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Caveman 2 Cosmos

Hi guys, first of all I want to thank the developers for the best and greatest MOD or/and conglomeration of MODS for Civ4.

I also wanted to point out that I am unable to save my customized options in the BUG menu (ctrl-alt-O).
I have tried creating a specific profile, as it was suggested, with its own *.ini file and also save 2+ times after setting the options in the BUG menu.

The options stay saved until I exit the game to desktop, when I reload the game it's all back to default. It's no biggie since it doesn't take long to set them every time I boot up the saved game but I just thought you should know.

Running Windows 10 64bit.

Thanks again for your hard work!

I run Win 10 x64 myself as a Modder and I do not have your problem. But then I didn't try to create a specific profile Nor add it's own *.ini file. These 2 are your problem source.

Once you get that straightened out then the Double saving Will Lock your BUG choices in. And that double saving means you play a turn after setting your BUG option, Then you Save game. Then as soon as it's saved Save again. When it asks for Overwrite Click Ok (this is what Locks your BUG choices in). If you did Not play a turn when you made your BUG choices then when you Double save your are just setting the default back on. The key is playing 1 turn before your Dbl Save to set choices.

JosEPh :)
Try it and see then. If you can replicate it then the bug remains and needs to be fixed.

Thanks! I just tested it, and the desert attack bonus applies only to pure desert tiles, not to tiles that are desert with flood plains on them. I guess that is intended?
@Jayman1000, Now it's up to you to learn them as a New player. JosEPh :)

Yes I understand, and that is perfectly fine with me; actually that is why I am asking questions :). This is a huuuuge mod with extreme amount of content and I am thrilled to experience it; it's amazing what you have all been doing with this.
It's probably still an option in the xml and you could set it by default to not be on there.

If that is the case, than I don't know where it is.
I saw that extra 20% on the animals line too but that's odd that it's adding into that total so that in and of itself is not right and is a bug I can and should resolve even if the numbers total up correctly. Should list the modifier some other way I believe.

Thanks! I just tested it, and the desert attack bonus applies only to pure desert tiles, not to tiles that are desert with flood plains on them. I guess that is intended?
That's interesting. I'd like to see in the code how its coming up with a distinction based on the existence of a feature... shouldn't be doing that imo. So again, put that in the bug thread if you would, along with the save and instructions on how to replicate the situation.

If that is the case, than I don't know where it is.
How do I get rid of the negative effects Crime buildings? A civ joined me and I received its city. I had used thieves to raise crime in that city and it was above 150 crime so it got a "Crime (Fighting)" building (which gives unhappy and unhealthy) and "Crime (Mugging)" building that gives a huge penalty to gold -12 per turn which is a relative quite large portion of my yeatly budget. So I hurried building watchers and crime reducing buildings, and crime has been falling over the past 30 turns, so crime is now 13 crime in that city. However the "Crime (Fighting)" building remained and "Crime (Mugging)" only briefly went away for a few turns, but now it is back again along with the -12 gold each turn. I don't fully understand the mechanics here; I thought reducing crime would make these buildings go away, since in the tooltip for "Crime (Mugging)" it says the building exists with crime above 150? but still after 30 turns they remain?
How do I get rid of the negative effects Crime buildings? A civ joined me and I received its city. I had used thieves to raise crime in that city and it was above 150 crime so it got a "Crime (Fighting)" building (which gives unhappy and unhealthy) and "Crime (Mugging)" building that gives a huge penalty to gold -12 per turn which is a relative quite large portion of my yeatly budget. So I hurried building watchers and crime reducing buildings, and crime has been falling over the past 30 turns, so crime is now 13 crime in that city. However the "Crime (Fighting)" building remained and "Crime (Mugging)" only briefly went away for a few turns, but now it is back again along with the -12 gold each turn. I don't fully understand the mechanics here; I thought reducing crime would make these buildings go away, since in the tooltip for "Crime (Mugging)" it says the building exists with crime above 150? but still after 30 turns they remain?

