Civ4 Colonization Patch v1.01f Released!

How would you rate the patch?

  • Excellent

    Votes: 13 16.3%
  • Good

    Votes: 34 42.5%
  • Average

    Votes: 22 27.5%
  • Bad

    Votes: 11 13.8%

  • Total voters
From the changelog of v1.01f:
"Added warning message for when a settlement needs more raw materials"

I find this "enhancement" very annoying. I think it should warn you only when you have no raw materials AND you are not producing them.

In my recent game I have a city with 0 ore stock, producing +5 ore/turn and consuming +6 ore/turn to make tools (+5 -6). Well, each turn due to the ore shortage, I receive 2 messages saying that I have no ore in that city :cry: (one per specialist in the ironworks).

I have updated my modcomp "New orders for units" to patch v1.01f ( ). I fixed this feature by altering the following code line (change is in black):
if (bPrintWarning && (getBaseRawYieldProduced(eYieldConsumed) == 0))
in function CvCity::calculateNetYields of CvCity.cpp.
I started a game with the new patch, and it worked quite well. Not too far yet, but it looks like Firaxis has gotten a lot of things right with this patch. I'm not saying it's perfect, but it's what the original game should have been now -- and it is a lot more fun.

I have not yet noticed the cycling bug, but if it has not yet been addressed, it really needs to be by another patch soon.
Well, if you say you are attacking them a few turns after the start of the scenario then it's not a bug. You can't attack Europeans in the first 20 turns now.

Ah, thanks - missed that.

Looks a much better game now overall. Like others have said, it should've been released like this.
It breaks AOD2. *plays kiss-the-king's-ring-shame sound*

I beg to disagree. That image is indicative of a general fault with CivIVColII. The Colonizopedia is full of Europhobic idiocies, such as "emigrate to the New World to escape your oppressive home government". No one did that, unless you count the English Puritans, who, in G. K. Cesterton's immemorable words, "moved to the New World to be able to oppress everyone else." And then there's the neo-Conservative history of Britain, according to which everything was wrong until Margaret Thatcher turned up and "saved Britain from Socialism". The history writing in the Civ series has not always been optimal, but in this case, it is quite unusually bad. For special amusement, check out what the redneck author of the Colonizopedia writes about France... If your given name is Clyde, Elroy or Kennart you'll love it.

Though if you like it, I suppose the 'pedia reached its target audience.
Thanks for the compliments on the patch everyone, I'll pass them onto Snoopy too. ;)
How are others finding the improved AI? I've only played one game - the Indians seem better (far more hostile), but I'm finding the other European nations a little underwhelming.
How are others finding the improved AI? I've only played one game - the Indians seem better (far more hostile), but I'm finding the other European nations a little underwhelming.

I have had the opposite experience with the European AI. I landed a force of 12 cannons/dragoons to attack Jamestown. Half of them were wiped out immediately and I had to urgently evacuate the injured survivors.

Edit: I might add that was for NO losses by the enemy. In the battles they were losing their dragoons simply withdrew.
I started playing a new game with the patch and it seems that still only 2 other european powers will settle. In my game as the Dutch, Spain and England will settle as well but France is missing from the map..

Anyone experienced the same?
On normal map, having only 3 europe powers is standard. If you want all 4, play larger maps, or play custom game.

Also, small maps have just 2 europe powers, and on tiny ones player is only europe power present.
Just FYI this doesn't work with the Direct2Drive version, but it looks like they have a V1.01 patch up on their site.

I have a digitally distributed version (which is not the Direct2Drive version) and I cannot seem to be able to patch the game.

(1) I download the patch through the game “check for updates” feature. It does install something but then it is not recognized by the game (still in version 1.00)
(2) I download the “ColonizationPatch1.01f.exe” file separately and start the install it says the patch is already installed (“The setup has detected that version 1.01.000 is already installed”)
(3) I download the “Civ4Colonization_ddpatch101.exe” file separately which is theoretically specific for the digitally distributed game, start the install and I get a message saying:
“Sid Meier's Civilization IV Colonization is not installed.” :confused:

Is there a 4th version of this patch adapted for my situation ?
I have updated my modcomp "New orders for units" to patch v1.01f ( ). I fixed this feature by altering the following code line (change is in black):
if (bPrintWarning && (getBaseRawYieldProduced(eYieldConsumed) == 0))
in function CvCity::calculateNetYields of CvCity.cpp.

