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Casus Belli's Edited Resource Compilation

REPLY to LouLong

LouLong Wrote: “Actually I just have one question : wouldn't the size of the file slow the Civ33 program ?

I plan on using your file more for a source (rather rich ) than in the actual game as it is for that reason but maybe there is no need.”

Of course you can use the file as a source, or as a replacement for the original files, your option.

As far as using the “Casus Belli's edited compilation v1.02_resources” and “Casus Belli's edited compilation v1.02_resources_shadows” PCX sheets (they are 799 KB and 417 KB in size, respectively) in place of the games original “resources.pcx” and “resources_shadows.pcx” sheets: This has caused me no problems.
When playing an unmodified “normal” game, Civ only recognizes the original sequence of 22 icons, and I’ve found this to have no altering effect on game play what-so-ever. Any additional resource icons have to be selected through the CivEditor before the game will recognize them.
But I need to say that the most resource icons that I’ve personally used in a single MOD has only been a hundred or so, though this likewise, has not slowed or altered my game play. However, I have no idea what would happen if one actually tried to incorporate ALL of the icons in a single MOD, whether it would slow things down or not???

MRTN stated earlier that he: “wouldn't recommend using a thousand resources if you want it on a random map, as only about 4% of the map will ever be covered with resources, and the map generator starts at the beginning of the list, so the chance is that most of the later resources will never appear.”

He seems to know his stuff.
As far as a MAP with pre-applied resources, I’m not sure how many one could get away with before the game would slow, if at all. I imagine that it would depend on the programmed capabilities of the game as well as the individual PC (i.e. CPU, RAM, and Graphics card, etc.). I’m using a Pentium Celeron 1.3 Ghz, with over 500 MB of PC 133 RAM, and a Radeon 7500, 64MB graphics card, and I’ve had no noticeable slow-down problems, yet. So I doubt any of the newer and faster machines would have difficulties. As far as a PC slower than this, I couldn’t say.

But this is one of the reasons why I provided those relatively BLANK 12x12 resource sheets. To provide additional options for the individual preference.

Just for reference on large files. I’ve used Zulu’s units_32.pcx with 1000+ icons sheet in place of the original and had no problem with game play, even with 2-300 separate unit icons selected in a MOD.
So I honestly do not think that you need to fear using my resource sheet as a substitute for the original. But make sure you back up the original before trying, just in case.

Let me know how it works for you?

Thank you for the feedback frunobulax, I am happy to have been of service.
SEPTEMBER 11, 2003

I came across the following: “LESSONS FROM THE GEESE,” and felt compelled to share it here.
It expresses an unwritten philosophy that seems to permeate the CivFanatics Forum.
The camaraderie and esprit de corps that I’ve witnessed here is truly refreshing and offers a breath of hope for this very troubled world.
It is a genuine privilege to be able to observe and interact within this community of global brotherhood, brought together by the common bond of “Civilization,” and the desire that through our joined efforts we can help make tomorrows “Civilization” better than today.

* As each goose flaps its Wings, it creates an “uplift” for the bird following. By flying in a V formation, the whole flock adds 71% flying range than if each bird flew alone.
LESSON: People who share a common direction and sense of community can get where they are going quicker and easier because they are traveling on the thrust of one another.
* Whenever a goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of trying to fly alone, and quickly gets back into formation to take advantage of the “lifting power” of the bird immediately in front.
LESSON: If we have as much sense as a goose, we will stay in formation with those who are headed where we want to go.
* When the lead goose gets tired, it rotates back into the formation and another flies the point position.
LESSON: It pays to take turns doing the hard tasks and sharing leadership with people as geese, interdependent with each other.
* The geese in formation honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep up their speed.
LESSON: We need to make sure our honking from behind is encouraging—not something less than helpful.
* When a goose gets sick or wounded or shot down, two geese drop out of the formation and follow it down to help and protect him.
They stay with the goose until it is either able to fly again or dies. They then launch out on their own with another formation or catch up with the flock.
LESSON: If we have as much sense as geese, we’ll stand by each other like that.
--Author Unknown
Casus Belli’s Templates version 1.02
SEPTEMBER 11, 2003

If you have MS Word 97 (or later) installed on your PC you may find the following templates useful.

