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As an official beta test for Humankind, what I have seen of 7 so far is very different from that gameThe gameplay is very similar to Humankind. Almost a copy (or plagiarism)
As an official beta test for Humankind, what I have seen of 7 so far is very different from that gameThe gameplay is very similar to Humankind. Almost a copy (or plagiarism)
A plan is forming now that I can market much more effectively. Still building that business stuff and still just keeping my head above water but like this project, it does keep growing more powerful as it goes and at a point it should make a big breakthrough and snowball (possibly out of control). I have some friends in higher places that are beginning to be in position to start referring a lot of business my way and the whole process OF the business (thanks to C2C style thinking) is streamlining more and more all the time. I've also noticed on the discord channel this mod is getting more and more discussion, not just meandering political debates trying to irritate each other lol. I feel the winds may change soon. There's lots still to be done within the confines of the MOD version here but I'm hatching some plans to monetize towards a new development project further. Stay tuned.LOL, Alas work on CIV IV Mods thru this forum is all free Gratas work. Now if an investor would bankroll the Project, C2C under a new name & engine could be produced.
I personally hardly know how. Raxo always did this for us.@Thunderbrd WE need a clean SVN version for this forum, Please, speak to the Discord bunch and get one for us. Please.
I will see if I can still do the SVN troubleshooting. I have win 10 will Not go to win 11 even after Microcrap cuts off support. I have an older comp with win 7 so i can run my older games Like Master of Orion MoO2 & MoO3. Since Microcrap removed Explore 32 bit. Stupid ppl at Microcrap. And B Gates is a Bad man! Justice will soon catch up to him and his evil ways.latest SVN 40 has these errors:
info type 'MISSION_CAPTIVE_UPGRADE_TO_NEANDERTHAL_CHASER' not found, Current XML file is: xml\Units\U_Neanderthals_CIV4UnitInfos.xml
info type 'OUTCOME_UPGRADE_TO_NEANDERTHAL_CHASER' not found, Current XML file is: xml\Units\U_Neanderthals_CIV4UnitInfos.xml
Preh era is the Biggest era in this mod already. And the dates set were a consensus among the modders then. Not unanimous but a majority rule.I love the game but wish the prehistory stuff was more developed, for example fire was discovered 1,000,000 years ago by homo erectus
And it is great. It is like we get to play a whole game before vanilla game would even start.Preh era is the Biggest era in this mod already.
I once edited the Tech Tree to actually STAY at Prehistory (rerouted Future Tech around Sedentary Lifestyle, making everything after Prehistory non-researchable), lol.And it is great. It is like we get to play a whole game before vanilla game would even start.
good idea。I once edited the Tech Tree to actually STAY at Prehistory (rerouted Future Tech around Sedentary Lifestyle, making everything after Prehistory non-researchable), lol.
It IS a question of taste, but for an Eternity Max-map game, well, it's an interesting choice.
If done more properly, we could get a much smaller mod (by a significant magnitude), which itself would still be very interesting to play.
It'd just need earlier unlocking of Traits, some rethinking regarding Cultures, and a bit more Prehistoric content for "beefiness".
Or, lol, it could lean in the direction of Fully Nomadic gameplay, somehow (give everyone an immortal pseudo-Settler "Chief" that keeps the Civ alive without Settling, maybe).
I wouldn't mind if someone got inspired in THAT direction, let's be honest, loool.
I mean, we technically could already play like that - we do start with such a "Chief" even now, but it's both fragile (fixable) and is still used as a Settler, making it not what I'm talking about.
Such a gameplay would involve capturing foreign units and animals, then transforming them into some not-yet-defined units that would work like special Workers.
If we could edit Forts to work like Cities that can't be opened by the player, but still get "income" from the surrounding tiles like a City - well, here we go.
And yes, this DOES look a bit too close to what Civ 6-7 is doing with Districts, except it works entirely differently, lol.
Just some musings aloud, ya know.
Define "stand-alone".Just out of curiosity, if the C2C Modding team does come out with a Stand-Alone Game that's for sale to the General Public, why can't they just call it Caveman2Cosmos???
