CFC Steam Group

I've gotten three aputators from random drops. They're suprisingly hard to trade.

I still can't get rid of my third one, though. I'm hoping to get a hat for it, or at least a different polycount weapon. No takers thus far.

I had this problem with the last poly update, when I got a buttload of the new spy pistols. I've gotten six before the Christmas update.

I'll trade you a reclaimed metal for it. Or a vintage equalizer. Don't have any other spare weapons i think, maybe I'd have to check. And I'm certainly NOT trading you a damn hat, people keep asking me for hats instead of metal in trades and its pissing me off. If I had spare hats I WOULDN'T BE TRYING TO TRADE FOR OTHER STUFF.
Anyone playing Gratuitous Space Battles here? I wouldn't mind getting a few friendly challenges :)

I did switch my steam name to Rheinmetall for easier recognition
There's multiplayer? I have it and most of the expansions on GamersGate but haven't gotten around to playing it yet.

Well it isn't real multiplayer. You effectively design your own fleet and and throw it to another player as a "challenge" which he/she then tries to beat by designing a fleet of his/hers own to counter it.

You'll learn a lot by losing your fleets to others fleets, and usually see what went wrong with your fleet composition/formation/orders, attempt to fix it and try again. There's a lots of challenges out there, but I dislike fighting the missile/cruiser spam fleets that don't seem to have any deeper thought put into them.
So you know, I'm in the group too (same nickname). I didn't know there was a thread here.

I don't see you in the group, make sure its the one in my signature, and welcome :)
So who has tried Global Agenda? I got it, and it was suprisingly good.

We could have a Civfanatics Agency :p
That's a shame. It's quite fun, and I have a friend irl who plays with me. :D

In other news, I finaly broke down and got Killing Floor as well. I figured since I tried L4D2 and enjoyed it, I'll give Killing Floor a shot.
Aww, and I don't have Killing Floor :(.
I'm an epic officer too now. And I post more announcements than your grandma.

Do you think we should organize some.. games of some stuff? Organizing stuff is almost my daytime job though, I've just had enough :) Is there a way to know what games are most owned in the group?
I'm almost certain the most played game is Left 4 Dead 2.
Followed by Team Fortress 2. Not sure about Garry's Mod, though I seem to be the only person that plays that game the most.
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