Report this on the bug thread the "Crime (xxxx)" buildings are supposed to be removed when their requirements are no longer available. A save with showing this and a pointer in the text to the city will help in the debugging.
Report this on the bug thread the "Crime (xxxx)" buildings are supposed to be removed when their requirements are no longer available. A save with showing this and a pointer in the text to the city will help in the debugging.

Okay thanks, I will do that. Please excuse me for another question? :) My Gatherers can't build Seed Camps (the icon is not even there when the Gatherer is standing on for example a tile with Wheat.) What is required to build a Seed Camp? I can't seem to find a mention of requirements for Seed Camps in the sevopedia.
Okay thanks, I will do that. Please excuse me for another question? :) My Gatherers can't build Seed Camps (the icon is not even there when the Gatherer is standing on for example a tile with Wheat.) What is required to build a Seed Camp? I can't seem to find a mention of requirements for Seed Camps in the sevopedia.

Show an image. They need water near by but wheat should override that. It depends on your tech level, eventually gatherers can't do stuff because they need to be upgraded to workers.
Made it off the island in my game. All land is gone except isolated islands, which I am getting if they are good. One question how do all the AIs have so many promotions, what is the trick to that? I have a few units with decent promotions but the AI's unites are like Superman on steriods... glad we are on pleased terms at the moment lol.

land count is China 37, Germany 38, Spanish 28, United States (me) 19, England 11, Russia 4
How do I get rid of the negative effects Crime buildings? A civ joined me and I received its city. I had used thieves to raise crime in that city and it was above 150 crime so it got a "Crime (Fighting)" building (which gives unhappy and unhealthy) and "Crime (Mugging)" building that gives a huge penalty to gold -12 per turn which is a relative quite large portion of my yeatly budget. So I hurried building watchers and crime reducing buildings, and crime has been falling over the past 30 turns, so crime is now 13 crime in that city. However the "Crime (Fighting)" building remained and "Crime (Mugging)" only briefly went away for a few turns, but now it is back again along with the -12 gold each turn. I don't fully understand the mechanics here; I thought reducing crime would make these buildings go away, since in the tooltip for "Crime (Mugging)" it says the building exists with crime above 150? but still after 30 turns they remain?

Please post a screenshot of that city. And what version are you now playing? Did you update your v36 version with both the Crime patch and the Updated patch?

T-brd's Law and Criminal units, subsequent moving Techs around, and using the Property System plus if you are using the current set of Leader traits can cause the occasional oddity.

Also When did you start this game and under what version?

And like DH posted, put the details/screenshot/savegame in the Bug and Crash thread please.

I've gotta ask, why haven't you doubled all unit costs in the game? It's not right that I should be pumping out an atlatl every turn in a six pop city (with increased costs option selected), and the AI certainly won't do the same.
Please post a screenshot of that city. And what version are you now playing? Did you update your v36 version with both the Crime patch and the Updated patch?

T-brd's Law and Criminal units, subsequent moving Techs around, and using the Property System plus if you are using the current set of Leader traits can cause the occasional oddity.

Also When did you start this game and under what version?

And like DH posted, put the details/screenshot/savegame in the Bug and Crash thread please.

I started with version 36 (I downloaded the mod via the big "DOWNLOAD HERE" link in the first post of this thread, then updated with the patch (from here http://forums.civfanatics.com/showpost.php?p=14125363&postcount=44) that is not supposed to break saves; didn't install the one that breaks saves.

However in the "Caveman 2 Cosmos Readme.pdf" it says "Caveman 2 Cosmos
Version 35". Maybe that is just a typo in the pdf?:

I've gotta ask, why haven't you doubled all unit costs in the game? It's not right that I should be pumping out an atlatl every turn in a six pop city (with increased costs option selected), and the AI certainly won't do the same.

