Cost: 10 EP,1 Manpower per brigade
Engines: 2

WJVM-1 (Gun Tractor Mark 1)
Designer: Arabian Empire
Design Year: 1919
Construction Rights: None
Cost: 15 EP, 1 Manpower per brigade
Firepower: 1
Engines: 1

M2B Armored Car
Designer: United States of America
Design Year: 1919
Construction Rights: None
Cost: 5 EP, 1 Manpower per Brigade
Engines: 2
Naval Units

Naval designs are supremely simple, as all ships only cost EP to build. Each type will vary in the amount it costs, until technologies are advanced and produced. Their costs are included with each section. All naval units can be scrapped for a return of 25% of their purchase cost. All naval vessels can be traded, but other nations' designs cannot be built unless you either acquire one of the said ships through battle or trade, or the designs are shared by a creator of the said ships. One final note, do not think that the stats of one type of warship are equal to any other. 5 Firepower on a Destroyer is NOT the same as 5 Firepower on battleship. The other key warning, is that be careful of designing a ship you can't afford. While it may be tempting to bank everything you have for ten turns to build a super-ship, it'll suck when you discover that it'll bankrupt your nation just to build one per turn. You've been warned, navies are for wealthy nations.

On Design Bonuses
Design bonuses are points that are received based on experience in creating designs of various types of equipment and units. They allow you to provide an extra number of points without paying the design cost listed. This of course does not apply to refining older vehicles, which do not add to your bonus. Furthermore, the amount of points your next design will need to provide you a bonus will be listed with the current bonus you currently have. The bonus points you have do count towards the total for a new bonus point. For naval vessels, having bonuses in design will also decrease the cost of production for any new designs.

Patrol Craft​

Each point into the design of a Patrol Craft costs 20 EP. River Boats, as their name may imply are vessels that can go into larger rivers, but are not always incapable of going out into higher seas. They are useful for armed covert operations or rapid raiding of merchant craft, but are all but useless in battle with any larger craft.

Engines: This affects the speed and range of the river boat.
Weapons Capacity: This affects the amount of varied firepower that a river boat can bring to battle.


Patrol Craft Light Torpedoes: Adds torpedoes which can be launched by surface warships to sink other surface ships quite effectively. Costs 20 EP to add to any new design, and WILL increase overall production cost.

Design Bonuses

Brazil: 1
Scandinavia: 1

Current Designs

Spoiler :

Rio-Class River Boat
Designer: Brazil
Design Year: 1909
Construction Rights: Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentina, Oranjien, Angola, United States of America
Cost: 2 EP
Engines: 3

Necessity-class River Boat
Designer: Scandinavia
Designer Year: 1917
Construction Rights: Tennessee Proletarist Republic
Cost: 2 EP
Engines: 1
Weapons Capacity: 2


Each point into the design of a Submarine costs 20 EP.

Range: This affects the distance from which submarines can operate from the shelter of their home ports.
Engines: This affects the speed that submarines can possess in a tactical environment.
Weapons Capacity: This affects the amount of torpedoes or missiles that a submarine can contain and deploy.

Design Bonuses

Brazil: 1
Russia: 1
Scandinavia: 1

Spoiler :

Early Submarine
Designer: Obsolete, no nations can build.
Range: 1
Engines: 0
Weapons Capacity: 1

Nordenfelt-Class Submarine
Designer: Scandinavia
Construction Rights: Generic, all nations can build.
Design Year: 1901
Cost: 6 EP
Range: 2
Engines: 2
Weapons Capacity: 2

Tridente-Class Submarine
Designer: Brazil
Construction Rights: Argentina, Italy, Japan, Germany, Spain, Franco-Burgundian Confederation, Netherlands, Sardinia, Corsica, Occitania, Oman, Yemen
Design Year: 1911
Cost: 10 EP
Range: 4
Engines: 3
Weapons Capacity: 3

Harpoon-Class Submarine
Designer: Russia
Construction Rights: Denmark, Roman Empire, Kurdistan
Design Year: 1911
Cost: 10 EP
Range: 4
Engines: 4
Weapons Capacity: 4


Each point into a Destroyer design costs 20 EP.

Surface Guns: This is the firepower that the destroyer possesses against other surface vessels.
Anti-Submarine Measures: This is the firepower that the destroyer possesses against submarines.
Engines: This is the speed at which the destroyer travels and operates on the high seas.
Anti-Air Measures: This is the firepower that the destroyer possesses against airborne attack.


Destroyer Torpedoes: Adds torpedoes which can be launched by surface warships to sink other surface ships quite effectively. Costs 20 EP to add to any new design, but will not increase the overall production cost.

Design Bonuses

Franco-Burgundian Confederation: 3
Brazil: 2
Portugal: 2
Chile: 1
Denmark: 1
Jamaica: 1
Japan: 1
Roman Empire: 1
Scandinavia: 1
Spain: 1
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland

Spoiler :

Early Destroyer
Designer: Generic, all nations can build
Cost: Obsolete, Cannot be Built
Surface Guns: 1
Engines: 1

Trovão-class Destroyer
Designer: Brazil
Design Year: 1901
Construction Rights: Generic, all nations can build.
Cost: 4 EP
Surface Guns: 1
Engines: 3

Romanos-class Destroyer
Designer: Roman Empire
Design Year: 1902
Construction Rights: Russia, Scandinavia, Bulgaria, Pontic Republic
Cost: 5 EP
Surface Guns: 1
Anti-Submarine Measures: 1
Engines: 3

Numancia-class Destroyer
Designer: Spain
Design Year: 1903
Construction Rights: Sardinia, Franco-Burgundian Confederation, Denmark, Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Cechy-Morava, Italy, Japan, Corsica
Cost:8 EP
Surface Guns: 3
Anti-Submarine Measures: 1
Engines: 4

Zygmunt-class Destroyer
Designer: Poland
Design Year: 1903
Construction Rights: Generic, all nations can build.
Cost: 5 EP
Surface Guns: 2
Anti-Submarine Measures: 1
Engines: 2

Vigilant-class Destroyer
Designer: Franco-Burgundian Confederation
Design Year: 1906
Construction Rights: Netherlands, Denmark, Scandinavia, Russia, Portugal, Sardinia, Spain, Roman Empire, Corsica, Italy, Germany, Japan
Cost: 4 EP
Surface Guns: 1
Engines: 3

Furacão-class Destroyer
Designer: Brazil
Design Year: 1909
Construction Rights: Argentina, Arabia, Italy, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Uruguay, Colombia, Vinland
Cost: 8 EP
Surface Guns: 2
Anti-Submarine Measures: 1
Engines: 5

Williams-class Destroyer
Designer: Jamaica
Design Year: 1909
Construction Rights: None
Cost: 7 EP
Surface Guns: 2
Anti-Submarine Measures: 1
Engines: 4

Dominic-class Destroyer
Designer: Chile
Design Year: 1910
Construction Rights: Peru
Cost: 8 EP
Surface Guns: 3
Anti-Submarine Measures: 1
Engines: 4

Magicienne-class Destroyer
Designer: Franco-Burgundian Confederation
Design Year: 1913
Construction Rights: Netherlands
Cost: 4 EP
Surface Guns: 1
Anti-Submarine Measures: 1
Engines: 3
-Destroyer Torpedoes

Akizuku-class Destroyer
Designer: Japan
Design Year: 1913
Construction Rights: Italy, Spain, Germany, Peru, Kurdistan
Cost: 12 EP
Surface Guns: 4
Anti-Submarine Measures: 3
Engines: 7
Anti-Air Measure: 2
-Destroyer Torpedoes

Interdictor-class Destroyer
Designer: Scandinavia
Design year: 1914
Construction Rights: None
Cost: 6 EP
Surface Guns: 1
Anti-Submarine Measures: 3
Engines: 2

Oporto-class Destroyer
Designer: Portugal
Design Year: 1914
Construction Rights: Sardinia, Corsica, Netherlands, Franco-Burgundian Confederation, Occitania, Spain (Republican)
Cost: 14 EP
Surface Guns: 3
Anti-Submarine Measures: 3
Engines: 10
Anti-Air Measures: 2
-Destroyer Torpedoes

Ravenous-class Destroyer
Designer: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Design Year: 1917
Construction Rights: None
Cost: 14 EP
Surface Guns: 6
Engines: 14

Kystnaere-class Destroyer
Designer: Denmark
Design Year: 1918
Construction Rights: None
Cost: 14 EP
Surface Guns: 6
Anti-Submarine Measures: 2
Engines: 11
Anti-Air Measures: 1


Each Point into a Cruiser design costs 20 EP.

Surface Guns: The firepower a cruiser possesses against other surface vessels.
Anti-Submarine Measures: The firepower a cruiser possesses against submarines.
Engines: The speed at which a cruiser can maneuver tactically on the high seas.
Anti-Air Measures: The firepower a cruiser possesses against airborne attack.


Cruiser Torpedoes: Adds torpedoes which can be launched by surface warships to sink other surface ships quite effectively. Costs 20 EP to add to any new design, but will not increase the overall production cost.

Design Bonuses

Franco-Burgundian Confederation: 2
Japan: 2
Denmark: 1
Italy: 1
Netherlands: 1
Portugal: 1
Spain: 1
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland: 1

Spoiler :

Early Light Cruiser
Cost: Obsolete, Cannot be Built
Surface Guns: 1
Engines: 2

Early Heavy Cruiser
Cost: Obsolete, Cannot be Built
Surface Guns: 3
Engines: 2

Joao-class Heavy Cruiser
Designer: Portugal
Design Year: 1901
Construction Rights: Generic, All Nations can build.
Cost: 12 EP
Surface Guns: 4
Engines: 2

Chościsko-class Light Cruiser
Designer: Poland
Design Year: 1903
Construction Rights: Generic, all nations can build.
Cost: 10 EP
Surface Guns: 2
Engines: 3

Eendracht-class Heavy Cruiser
Designer: Netherlands
Design Year: 1903
Construction Rights: Denmark, Franco-Burgundian Confederation, Spain, Sardinia, Russia, Roman Empire, Corsica, Germany, Italy, Japan
Cost: 16 EP
Surface Guns: 5
Engines: 3

Ziemowit-class Heavy Cruiser
Designer: Poland
Design Year: 1904
Construction Rights: Generic, all nations can build.
Cost: 16 EP
Surface Guns: 4
Anti-Submarine Measures: 2
Engines: 2

Lioness-class Battlecruiser
Designer: United Kingdom of Great Britain
Design Year: 1905
Construction Rights: Generic, all nations can build
Cost: 32 EP, 1 Manpower
Surface Guns: 10
Engines: 6

