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Caveman 2 Cosmos

Hwo do I download? I follow the download links until I end upon http://www.moddb.com/mods/caveman2cosmos/downloads. From there there's a tab called "Downloads". I click on that, but I cant find any download link?!

Okay found out I had to click the article under that "Downloads" tab (just look like an article, not like a download) and in there is the download button.

Why are you using this older version?

A newer more up to date version is in the Crime patch thread. The Patch for v36 in post #43 or 45 will let you continue your current game. But the Updated patch in Post #58 will make you have to start a new game.

And too answer your question about +2:health: from Leader, yes the +2 from Civilization.

But I have a question for you. Why is your 1 citizen working your tiles working the Worst tile of All your cities tiles? You have 2 ti\les that are producing 5 food + 1 gold, another the is producing 3 food, 1 hammer and 2 gold, and another still that is producing 2 food, 1 hammer and 4 gold! But you let him work the 1 food, 1 hammer and 1 gold tile! SMH!

You also have a wise woman available to build and you have the Lichen burner, both of which will add to you :health: total.

Your city management is sadly lacking. At the very least use a better tile for your working citizen.

And we do not have a launcher like AND. Nor do we want the headache either.

Thanks! From the screenshots below of my leader traits and the city health stats, is it possible for you to tell if the +2 health actually are given to the city or not, does it work?
The +2 from civilization looks like it could be coming from a trait.

I hate to make a huge spam screenshot post like this, but I noticed something else and I don't want to file a bug report if it is just me that doesn't understand/read the ingame information properly, maybe you or someone else could help clarify this issue. My units are seemingly not getting all the combat bonuses that they should (or some of them are not getting displayed?). Like the +20% Desert Attack bonus as seen in these screenshots:
Looks like it's not being considered but I'd have to take a deeper look. Please post this as a bug report with the save to replicate the issue.

Also I found that press THEN hover works in the normal build queue (both zoomed in/out of city), but it doesn't work on the production popup on turn start unfortunately. Not a big deal right now when I only have 1 city because I can zoom to city and do it there, but later on, especially much later on, with many cities to choose in production popup I can imagine it being a nuisance when I don't know the units strengths and weaknesses, I would have to zoom to city a lot to check the different modifiers for units, instead of just doing it on the fly in the popup. Imo this is an area that would be very important to fix. At least give the player the choice of always showing the info (I don't understand why that is not possible, other mods do it, so why not Caveman2Cosmos?).'
Not fixable. The popup works on its own background programming that puts a lot of it outside what I can mess with. You cannot show all info because the info exceeds what can be shown on a screen.
Why are you using this older version?

A newer more up to date version is in the Crime patch thread. The Patch for v36 in post #43 or 45 will let you continue your current game. But the Updated patch in Post #58 will make you have to start a new game.

LOL man, are you kidding me?! I just used the big "DOWNLOAD HERE" link from the very first post. How could I have known that I should also update with patches from the "crime patch thread" and fragging post #43/#45 and/or #58?? :crazyeye: Anyway, thanks a lot for mentioning this!

And too answer your question about +2:health: from Leader, yes the +2 from Civilization.
Thank you!

But I have a question for you. Why is your 1 citizen working your tiles working the Worst tile of All your cities tiles? You have 2 ti\les that are producing 5 food + 1 gold, another the is producing 3 food, 1 hammer and 2 gold, and another still that is producing 2 food, 1 hammer and 4 gold! But you let him work the 1 food, 1 hammer and 1 gold tile! SMH!

You also have a wise woman available to build and you have the Lichen burner, both of which will add to you :health: total.

Your city management is sadly lacking. At the very least use a better tile for your working citizen.

Yes! you are right. I knew I shouldn't have let those neanderthals try and govern my city for me...! but yeah, I actually forgot to change the workers back to the correct tile, after a neanderthal raiding party walked over the better yielding tiles. When that happens the game automatically relocates the workers to another tile, and the tile in question was the one the game chose. I just didn't pay attention to that until some turns later :sad:

And yup after I posted the screens I discovered the possibilities to build +health stuff. Thebes will will grow til size 2 in 87 turns yay :D

And we do not have a launcher like AND. Nor do we want the headache either.

Ok thanks for clarifying that! :)
Then it is not working right as my scouts can pass through animals - or at least they could the last time I used scouts.

