City planning and dotmapping


Keep Calm and Carry On
Retired Moderator
Dec 17, 2004
Since there will be some discussion about city placement I felt this thread would be appropriate unless it's preferred we discuss it in the turnplayer thread.

Kickbooti and I have discussed some city placements and we need to discuss where our 2nd city should be placed.

I have found that CxxC has more benefits than CxxxC since military moves in 1 vs. 2 turns and all developed tiles are worked early in the game. Yes there's overlap but I see MMing benefits here too. Obviously it's not my decision so I think we should discuss our plan.
Does anyone have the most recent screenshot? That would be most helpful in planning our cities.

Edit - OK, I just found a screenshot in the turnlog. Sorry for being a dope.

I like the regular grassland 1SE of the GH for our next city. That will also allow one up around the bend in the river. Settling these first cities on the river will be most beneficial.
Here are a few of the dots discussed.
Gotta go with Bugs on this one and vote the red dot. In general stay on the riverbanks for food and commerce. And popping the hut by founding a city will get you something "less interesting, but more valuable, than barbarians" as TR says.

Our GS is a fast mover so CxxC spacing is less critical than it might be otherwise.
Bede said:
Our GS is a fast mover so CxxC spacing is less critical than it might be otherwise.

I agree.

With the info we have now (which I still think we should update by letting two warriors scout), I am going for the red dot as well.
Red dot for me too. Then 1 E of pale green.
Red or Blue works for me. Though if spacing is an issue, one north of blue (NE of red) would still give the goodyhut/wheat/fill benefit that I think is important.
Kick said:
one north of blue (NE of red)
From what I can see that is not by the river, i.e. no 6pop+ before duct and that is bad unless we use it for settlers/workers only, but it steals space from possible river cities, so no. I'd prefer blue dot to get that 2:d wheat into action pronto. Many cities soon is good for intalling some frowns on the foreheads of opponents. Pale green could then be placed on opposite side of the river Styx.
I think red because blue would cover a useful BG and the city (Dunderhead or Dunder Head?) would be a shield powerhouse.
I agree with the red dot for the same reasons posted by others and because it will be CxxC from the green dot for the third city...might be important prior to getting our UU.
I like blue, and move green dot NE probably. There seems to be enough bg's to go around and that wheat on floodplain looks nice.

Edit: If red dot, I would consider chopping forest for temple.
The state of our nation after turn 11 plus some in-pic comments.
Edit: Well it would be if the darn thing actually attached :mad:

Here we go again...


  • mtdgmapdagh.jpg
    148 KB · Views: 246
red & blue are @ 5 distance from Simpleton and yellow and empty purpple circle are 4.5 . I realize ring placement doesn't work in [c3c] but I still think that it's a good idea if you can fit it in with the terrain.
Bugsys plan is fine too but obviously a bit looser.I guess one thing to take into consideration is do we want monster metros for SS builds or not. A tighter build is a habit of mine and I guess it gives a higher number of cities early on. I do believe that is good to have at the negotiations table. I also appreciate the ability to share goodies btw cities.
My dotting is not grounded on exact calculation on future shiels/food, mind you. That's for the geeks :lol: .
I think that it's important to grab as much area as possible early on. I've never played against humans, but I'd imagine that they would expand better than AI. If so then we are going to have success by expanding faster. We have the inital lead in growth but I suspect that that will even out if we don't expand well.
Agree 100%, but there is also the difference between expanding fast regarding # of cities and expanding "big" in # of tiles. Many cities early on will look more scary to opponents than fewer, even if the fewer will grow more monsterous later on. My line of reasoning is we will go for an attack with GS's i late AA/early MA and that will be augmented with a lot of mid sized cities. If the trick pulls of and we want to go for SS we can disband some of them to make room for mega metros later on.
Please note how I've left the 80K dream behind, ha,ha.
Yeah that's fine. I've never been good at planning city locations. I usually leave that to someone else in the SG. I'm more learning than offering "sage advice". PLus I had to come into work this morning and I'm bored.
About that whale just out of reach, it almost looks like there's coast to the N and NW of it. Although I'm not that great at fog-gazing, especially with just a screenshot.
That looks like ocean to me. It seems to get darker as you go to the fog to the N & NW. I've been wrong before, you know.
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