Chasseur-class Battlecruiser
Designer: Franco-Burgundian Confederation
Design Year: 1906
Construction Rights: Netherlands, Denmark, Scandinavia, Russia, Portugal, Sardinia, Spain, Roman Empire, Corsica, Germany, Italy, Japan
Cost: 28 EP, 1 Manpower
Surface Guns: 8
Engines: 6

Duisbourg-class Light Cruiser
Designer: Franco-Burgundian Confederation
Design Year: 1907
Construction Rights: Netherlands, Denmark, Scandinavia, Kongo
Cost:10 EP
Surface Guns: 2
Engines: 3

Castile-class Light Cruiser
Designer: Spain
Design Year: 1908
Construction Rights: Sardinia, Austria, Brandenburg, Cechy-Morava, Switzerland, Corsica Franco-Burgundian Confederation, Netherlands, Occitania
Cost: 12 EP
Surface Guns: 3
Engines: 3

Luther-class Light Cruiser
Designer: Denmark
Design Year: 1911
Construction Rights: Russia, Peru, Roman Empire, Japan
Cost: 21 EP
Surface Guns: 3
Anti-Submarine Measures: 3
Engines: 10
Anti-Air Measures: 1

Sicilia-class Light Cruiser
Designer: Italy
Design Year: 1915
Construction Rights: Spain (Monarchist), Germany, Japan, Russia
Cost: 35 EP
Surface Guns: 4
Anti-Submarine Measures: 3
Engines: 14
Anti-Air Measures: 1

Amagi-class Battlecruiser
Designer: Japan
Design year: 1915
Construction Rights: Germany, Italy, Spain, Hawaii
Cost: 42 EP, 1 Manpower
Surface Guns: 12
Anti-Submarine Measures: 1
Engines: 16
Anti-Air Measures: 2

Takao-class Heavy Cruiser
Designer: Japan
Design Year: 1918
Construction Rights: None
Cost: 43 EP, 1 Manpower
Surface Guns: 11
Anti-Submarine Measures: 1
Engines: 13
Anti-Air Measures: 5
-Destroyer Torpedoes


Each Point into a Battleship design costs 20 EP.

Surface Guns: The firepower a battleship possesses against other surface vessels.
Armor: The armored defense of a battleship, and immunity against other crafts' surface guns.
Engines: The tactical maneuvering speed of a battleship on the high seas.
Anti-Air Measures: The ability of a battleship to resist an airborne attack.


Battleship Torpedoes: Adds torpedoes which can be launched by surface warships to sink other surface ships quite effectively. Costs 20 EP to add to any new design, but will not increase the overall production cost.

Design Bonuses

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland: 2
Netherlands: 1
Peru: 1
Spain: 1
United States of America: 1

Spoiler :

Christine-class Battleship
Designer: Scandinavia
Construction Rights: Obsolete, Cannot be Built.
Design Year: 1895
Surface Guns: 3
Armor: 3
Engines: 2

Hercules-class Battleship
Designer: Spain
Construction Rights: Obsolete, Cannot be Built.
Design Year: 1895
Surface Guns: 3
Armor: 4
Engines: 2

Virginia-class Battleship
Designer: United States of America
Construction Rights: Obsolete, cannot be built.
Design Year: 1895
Surface Guns: 3
Armor: 3
Engines: 2

Olympus-class Battleship
Designer: United Kingdom of Great Britain
Construction Rights: Generic, can be built by all nations.
Design Year: 1902
Cost: 52 EP, 1 Manpower
Surface Guns: 6
Armor: 4
Engines: 3

Conquistador-class Battleship
Designer: Spain
Construction Rights: Sardinia, Franco-Burgundian Confederation, Netherlands, Denmark, Scandinavia, Corsica, Italy, Germany, Japan
Design Year: 1903
Cost: 60 EP, 1 Manpower
Surface Guns: 6
Armor: 5
Engines: 4

Maryland-class Battleship
Designer: United States of America
Construction Rights: Generic, can be built by all nations.
Design Year: 1906
Cost: 66 EP, 2 Manpower
Surface Guns: 6
Armor: 8
Engines: 8

King Juan-class Battleship
Designer: Peru
Construction Rights: Russia, Denmark, Japan, Venezuela, Kurdistan, Aztlan, Chile, Jacksonia, Allied Territories of America, Florida, Hawaii
Design Year: 1910
Cost: 75 EP, 3 Manpower
Surface Guns: 9
Armor: 7
Engines: 9

Frisia-class Battleship
Designer: Netherlands
Construction Rights: Flanders, Franco-Burgundian Confederation
Design Year: 1911
Cost: 63 EP, 2 Manpower
Surface Guns: 7
Armor: 7
Engines: 7

Kronos-class Battleship
Designer: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Construction Rights: Argentina, Brazil
Design Year: 1912
Cost: 120 EP, 4 Manpower
Surface Guns: 12
Armor: 12
Engines: 14
Anti-Air: 2

Aircraft Carriers​

Each Point into a Carrier costs 40 EP per point. Can only be designed by a nation which has already designed an aircraft that has either a seaplane module or a monoplane fighter aircraft.

Surface Guns: The firepower a carrier can bring to bear against other surface craft in traditional combat.
Engines: This affects the range and tactical sailing speed of an aircraft carrier.
Transport Capacity: This affects the total amount of aircraft that can be held by a carrier. 1 Point equals one fighter squadron.
Anti-Air Measures: This affects the ability of the ship itself to respond against airborne attacks.


None at this time.

Design Bonuses

Brazil: 1
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland: 1

Current Designs

Spoiler :

Atlantico-class Carrier
Designer: Brazil
Design Year: 1917
Construction Rights: None
Cost: 50 EP, 1 Manpower
Engines: 4
Transport Capacity: 1
Air Force Units

Unlike Naval and Army Units, there is only one set of stats for the creation of an Air Force plane. This does mean that while there are qualifications such as "Bomber" or "Fighter" these are solely dependent on exactly what stats you give to your design. Unlike naval vessels or armored vehicles, all planes MUST have at least 1 point in engines if you expect them to fly anywhere. Similar to armored vehicles, there will be assorted modules that you can attach to planes, and you can pay a more expensive cost to upgrade a design's points, rather than create a new one from scratch. In relation to unit costs, all aircraft will be produced in terms of squadrons and will cost at least one manpower. This isn't due to all approximately three thousand of that manpower actually flying aircraft. Instead, less than 100 of those people will actually be pilots, the rest will be support crews, mechanics, and other individuals needed for the construction and maintenance of the aircraft.

The Stats for Propeller Planes are as follows:
Engines: This stat affects how much weight a plane can carry, partially the speed, and the overall size of the aircraft. For reference, consider that 1 point into Engines can support one module or two points into Bombing Capacity or Guns. Any excess will add additional speed to the aircraft.
Guns: These represent the number of machine guns or light cannons present on a craft. They are used for engaging other aircraft. For reference purposes, consider one point into guns equal to one machine gun.
Bombing Capacity: This stat affects how many bombs the plane can hold for strategic purposes. The amount of bombs this actually represents is determined by how big the planes actually are, as decided by the amount you put into engines.
Aerodynamics: This stat greatly affects the speed of an aircraft, maximum altitude, and overall fuel efficiency of a plane.

Each Point for a Aircraft Design costs 30 EP

Each Point to add to an Aircraft Design costs 45 EP. This does not upgrade older craft of the original design.

Available Modules

Seaplane Floats: This allows the plane that the module is attached to land upon bodies of water, allowing them to better accompany ships, extending their viable range. Costs 20 EP to add to a new Propeller Aircraft Design.

Propeller Aircraft Designs List

Design Bonuses

Germany: 3
Franco-Burgundian Confederation: 2
Russia: 2
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland: 2
Brazil: 1
Cuba: 1
Italy: 1

Spoiler :

Cannock-Type Reconnaissance Aircraft
Designer: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Design Year: 1909
Construction Rights: United States of America, Florida, Jacksonia, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Colombia, Puerto Rico, Hispaniola
Cost: 10 EP for 1 Squadron.
Engines: 1

Friedman L1 (FrL1) Bomber Biplane Aircraft
Designer: Austria
Design Year: 1910
Construction Rights: Spain, Cechy-Morava, Germany, Italy, Japan
Cost: 50 EP for 1 Squadron
Engines: 2
Bombing Capacity: 3

Plymouth-type Fighter Triplane
Designer: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Design Year: 1915
Construction Rights: None
Cost: 40 EP for 1 Squadron
Engines: 2
Guns: 2

Adler-type 100 (AdF100) Bomber Biplane Aircraft
Designer: Germany
Design Year: 1915
Construction Rights: None
Cost: 100 EP for 1 Squadron
Engines: 7
Guns: 1
Bombing Capacity: 4

Model P-16 "Arara" Fighter Plane
Designer: Brazil
Design Year: 1916
Construction Rights: None
Cost: 25 EP for 1 Squadron
Engines: 3
Guns: 2
Aerodynamics: 1

Ferdinand-Type (FTA1) Fighter Biplane
Designer: Italy
Design Year: 1916
Construction Rights: Spain (Monarchists), Germany, Russia, Japan
Cost: 50 EP for 1 Squadron
Engines: 3
Guns: 2

A-165 "Shark" Light Fighter Plane
Designer: Cuba
Design Year: 1917
Construction Rights: None
Cost: 10 EP for 1 Squadron
Engines: 1
Guns: 1
Aerodynamics: 1

Voleur-type Fighter Plane
Designer: Franco-Burgundian Confederation
Design Year: 1917
Construction Rights: Occitania, Netherlands
Cost: 25 EP for 1 Squadron
Engines: 3
Guns: 2
Aerodynamics: 1

Vizelle-type Bomber
Designer: Franco-Burgundian Confederation
Design Year: 1917
Construction Rights: Occitania, Netherlands
Cost: 35 EP for 1 Squadron
Engines: 4
Guns: 1
Bombing Capacity: 2
Aerodynamics: 1
-Seaborne Landing/Takeoff Module

C-1917 Fighter Plane
Designer: Russia
Design Year: 1917
Construction Rights: None
Cost: 30 EP for 1 Squadron
Engines: 3
Guns: 3
Aerodynamics: 2

Verband FTA-1-2 Fighter
Designer: Germany
Design Year: 1918
Construction Rights: Italy
Cost: 50 EP for 1 Squadron
Engines: 4
Guns: 2
Aerodynamics: 1

Z-1918 Bomber
Designer: Russia
Design Year: 1918
Construction Rights: None
Cost: 30 EP for 1 Squadron
Engines: 4
Guns: 1
Bombing Capacity: 3
Aerodynamics: 2
Terminology and Notes: Staying In Character

The world is a different place than we know it, therefore, I'm providing here some brief terms, treaties and other notes that are of major importance to any governing leader. All should be familiar with these, or else risk looking like an idiot. I also am addressing the current definition of very political groups here, as a quick reference. Some politics are different, others are similar to what you may know from our own history. This section will be updated with relevant information in time.