Just out of curiosity, if the C2C Modding team does come out with a Stand-Alone Game that's for sale to the General Public, why can't they just call it Caveman2Cosmos??? I remember when I played the Civilization Games Call to Power and Test of Time. It seems like Humankind got better reviews than Civilization VII is getting. I will possibly buy both of those games to see what they are like, but ONLY if they lower the price by 25 0r 30 bucks and patch them sufficiently.
Come out with something you can play on a decent Dell Alienware PC. You understand this stuff better than I do Somebody 613.... how much RAM and what CPU should be required to play a Civilization PC game??Define "stand-alone".
To make it truly stand-alone means to rewrite the entire engine from scratch.
That's... a huge task, ya know.
Of course, IF they actually do it - why NOT to call that totally new game Caveman2Cosmos, indeed?
And, well, I'm absolutely sure that a LOT of people would pay, dunno, 10$ for the BASE version, loool.
I mean, I know that I hate DLCs, sure thing, but even absolutely baseline Civ4 that is capable of MODERN MEMORY ranging... wow, just wow.
That is, add the ability to play as HUNDREDS of simultaneous Civs on a True Giant Earth Map... and even Base Vanilla Civ4 becomes a BEAST that dwarfs Civ "7" like a gnat, lol.
I'm sure I've said the following in the past, but this is how *I* would introduce a DEMO of C2C for Full-Out Memory Scaling:
1. Adjustable functionally-unlimited number of simultaneous Civs on-map. This feature ALONE makes this a game like no other in the series.
2. Something like 3-10 types of each Animal category (land, water, air) for the DEMO. Fully functional, including the higher-tier buildings. DLC for more, allows increasing numbers.
3. Something like 3-10 types of each Culture category (Africa, Asia, etc.) for the DEMO. Fully functional, including Heroes and Wonders. DLC for more, allows increasing numbers.
4. Something like 1-2 types of NPC categories (Barbarian, Hominid, Alien, etc.) for the DEMO. Fully functional, including units and buildings. DLC for more, allows increasing numbers.
5. Option for automatic Civ renaming based on Cultures present (direct, hybrid, custom, etc.). Fully functional, including unit and building art. Use Culture DLC for increasingly more options.
Wanted to add more stuff, but forgot this is about the DEMO, lol.
Now, "optional" DLCs that aren't just "more of the same stuff":
1. RFC-style UEM. Tie each tile to a list of possible known cities with historically accurate names of cultures that have names for it. Huge, hence "optional" for both sides.
2. More types of Properties. Also, tying Civics (and maybe Properties) to Cultures and/or Religions present in the Civ. Shouldn't be hard to implement, makes it MUCH more diverse.
3. Finally implementing Equipment like in Master Of Mana, but having in mind ALL the Resources available in the mod. Again, huge job, very optional, but really worth it.
4. Role-Playing Heroes with unique Promotion chains. Even huger and REALLY optional to ever put effort into, but I'm depicting C2C at its PEAK potential, so that's that.
5. Almost forgot! REAL Multi-Maps! At the very least, the chain of Earth-Solar-Galactic-Universe, but better MORE. If it fires successfully, THEN add Multiple Playable PLANETS as well.
6. META Progressing Games. Whenever you finish a game with a Victory, you receive Bonus Points that can be used at the start of a new game. Somehow. Don't ask. I just want it, lol.
7. Better Damn AI. Not a DLC, just a prerequisite if you REALLY want this mod to be successful as a GAME. Because, and you know it, the mod AI now suuuuucks. Sorry, but it's a must.
So, yeah. I may or may not copy-paste this as a separate "thread". Maybe. Dunno if it's worth it.
In any case, GOOD LUCK, Team C2C!!!
u r right.My laptop cpu is i9 9900K,ram 64g ddr4 2666,but still lag between turns.It sucks cause of fck Sid meier's.Come out with something you can play on a decent Dell Alienware PC. You understand this stuff better than I do Somebody 613.... how much RAM and what CPU should be required to play a Civilization PC game??
It's a totally separate aspect.Do you guys realize that no other Civ mod has more technologies and choices by far than any other Civ mod since Sid's invention?? C2C is perfect for PC game addicts!
I am having more fun than ever in my current Game. I would be Happy with one SVN update per month and am looking forward to complete Multi Maps!