Castaway: An America RP

Ok, now just waiting for Danjuno to announce whether or not he's joining, and we can begin.
Invite accepted.

Also, will the debate be held on the thread, or elsewhere?
On the thread, right now :D Changing rules a bit. Cross examination may begin between candidates as soon as a candidate has answered a question.

Question #1 What kind of policy should we adopt with possible barbarians? An aggressive 'search-and-destroy' policy or a defensive policy?

Question #2 What technology path would you support as president?
There are no barbarians. Just different cultures. If they show aggression, we shall defend ourselves. Otherwise, leave them to their way of life.

MAP supports a tech path that ensured the long term survival and greater technological advancement of America.
If we are attacked, then we must defend ourselves, as MantaRevan says.

I say we expand our nation. To help with that, we'll want settlers, Code of Laws, and Currency.
I would support going along the established line of agriculture, then maybe hunting. I would suggest that we keep that part ic though. Makes more sense. I prefer ic personally.
On the thread, right now :D Changing rules a bit. Cross examination may begin between candidates as soon as a candidate has answered a question.

Question #1 What kind of policy should we adopt with possible barbarians? An aggressive 'search-and-destroy' policy or a defensive policy?
We should leave alone, them for a while, but we will eventually have to liberate them from their oppressive warlords.
In other words, defensive in the beginning, aggressive late on.
Question #2 What technology path would you support as president?
Beeline Alphabet, then currency. Trade will be vital to America's survival.
Question #3

What are your positions on the following civics:

Organized Religion
Hereditary Rule
Caste System

In other words, try to avoid slavery if at all possible, no toleration for org.rel., supports herrul, indifferent on caste system.
Question #3

What are your positions on the following civics:


Organized Religion

Hereditary Rule

Caste System
All of the above are undemocratic! I will not allow them in the American government so long as I'm in charge!
OOC(Out of Character): I need to go to bed soon, can we continue this tomorrow after the other candidates have finished answering #3?
ooc: I just went to sleep anyway :p
ic: All of the stated government systems are barbaric. None of them will embody the spirit of democracy and America.
As soon as we've gotten trained hunters and farmers, expansion will be necessary to spread democracy among the less-fortunate, which will need settlers, Code of Laws, and Currency. We should build a project called the Pyramids, so that we may adopt Representation or Universal Suffrage ASAP. Obviously, these are long term plans, but a great nation like America must think long term.
Dumanios, are you still a cultist? You made sense there, quick, let's finish pulling him out of his delusions!
Question #1 What kind of policy should we adopt with possible barbarians? An aggressive 'search-and-destroy' policy or a defensive policy?

Destroy those scums

Question #2 What technology path would you support as president?

religius techs

[QUOTEQuestion #3

What are your positions on the following civics:


Organized Religion

Hereditary Rule

Caste System

I support all of them.
all of them are against the traditional American way. We are people from 21st Century America, for goodness' sake. It is insane to think that the people of America would so completely abandon their values.
all of them are against the traditional American way. We are people from 21st Century America, for goodness' sake. It is insane to think that the people of America would so completely abandon their values.

I think the teleportation got something into the minds of some formerly sane members of society, and might have caused them to forget their values or something.

Also, man, yummy dirt!
I think the teleportation got something into the minds of some formerly sane members of society, and might have caused them to forget their values or something.

Also, man, yummy dirt!
No, they got a hold of some LSD. Maybe they were drug addicts before they were teleported? No self-respecting American would support such tyrannical civics. GodLESS America!
We will create a new america. A new nation.
Nobody in their right minds will follow you. You forget that these people
A) were mysteriously teleported to an alternate world
B) Still have their previous values and priorities which are 1) get their previous lives back 2) find out what on earth happened 3)their previous religion, whether it be Christianity, Islam, Atheism (Like it or not it is a religion) or whatever, nobody, unless they're on drugs or faking it, will believe in this 'Cult of Winter' (You call yourselves a cult, so don't deny it) and 4)whatever else, greed, whatever.

Your basis is awful. Your politics are awful. Your logic is flawed enough to make Spock cry.
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