Political Terminology

The descriptions below are broad, based on the era to cover 1900-2000, and will likely change inherent meanings based on the world that is created and the time that passes. Furthermore, each political movement will likely differ in aims to a degree based on the nation they are located in.

Traditional Proletarist (Short Name: Proletarist): A political ideology that advocates the violent overthrow of a political system such as a monarchy or democracy, bringing about a dictatorship of the people. This theory of a Proletarist state is that the first stage of true proletarism is a new absolutist government centralized in a group of individuals until the last traces of capitalism are eradicated and the world is united under a proletarist banner. At this stage, the reigning dictatorship would resign, and true proletarism would be had for all the people.

Social Proletarist (Short Name: Socialist): While the end goal of social proletarism is the same as the traditional outlook, it's a more realistic approach for a democratic society. In wealthier states, it is felt that the authoritarian outlook of traditional proletarist ideals is too extreme. Therefore, in a ideal social proletarist development, a democratic regime change would take place, yielding to an elected government of the people. The new government then would guide the nation and world to a peaceful transition to a worker's paradise.


Liberal: In this era, a liberal regime favors government regulation of markets to a limited degree, and in some cases nationalization of vital industries. They are also traditionally extremely republican and fervent in the defense of democracy.

Moderate: A moderate regime seeks a balance between the norms of conservatives and liberals, and stays far away from radical ideologies. Some dictators are known to be moderates, playing a dangerous game of balance against all political theaters.

Conservative: A conservative regime traditionally supports the free market and corporations, encouraging captains of industry and the development of business. Both conservative republics and dictators are known, yielding to the whims and boons of the market.

Reactionary: A reactionary regime seeks the return of a old version of the status quo, whether true or false in a historical sense. The reactionaries are typically violent and anti-proletarist to an extreme. They favor the establishment of an absolute monarchy or the weakening of an existing legislature.

Recommended Reading

Now I have to say that in most NESes, I've never felt the need to include what I've researched and read to establish a background. That's because, to be perfectly honest, in the past that's included a veritable Kevin Bacon chain of links on Wikipedia and unverifiable Internet sources. Not so here! My undergraduate degree in history focused upon the history of the twentieth century, especially the military history. The period of 1900-2000 is one with which I am intimately familiar and been studying constantly all my life. To this end, I'd like to provide you with a list of the sources and books I've used for reference to establish the tech tree and other events that will emerge over the next four RL years. This includes factual textbooks as well as speculative fiction and writings to help us project the ideas for the 2000-2100 technological period. All the books on this list I highly recommend to any avid readers or scholars of history, especially historians of the modern age.

A quick guide to what exactly I've used this knowledge for, in case it seems as though these texts are irrelevant to an alternative history (which they may seem at a glance):

1. Establishing a formula for sociological reactions to player actions and random events, based on varying regions, nations, and religions.

2. Creating a ornate technological tree which is intertwined with the actions of players as well as the societies and governments which emerge. This includes linking the advancements of private or non-military interests with the projects solely under military or government administration. Also, some efforts have been made into forecasting the possibilities of the twenty-first century technological advancement

3. Guiding the actions of NPCs in the upcoming NES, based on their region's history, society, and culture as it evolved through the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

4. Establishing new formulas for the rise of tyrannical governments based on ideology, which is one of the cornerstones of the twentieth century.

5. Creating a realistic approach to the development of militaries and the radical changes that most armies have undergone since 1900.

The List

This is a complete list of every book I've referenced in working on the rules and formulas for the new phase of Capto Iugulum. It's not a formal bibliography of any kind, just a simple list, with title and author(s)/editor(s). I have organized this by title, not by author. Once more, I simply hope that some of you will take a chance to read these, and if you already have, you'll have a bit of an idea of where I'm coming from with events and NPCs. I'll be adding more texts as I use them, as after all, history is an evolving creature.

Spoiler :

A Broken World: 1919-1939. Raymond J. Sontag.

A History of Brazil. E. Bradford Burns.

American Foreign Relations. John Gange.

America, Russia, and the Cold War: 1945-2006. Walter LaFeber.

A Peace to End All Peace. David Fromkin.

Atlas of the Second World War. John Keegan.

Britain and Empire: Adjusting to a Post-Imperial World. L.J. Butler.

China's Bitter Victory: The War With Japan, 1937-1945. James C. Hsiung and Steven I. Levine.

Essentials of International Relations. Karen A. Mingst.

For the Common Defense: A Military History of the United States of America. Allan R. Millett and Peter Maslowski.

Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies. Jared Diamond.

Hard Times: An Oral History of the Great Depression. Studs Terkel.

Inside the Cold War: An Oral History. John Sharnik.

Modern East Asia: From 1600, A Cultural, Social, and Political History. Ebrey, Walthall, and Palais.

Modern Europe: 1660-1945. Roger Williams.

Modern Tyrants. Daniel Chirot.

My Tank is Fight! Zack Parsons.

Nations and Nationalism since 1780. E.J. Hobsbawm.

Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland. Christopher R. Browning.

Ornamentalism: How the British Saw Their Empire. David Cannadine.

Politics and Change in the Middle East: Sources of Conflict and Accomodation. Roy R. Andersen, Robert F. Seibert, and Jon G. Wagner.

Russia in the Twentieth Century. M.K. Dziewanowski.

Science and Technology in World History. James E. McClellan and Harold Dorn.

Sophisticated Rebels: The Political Culture of European Dissent; 1968-1987. H. Stuart Hughes.

Soviet Military Interventions Since 1945. Ellen Berends.

The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of the World Order. Samuel P. Huntington.

The Cold War: A History Through Documents. Edward H. Judge and John W. Langdon.

The Construction of Nationhood: Ethnicity, Religion, and Nationalism. Adrian Hastings.

The Next 100 Years: A Forecast for the 21st Century. George Friedman.

The Rise and Fall of the British Empire. Lawrence James.

The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers. Paul Kennedy.

The Strategic Quadrangle. Michael Mandelbaum.

The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century. Thomas L. Friedman.

Weapons of World War Two. Alexander Ludeke.
Spoiler :

Absolute Monarchy: King Tvrtko (Conservative)
Capital: Sarajevo
Manpower: 39 (+1)
Economic Points: 2 (+11)
Domestic Spending: -1
-Education: -1 (1)
Stability: 7
Army: 8 Infantry Brigades
Army Quality: 11
Army Doctrine: Vojska Srbije Doktrina 1911

Brittany: Gem Hound
Constitutional Monarchy: King Henry V (Conservative)/Plaid Geidwadol (Conservative)
Capital: Nantes
Manpower: 646 (+7)
Economic Points: 117 (+57)
Domestic Spending : -12 EP
-Education: -7 (7)
-Nationalized Business: -5 (5)
Stability: 8
Army: 55 Infantry Brigades, 30 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 7
Army Doctrine: British Royal Guard 1909
Navy: 4 Early Destroyers
Navy Quality: 8

Absolute Monarchy: King Yavor (Conservative)
Capital: Sofia
Manpower: 329 (+5)
Economic Points: 20 (+51)
Domestic Spending: -5 EP
-Education: -5 (5)
Stability: 5
Army: 59 Infantry Brigades, 2 Cavalry Brigades, 14 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 9
Army Doctrine: Bulgarian Unified Legion 1914
Navy: 6 Romanos-class Destroyers, 2 Chościsko-class Light Cruisers, 2 Lioness-Class Battlecruisers
Navy Quality: 8

Republic: Czech National Party (Liberal)
Capital: Prague
Manpower: 414 (+5)
Economic Points: 214 (+58)
Domestic Spending: -5 EP
-Education: -5 (5)
Stability: 9
Army: 50 Infantry Brigades, 4 Cavalry Brigades, 20 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 12
Army Doctrine: Ejército Imperial Español 1909
Air Force: 2 FrL1 Bomber Squadrons
Air Force Quality: 1

Constitutional Monarchy: King Sampiero III (Moderate)/Party of Tradition (Conservative)
Capital: Ajaccio
Manpower: 64 (+1)
Economic Points: 57 (+25)
Domestic Spending : -2 EP
-Education: -2 (1)
Stability: 8
Army: 13 Infantry Brigades, 2 Cavalry Brigades, 3 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 4
Army Doctrine: Ejército Imperial Español 1909
Navy: 1 Nordenfelt-class Submarines, 4 Vigilant-class Destroyers, 2 Castile-class Light Cruisers, 1 Eendracht-class Heavy Cruiser, 1 Chasseur-class Battlecruiser
Navy Quality: 5

Absolute Monarchy: King Mirko (Conservative)
Capital: Zagreb
Manpower: 457 (+5)
Economic Points: 77 (+44)
Domestic Spending: -5 EP
-Education: -5 (5)
Stability: 8
Army: 40 Infantry Brigades, 6 Cavalry Brigades, 8 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 14
Army Doctrine: Croatian National Army 1915
Navy: 10 Zygmunt-class Destroyers, 3 Lioness-class Battlecruisers
Navy Quality: 13

Constitutional Monarchy: King Leopold II (Liberal)/Social Democratic Party (Liberal)
Capital: Copenhagen
Manpower: 225 (+3)
Economic Points: 9 (+57)
Domestic Spending : -5 EP
-Education: -5 (3)
Stability: 7
Army: 15 Infantry Brigades, 1 Cavalry Brigade, 8 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 12
Army Doctrine: Triple Alliance Army Doctrine 1904
Navy: 10 Kystnaere-class Destroyers, 6 Luther-class Light Cruisers, 1 Eendracht-class Heavy Cruiser, 1 King Juan-class Battleship
Navy Quality: 10
Colonies: 5
Spoiler :

Iceland and Greenland: 5
-Manpower: 3
-Garrison: 1 Infantry Brigade
-Stability: 7

Franco-Burgundian Confederation: spryllino
Constitutional Monarchy: King Joseph (Moderate)/Septembrists (Liberal)
Capital: Paris
Manpower: 5,772 (+56)
Economic Points: 183 (+478)
Domestic Spending : -65 EP
-Education: -65 (58)
Stability: 6
Army: 254 Infantry Brigades, 2 La Croix-Blanche Brigades, 14 Cavalry Brigades, 12 M1916 VB Brigades, 79 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 18
Army Doctrine: Confederate Army 1910
Navy: 4 Nordenfelt-class Submarines, 2 Early Destroyers, 15 Vigilant-class Destroyers, 30 Magicienne-class Destroyers, 10 Duisburg-class Light Cruisers, 1 Early Heavy Cruiser, 3 Ziemowit-class Heavy Cruisers, 6 Chasseur-class Battlecruisers, 3 Maryland-class Battleships, 3 Frisia-class Battleships
Navy Quality: 9
Air Force: 6 Voleur-type Fighter Squadrons, 6 Vizelle-type Bomber Squadrons
Air Force Quality: 2
Colonies: 38
Spoiler :