1) “CB_Definitions_Template.doc”—is a template intended to be used as a guide to assist in creating “Civilopedia.txt” definitions in the appropriately sized format that will fit within the space limitations of the Civilopedia.

2) “CB_Modified Unit Stats_Template.doc”—is a template intended to be used as a “Memory Assistant” and “Organization guide” for Civilization Units that have their stats modified with the CivEditor.

“CasusBelli_Templates_v1.02.zip” (72 KB)
Contains: “CB_Definitions_Template.doc,” “CB_Civilopedia applied template example.txt,” and
“CB_Modified Unit Stats_Template.doc”

Download from this address:

If you find these instruments helpful, or if you have any problems using them, please let me know.
Your feedback is appreciated!
Reply to: alireza1354 & aaglo

I have downloaded a copy of my most recent file (“CasusBelli_Templates_v1.02.zip” (72 KB)” and will see if it opens and reads correctly this evening. (NOTE: the computer at this facility does not have Winzip installed). If there is any problem with these files, I will upload another copy tomorrow.

If the problem is just in downloading, make sure that you always check the most recent file versions from the end of the thread, and work backwards. As I have had the earlier, obsolete versions deleted.

I know that a lot of people just check the beginning of the thread and don’t look through the recent entries, for updates. (I learned this the hard way myself).
If there is a way to update the files at the beginning of the thread to the most recent ones, I would appreciate instructions from anyone on how to do this???

Otherwise, sorry for the inconvenience.
Respectfully, CB
Originally posted by Cassus_Belli
If there is a way to update the files at the beginning of the thread to the most recent ones, I would appreciate instructions from anyone on how to do this???
Yes you can, just hit the "edit" button, top right of the post. :)
Thanks to Padma & mrtn I now know how to edit my first post, and can keep it current with the latest updates from within the thread!
This will no doubt go a long way to serving all those who, up to now, didn’t look beyond the first entry!
Such great joy from this achievement!
I know. I need to find the time to be more experimentive with the Forum format.
Thanks again to you folks for helping me!
Appreciatively, Casus Belli
First of all I want to thank Casus Belli for the terrific job he is doing.

I would like to say that I played with CB first version with no problem. However I have a problem with the latest version. especifically resources_shadows.pcx. The problem is this: when the game is loading and the dawn of civilization screen appears then appears a civilization3x.exe error log file and crashed me out.

Actually, I have solved my problem by replacing the shadows.pcx by an older one, but I would like to know if somebody knows whats going on.....:confused:
Originally posted by Sevenmonkeys

...I played with CB first version with no problem. However I have a problem with the latest version. especifically resources_shadows.pcx. The problem is this: when the game is loading and the dawn of civilization screen appears then appears a civilization3x.exe error log file and crashed me out.

Actually, I have solved my problem by replacing the shadows.pcx by an older one, but I would like to know if somebody knows whats going on.....:confused:

Seven Monkeys
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, but I can only get access to the internet for personal use once a week.
Thank you very much for your input!
You’re the first person to provide a response with a noted problem regarding any of the files that I’ve uploaded to date.
I know that there was a problem with the version 1.01 shadows pcx exhibiting undesired lines. I corrected that problem right away. In order to correct this problem I need to ask you a few questions.
My first question is: (1) Are you using the latest version 1.02 of the compilation, including shadows? (2) If you are, did you replace the original files with the compilation files, or are you copying and pasting individual resources from the compilation and adding them to the original or another sheet? (3) If you are using the compilation sheet/s as a replacement for the original pcxs, does the problem occur in a random game, or after you have appointed specific resources for a MOD or scenario? (4) If the latter, which resources and shadows did you select?
(5) If you corrected the problem by using the version 1.0’s shadows pcx, did you replace the whole sheet with the older version, or did you copy and paste specific resource shadows from the older sheet onto the ver 1.02 one? If so, which ones?
(6) Also, have you experienced any other problems with the resources sheet, or any of the other files that I have uploaded?
Sorry for the need for more specific information, but there are so many icons, and I haven’t personally used them all in a game, though I have used the sheets as original replacements with no problems noted so far. It might help me to find the problem and correct it if you could reply back.