Toffer had made many animals incapable of standard attack. I think a lot of that was reverted but I'm not sure. It really wouldn't work with ALL animals.
Looks like it's not being considered but I'd have to take a deeper look. Please post this as a bug report with the save to replicate the issue.

But JosEPh_II said I missed update patches from post #43 and#45 and #58 + a patch from the "crime patch thread". I guess I shouldn't report anything unless I install those patches, right?
Then it is not working right as my scouts can pass through animals - or at least they could the last time I used scouts.

No, not actual scouts. Just stone throwers that I'm using to scout.
Why are you using this older version?
A newer more up to date version is in the Crime patch thread. The Patch for v36 in post #43 or 45 will let you continue your current game. But the Updated patch in Post #58 will make you have to start a new game.

Can you give a link to the crime patch thread and the actual pages where these updates are supposed to be? I tried looking int eh Caveman 2 Cosmos threads but I found none about crime that had any updates on post #43, 45 or 58? I also don't understand why the big "DOWNLOAD HERE" link in the first post in this thread links to an old version 36 of Caveman2Cosmos? Can you provide a link to the newest version?
I'd like a download that won't break saves from v36.
Can you give a link to the crime patch thread and the actual pages where these updates are supposed to be? I tried looking int eh Caveman 2 Cosmos threads but I found none about crime that had any updates on post #43, 45 or 58? I also don't understand why the big "DOWNLOAD HERE" link in the first post in this thread links to an old version 36 of Caveman2Cosmos? Can you provide a link to the newest version?

V36 is the newest version. The SVN, or beta, is more advanced as we progress towards v37.

However we have made the decision to get rid of some things that break saves and have been hanging round for awhile making other work hard.

I'd like a download that won't break saves from v36.

The Crime Patch thread here contains links that have the last set of updates before we broke saves and the latest beta version. Joseph_II was pointing to that.
Wait, is that the entire version? It's taking a loooooong time to extract.
Hi guys, first of all I want to thank the developers for the best and greatest MOD or/and conglomeration of MODS for Civ4.

I also wanted to point out that I am unable to save my customized options in the BUG menu (ctrl-alt-O).
I have tried creating a specific profile, as it was suggested, with its own *.ini file and also save 2+ times after setting the options in the BUG menu.

The options stay saved until I exit the game to desktop, when I reload the game it's all back to default. It's no biggie since it doesn't take long to set them every time I boot up the saved game but I just thought you should know.

Running Windows 10 64bit.

Thanks again for your hard work!
But JosEPh_II said I missed update patches from post #43 and#45 and #58 + a patch from the "crime patch thread". I guess I shouldn't report anything unless I install those patches, right?

Try it and see then. If you can replicate it then the bug remains and needs to be fixed.
Is there a way to get rid of goody huts? They are SO immersion breaking, especially in Prehistoric era.
Isn't there a No Goody Huts option when you start the game?

Look at the bottom numbers in your last screen shot. The 1.08 in green vs 0.51 in red.

Now lets look right below them.
+8% Strength (Green good for you)
+25 From Crossing River (Red bad for you)
-120% vs Wild animals (Green good for you)

This last one has your desert bonus in it as a Wanderer starts the game with 100% vs Wild animals the extra 20% is your Desert attack bonus. It's just not broken out in detailed line items. Spacing and display limitations, only so much, as T-brd has mentioned, can be individually displayed. Long story short your Desert Attack bonus is there and working.

When you get the next chance at a promotion take the Animal Subdue Promo. This adds more to you wanderer in attacking, killing and raises the chance to Subdue an Animal for extra gain. After that if you have lots of desert around take the next Desert/Dunes. If Forest take the Forest, Hills take the Hill Promo, etc. You will have tons of choices to pick from.

But I will tell you this, almost All Promotions work as designed, especially the 1st and 2nd lines of each promotion ladder. They have all been tested and used by many many players for a long time and the bugs for the most part are worked out. Some of the newer 4th and 5th tier may have problems but those usually turn out to be because of the Display limitations we must live with.

Learning all this does take time, believe me I understand your questions, been there done that. Because over the past 3+ years that ThunderBrd has been developing Promotions I have given him Tons of guff over them. So he has them pretty well lined up as they should be. Now it's up to you to learn them as a New player.

JosEPh :)
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