Benin: 20
-Manpower: 90
-Garrison: 29 Infantry Brigades, 3 Cavalry Brigades, 7 Artillery Brigades
-Stability: 8
French Central Africa: 15
-Manpower: 40
-Garrison: 30 Infantry Brigades, 3 Cavalry Brigades, 8 Artillery Brigades
-Stability: 8
Maldives: 3
-Manpower: 0
-Garrison: 1 Infantry Brigade
-Stability: 10

Germany: TheLizardKing
Constitutional Monarchy: Emperor Francis (Conservative)/Victorious Opposition Party (Conservative)
Capital: Munich
Manpower: 6,918 (+53)
Economic Points: 259 (+520)
Domestic Spending : -80 EP
-Education: -70 (69)
-Secret Police: -10
Stability: 9
Army: 295 Infantry Brigades, 2 Kommando Brigades, 87 Artillery Brigades, 1 M1911 VB Brigade, 6 M1916 VB Brigades
Army Quality: 13
Army Doctrine: Ejército Imperial Español 1909
Navy: 10 Nordenfelt-class Submarines, 38 Tridente-class Submarines, 4 Zygmunt-class Destroyers, 3 Akizuku-class Destroyers, 1 Ziemowit-class Heavy Cruiser, 2 Lioness-class Battlecruisers, 2 Maryland-class Battleships
Navy Quality: 9
Air Force: 4 Verband FTA1-2 Fighter Squadrons
Air Force Quality: 2

Hungary: (Reserved for previous player until October 15, 2012)
Absolute Monarchy: King Vladislaus IV (Conservative)
Capital: Budapest
Manpower: 1,534 (+15)
Economic Points: 0 (+79)
Domestic Spending : -24 EP
-Education: -16 (16)
-Secret Police: -8
Stability: 8
Army: 50 Infantry Brigades, 11 Cavalry Brigades, 6 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 17
Army Doctrine: Magyar Birodalmi Army 1916
Rebuilding Hungary Program: 150/300

Italy: Nailix
Constitutional Monarchy: King Ferdinand (Conservative)/Democratic Society Party (Liberal)
Capital: Naples
Manpower: 4,259 (+41)
Economic Points: 126 (+324)
Domestic Spending : -39 EP
-Education: -39 (43)
Stability: 7
Army: 208 Infantry Brigades, 12 Cavalry Brigades, 44 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 9
Army Doctrine: Magyar Birodalmi Army 1916
Navy: 2 Tridente-class Submarines, 12 Furacão-class Destroyers, 6 Sicilia-class Light Cruisers, 1 Early Heavy Cruiser, 7 Lioness-class Battlecruisers
Navy Quality: 5
Colonies: 5
Spoiler :

Tripoli: 5
-Manpower: 0
-Garrison: 25 Infantry Brigades, 4 Forze Speciali Brigades
-Stability: 7

Netherlands: Zelet Dude
Republic: Center Party (Moderate)
Capital: Antwerp
Manpower: 1,573 (+16)
Economic Points: 1 (+189)
Domestic Spending : -55 EP
-Education: -20 (16)
-Healthcare: -25 (32)
-Pensions: -10 (16)
Stability: 6
Army: 86 Infantry Brigades, 18 Cavalry Brigades, 3 M1916 VB Brigades, 31 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 10
Army Doctrine: Confederate Army 1910
Navy: 3 Numancia-class Destroyers, 5 Romanos-class Destroyers, 6 Vigilant-class Destroyers, 6 Magicienne-class Destroyers, 1 Early Light Cruiser, 8 Duisbourg-class Light Cruisers, 4 Eendracht-class Heavy Cruisers, 7 Chasseur-class Battlecruisers, 2 Conquistador-class Battleships, 2 Frisia-class Battleships
Navy Quality: 15
Air Force: 1 P-16 Fighter Squadron
Air Force Quality: 1
Colonies: 84
Spoiler :

Ceylon: 13
-Manpower: 30
-Garrison: 4 Infantry Brigades, 1 Artillery Brigade
-Stability: 6
Dutch East Indies: 60
-Manpower: 223
-Garrison: 12 Infantry Brigades, 5 Cavalry Brigades, 7 Artillery Brigades, 2 Vigilant-class Destroyers, 4 Magicienne-class Destroyers, 14 Oporto-class Destroyers, 3 Duisbourg-class Light Cruisers, 3 Eendracht-class Heavy Cruisers, 4 Chasseur-class Battlecruisers, 1 Frisia-class Battleship
-Stability: 7
Dutch Pacific Islands: 2
-Manpower: 0
-Garrison: 3 Infantry Brigades
-Stability: 9
Goudkust: 3
-Manpower: 10
-Garrison: 3 Infantry Brigades
-Stability: 8
Kabinde: 5
-Manpower: 20
-Garrison: 4 Infantry Brigades, 2 Cavalry Brigades
-Stability: 7
Indian Ocean Islands: 2
-Manpower: 0
-Garrison: 5 Infantry Brigades, 1 M1916 VB Brigade, 2 Artillery Brigades
-Stability: 10

Hall of Nations: 58/100

Occitania: J.K. Stockholme
Constitutional Monarchy: King Louis III (Moderate)/National Unity Party (Conservative)
Capital: Toulouse
Manpower: 1,536 (+15)
Economic Points: 23 (+87)
Domestic Spending : -18 EP
-Education: -18 (16)
Stability: 8
Army: 71 Infantry Brigades, 1 Section Two Brigade, 10 Cavalry Brigades, 19 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 14
Army Doctrine: Occitanian Home Army 1914
Navy: 1 Tridente-class Submarine, 2 Zygmunt-class Destroyers
Navy Quality: 2

Papal State: Jehoshua
Theocracy: Pope Paul VI (Moderate)
Capital: Rome
Manpower: 499 (+6)
Economic Points: 20 (+36)
Domestic Spending : -25 EP
-Education: -10 (5)
-Inquisition: -15
Stability: 7
Army: 20 Infantry Brigades, 15 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 10
Army Doctrine: Ejército Imperial Español 1890
Navy: 1 Early Submarine
Navy Quality: 5

Portugal: Tycho
Constitutional Monarchy: King Pedro VI (Conservative)/King's Honor Party (Conservative)
Capital: Lisbon
Manpower: 966 (+8)
Economic Points: 295 (+56)
Domestic Spending : -10 EP
-Education: -10 (10)
Stability: 9
Army: 24 Infantry Brigades, 2 Cavalry Brigades, 5 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 11
Army Doctrine: Royal Portuguese Army 1909
Navy: 6 Oporto-class Destroyers, 1 Joao-class Heavy Cruiser, 2 Chasseur-class Battlecruisers
Navy Quality: 9

Roman Empire: bestshot9
Absolute Monarchy: Imperator Panagiotis (Conservative)
Capital: Constantinople
Manpower: 3,494 (+31)
Economic Points: 79 (+110)
Domestic Spending : -35 EP
-Education: -20 (36)
-Internal Security Bureau: -15
Stability: 6
Army: 105 Infantry Brigades, 1 Praetorian Guard Brigade, 7 Cavalry Brigades, 18 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 12
Army Doctrine: Roman Legion 1917
Navy: 3 Nordenfelt-class Submarines, 6 Romanos-class Destroyers, 2 Early Light Cruisers, 1 Early Heavy Cruiser, 2 Christine-class Battleships
Navy Quality: 8

Romania: BILLSIF
Absolute Monarchy: King Nicholas (Conservative)
Capital: Bucharest
Manpower: 1,065 (+12)
Economic Points: 149 (+72)
Domestic Spending: -18 EP
-Education: -18 (11)
Stability: 7
Army: 60 Infantry Brigades, 8 Cavalry Brigades, 28 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 11
Army Doctrine: Russian Imperial Army 1910

Russia: TheLastJacobite
Absolute Monarchy: Emperor Mikhail (Conservative)
Capital: Moscow
Manpower: 15,423 (+148)
Economic Points: 509 (+600)
Domestic Spending : -90 EP
-Agricultural Surveyors: -10
-Education: -50 (155)
-Secret Police: -30
Stability: 6
Army: 592 Infantry Brigades, 3 Emperor's Hand Brigades, 51 Cavalry Brigades, 1 T-17 Brigade, 182 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 17
Army Doctrine: Russian Imperial Army 1910
Navy: 4 Early Submarines, 5 Nordenfelt-class Submarines, 8 Harpoon-class Submarines, 8 Early Destroyers, 3 Zygmunt-class Destroyers, 3 Early Light Cruisers, 5 Luther-class Light Cruisers, 3 Sicilia-class Light Cruisers, 1 Early Heavy Cruiser, 1 Ziemowit-class Heavy Cruiser, 1 [Chasseur-class Battlecruiser, 3 King Juan-class Battleships
Navy Quality: 8
Air Force: 3 C-1917 Fighter Squadrons
Air Force Quality: 2

Sardinia: Agent 89
Constitutional Monarchy: King Matteo (Moderate)/King's Honor Party (Conservative)
Capital: Cagliari
Manpower: 403 (+5)
Economic Points: 15 (+112)
Domestic Spending : -5 EP
-Education: -5 (5)
Stability: 9
Army: 22 Infantry Brigades, 4 Cavalry Brigades, 12 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 7
Army Doctrine: Ejército Imperial Español 1909
Navy: 11 Nordenfelt-class Submarines, 3 Tridente-class Submarines, 14 Early Destroyers, 10 Numancia-class Destroyers, 14 Vigilant-class Destroyers, 3 Oporto-class Destroyers, 4 Early Light Cruisers, 3 Castile-class Light Cruisers, 5 Early Heavy Cruisers, 3 Eendracht-class Heavy Cruisers, 6 Chasseur-class Battlecruisers, 2 Lioness-class Battlecruisers, 3 Hercules-class Battleships, 1 Conquistador-class Battleship, 1 Maryland-class Battleship
Navy Quality: 12
Colonies: 25
Spoiler :

Tunis: 25
-Manpower: 30
-Garrison: 36 Infantry Brigades, 10 Cavalry Brigades, 3 Artillery Brigades
-Stability: 6