If there is anyone else who has experienced problem/s using any of my uploaded material, please reply with as much specific information as you can, and I will do my best to make any necessary corrections.

Thank you for your input!
Respectfully CB
Here are the answers to CB Questions:

1) yes, I´m using the 1.02 version, including the shadows
2) I´m using the full compilation files
3)The problem occurs in a random game
4) ------
5)Actually, I am using firaxis shadows.pcx because I deleted the 1.0 version and I don´t know how to get it again. Even when firaxis's sheet is 6x6 my game is working fine.

Hope this information can be useful for you and once again let me congratulate u for the fantastic job you did in this compilation
Seven Monkeys
Thank you for the info. At least I can feel confident that the main meat of the Resource Compilation with the various icons works okay as an original replacement for you. Since you replaced only the shadows pcx with the original you will only have shadows on the original sequence of 22 resource icons, until I (we) can figure out what went wrong.
I know that many people don’t even use the shadows pcx, as most of the shadows were only outlines of the resources, as provided in GIDustin version 6 resource compilation. But I tried to implement shadows for many of those resources as well as my own creations. At this point, I’m not exactly sure what the problem could be. I’ve not yet received any feedback regarding this from any others, so I’m not sure if it is an isolated case or not?
My PC is on the fritz again (this seems to happen every six months or so). I’m not sure how serious the problem is at the moment, or how long it will take to fix. It’s beyond my meager diagnostic capabilities, and I will have to seek outside assistance this time. As long as my hard drive data (almost 80 Gb) is still intact, I’ll be grateful. I’d planned on upgrading, er, replacing this machine for awhile now, but it seems to perpetually nickel and dime me out of the cost of a truly decent replacement, and there always seems to be something “more important” requiring my hard earned cash.
But, back to the problem at hand. I hate it when things don’t work as described, and I’d like for the shadows pcx sheet to work for you as a replacement for the original. I will examine it very carefully once I’m up and running again. If I receive any additional input from someone else experiencing this problem, it might also be of help. But for the time being, be patient. I will not leave you hanging any longer than absolutely necessary.
I am truly sorry for this inconvenience.
Sincerely, Casus
Seven Monkeys

Well, I found out what happened to my PC. In spite of all of the external surge protection, the power supply went out with a pop, and generated an internal surge that fried my CPU, the motherboard, hard drive, CD Rom drive, sound card, etc. In fact the only component that was still functional was the least expensive 3.5” floppy drive. The CPU and hard drive were still under warranty, but all of the software and games migrated from hard drive to hard drive, from Window 3.1 to present are no more.
A friend has allowed me to temporarily borrow his old machine until the manufacturers replacement parts arrive and I can again rebuild my box. At least most of this semesters work was not lost as it was either in hard copy or backed up on 3.5” disks. But all of my downloaded Civ units, Mods, scenarios, and Resource Icon work up to now was wiped out in an instant.
I’ve installed Civ on this loaner machine and downloaded my Resource pcx sheets, etc. I spent several hours this past weekend recreating and trying different configurations of the shadows pcx sheet, but like yourself, it erred and crashed me out whenever I substituted it as an original replacement in unmodified Random games.
Only a 6x11 (66 shadow icon) configuration seemed to work okay as a replacement for the original in random games. I’ve uploaded this sheet for you if you want to cut and paste a personalized selection of additional icons/shadows from the much larger ver 1.02 sheets.
The ver. 1.02 Resource Icon sheet worked fine as a replacement for the original in Random games, but without shadows. I have no idea why the 24x60 (1440) Resource Icon sheet works okay but NOT anything larger than a 66 shadows.pcx sheet will function. Without my old material, I haven’t yet been able to duplicate what it was that worked for me before??? I’m wondering if this is a more common problem than I had at first suspected.
As it stands, the 24x60 Resource Icon sheet seems to be useful as a replacement sheet for the original in Random games (without shadows) and in Mods/scenarios. But for a replacement of the original 36 (6x6) shadows.pcx that will work in Random games, the largest capacity sheet that the game seems to accept is a 66 (6x11) shadows.pcx sheet.
A 6x12, or any other configuration won’t work.
Why remains a mystery to me???
If anybody has a clue as to why this is, or if there is a way around this limitation, please share.

