Civ 7 Feature wishlist, whether reasonable or not!

They better put in a hell of a lot of work to make it less of a pain to manage all the cities then, because I do not want to be manually deciding the production queues of 20+ cities again, early Civ was too much and I do not wish to go back
I think micromanaging, or not, should be a setting or choice available to the player, not a universal constant.
Chopping forests should have some consequence. (This is coming from a Civ 5 perspective, I haven't played Civ 6).

In Civ 5 when you chop a forest you get an immediate production boost in the closest city. This always seemed weird to me. Free hammers with no consequences doesn't seem right. Plus your lands end up looking like a barren wasteland, its pretty ugly. There should be some negative effect to chopping all the forests. In Civ 2 there was global warming as a consequence of pollution. I would like a similar mechanic so that if you choose to chop all your forests, you can expect a negative future consequence of some sort.
Yes! For an example, in china the yellow river was not always that unstable yes it did flood a lot but not as strongly as it does now because of deforestation at the mouth of the river
Just thought of something and I can't believe it slipped my mind: more music.
This series has a lot of really good, even great music. But when you start putting hundreds or thousands of hours into the game... it can get a bit old. If they made a last DLC for Civ 6 containing only new music and it was reasonably price, I'd buy it in a heartbeat.
A return to decently sized maps - to me, grand strategy means I can build an empire. 50-60 cities minimum. Minimum!

More tech detail - like finding new elements and then studying them to see what they can be used for, discovering a tech from cultural practices, and learning through diplomacy

Return to armies, but not doomstacks... an army is a unit that can be invested in and upgraded... same with navies (except for nuclear subs)

more depth to diplomacy, cold wars, economics
A separate Ecological Victory - which can be won in tandem with other civilizations. Alternately it could be an alternate path towards scientific victory.

To achieve it you must decarbonize your civilization, switching to clean energy sources, have high [new meter of ecological score] in every city, x national parks, enforce global policies regarding climate change, and contribute towards reversing/stopping climate change for example via massive geoengineering projects built jointly by all civs.

To make it more spicy, it is totally possible to combine that victory with militarist and/or authoritarian playstyle - you may literally enforce new green order on all civs and your own citizens :D
my take on this have hotkeys be a thing again and having the numpad be used for movent again too because some times don't want to use my mouse.
A separate Ecological Victory - which can be won in tandem with other civilizations. Alternately it could be an alternate path towards scientific victory.

To achieve it you must decarbonize your civilization, switching to clean energy sources, have high [new meter of ecological score] in every city, x national parks, enforce global policies regarding climate change, and contribute towards reversing/stopping climate change for example via massive geoengineering projects built jointly by all civs.

To make it more spicy, it is totally possible to combine that victory with militarist and/or authoritarian playstyle - you may literally enforce new green order on all civs and your own citizens :D

How is this a victory?

Domination victory is a victory because you're in charge of the entire planet.
Scientific victory is a victory because you're spreading through space and thus pretty much by definition outcompeting all other countries.
Cultural victory is a victory because everyone looks to you for their culture.
Religious victory is a victory because everyone looks to you for religious guidance.
Diplomatic victory is a victory because you're elected world leader.

Ecological victory is a victory because... you're morally superior?

No, I'd much rather have Economic victory: a victory because you control the entirety of the world's economy.
Ecological victory? I have an evil idea.
When you can control the animal/insect migrations, invasive species, climate change to benefit or destroy any country in the world.
(whatever you done it by the bacteria, the heat, the wind, the pollution, the calculation from super computer, or you just cut down the woods)
It must be an Ecological Victory.
Ecological victory? I have an evil idea.
When you can control the animal/insect migrations, invasive species, climate change to benefit or destroy any country in the world.
(whatever you done it by the bacteria, the heat, the wind, the pollution, the calculation from super computer, or you just cut down the woods)
It must be an Ecological Victory.
Sounds like the main villain's evil scheme in a bad spyfi parody movie starring Bill Cosby that no one wants to remember.
One thing I have never seen mentioned:

Civilizations having unique diplomatic dialogue when interacting with their historical rivals/friends/just civs they had strong connection to, with some references to real history. Especially if leaders were contemporaries.