Scandinavia: Lord of Elves
Proletarist Dictatorship: Syndic Karl Mannerheim (Traditional Proletarist)
Capital: Stockholm
Manpower: 1,088 (+14)
Economic Points: 60 (+312)
Domestic Spending : -15 EP
-Border Security: -3
-Education: -12 (11)
Stability: 8
Army: 126 Infantry Brigades, 9 Cavalry Brigades, 25 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 15
Army Doctrine: Fatherland Proletarian Army 1913
Navy: 10 Nordenfelt-class Submarines, 6 Romanos-class Destroyers, 24 Vigilant-class Destroyers, 36 Interdictor-class Destroyers, 3 Chasseur-class Battlecruisers, 3 Maryland-class Battleships
Navy Quality: 12
Military Railway: 50/200

Absolute Monarchy: King Adrijan (Reactionary)
Capital: Belgrade
Manpower: 219 (+3)
Economic Points: 0 (+47)
Domestic Spending : -5 EP
-Education: -5 (3)
Stability: 5
Army: 14 Infantry Brigades, 5 Cavalry Brigades, 3 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 12
Army Doctrine: Vojska Srbije Doktrina 1911
Navy: 3 Early Destroyers, 1 Early Light Cruiser, 1 Early Heavy Cruiser
Navy Quality: 5
Grand Modernization Project: 100/400

Spain: Nintz
Constitutional Monarchy: Emperor Philip X (Conservative)/Unión Liberal Española (Liberal)
Capitol: Madrid
Manpower: 2,046 (+21)
Economic Points: 150 (+302)
Domestic Spending: -18 EP
-Education: -18 (20)
Stability: 8
Army: 86 Conscript Brigades, 94 Infantry Brigades, 1 Tizona Brigade, 22 Cavalry Brigades, 67 Artillery Brigades, 3 M1916 VB Brigades
Army Quality: 17
Army Doctrine: Ejército Imperial Español 1909
Navy: 23 Vigilant-class Destroyers, 6 Akizuku-class Destroyers, 5 Castile-class Light Cruisers, 3 Eendracht-class Heavy Cruisers, 2 Chasseur-class Battlecruisers, 2 Conquistador-class Battleships
Navy Quality: 15
Air Force: 1 P-16 Fighter Squadron, 2 C-1917 Fighter Squadrons, 3 Voleur-type Fighter Squadrons
Air Force Quality: 3
Colonies: 40
Spoiler :

Egypt: 15
-Manpower: 0
-Garrison: 17 Infantry Brigades, 2 Cavalry Brigades, 6 Artillery Brigades
-Stability: 6
Malta: 5
-Manpower: 2
-Garrison: 1 Infantry Brigades
-Stability: 7
Spanish Central Africa: 5
-Manpower: 50
-Garrison: None
-Stability: 7
Spanish India: 5
-Manpower: 20
-Garrison: 5 Infantry Brigades, 2 Cavalry Brigades, 1 Artillery Brigade
-Stability: 7
Spanish North Africa: 10
-Manpower: 93
-Garrison: 5 Infantry Brigades, 4 Cavalry Brigades, 3 Artillery Brigades
-Stability: 7

Switzerland: TerrisH
Republic: Swiss National Party (Conservative)
Capital: St Gallen
Manpower: 17 (+1)
Economic Points: 0 (+8)
Domestic Spending: -2 EP
-Education: -2 (1)
-Healthcare: -1 (1)
Stability: 10
Army: 4 Infantry Brigades, 2 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 12
Army Doctrine: Ejército Imperial Español 1909

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland: Circuit
Constitutional Monarchy: King Richard IV (Moderate)/Labour Party (Liberal)
Capital: London
Manpower: 6,385 (+58)
Economic Points: 710 (+612)
Domestic Spending : -146 EP
-Agriculture Subsidies: -10
-Business Subsidies: -10
-Education: -60 (64)
-Imperial Intelligence Agency: -35
-Industrial Subsidies: -15
-Pension System: -6 (64)
-Science Subsidies: -10
Stability: 9
Army: 129 Infantry Brigades, 13 Cavalry Brigades, 13 Artillery Brigades, 1 M1 "Prussia" Tank Brigade
Army Quality: 14
Army Doctrine: British Royal Guard 1909
Navy: 4 Trovão-class Destroyers, 27 Furacão-class Destroyers, 10 Ravenous-class Destroyers, 11 Chościsko-class Light Cruisers, 5 Lioness-class Battlecruisers, 1 Olympus-class Battleship, 4 Maryland-class Battleships, 3 Kronos-class Battleships
Navy Quality: 17
Air Force: 2 Cannock-Type Recon Squadrons
Air Force Quality: 1
Colonies: 206
Spoiler :

Australia: 22
-Manpower: 80
-Garrison: 3 Infantry Brigades, 1 Cavalry Brigade, 1 Artillery Brigade
-Stability: 9
British Central Africa: 6
-Manpower: 5
-Garrison: 1 Conscript Brigade
-Stability: 8
British Pacific Islands: 8
-Manpower: 0
-Garrison: 2 Infantry Brigades
-Stability: 10
British South Africa: 24
-Manpower: 99
-Garrison: 3 Conscript Brigades, 15 Infantry Brigades, 1 Cavalry Brigade, 3 Artillery Brigades, 2 Trovão-class Destroyers, 2 Early Light Cruisers
-Stability: 6
British West Africa: 15
-Manpower: 25
-Garrison: 9 Infantry Brigades, 2 Cavalry Brigades, 3 Artillery Brigades
-Stability: 9
British West Indies: 6
-Manpower: 0
-Garrison: 1 Infantry Brigade
-Stability: 10
Brunei: 10
-Manpower: 10
-Garrison: 4 Infantry Brigades, 2 Cavalry Brigades
-Stability: 9
Dumyat: 27
-Manpower: 0
-Garrison: 4 Infantry Brigades
-Stability: 7
Formosa and Hainan: 20
-Manpower: 30
-Garrison: 2 Infantry Brigades, 2 Early Light Cruisers, 2 Early Heavy Cruisers
-Stability: 8
Indochina: 70
-Manpower: 248
-Garrison: 8 Infantry Brigades, 2 Cavalry Brigades, 4 Artillery Brigades
-Stability: 8
Madagascar: 4
-Manpower: 0
-Garrison: 3 Infantry Brigades
-Stability: 5
Prince Edward Island: 2
-Manpower: 10
-Garrison: 1 Infantry Brigade
-Stability: 10

Suez City Project: 50/200
The Americas
Spoiler :

Argentina: theDright
Republic: National Conservative Party (Conservative)
Capital: Buenos Aires
Manpower: 1,741 (+17)
Economic Points: 155 (+209)
Domestic Spending : -22 EP
-Education: -22 (18)
Stability: 7
Army: 66 Infantry Brigades, 2 Shrouded Suns Brigades, 33 Cavalry Brigades, 27 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 7
Army Doctrine: British Royal Guard 1909
Navy: 5 Rios-class River Boats, 10 Tridente-class Submarines, 20 Trovão-class Destroyers, 5 Zygmunt-class Destroyers, 13 Furacão-class Destroyers, 1 Oporto-class Destroyer, 5 Chościsko-class Light Cruisers, 4 Lioness-class Battlecruisers, 1 Resiliência-class Battleship, 2 Maryland-class Battleships
Navy Quality: 12
Air Force: 4 Cannock-type Aircraft Squadrons, 1 P-16 Fighter Squadron
Air Force Quality: 1
Argentine Public Development Fund: 105/900

Republic: Democratic Party (Liberal)
Capital: Oaxaca
Manpower: 703 (+7)
Economic Points: 0 (+62)
Domestic Spending: -8 EP
-Education: -8 (8)
Stability: 8
Army: 18 Infantry Brigades, 3 Cavalry Brigades, 9 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 12
Army Doctrine: Pacific Coast Army 1915
Navy: 7 Zygmunt-class Destroyers
Navy Quality: 3
Electrification Project:162/200

Brazil: Luckymoose
Constitutional Monarchy: Emperor Pedro III (Reactionary)/Partido Conservador (Conservative)
Capital: Rio de Janeiro
Manpower: 4,249 (+38)
Economic Points: 269 (+248)
Domestic Spending : -120 EP
-Aeronautics Subsidies: -5
-Education: -80 (43)
-Federal Intelligence Services: -5
-Pensions: -20 (43)
-Science Subsidies: -10
Stability: 8
Army: 59 Infantry Brigades, 1 Cobras Brigade, 10 Cavalry Brigades, 26 Artillery Brigades, 2 M1 "Prussia" Tank Brigades
Army Quality: 10
Army Doctrine: British Royal Guard 1909
Navy: 16 Tridente-class Submarines, 5 Rio-class River Boats, 25 Furacão-class Destroyers, 5 Ravenous-class Destroyers, 4 Chościsko-class Light Cruisers, 4 Lioness-class Battlecruisers, 2 Olympus-class Battleships, 3 Maryland-class Battleships, 4 Kronos-class Battleships, 1 Atlantico-class Carrier
Navy Quality: 16
Air Force: 2 Cannock-type Aircraft Squadrons, 6 P-16 Fighter Squadrons, 2 A-165 Fighter Squadrons
Air Force Quality: 3
Colonies: 5
Spoiler :

Brazilian Caribbean: 5
-Manpower: 0
-Garrison: 2 Infantry Brigades, 1 Artillery Brigade, 1 Cannock Type-Aircraft Squadron
-Stability: 9

Expeditionary Forces:
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Angola Defense Force: 5 Infantry Brigades, 1 Cavalry Brigades, 1 Artillery Brigade, 1 P-16 Fighter Squadron
Panama Canal Base Garrison: 2 Infantry Brigades, 1 Artillery Brigade, 1 Cannock-Type Aircraft Squadron, 1 A-165 Fighter Squadron

Presidential Dictatorship: Pablo Montoya (Conservative)
Capital: Santiago
Manpower: 797 (+7)
Economic Points: 1 (+39)
Domestic Spending : -8 EP
-Education: -8 (8)
Stability: 6
Army: 32 Infantry Brigades, 7 Cavalry Brigades, 7 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 5
Army Doctrine: United States Army 1890
Navy: 9 Dominic-class Destroyers
Navy Quality: 4
Montoya Line: 310/400

Colombia: DrSeward
Republic: Party of Tradition (Conservative)
Capital: Bogota
Manpower: 597 (+6)
Economic Points: 7 (+83)
Domestic Spending : -7 EP
-Education: -7 (7)
Stability: 10
Army: 38 Infantry Brigades, 8 Cavalry Brigades, 17 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 8
Army Doctrine: British Royal Guard 1909
Navy: 10 Furacão-class Destroyers, 2 Chościsko-class Light Cruisers, 1 Ziemowit-class Heavy Cruiser, 3 Lioness-class Battlecruisers, 1 Maryland-class Battleship
Navy Quality: 4
Infrastructure Construction Program: 150/350