I wouldn't mind something in balance. If I expect to operate at a loss, then I don't want a warning. But sometimes, I'll have like 3 blacksmiths working in a factory, so I need like 20 or 30 raw produce a turn. If I only have one crappy miner getting like 6 a turn, I do want to be warned... Unfortunately seems like an all or nothing thing. Oh well.
I have a digitally distributed version (which is not the Direct2Drive version) and I cannot seem to be able to patch the game.

(1) I download the patch through the game “check for updates” feature. It does install something but then it is not recognized by the game (still in version 1.00)
(2) I download the “ColonizationPatch1.01f.exe” file separately and start the install it says the patch is already installed (“The setup has detected that version 1.01.000 is already installed”)
(3) I download the “Civ4Colonization_ddpatch101.exe” file separately which is theoretically specific for the digitally distributed game, start the install and I get a message saying:
“Sid Meier's Civilization IV Colonization is not installed.” :confused:

Is there a 4th version of this patch adapted for my situation ?

Exactly the same here, I tried to install all 3 versions and got the same error message: “Sid Meier's Civilization IV Colonization is not installed.”

I bought the game through a download from which in turn had me downloading from, which doesn't have anything about civ4col on their site
I have had the opposite experience with the European AI. I landed a force of 12 cannons/dragoons to attack Jamestown. Half of them were wiped out immediately and I had to urgently evacuate the injured survivors.

Edit: I might add that was for NO losses by the enemy. In the battles they were losing their dragoons simply withdrew.

Good stuff. I've since played a bit more - the AI is definitely improved and it's a MUCH more challenging game than it was pre-patch.

I've been wiped out by a sudden Indian uprising, and the Europeans can be difficult to deal with.

However I've yet to suffer a full scale invasion from a European power, had no amphibious invasions, zilch. This used to happen a lot in the old Col - might happen if I play a bit more.
As of now, nobody finds it "Excellent" and 11 out of 18 voters don't find it even "Good". :confused: Doesn't look like it warrants the hassle of reinstalling the game.
As of now, nobody finds it "Excellent" and 11 out of 18 voters don't find it even "Good". :confused: Doesn't look like it warrants the hassle of reinstalling the game.

We could run a poll on how people rate AoD2 and I think you'd see a significant difference there. Maybe even enough to suggest reinstalling and using AoD2 is worth the hassle. ;)
Exactly the same here, I tried to install all 3 versions and got the same error message: “Sid Meier's Civilization IV Colonization is not installed.”

If anybody managed to install the patch for the digitally distributed version please post here mentioning:
- the name of the site/provider where you initially downloaded the game
- the name of the site/provider where you got the patch
- the filename of the patch you applied.

Thank you very much in advance
Exactly the same here, I tried to install all 3 versions and got the same error message: “Sid Meier's Civilization IV Colonization is not installed.”

I bought the game through a download from which in turn had me downloading from, which doesn't have anything about civ4col on their site

Do you mean gamestop? :D I did this with Civ 4, and I would STRONGLY recommend to only get the digital version from D2D or Steam (I prefer D2D, but that's just me). Gamestop (trymedia) does not put the patches on their website, although they do put up the expansion packs eventually.

Basically, to answer your question you cannot get the patch. :( Sorry.
I wish some of the trade aspects would have been adjusted/fixed.

All of the Native tribes have at least 15k but are depleted rather quickly once you trade with them. Towards the end of the game when the tax rate is above 60% and the Indians have no more money it makes it very difficult to raise any further money. That's why I wish there was a custom house or something still in the game.
I can understand that they wouldn't carry a terrible lot of cash, but it wouldn't be such a big deal if they carried more raw goods, or perhaps even a new Indian-only good that Europeans want.

It's not too far-fetched that a new feature could be added still. Colonial era Indians are human and as such are people who are capable of acting in their own economic self-interest. So I think it wouldn't be weird to program the Native AI's to produce and hold more of a certain raw good, the more you buy it from them (in response to demand)? Perhaps it could be capped based on the number of population of the Indian settlement and the type of civilization they are (Nomad, Agrarian, etc.)
i think dale should on AOD 1.09 should get rid of the including firaxis patch or it will terminate the game
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