Hey Sqipe, why dont you stop coping/pasting the bull%&$^ from the different D- sites and start to use your own knowledge (if you have this)
As history shows, Russians actually are those who was always been attacked (Teutonics, Swedes, Pospolitta, Mongols, Pechenegs, Prussians, French, Nazies........).
I did not said that Chechens prefered occupation. If you'd read attentive, you'd found that I said that they had no choise but ask for a help in exchange to be a vassals.
The Ottoman armies were putting to knife every child and woman, because there was nearly nobody to protect them (many chechens have died in battle, fighting the overwelming turkish forces).
You typing bad things about russians because youre a propagandist, who was feeded by lies since you were a child by those who has a short memory about his own Folk, and who gain money for anti-russian propaganda. I dont hate chechens at all, just the guys like you are spoiling relations between lots of people.
Me? Banned? Its a big question who is supposed to be banned.
You think that youre looking so good? Have nothing but to go and cry to parents?
And, first, think carefully before saying anything. Respect you? Any reasons? Maybe I should respect for that
You have insulted me by your conscienceless and impudent lies? That you have brought politic quarrels to this site, which was so long emmm.... a "Switzerland" in that meaning?
What, did you expect that nobody will prevent you from spreading propaganda and make this site's users think bad about other people, in this case, the russians users and nation? If so, you've chosen a wrong site for that.
You and your "colleagues" just HAVE to think up these lies about russians (youre form the US, so all is clear, just like Saakashvili and some Baltic rulers) for making Russia look bad just for nothing. Or, what will you have to say, if Ill mind about how many Native americans were killed and wiped out from their motherland? That Texas is an American territory only because of it's aggression against Mexico? That how many lifes were broken by actions of your goverment in Vietnam, Yugoslavia, Somali, Iraq, and now, in Georgia? How many children in Bislan were killed by the guys whom you call a "fighters for liberty"? You just need all of the western people think bad about Russia. The White House needs another country with an equal political strength as thier own just like the kid needs a broken glass in his playing yard. The same fate would have to face every nation if it would be in Russia's situation.
And, again, choose your speech carefully. It's easy to say different things to the people when youre sitting in front of your computer. The different situation is when you talking face to face.