Costa Rica
Presidential Dictatorship: Cesar Mencia (Moderate)
Capital: San Jose
Manpower: 113 (+1)
Economic Points: 60 (+14)
Domestic Spending: -2 EP
-Education: -2 (2)
Stability: 4
Army: 6 Infantry Brigades, 1 Cavalry Brigade, 2 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 9
Army Doctrine: British Royal Army 1890

Cuba: EmperorBao
Republic: Democratic Party (Liberal)
Capital: Havana
Manpower: 170 (+2)
Economic Points: 35 (+36)
Domestic Spending: -2
-Education: -2 (2)
Stability: 7
Army: 26 Infantry Brigades, 5 Cavalry Brigades, 5 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 9
Army Doctrine: Ejército Imperial Español 1890
Navy: 14 Trovão-class Destroyers, 1 Lioness-class Battlecruiser
Navy Quality: 5
Air Force: 2 A-165 Fighter Squadrons
Air Force Quality: 1

Constitutional Monarchy: King Manuel (Conservative)/National Social Party (Liberal)
Capital: Quito
Manpower: 265 (+3)
Economic Points: 0 (+31)
Domestic Spending : -3 EP
-Education: -3 (3)
Stability: 7
Army: 18 Infantry Brigades, 1 Artillery Brigade
Army Quality: 7
Army Doctrine: Russian Imperial Army 1910
Navy: 2 Zygmunt-class Destroyers
Navy Quality: 5
Electrification Project: 59/100
University Project: 59/120

Capital: Dallas
Manpower: 1,513 (+15)
Economic Points: 0 (+54)
Domestic Spending: -16 EP
-Education: -16 (16)
Stability: 9
Army: 28 Infantry Brigades, 10 Cavalry Brigades, 7 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 16
Army Doctrine: American Federal Army 1912
Navy: 4 Zygmunt-class Destroyers, 2 Lioness-class Battlecruisers, 1 Maryland-class Battleship
Navy Quality: 15
Grand Defense Project Phase One: 66/250

Republic: The Pesados (Conservative)
Capital: Santo Domingo
Manpower: 44 (+1)
Economic Points: 23 (+20)
Domestic Spending: -1
-Education -1 (1)
Stability: 9
Army: 4 Infantry Brigades, 1 Artillery Brigade
Army Quality: 10
Army Doctrine: British Royal Guard 1909
Air Force: 1 P-16 Fighter Squadron
Air Force Quality: 1

Republic: The Pesados (Liberal)
Capital: Tegucigalpa
Manpower: 196 (+2)
Economic Points: 17 (+24)
Domestic Spending: -2 EP
-Education: -2 (2)
Stability: 8
Army: 15 Infantry Brigades, 2 Cavalry Brigades, 6 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 8
Army Doctrine: British Royal Army 1890
Navy: 4 Early Destroyers
Navy Quality: 3
Air Force: 2 P-16 Fighter Squadrons
Air Force Quality: 1

Jacksonia: SouthernKing
Republic: Progressive Party (Liberal)
Capital: Jefferson
Manpower: 1,000 (+9)
Economic Points: 61 (+68)
Domestic Spending: -10 EP
-Education: -10 (10)
Stability: 7
Army: 34 Infantry Brigades, 1 Fire Brigade, 2 Cavalry Brigades, 23 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 14
Army Doctrine: Pacific Coast Army 1915
Navy: 3 Akizuku-class Destroyers
Navy Quality: 15
Air Force: 2 Cannock-type Aircraft Squadrons
Air Force Quality: 1
Capital Reconstruction Effort: 20/350

Republic: Preservation Party (Conservative)
Capital: Kingston
Manpower: 53 (+1)
Economic Points: 128 (+24)
Domestic Spending : -2 EP
-Education: -2 (1)
Stability: 8
Army: 6 Infantry Brigades, 1 Cavalry Brigade, 2 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 5
Army Doctrine: British Royal Army 1890
Navy: 6 Williams-class Destroyers, 3 Early Light Cruisers, 1 Early Heavy Cruiser
Navy Quality: 7
Air Force: 2 P-16 Fighter Squadrons
Air Force Quality: 1

Mayan Republic
Military Dictatorship: Ceh Pech (Conservative)
Capital: Belize
Manpower: 487 (+5)
Economic Points: 70 (+38)
Domestic Spending : -5 EP
-Education: -5 (5)
Stability: 6
Army: 30 Infantry Brigades, 4 Cavalry Brigades, 12 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 10
Army Doctrine: Mayan National Army 1917
Navy: 11 Trovão-class Destroyers
Navy Quality: 6

Military Dictatorship: General Manuel Cavrera (Conservative)
Capital: Managua
Manpower: 266 (+3)
Economic Points: 22 (+25)
Domestic Spending : -3 EP
-Education: -3 (3)
Stability: 4
Army: 17 Infantry Brigades, 2 Cavalry Brigades, 5 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 9
Army Doctrine: British Royal Army 1890
Navy: 5 Early Submarines, 5 Early Destroyers, 1 Early Heavy Cruiser
Navy Quality: 3
Air Force: 1 Voluer-type Fighter Squadron, 1 Vizelle-type Bomber Squadron
Air Force Quality: 1

Republic: Social Democratic Party (Liberal)
Capital: Asunción
Manpower: 128 (+2)
Economic Points: 152 (+51)
Domestic Spending : -2 EP
-Education: -2 (2)
Stability: 7
Army: 25 Infantry Brigades, 1 Cavalry Brigade, 11 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 9
Army Doctrine: British Royal Guard 1909
Navy: 10 Rio-Class River Boats
Navy Quality: 2
Air Force: 2 P-16 Fighter Squadrons
Air Force Quality: 1

Peru: Blue Bacon
Constitutional Monarchy: King Juan (Conservative)/Party of Order (Conservative)
Capital: Lima
Manpower: 964 (+10)
Economic Points: 3 (+124)
Domestic Spending : -42 EP
-Disaster Brigade: -2
-Education: -10 (9)
-Inteligencia Nacional: -10
-Ministry of Immigration: -20
Stability: 7
Army: 174 Infantry Brigades, 3 Andean Ranger Brigades, 2 Scepter Brigades, 16 Cavalry Brigades, 49 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 9
Army Doctrine: Russian Imperial Army 1910
Navy: 6 Akizuku-class Destroyers, 2 Chościsko-class Light Cruisers, 2 Luther-class Light Cruisers, 1 Ziemowit-class Heavy Cruiser, 1 King Juan-class Battleship
Navy Quality: 10
Coastal Defense Project: 108/200

Puerto Rico
Republic: Unity Party (Moderate)
Capital: San Juan
Manpower: 7 (+1)
Economic Points: 15 (+7)
Domestic Spending: -1
-Education: -1 (1)
Stability: 9
Army: 2 Infantry Brigades
Army Quality: 10
Army Doctrine: British Royal Guard 1909

United Proletarist Republics of America: ChiefDesigner
Proletarist Dictatorship: Chief Deputy Scipio (Traditional Proletarist)
Capital: Chattanooga
Manpower: 1,030 (+13)
Economic Points: 16 (+120)
Domestic Spending: -5 EP
-Education: -5 (11)
Stability: 9
Army: 80 Conscript Brigades, 67 Infantry Brigades, 1 Freedman's Cadre, 1 FLA Engineers Brigade, 1 Cavalry Brigade, 34 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 9
Army Doctrine: Freedman's Liberation Army 1912
Navy: 2 Necessity-class River Boats
Navy Quality: 2

United States of America: Azale
Republic: New Liberty Party (Liberal)
Capital: Washington D.C.
Manpower: 6,445 (+64)
Economic Points: 13 (+209)
Domestic Spending: -51 EP
-Bureau of Negro Affairs: -2
-Education: -46 (65)
-Office of Internal Affairs: -3
Stability: 6
Army: 73 Conscript Brigades, 36 Infantry Brigades, 22 Cavalry Brigades, 35 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 14
Army Doctrine: American Federal Army 1912
Navy: 5 Early Submarines, 11 Rio-class River Boats, 4 Early Destroyers, 2 Zygmunt-class Destroyers, 3 Early Heavy Cruisers, 1 Ziemowit-class Heavy Cruiser, 3 Lioness-class Battlecruisers, 1 Virginia-class Battleship, 1 Olympus-class Battleship, 1 Maryland-class Battleship
Navy Quality: 14
Air Force: 2 P-16 Fighter Squadrons
Air Force Quality: 1

Republic: Morality Party (Conservative)
Capital: Montevideo
Manpower: 297 (+3)
Economic Points: 122 (+44)
Domestic Spending : -5 EP
-Education: -5 (3)
Stability: 8
Army: 19 Infantry Brigades, 2 Cavalry Brigades, 5 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 9
Army Doctrine: British Royal Guard 1909
Navy: 5 Furacão-class Destroyers, 1 Chościsko-class Light Cruiser, 1 Lioness-class Battlecruiser, 1 Maryland-class Battleship
Navy Quality: 8
Air Force: 2 P-16 Fighter Squadrons
Air Force Quality: 1

Military Dictatorship: General Felipe Trujillo (Conservative)
Capital: Caracas
Manpower: 571 (+5)
Economic Points: 16 (+62)
Domestic Spending : -6 EP
-Education: -6 (6)
Stability: 8
Army: 41 Infantry Brigades, 5 Cavalry Brigades, 6 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 7
Army Doctrine: American Federal Army 1912
Navy: 11 Zygmunt-class Destroyer, 2 Chościsko-class Light Cruisers, 2 Lioness-class Battlecruisers, 2 Maryland-class Battleships, 2 King Juan-class Battleships
Navy Quality: 7
Air Force: 1 Cannock-type Aircraft Squadron
Air Force Quality: 1
Trujillo Line: 200/400

Vinland: Lord Iggy
Constitutional Monarchy: King Ingvar (Conservative)/Social Proletarist Party (Social Proletarist)
Capital: Nya Stockholm
Manpower: 2,147 (+20)
Economic Points: 90 (+156)
Domestic Spending : -38 EP
-Education: -32 (22)
-Infrastructure: -4
-Vinlandskridningpolis: -6
Stability: 7
Army: 79 Infantry Brigades, 2 Rensköldar Brigades, 32 Cavalry Brigades, 2 Lodjur Brigades, 19 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 8
Army Doctrine: American Federal Army 1912
Navy: 8 Early Destroyers, 1 Trovão-class Destroyer, 3 Furacão-class Destroyers, 4 Early Light Cruisers, 1 Early Heavy Cruiser
Navy Quality: 5
Air Force: 3 P-16 Fighter Squadrons
Air Force Quality: 1

Africa/Middle East
Spoiler :

