
regarding totalitarian to anarchy to democracy. The former soviet republics in central, eastern and baltic europe all made the transition peacefully. Just playing devils advocate

My understanding of many of the former Soviet Socialist Republics and satellite countries is that after the change they became rundown dumps with ethno-religious terrorists spewing from the woodwork and winning elections. Liberalized government/economy here needs to make a distinction between countries that show they can maintain domestic order when adopting them, and those that can't.
Ahh see, your thinking of the Former Soviet Republics of Central Asian Republics, Kazakstan, Uzbekistan & the states of the Caucasus region, aswell as possibly Romania. Mind you some of this still havent made it into democracy!

Im thinking of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia & Ukraine (?) who all made the transition peacefully to Democracy
Some interesting information. My political science teacher last semester once served as a political advisor to Hungary, back when they were asking how to transition to democratic government after the fall of communism. He had an uphill battle to fight, because of different priorities; the Hungarians thought a democratic government would be better because Soviet tyranny didn't allow them to kill gypsies. It took my teacher a long time to explain that a healthy democracy does not allow that, either, and the Hungarian official seemed disenchanted with democracy after that.

Post-communist Poland seems to have been retheocratized by the Vatican more than anything else, and I hear skinheads are common there because Germany doesn't tolerate neo-Nazies within its own borders. (The irony of there being more Nazis in Poland now is almost funny, but not quite.)

I think the regime of Slobodan Milosevik speaks for itself as maybe the best reminder of why they call that area the "powder keg of Europe," and it was sickening just how many of his supporters held a teary vigil in his memory when he died.

However, while clearly I have much less sympathy for many former communist-bloc states, since we're on the subject of relative peace and democracy, I would like to remind you that the "extended anarchy when transitioning to other governments" idea was not mine. We needed some way to preserve realism by making sure countries like Saudi Arabia didn't change overnight, but I supported reinserting political and economic technologies to be researched instead, so some civs wouldn't start with them, but once they discovered them, countries could switch at will with only a few turns lost.

So under that system, the situation with the Soviet collapse could be that the former SSRs were vassals who had discovered democracy a long time ago, but who were forbidden by their master country, the Soviet Union, from becoming democracies. Once things change a bit, like a leader coming to power in Russia who doesn't mind them liberalizing, or Russia's economy collapsing so that it's no longer strong enough to retain other states as its vassals, those states could finally change.

However, we didn't use that system. Perhaps part of the reason is that there aren't really any large empires bordering on collapse at this moment, as there were in the cold war, or perhaps the reasoning of the technology coding staff (and this is the rational they gave me) is that they feel making a country research political technologies would take time away from their scientific progress, something overwhelmingly favored by that side of the staff. (I point out that ten turns of anarchy will also freeze the country's research, so we'll need to wait to play the game to see whose idea was truly more practical.)
Drat. The version of WinRAR installed on this laptop I'm once again forced to use seems to hate me; it won't let me compress the file. So how about this: I embed the XML here for description texts. You can just make your own copy file from that. Other editing will continue.
[QUOTE]<!-- Civic Names -->
		<English>Direct Democracy</English>
			<Text>Direct Democracy</Text>
			<Text>Direct Democracy</Text>
			<Text>Direct Democracy</Text>
			<Text>Direct Democracy</Text>
		<English>Martial Law</English>
			<Text>Martial Law</Text>
			<Text>Martial Law</Text>
			<Text>Martial Law</Text>
			<Text>Martial Law</Text>
		<English>Mandatory Justice</English>
			<Text>Mandatory Justice</Text>
			<Text>Mandatory Justice</Text>
			<Text>Mandatory Justice</Text>
			<Text>Mandatory Justice</Text>
		<English>Guaranteed Income</English>
			<Text>Guaranteed Income</Text>
			<Text>Guaranteed Income</Text>
			<Text>Guaranteed Income</Text>
			<Text>Guaranteed Income</Text>
		<English>Knowledge Economy</English>
			<Text>Knowledge Economy</Text>
			<Text>Knowledge Economy</Text>
			<Text>Knowledge Economy</Text>
			<Text>Knowledge Economy</Text>
		<English>State-Sponsored Independence</English>
			<Text>State-Sponsored Independence</Text>
		<German><Text>State-Sponsored Independence</Text>
			<Text>State-Sponsored Independence</Text>
			<Text>State-Sponsored Independence</Text>

Wow, that looks like a mess in translation. You may want to neaten it up when you make the file. Still, it should work.

Now, the moment everyone has been waiting for! The updated list of Civics and effects!

Government Civics:
Caesardom: Requires 15 turns of revolution, Medium Upkeep, +25% Worker Speed, +25% :hammers:, :gold:, and :culture: in capital.
Totalitarian: Requires 20 turns of revolution, High Upkeep, -25% :gp: birth, +25% Military Production, -25% War Weariness, -25% :culture:, No nonstate ideology spread.
Presidential: Requires 10 turns of revolution, High Upkeep, -25% Corporation Maintanence Costs, +50% :gold: in Capital.
Parliamentary: Requires 10 turns of revolution, Medium Upkeep, +25% :gp: birth, +1 :science: per specialist.
Technocracy: Requires 15 turns of Revolution, Composites Tech, High Upkeep, +100% :gp: Birth, +1 :) for University.
Direct Democracy: No wait for Revolution but requires Quantum Computers tech, Medium Upkeep, +1:) in three largest cities, +50% :culture: in capital, 1:( from Broadcast Tower.

