Civ Specific Resources

Really?!?! Wow.
How about something related to the breeding pit or the Governors mannor for the Calabim?

Vial of the Bloodstone (+2 health)

Makes sense as the Calibim would focus their society on ways to quickly replensish populations. I wouldn't support making it generate food, that's a unique beneift they have. But they might trade away vials of the Bloodstone as a valuable commodity. Something they restrict normally to their high scoiety but use internally to support their growth.

Also, is there a thread to suggest new magic items? I would really like to see the Bloodstone (from the Subspecies movies) get added.
i still think glasswears or stained glass would be a good one for malakim, glass is made from sand, malakim live in deserts, deserts have lots of sand. stained glass is used in religious buildings, malakim are highly religious... make temples grant +1 happyness from stained glass.
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