Absolute Monarchy: King Habibullah (Conservative)
Capital: Kabul
Manpower: 412 (+4)
Economic Points: 77 (+18)
Domestic Spending: -1 EP
-Education: 1 (4)
Stability: 8
Army: 26 Infantry Brigades, 7 Cavalry Brigades
Army Quality: 11
Army Doctrine: Persian Royal Army 1910

Angola: erez87
Republic: Liberal Party (Liberal)
Capital: Namibe
Manpower: 108 (+2)
Economic Points: 59 (+32)
Domestic Spending: -3 EP
-Education: -3 (2)
Stability: 6
Army: 14 Infantry Brigades, 1 Cavalry Brigade, 3 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 7
Army Doctrine: British Royal Guard 1909
Navy: 2 Trovão-class Destroyers
Navy Quality: 7

Arabian Empire: Justo
Absolute Monarchy: Emperor Mohammed (Moderate)
Capital: Baghdad
Manpower: 1,407 (+16)
Economic Points: 163 (+93)
Domestic Spending : -15 EP
-Education: -15 (15)
Stability: 8
Army: 2 Conscript Brigades, 102 Infantry Brigades, 1 Arab Guard Brigade, 18 Cavalry Brigades, 23 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 12
Army Doctrine: Arabian Army 1909
Navy: 3 Zygmunt-class Destroyers, 1 Lioness-class Battlecruiser
Navy Quality: 9
Air Force: 3 P-16 Fighter Squadrons
Air Force Quality: 1

Absolute Monarchy: King Ismail II (Conservative)
Capital: Baku
Manpower: 250 (+3)
Economic Points: 219 (+31)
Domestic Spending : -5 EP
-Education: -5 (3)
Stability: 8
Army: 40 Infantry Brigades, 5 Cavalry Brigades, 10 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 5
Army Doctrine: Persian Royal Army 1910

Republic: Independence Coalition (Moderate)
Capital: Mombasa
Manpower: 9 (+1)
Economic Points: 0 (+14)
Domestic Spending: -1 EP
-Education: -1 (1)
Stability: 8
Army: 9 Conscript Brigades, 5 Infantry Brigades, 1 Cavalry Brigade, 3 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 14
Army Doctrine: Confederate Army 1910

Constitutional Monarchy: Emperor Christian (Conservative)/Kongo Colonial Society (Conservative)
Capital: Haraldsholm
Manpower: 78 (+2)
Economic Points: 61 (+50)
Domestic Spending: -1 EP
-Education: -1 (1)
Stability: 8
Army: 22 Infantry Brigades, 20 Cavalry Brigades, 4 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 14
Army Doctrine: Imperial Scandinavian Army 1910
Navy: 15 Oporto-class Destroyers, 2 Duisburg-class Light Cruisers, 3 Chasseur-class Battlecruisers
Navy Quality: 12
Colonies: 5
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Scandinavian West Africa: 5
-Manpower: 15
-Garrison: 3 Infantry Brigades, 1 Cavalry Brigade
-Stability: 7

Kurdistan: SamSniped
Absolute Monarchy: King Alaadin (Conservative)
Capital: Cizre
Manpower: 308 (+4)
Economic Points: 34 (+40)
Domestic Spending : -8 EP
-Education: -7 (7)
-Emergency Brigade: -1
Stability: 4
Army: 20 Conscript Brigades, 22 Infantry Brigades, 5 Cavalry Brigades, 9 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 10
Army Doctrine: Arabian Army 1909
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 5

Absolute Monarchy: Mohammed bin Sultan II (Conservative)
Capital: Muscat
Manpower: 93 (+2)
Economic Points: 54 (+30)
Domestic Spending : -2 EP
-Education: -2 (2)
Stability: 8
Army: 41 Conscript Brigades, 8 Infantry Brigades, 4 Cavalry Brigades, 17 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 5
Army Doctrine: Royal Portuguese Army 1909
Navy: 10 Tridente-class Submarines, 8 Zygmunt-class Destroyers, 2 Chościsko-class Light Cruisers, 1 Lioness-class Battlecruiser, 1 Maryland-class Battleship
Navy Quality: 5

Republic: Liberal Party (Liberal)
Capital: Christiansburg
Manpower: 31 (+1)
Economic Points: 50 (+12)
Domestic Spending: -1 EP
-Education: -1 (1)
Stability: 10
Army: 5 Infantry Brigades, 1 Cavalry Brigade, 1 Artillery Brigade
Army Quality: 8
Army Doctrine: British Royal Guard 1909

Persia: Lokki242
Absolute Monarchy: Abdul al-din (Conservative)
Capital: Tehran
Manpower: 1,369 (+16)
Economic Points: 35 (+78)
Domestic Spending : -30 EP
-Education: -20 (15)
-Secret Police: -10
Stability: 5
Army: 129 Infantry Brigades, 1 Raider Brigade, 9 Cavalry Brigades, 49 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 13
Army Doctrine: Persian Royal Army 1910
Navy: 11 Zygmunt-class Destroyers, 4 Chościsko-class Light Cruisers, 1 Ziemowit-class Heavy Cruiser, 1 Lioness-class Battlecruiser, 1 Maryland-class Battleship
Navy Quality: 6

Pontic Republic: christos200
Republic: Party of Might (Conservative)
Capital: Trebizond
Manpower: 787 (+8)
Economic Points: 0 (+52)
Domestic Spending: -8 EP
-Education: -8 (8)
Stability: 8
Army: 16 Infantry Brigades, 2 Cavalry Brigades, 8 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 10
Army Doctrine: Persian Royal Army 1910
Navy: 1 Romanos-class Destroyer, 1 Early Light Cruiser
Navy Quality: 8
Cultural Project: 4/75

Turkey: GamezRule
Constitutional Monarchy: Sultan Selim II (Moderate)/The Young Turks (Liberal)
Capital: Konya
Manpower: 752 (+8)
Economic Points: 26 (+44)
Domestic Spending: -4 EP
-Education: -4 (9)
Stability: 8
Army: 46 Conscript Brigades, 28 Infantry Brigades, 1 Cavalry Brigade, 22 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 10
Army Doctrine: Turkish National Army 1916
Navy: 3 Harpoon-class Submarines, 3 Zygmunt-class Destroyers, 2 Ziemowit-class Heavy Cruisers
Navy Quality: 4

Absolute Monarchy: Sultan Abdul Rashid (Conservative)
Capital: Sana'a
Manpower: 105 (+2)
Economic Points: 47 (+25)
Domestic Spending : -2 EP
-Education: -2 (2)
Stability: 9
Army: 51 Conscript Brigades, 16 Infantry Brigades, 2 Cavalry Brigades, 17 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 6
Army Doctrine: Royal Portuguese Army 1909
Navy: 5 Tridente-class Submarines, 4 Zygmunt-class Destroyers, 2 Chościsko-class Light Cruisers, 1 Ziemowit-class Heavy Cruiser
Navy Quality: 3

Far East
Spoiler :

Military Dictatorship: General Wei Jiang (Conservative)
Capital: Lanzhou
Manpower: 3,343 (+36)
Economic Points: 2 (+75)
Domestic Spending : -15 EP
-Education: -10 (34)
-Office of Continued Loyalty: -5
Stability: 7
Army: 360 Infantry Brigades, 25 Cavalry Brigades, 37 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 4
Army Doctrine: Russian Imperial Army 1890
National Modernization Program: 340/500

Guangxi: m.t. cicero
Constitutional Monarchy: King Henry (Conservative)/Whig Party (Moderate)
Capital: Guangzhou
Manpower: 6,902 (+65)
Economic Points: 0 (+104)
Domestic Spending: -50 EP
-Education: -50 (70)
Stability: 7
Army: 70 Infantry Brigades, 11 Cavalry Brigades, 31 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 15
Army Doctrine: British Royal Guard 1909
Construction of Xinjing: 127/300

Republic: Free Hawaii Party (Liberal)
Capital: Honolulu
Manpower: 15 (+1)
Economic Points: 27 (+10)
Domestic Spending: -1 EP
-Education -1 (1)
Stability: 9
Army: 3 Infantry Brigades
Army Quality: 13
Army Doctrine: Imperial Japanese Army 1908
Navy: 4 Zygmunt-class Destroyers, 2 Chościsko-class Light Cruisers
Navy Quality: 14

India: Bair the Normal
Constitutional Monarchy: High Prince Khushwant (Conservative)/Traditional Ties Party (Conservative)
Capitol: Bombay
Manpower: 9,560 (+90)
Economic Points: 0 (+87)
Domestic Spending: -15 EP
-Education: -10 (93)
-Infrastructure: -5
Stability: 7
Army: 30 Infantry Brigades
Army Quality: 12
Army Doctrine: Ejército Imperial Español 1909
Transportation Development Project: 75/700
Infrastructure Development Project: 50/7,500

Japan: Quisani
Absolute Monarchy: Emperor Taisho (Conservative)
Capital: Kyoto
Manpower: 7,268 (+67)
Economic Points: 55 (+542)
Domestic Spending : -72 EP
-Education: -72 (72)
Stability: 10
Army: 80 Infantry Brigades, 5 Cavalry Brigades, 13 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 15
Army Doctrine: Imperial Japanese Army 1908
Navy: 31 Akizuku-class Destroyers, 10 Luther-class Light Cruisers, 3 Joao-class Heavy Cruisers, 2 Takao-class Heavy Cruisers, 2 Lioness-class Battlecruisers, 6 Amagi-class Battlecruisers, 1 Maryland-class Battleship, 4 King Juan-class Battleships
Navy Quality: 15
Colonies: 232
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Aisuyochi: 5
-Manpower: 5
-Garrison: 5 Infantry Brigades, 1 Cavalry Brigade, 1 Artillery Brigade
-Stability: 8
Japanese China: 145
-Manpower: 375
-Garrison: 162 Infantry Brigades, 3 Kagemusha Brigades, 1 Kempeitei Brigade, 15 Cavalry Brigades, 50 Artillery Brigades, 7 M1 "Washington" Brigades
-Stability: 5
Japanese Pacific Islands: 2
-Manpower: 0
-Garrison: 2 Infantry Brigades
-Stability: 9
Korea: 40
-Manpower: 250
-Garrison: 12 Infantry Brigades, 3 Cavalry Brigades, 4 Artillery Brigades
-Stability: 6
Nemasukyojin: 10
-Manpower: 25
-Garrison: 15 Infantry Brigades
-Stability: 9
Philippines: 30
-Manpower: 30
-Garrison: 12 Infantry Brigades, 4 Artillery Brigades
-Stability: 6