Seven Monkeys, try out the 6x11 pcx sheets and see if the will work okay for you. Please let me know your results.
Thank You, Casus

“6x11_Resources&Shadows.zip” (11 KB)
Download from this address:

Cassus belli:

I´m gonna try the new sheet right now.......

I´ll post the results later....
To all fellow CivFanatics,
It has been a real joy for me, finding this website. I have seen and learned many things, and am grateful to all of you for so generously sharing the fruit of your labor and wisdom.
I have been activated for mobilization and may be gone for 18 months or more. I am not sure if I’ll have any internet access or whether I’ll have time to play any Civ while I’m away.
I apologize for leaving the Resources here in such a “rough” state, I had hopes to add, expand, and continually refine this material. But I am sure that there are many of you out there already doing this. Please feel free to modify anything that I have posted in anyway that will be of benefit.
When I return, I imagine it will be a brave new world for me, and I look forward to seeing all of the great new developments in the Civ Forum. Hopefully, many of you that are here now, will still be here then.
It has been a sincere privilege to associate with all of you. You are the cream of humanity! If only the real world could be so “Civilized.”
With much appreciation, I bid you fare well.
Casus Belli
Dear mrtn,
If you (or someone) would be so kind as to keep this post updated while I'm away, it would be very much apprciated.
Thank you for all of your help.
First off Great resource.

Second off keep your head down on deployment and God speed and watch over you.

I have a few questions regarding some of the information in the above posts.

First the original post stated in the body of the text that 32 resources were the maximum allowed or recognized by the program be it PTW, C3C, or Civ3. However later on page three I believe a few posts back Cassus Belli posted this.

But I need to say that the most resource icons that I’ve personally used in a single MOD has only been a hundred or so, though this likewise, has not slowed or altered my game play. However, I have no idea what would happen if one actually tried to incorporate ALL of the icons in a single MOD, whether it would slow things down or not???

Soon after in another post someone mentioned not using thousands of resources.

So which is correct. You can only use 32 resources, or unlimited only limited by the programs speed and also the size of the shadows.pcx.

Also if I understand the above correctly you can go without a shadows.pcx and the program will run OK just no shadows will be visible for the resources, correct?

Also I need some clarification between the above for using larger shadow.pcx files for mods successfully but only 6x11 for random games. Does this mean that you can only use 66 resources with shadows? and unlimited, well 999 without? can use a 66 shadows.pcx and a larger resources.pcx together just any resources over 66 do not have shadows?

I am experiencing crashes similar to what was mentioned above but thought perhaps it had to do with the new terrain download I was using the Womak's Standard with some replacements of a few pieces by snOOpy. Does this normally cause a crash siutuation or is it likely the mod is using the included 20x64 shadow.pcx that is causing the crashes?

The error message is CIV3EXE has caused an error in JGL.dll at and lists various numbers and a stack dump.

After crashing the game will not launch again until after a reboot and a few times even after a re-boot the game would still give me the JGL.dll consistantly until uninstalled and re-installed.

Any help would be much appreciated as I have numerous ideas and have begun and completed alot of preliminary work on a large mod with a lot of the resources but if I am limited to 32 or 66 I need to know.

Thanks in advance for any replies as I understand Cassus Belli might be still deployed.
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