The Upscaled Unit and Building Cost Option IS Supposed to be Hidden because it's Broken. Why did you re-activate it? It was Hidden for a reason. :crazyeye: Unless you are Using V36 vanilla release Only and that Option: Upscaled Costs had not yet been discovered to have major malfunctions. But if you start using Options that have been Hidden you will get weirdness, guaranteed.

Note I'm currently working on it, along with the Game Speeds.

And "pumping out an atlatl every turn in a six pop city" all depends upon the GS you selected to play with, quite normal for Normal GS. And what resources your 6 pop city has access to.

And the "and the AI certainly won't do the same.", is also wrong they use the same modifiers in this instance as the player.


Yes that screen has not been updated apparently if you are using the 9102 SVN version from Sparth's January post. Another wat to be sure is to put your cursor in game over your City Flag in Main Game screen. A Hover over should show on the lower left with SVN version info and other game info.

The Upscaled Unit and Building Cost Option IS Supposed to be Hidden because it's Broken. Why did you re-activate it? It was Hidden for a reason. :crazyeye: Unless you are Using V36 vanilla release Only and that Option: Upscaled Costs had not yet been discovered to have major malfunctions. But if you start using Options that have been Hidden you will get weirdness, guaranteed.

I'm using the version given here. The option was most definitely not hidden.

And "pumping out an atlatl every turn in a six pop city" all depends upon the GS you selected to play with, quite normal for Normal GS. And what resources your 6 pop city has access to.

I am playing on Snail. My city's worked tiles produce a grand total of 14 hammers, but my various buildings and animal herds produce 30 more. Also, there are huge bonuses from buildings and civics which give more than 100% extra production (atlatls cost 109 hammers). However, this is not an exceptional thing. I just entered the ancient era, and most of the bonuses are things anyone could get. So we still have a problem.

Also, it kind of defeats the point of Civ4's economy if most hammers/food/science come from gradually accumulating buildings in your cities.

And the "and the AI certainly won't do the same.", is also wrong they use the same modifiers in this instance as the player.

No, I mean the player can start as the weakest player and end as the strongest in twenty turns of focused building of units. The AI will never do that.
Yes that screen has not been updated apparently if you are using the 9102 SVN version from Sparth's January post. Another wat to be sure is to put your cursor in game over your City Flag in Main Game screen. A Hover over should show on the lower left with SVN version info and other game info.

I see, well in that case it seems that I am still playing the 9014 build that I began my save on :( I copied the contents of the "Caveman2Cosmos" folder of "9102 SVN version from Sparth's January post"'s zip file into
....\2K Games\Civilization 4 Complete\Beyond The Sword\Mods\Caveman2Cosmos and confirmed to overwrite everything.

What could I have done wrong?

Spoiler :


Nothing wrong that I can see. You are showing me your Leader traits not the Build info though. The build info is displayed by placing your mouse pointer over your countries Flag located by the Red End of Turn Button Lower right on Main screen.

I thought you knew that C2C doesn't run according to Civ IV's Econ.

And correct about the SVN version your using and Upscaled Costs Options being visible. If you had updated further it would be Hidden. All in the details and getting on the same page. You're playing with SVN 9102 (January of this year) and we are currently on SVN 9249. Many big changes since then. And the SVN version you and Jayman are using we have to rely on memory and looking back at the SVN notes.

No, I mean the player can start as the weakest player and end as the strongest in twenty turns of focused building of units. The AI will never do that.
Sure they would! Especially if attacked!
The Upscaled Unit and Building Cost Option IS Supposed to be Hidden because it's Broken. Why did you re-activate it? It was Hidden for a reason. :crazyeye: Unless you are Using V36 vanilla release Only and that Option: Upscaled Costs had not yet been discovered to have major malfunctions. But if you start using Options that have been Hidden you will get weirdness, guaranteed.


Any sort of detail on this? I always use it and haven't experienced any weirdness.

I really enjoy having to be strategic about my building choices
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