Woosung Railroad Project: 743/900

Absolute Monarchy: King Vali (Conservative)
Capital: Visakhapatnam
Manpower: 1,983 (+19)
Economic Points: 0 (+40)
Domestic Spending: -5 EP
-Education: -5 (20)
Stability: 8
Army: 36 Infantry Brigades, 2 Cavalry Brigades, 2 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 12
Army Doctrine: Imperial Scandinavian Army 1910
Navy: 3 Early Destroyers
Navy Quality: 6
Air Force: 1 P-16 Fighter Squadron
Air Force Quality: 1

New Zealand
Military Dictatorship: Marcus Rocha (Conservative)
Capital: Akarana
Manpower: 35 (+1)
Economic Points: 117 (+17)
Domestic Spending: -1 EP
-Education: -1 (1)
Stability: 8
Army: 6 Infantry Brigades, 2 Cavalry Brigades, 1 Artillery Brigade
Army Quality: 9
Army Doctrine: Royal Portuguese Army 1909

Theocracy: Dalai Lama XI (Conservative)
Capital: Lhasa
Manpower: 750 (+7)
Economic Points: 53 (+20)
Domestic Spending : -10 EP
-Education: -5 (8)
-Religious Financing: -5
Stability: 9
Army: 40 Infantry Brigades, 2 Cavalry Brigades, 8 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 4
Army Doctrine: British Royal Army 1890
The Way Things Go Wrong: A List of Potential Disasters

Natural Disasters*

Fire: Fire is indeed hot. In the industrial era, fires are still a devastating fear and threat for most cities. More modern cities in wealthy nations have less to fear, due to established fire brigades and institutions. Only the more backward regions of the world have much to fear from urban fires. Otherwise, larger nations with expansive wilderness may also learn to fear the flames, though they are less economically devastating in that scenario.

Flood: After a period of intense rain or the collapse of a dam, a region can become badly flooded. This causes the destruction of homes, breakdown of law and order, and all the other things that accompany a wall of water. Obviously, the places at most risk are those next to large bodies of water, as you need water to have a flood.

Hurricane/Typhoon/Tornadoes: Regardless of how big they are or how plentiful they are, a spinning cyclone of wind and rain is devastating no matter where they appear. With time and technology they can be predicted, but before the modern conveniences of satellites and meteorology, they can be a ghastly surprise for even the largest ships on the move. In the worst of storms, destroyers have almost as much to fear as the mariners of old.

Earthquake: With the exception of a few rare places around the world, earthquakes can take place at almost any time or location. Earthquakes can range from mildly inconvenient to overwhelmingly destructive. They can provoke flooding and fires, and the risks that come with both of those events. This is by far one of the worst events that could happen to your infrastructure and territory.

Epidemic: Not all disasters are accompanied by things worthy of a Michael Bay movie. Sometimes the death comes far less sudden. Throughout the twentieth century a variety of new viruses and diseases appeared and cause trouble throughout the globe. Disease is an ever evolving phenomenon and will constantly change and be an ever present threat. Diseases can run in scale of small regional outbreaks of smallpox or influenza, to massive world changing pandemics, as unlikely as they are. Obviously, a better healthcare system will provide a better counter to the development of any pandemics, at least in your own nation.

*Now the above list is not a complete list of everything Mother Nature and the Random Number God can throw at you. These are, however, the ones which can be prepared for, and possibly prevented. Some things though, such as a meteor, well, all you can do is pray like hell that such an unlucky visitations does not descend upon you. For the time being deflecting a meteor is far beyond that of mere mortals.

Political Disasters

International Incident: International incidents can take place at any point in your nation's history, regardless of what level of Stability you possess. These include both the direct results of more unscrupulous actions you may take against your neighbors, or even the actions of private citizens beyond your control. This sort of event is more likely if you are engaged in some sort of subterfuge, or if your neighbors have lower stability. Events like this may include arms smuggling to the assassination of a foreign minister.

Intellectual Dissatisfaction: Intellectual dissatisfaction is the only political disaster which can take place at any point regardless of your nation's stability. These events include political treatises or student movements against your government. These are rarely fatal, and more often than not only reflect the attitudes of a small minority of your population. Occasionally intellectual dissent can lead to assassinations or smaller acts of terrorism/rebellion. There is a slight risk that the situation will escalate into larger protests depending on how low your stability is. There is a possibility, depending on the style of the dissatisfaction that you could receive a stability reduction or even a boost from intellectual dissatisfaction.

Protests: Protests are typically nonviolent affairs, calling for the end of one policy set forth by your government or the implementation of another. Typically this is a larger event than university or student protests, consisting of a larger segment of the population. The issues raised by protestors may or may not require an immediate response, and can still be fairly safely ignored. Large-scale protests will occasionally lead to a stability drop, and will rarely escalate into larger riots, depending on government or local authority response. Protests will only happen (excluding escalated dissatisfaction) if you have 9 Stability or lower.

Rioting: Riots can be ideologically motivated or simply emerge from a naturally tense situation in an urban area. Typically the local police will be overrun in a situation where riots take place, which will usually provoke a military or paramilitary response. Riots can turn into coups or revolts, if they go badly enough or are mishandled by authorities. Riots will almost always lower a nation's overall stability. Riots will only happen (excluding escalated protests) if you have 8 Stability or lower.

Military Coup: When the situation in a nation seems too unstable, typically the great force of stability, the military, will step in to restore order. This can lead to the toppling of a democratic government or the change of power from one warlord to another. Occasionally these regime changes are ideologically motivated, and other times it's just so that a new man can enrich himself at the expense of the people. Coups can be successful or unsuccessful, and are far more likely in a dictatorship or a young democracy. An long-established nation with a strong democratic tradition has less to worry about from its military. Military coups will only happen (excluding an escalated riot) if you have 6 Stability or lower. There is a small chance that a failed military coup will lead to a civil war.

Localized Revolt: If the government is losing control, usually the first to suffer are those outside of the center of power. This could be an oppressed ethnic minority, a smaller ideological group, or even provincial secessionist movements. They usually believe that the government has lost its legitimacy to rule over them for whatever reason, but are concentrated in one region or another. Localized revolts will only happen if a riot escalates to an unsustainable point, overwhelming both the police and army, or if you have 6 Stability or lower. Depending on the government, a localized revolt is typically willing to negotiate with the central regime if it believes they will meet its demands. A localized revolt usually leads to a civil war or prolonged rebellion.

National Revolt: A national revolt is one in which the whole nation is in play in a major political dispute. For whatever reason, a large portion (maybe a majority) of the population no longer recognizes the authority of the central government. There are no neutral factions, but typically this results in two large factions fighting for control over the whole nation. This is typically an ideologically motivated conflict, but not always. National Revolts can only take place if you have 4 Stability or lower.

Systemic Collapse: A systemic collapse is the worst case scenario. In this situation the central government has for all intents and purposes ceased to exist. The former chief executive has disappeared, died, or lost all legitimacy, and has in turn provoked a struggle for control over the whole nation. A systemic collapse will typically lead to a number of successor states throughout the whole nation, with various motives and identities, depending on the nation. Some may be ideological, some opportunist, and some secessionist. Regardless, in this situation, there is only chaos and war to look forward to for the people of the nation. Thankfully a systemic collapse is only possible when you have 2 Stability or lower. It should be noted though, that if the events of a update cause you to hit 0 Stability, you will have a systemic collapse regardless.
Great Scott! The man who leads
The good U-S-of-A!
Great Scott! Who's men succeeds
From since Chincoteague Bay!
Great Scott! His famous deeds
Lead us through battle fray!
Great Scott! His will proceeds
To inspire us today!

The United States of America, reporting in!
I just noticed that colonies have names such as Alaska and Siberia. As I said earlier, those names may not exist in this timeline (Alaska is Scottson for the US, for example). Is that intentional, or an oversight?
... Brandenburg
The United States of New Spain will bring liberty to Centroamerica!

Also, first fluff post, continuing my tradition.
The following text is an excerpt from New Spain: Independence to Today, the primary textbook used in New Spanish high school history courses

New Spanish Literature of the Late 19th Century
The literature of New Spain in the late 19th Century primarily deals with the events of the American Invasion [A/N: New Spanish historians like to deny that New Spain was ever annexed, and treat the invasion, the occupation and guerilla war, and the subsequent revolution with Brazilian assistance as one single war] and its aftermath (literature between Rivera's death and the war against America being of poor quality), particularly the gruelling guerilla conflict that enveloped New Spain during the occupation. The following is a list and description of some of the more famous works from this period.

Home on Fire, by Gabriel Marquez - A long epic, this text primarily deals with the vicious Siege of Managua during the initial invasion. The narrator tires to eke out a precarious existence as the Americans besiege the city. Critical of both the vicious and brutal Americans and the Centralista government of the time, who is portrayed as boorish and incompetent, the text reserves its sympathies for the brave militiamen who continually hold back the Americans as they advance slowly through Managua. After the city falls, the narrator then joins the militias as they rally to continue to fight the Americans.

A Little Hacienda by the Sea, by Carlos Alcazar - This book follows the pitfalls and tragedies of a noble family throughout the occupation, as they desperately try to keep their family and lives together throughout the tyranny of the Americans. Their attempts to keep themselves together are continually met with failure, as brutal gringos destroy their crops though ignorance and malice. The last straw breaks when the daughter of the family is raped by the local American commander, leading the family to begin quartering militiamen in their home. The titular hacienda becomes a headquarters for the New Spanish militia, leading to a thrilling conclusion when the Americans assault the house and the family and their allies attempt to fight them off, killing hundreds of American soldiers besieging them before finally succumbing to their wounds.

Pablo, Prince of the Congo, by Mario Bauer - a humorous children's tale that has little to do with the occupation, this book is considered a classic in its own right through its lighthearted nature and beautiful language. A young, wealth boy is kidnapped by bandits and is accidentally placed on a boat to the Swedish Kongo, where he has many adventures with the local tribes. He is continually followed by the bandits, and continues to escape them in humorous and amusing ways. The book ends when he cleverly tricks the bandits, who are determined to capture him and destroy the tribe, into sailing downriver into a lake of crocodiles, for which he is finally crowned Prince of the Kongo by the tribe.

Stranger in a Strange Land, by Martin - this book, written by an unknown veteran of the American Invasion who goes only by the name of Martin, depicts the struggles of the post-Revolution families and the veterans of the war to return to normal life. Martin, a militiaman and veteran who has fought Americans for almost all of his life, returns to his family after the war is over, only to find that his wife was killed by Americans and that only his daughter, who is now grown up, and his wife's young son by another man remain. It is now on him to look after his daughter and his stepson, however, he is continually haunted by the events of the war and unable to live a normal life any more. This fate was shared by many veterans during the war, and Stranger in a Strange Land was the truth for many of the young men during the later years of the 19th Century.
Flanders is here!
God Save the Queen!
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