• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Civ5 PDF manual is here!

Doesn't surprise me either.
Society is becoming increasingly lax about use of traditionally vulgar language.

To be fair, the use of vulgar language was traditionally looked down upon when it was used in the presence of a lady - as this passage from Trollope demonstrates:
That she-Beelzebub hates him ..." said the archdeacon, permitting himself to use very strong language in his allusion to the bishop's wife. It must be recorded on his behalf that he used the phrase in the presence only of the gentlemen of the party. I think he might have whispered the word into the ear of his confidential friend old Lady Lufton, and perhaps have given no offence; but he would not have ventured to use such words aloud in the presence of ladies.

As Civ V is a computer game, perhaps Firaxis is assuming that no ladies will read the manual?
I'm very surprised to see that all of the world wonders (with the exception of only two) give only one culture. Why so little culture from all world wonders?

I expect that part of that is because the "Constitution" social policy doubles culture in cities with a wonder. If the wonders all gave 4, 6, or 8 culture, that would be a much bigger benefit than it is now with just 1 or 2 culture, even when you take into account the culture from all the other buildings.
What? "Pissed off" is not swearing o.O

I was confused at first as well, but a quick Google showed me what was going on for sure. Most likely, the people taking offense at the use of that terminology are British. It's a cultural difference at play here. In the US, "pissed off" is just an informal but not even remotely crude synonym for "angry". In the UK, it's actually censored on radio and television, and they consider it no less offensive than the four-letter words that are censored on this forum.
I was confused at first as well, but a quick Google showed me what was going on for sure. Most likely, the people taking offense at the use of that terminology are British. It's a cultural difference at play here. In the US, "pissed off" is just an informal but not even remotely crude synonym for "angry". In the UK, it's actually censored on radio and television, and they consider it no less offensive than the four-letter words that are censored on this forum.

I'm not sure where you're from, sir, but I can assure you that people in Britain hardly take offense to such words. In my opinion, I hear people say such words quite often in day to day conversation (as much as I hate to hear it). I just find it strange to hear such use of words in a manual and not because it's offensive. The general populace here would definitely take the many 'four' letter words more offensive than 'pissed off'. If you watch British television then it is far less censored with language and a type of humour than American television (not that I'm saying it's bad).
I'm a little sad that there are only 7 natural wonders (no Grand Canyon?!) and that there are a few missing wonders - Hollywood, Rock n Roll, Parthenon, Three Gorges Dam, Spiral Minaret, etc. I wonder if these will be added into the game in the form of free DLC :)

I preinstalled CIV V via steam and in the file path

C:/Program Files(x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/sid meier's civilization 5/Assets/terriean/pieces

it shows folders for all the terrian types including the seven Natural Wonders by name BUT in each Natural Wonder's folder there are 4 subfolders named Africa, America, Asia & Europe I wonder if that means there will be 4 of each type of Natural Wonder available in each game!! food for thought for us worried about the initiall seemingly small number of wonders.
The use of the term "pissed off" doesn't really bother me that much, I just find it interesting that people on tv can say "female dog vulgarity" during primetime, can print "pissed off" in a manual for a game rated 10+.

I don't like it when my 15 y/o daughter says "pissed off" although I don't get angry at her for it, I would just never have said such things to my parents until I was an adult.

If I had a 10 y/o who said "I'm pissed off at you, Dad", I would get a bit angry at the lack of respect.

That's the problem with society these days, no more respect. We have pushed the boundary for vulgarity back by 10 years, and people seem to no longer adjust to those around them. For example, there was a bunch of teenage boys walking down the street the other day, in front of children and the elderly, cussing like sailors. Swear all you like, but please have some respect for others around you.

I swear like a sailor myself, but I don't do it around my wife's grandparents, or my Mom, or my (or other peoples) children. It's all about knowing the limit for any given situation. Society seems to be losing that.

Anyways, back on topic, I would also welcome a manual with a plain backgroundand maybe a few less pictures, which I could print off without wasting so much colour ink. (Although the ink did only cost 20$ on ebay for 5 black and 3 of each colour, but I'm a cheapskate, and dont' want to waste it regardless...)
Us Canadians are even luckier.

We get the game on the same day as them, but we get to be Canadian too! :)
First, Nice Icon, StittsvilleJame. Good Times!

Second, do you let your 10 y/o play a game where you nuke people to win?
I don't actually have a 10 y/o, but I would let them play civ. I do have an 8 and 5 y/o's and they play a tank game on the wii where they shoot each other and lay bombs.

I would just stress the importance of not nuking other people because of diplomatic penalties. :)
It's kinda hard for a 10 year old to go out and nuking people in real life after they have done it in a game.
First, Nice Icon, StittsvilleJame. Good Times!

Second, do you let your 10 y/o play a game where you nuke people to win?

I go along the lines that there is something vicious (i.e. not virtuous) with most people wanting to bend others to their absolute will as their preferred playstyle, just as much as there is something vicious about FPSs and overall killing being the most popular things on videogames (and movies/TV..).

Why can't most people enjoy being a fair ruler for a change?

The kind of physical violence that's prevalent on mainstream media (and has always been) puts the whole cussing argument under perspective. Some good humoured swearwords are nothing compared to that. Human beings will always be about panis et circencis, I guess, and that means cheering at gladiators mutilating each other. Some things never change no matter how civilized a dressing they may be given.
What? "Pissed off" is not swearing o.O

Pre-mature choice of words? I don't think it's appropriate to write a phrase like that in the official Civilization manual, just as it wouldn't be appropriate for a newsreader to use a phrase like that.

I'm from Sweden, so I'm sorry if it really is upper class langauge that you could expect to hear from sophisticated ladies and gentelmen. Here we don't use that particular phrase, but we occasionally say "I feel like piss" for example. I would never, ever, use a phrase like that in my work, though. And when I buy a new product, I expect that no low-class slang will be used in the documentation (except for GTA of course ;) ).
As much as this OBVIOUSLY CONTRIVED AND IMMERSION DISRUPTING mechanic has irked me, I think I understand why they're doing it. It creates a 'will rise again' type possibility for every civ so that your enemies can potentially come back to haunt you even after you think they're gone. If you're really terrible to Russia and you wipe them out and their buddy comes along and sets things right they're back, they're a world civ again and they're angry. Might be interesting.

It's kind of a cool thing to do in a way. I just wish they had laid it out earlier and maybe actually explained the rationale a bit instead of just commanding acceptance of the mechanic in the manual :lol:

It's probably because of the domination victory. "If you are the last player in possession of your own original capital you win." It would be too easy to just raze all the original capitals.
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