Civ2 MGE & ToT Scenario/Mod Preservation Project Log (385 Processed + 7 Super Collections)

Bulk downloads are a definite must after a certain point..... clicking thousands of times to download everything..... And then of course as mentioned in this mass of scenarios things go lost if no one centrally curates collections.
Bulk downloads are a definite must after a certain point..... clicking thousands of times to download everything..... And then of course as mentioned in this mass of scenarios things go lost if no one centrally curates collections.
Which is exactly why I released all the super collections donated to me in the first post. But as for all the stuff I've processed and played around with, don't worry I've always had plans from the start to release my own 'Blake's MGE Collection' when I finish the MGE work. I just need to process the 2 collections donated by St Leo and another fellow first and I'd like to include my own mods in there too, so that's what's holding it up sorry. All my scenario modding stuff is reaching end stage now so shouldn't be tooooo much longer before I'm back processing these final donations. In the meantime at least individually is better than nothing which was what it was for many of these lost scenarios before I started lol!

Oh and since I'm here I'd better mention that internet archive org are having some problems atm, when they're not getting sued and losing court cases they're getting hacked and DDoS attacked so they're currently down (to upgrade their security) meaning we just lost one of the 3 copies of everything. This is also why the little icon pictures on my super collection downloads aren't working as they're hosted there (I should move those pictures here at some point!).. Should be back soon though, although if they keep bloody getting sued that might change grr. At some point I may consider putting a copy of everything on Nexus mods too giving us 4 hosts!
I am doubtful of's future tbh.... they have a talent for making unwise decisions and annoying the wrong people. It's basically become a piracy heaven for some things.... I don't think the people in control realize the true scope of where they have allowed the service to go, blinded by idealism as they are.

And that's ignoring the black hole they have become for random stuff that replicates randomly.

Moderator Action: Political stuff moved to here
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Moderator Action: Political stuff moved to here

I was rather amazed to see the Nexus had nearly 3k mods uploaded over the last week which is insanely more than ModDB got so they are really flying these days. So in the end I decided to submit one of my Civ2 mods (the HoMM2 one) with a request to open up a new Civ2 section. Pleased to say the request was accepted and the Nexus now has a Civ2 section we can use as another mirror to upload MGE/ToT scenarios/mods too if anyone wishes to (might be of interest to you @Dadais since I noticed you're using ModDB like I am). I'm still not sure whether I'll copy all the mods in this thread over there yet as that'll be a massive job, however they display mod lists in quite a nice way with with big thumbnails like Archive Org do which certainly tempts me even more to use them for preservation purposes. But in the meantime I'll be uploading a bunch of mine there over the next year to test the waters and see how they go. Looks like they support an article function similar to ModDB which I like as that means I could copy over all my mod dev diaries from ModDB (originally built from forum posts here) too.

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I was rather amazed to see they've had nearly 3k mods uploaded over the last week which is insanely more than ModDB got so they are really flying these days. So in the end I decided to submit one of my Civ2 mods (the HoMM2 one) with a request to open up a new Civ2 section. Pleased to say the request was accepted and the Nexus now has a Civ2 section we can use as another mirror to upload MGE/ToT scenarios/mods too if anyone wishes to (might be of interest to you @Dadais since I noticed you're using ModDB like I am). I'm still not sure whether I'll copy all the mods in this thread over there yet as that'll be a massive job, however they display mod lists in quite a nice way with with big thumbnails like Archive Org do which certainly tempts me even more to use them for preservation purposes. But in the meantime I'll be uploading a bunch of mine there over the next year to test the waters and see how they go. Looks like they support an article function similar to ModDB which I like as that means I could copy over all my mod dev diaries from ModDB (originally built from forum posts here) too.

That's an excellent move Blake; the traffic to the Nexus is phenomenal. We just need Steam or GoG to sell civ 2 and ToT now!
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Red Alert! Another collection donation has arrived! The anonymous donor has delivered again with some more stuff he found on old CDs! This collection is not a huge one but it looks like it contains St Leo's Star Trek 7 of 9 scenario I've been trying to find for years but had seemingly disappeared off the face of the planet! So I've finally got it! Will be interesting to see if there's another gems in here! Will get it processed and uploaded to here in the near future! :)
Just a quick update and an exciting announcement guys. St Leo (once again living up to his legend status) has gone above & beyond and very kindly donated his backup collection of scenarios & mods (which hopefully include some of the lost treasures from the SidGames era I mentioned above) to me to process for the preservation project!!! :)

Amazing, I really thought this whole thing was done last year and now I've got not 1 but 2 massive collection donations this year to go through. Who knows what lost treasures await! :)

However like I said in my last post there's going to be a bit of a delay as I'm determined to release some of my own mod projects that people have been waiting years for so I don't want to keep them waiting much longer! Once I've got the HoMM2 mod and couple of the others out into the world I'll come back to this and get busy! :)

Well things are looking pretty good now with my scenario work with everything MGE related in a finished or near finished position, which has allowed me to finally start putting together the finishing touches on my big super Civ2 MGE tour video I've been harping on about to you guys for years now. There's just one last thing needed to finish the video and that is getting some of the lost gems I know are in the 2 big collection donations I received above and haven't processed yet. So people will be pleased to know I'm back at it on this project, processing the 2 collections, preparing triple uploads of awesome new total total conversion scenarios not found in the other collections, and of course I'll be uploading the big collections themselves for others to have fun with. I'm seeing a huge amount of other things in these collections too like maps, graphics file collections, and I just posted in another thread how I found a bunch of cool things relating to the old days of the SL too. So you'll finally start to see the scenario processed total in the title of this thread moving up again, some new downloads in the Civ2 resource section, and some new scenarios appearing in the bottom post of page 1 in this thread as that's where I got to last time (note to newcomers: I harvest/edit my old posts in this thread and fill them with scenarios due to the forum 30 picture limit).

Anyway once this is sorted that will finally after all these years give me all the pieces of the puzzle I need to finish and publish my big Civ2 tour video. The video is getting so huge I'm gonna have to break it up into multiple parts lol! Once that's done I can then release the last of my unreleased scenarios and then release the final 'Blake collection' which will have every scenario listed in this thread. :)
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