You know. Aztec and Spanish. English and French. Byzantines and Turks. Assyria and Babylon. China and Rome calling particular civs barbarians. Carthage vs Rome. On the wholesome side, English-French references to entente cordiale if they ally, civs calling others their worthy enemies or imperial equals, Poland and Ukraine having both hostile and heartwarming unique lines, Greeks and Indians respecting each others philosophy...
You know. Aztec and Spanish. English and French. Byzantines and Turks. Assyria and Babylon. China and Rome calling particular civs barbarians. Carthage vs Rome. On the wholesome side, English-French references to entente cordiale if they ally, civs calling others their worthy enemies or imperial equals, Poland and Ukraine having both hostile and heartwarming unique lines, Greeks and Indians respecting each others philosophy...
Greeks making fun of the Macedonians' accents . . .
How is this a victory?

Domination victory is a victory because you're in charge of the entire planet.
Scientific victory is a victory because you're spreading through space and thus pretty much by definition outcompeting all other countries.
Cultural victory is a victory because everyone looks to you for their culture.
Religious victory is a victory because everyone looks to you for religious guidance.
Diplomatic victory is a victory because you're elected world leader.

Ecological victory is a victory because... you're morally superior?

No, I'd much rather have Economic victory: a victory because you control the entirety of the world's economy.
There actually is an economic victory in Civilization Revolution 2.
One thing I have never seen mentioned:

Civilizations having unique diplomatic dialogue when interacting with their historical rivals/friends/just civs they had strong connection to, with some references to real history. Especially if leaders were contemporaries.

You know. Aztec and Spanish. English and French. Byzantines and Turks. Assyria and Babylon. China and Rome calling particular civs barbarians. Carthage vs Rome. On the wholesome side, English-French references to entente cordiale if they ally, civs calling others their worthy enemies or imperial equals, Poland and Ukraine having both hostile and heartwarming unique lines, Greeks and Indians respecting each others philosophy...
Probably because it would be a lot of work recording all of those extra lines. I can just imagine every European civ that existed from late Medieval/Early Modern on having some sort of unique dialogue with each other. :crazyeye:
There actually is an economic victory in Civilization Revolution 2.
I wouldn't mind if they replace Religious Victory with an Economic Victory. That could be achieved by having a monopoly/corporation on most of the world's resources. Religion and religious conversion could still be a part of Cultural Victory.
Also in Alpha Centauri.
SMAC'S was idiocryncratic to ther storyline, like most of their non-conquest victories (though allied victory was possible). As much as I loved SMAC, I don't think their economic victory of, "cornering the energy parket," would translate directly.
I wouldn't mind if they replace Religious Victory with an Economic Victory. That could be achieved by having a monopoly/corporation on most of the world's resources. Religion and religious conversion could still be a part of Cultural Victory.
"What, sell out the Lord for Mammon!" Sorry, couldn't resist.

I think there should be a form of religious victory, just not the cartoonish one of Civ6. If there is an economic victory, it shouldn't outright replace a religious victory - that would almost be make social statement.
"What, sell out the Lord for Mammon!" Sorry, couldn't resist.

I think there should be a form of religious victory, just not the cartoonish one of Civ6. If there is an economic victory, it shouldn't outright replace a religious victory - that would almost be make social statement.
What I mean is to combine elements of the current religious victory and the current cultural victory into one. Religions are a big part of the culture of civilizations, anyway, so why not combine the two instead of just making it only about tourism?
What could have been interesting as an extra game mode, like those in Civ 6, but which could easily become controversial, so better left up to modmakers, would be to enhance the religious gameplay with supernatural elements, where all the various gods in the game exists and interacts with the game world in supernatural ways as well. Usually I’m not that interested in adding “fantasy” elements to the main game, but if done well, it could have been interesting.
What could have been interesting as an extra game mode, like those in Civ 6, but which could easily become controversial, so better left up to modmakers, would be to enhance the religious gameplay with supernatural elements, where all the various gods in the game exists and interacts with the game world in supernatural ways as well. Usually I’m not that interested in adding “fantasy” elements to the main game, but if done well, it could have been interesting.
There has been discussion on a few threads, including by myself, that a spinoff (but official numbered game) of Civ, in the vain of Colonization, SMAC, or Beyond Earth, but being like Age of Mythology is to the Age of Empires series, in theme, would be nice. But, as a separate spinoff game.
There has been discussion on a few threads, including by myself, that a spinoff (but official numbered game) of Civ, in the vain of Colonization, SMAC, or Beyond Earth, but being like Age of Mythology is to the Age of Empires series, in theme, would be nice. But, as a separate spinoff game.
That would definitely have been interesting. I’m not sure if Firaxis, or their more cynical owners would dare it, but if given enough thought and care, I could see such a game becoming quite popular and getting high praise.

The conventional view is that anything that touches religion is something you should stay away from, but they dared approaching it in Civ 4, and it turned out to be quite a successful experiment for the series.
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