Civ 5 Playthru -How to Conquer the World by being Poor, Upset and Massively Outgunned

I think I need to sleep. I'm arguing in a thread about the lovers vs. haters and I'm confusing lovers with haters because they're arguing with haters and I think they're talking about me and not the hater. Also is John Travolta meant to be dancing up my wall like that? Shouldn't he be in films? What have you done to me Civ 5?!
You do realise China controlled all of Eurasia and Africa, right? The AI does not cheat on Prince, AFAIK. If lemmy can't achieve what the AI did, it's not proof the AI is cheating :sad:

I'm playing an archepeliago map as England presently and I have a rather extensive empire. It allows me a lot of benefits. Yes, costs go up for cultural policies, but I can build a monument and temple in each city (eventually) and build up a massive cultural output. Also, since each city square gives a gold and you can rather quickly get a worker out and building trading posts, you can do a pretty substantial job just having a few base buildings and then a trade route to the capital.

Personally, I think that is how she won the cultural victory. She must have had upwards of 50 cities all producing 5 or more culture with some really raking it in with wonders and more advanced culture buildings. It would take awhile to set up, but definitely a strategy to use since the only major concern would be happiness (but with 50 cities you're probably getting one of each luxury and a colusseum erases the hapiness defecit for a size 3 city (with Forbidden Palace).
WMG, what a fantastic story...
I could not run the demo in my windows crash the game and I looked for some help in the Take2 FAQ....
I tried change the game as the FAQ told me but nothing happened to solve the issue...
I sent a email to the team help me...
I always look for comments, images, stories about the Civ 5, because today I´ll be able to pay the full game from Steam.... of course....if my windows allows me to do that...hahaha
Wonderful stuff. Helping those painful hours 'til release pass quicker...
Great thread. Really enjoyed reading it! Thank you for sharing

Pretty sweet to see the AI being really agressive, and actually going for a domination victory. You didn't see much of that in Civ IV thanks to religion and vassals. I like it ^^
being alone on the northern american continent is not a good thing. you can't make research agreements. that really slows down ur development. remember the aztec people? they were still at stone age in the 1500 AC
Thanks Lemmy for making the interminable anticipation bearable. (one more sleep)

and bloody funny :D as well as giving a sense of the All-New-Civ-flavour.

Long live the Babberonians !!
Been a lurker here ages and have always enjoyed the stories and tales section.

Thankyou for making the wait at more bearable with this excellent thread.
I must look into this Sulla guy, he seems to be somewhat of a legend from all the mentions he's had. :)

He worked with Firaxis in testing the Civ IV and made an interesting story... You can check it here in CFC or in his personal Site.

CFC Sulla's Story

Sulla's Site

And, if memory serves me, he was one of the founders of a site called "Realms Beyond" which focused in playing the games in a specific way... Check it out if you want.

Realms Beyond
One more heavy lurker emerged thanks to this thread.Following the community since 2007 but this ..THIS is a must post.

Lemmy Thank you!
Great thread Lemmy. I didn't see you when you were over in General Discussion (I try to avoid that place), but as much as you felt like an exile, it was good to have you here!

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