Here's to me; that was painful. I hate having to do this with a crummy laptop that has no real mouse.
Legal Civics:
Darwinism: No Upkeep, -20%:gp: birth, +1 Free Experience Point.
Confederacy: Low Upkeep, -50% maintenance costs from distance from palace, +25% Worker Speed, +50% cottage to town speed, -20% Military Unit Production, +10%:hammers:, -10% :gold:, -50% :culture:.
Isolationism: Requires Modern Military Tech, High Upkeep, +1:) per military unit, No foreign corporation spread, no foreign ideology spread, cities with state ideology grant 2 free experience points, -20%:culture:.
Internationalism: Requires Satellites tech, Medium Upkeep, +1:traderoute:, +20%:culture:.
Martial Law: Requires UAVs tech, High Upkeep, +25% Military unit production, -25% War weariness, -25% :culture:, +25% :espionage:, Jails give 1:(, +2:health:, Can draft 3 units per turn.
Mandatory Justice: Requires New Vaccines Tech, High Upkeep, +25% Corporation maintenance costs, +1 :) in 3 largest cities, +20%:culture:, +1:), +1:health: from Courthouse.
Labor Civics:
Tribalism: No Upkeep, 1 :yuck:, +1 Free Experience point, -10%:hammers:.
Emancipation: Low Upkeep, Faster Cottage to town progress.
Collective: High Upkeep, Can Sacrifice population to hurry production, Farms and Fishing boats give -1:food: but +2:hammers:.
Organized: Medium Upkeep, Workers build improvements +25% faster, Faster cottage-to-town progression, +1:gold: from town.
Professional: Requires Modern Computers tech, High Upkeep, 2 Free specialists per city, +5%:hammers:, can spend gold to hurry production.
Guaranteed Income: Requires Fusion tech, High Upkeep, 1:) in 3 largest cities, -10%:hammers:, +50%:culture:.
Economy Civics:
Deregulated: No Upkeep, +25% Corporation Maintenance costs, 1:yuck:, +3:commerce:.
Communist: Medium Upkeep, No corporations, +10%:hammers:, can spend gold to hurry production.
Corporatist: Requires Fiberoptics technology, High Upkeep, -25% Corporation Maintenance costs, +1:traderoute:, can spend gold to hurry production, can assign unlimited artist, scientist, and merchant specialists, +1:) from corporate branch.
Military-Industrial: Requires Missile Delivery technology, High Upkeep, +50% Military production, 20 free units, -10%:hammers:, -5%:gold:.
Grassroots: Requires Hybrid technology, High Upkeep, +25%:gp: birth, +25% Corporate Maintenance costs, +1:gold: from forest and jungle preserves, +1:hammers: from windmill, 2:health: from public transportation.
Knowledge Economy: Requires Nanotechnology tech, High Upkeep, +2:gold:, :culture:, and:hammers: from each specialist.
Media (Religion) Civics:
Corporate: No Upkeep, -25% Corporation Maintenance costs, +1:commerce:.
State-Censored: Medium Upkeep, Requires ten turns of Revolution, -10% War weariness, +10%:espionage.
State-Run: High Upkeep, Requires 20 turns of Revolution, no spread of non-state ideology, 1 :) from state ideology but 1 :( for each non-state ideology, -20% War weariness, -20% :culture: but + 20% :espionage:, +1:) from broadcast tower.
State-Sponsored Independence: Requires Advanced Satellites Technology and 10 turns of Revolution, High Upkeep, +20% :culture:, +2 :) from broadcast tower.

It's done! Hoorayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy...Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :sleep:


I'm not familiar with the term "Mandatory Justice". Can someone explain what this means?
Great work, Bahmo! Thanks! :)

One thing, though: Shouldn't need the democratic government civs the longer revolution time compared to the totalitarian? After all a newly installed democracy is taking much longer to properly work than a newly installed dictatorship...
I actually believe that fluctuates depending upon the nature of a country's populace. A country used to simple "might-makes-right" struggle is probably going to be more accepting of a dictator simply because then at least the power will be centralized, unisymmetrical, and relatively predictable. Meanwhile, a country that has lived under a dictatorship, but still become peaceful, prosperous, and modernized under it, is more likely to be able to run a successful democracy when it decides to implement one.

I'm not familiar with the term "Mandatory Justice". Can someone explain what this means?

I simply chose a very basic name to describe a new idea. So Mandatory Justice is one of the "utopian" civics, and though not clearly defined, entails governments making laws not for their own sake, but for the sake of their people. So to explain it further, in the current state of things, most of the governments of the world have, to a point, made a habit of granting equal rights to their citizens. Under Mandatory Justice, the idea would be taken a step further when a government not only agrees not to violate the rights it grants its citizens; it also acts to prohibit any sub-governmental bodies from violating said rights. This naturally cannot be insured in a dictatorship, which is why it coincides somewhat with other utopian civics, like Direct Democracy.
nice one Bahmo, really good work!
Thank you, unfortunately, due to a discussion about media I had on the Civ List thread, I realized I needed to rework some of this. Shoudldn't take too long, though.

Edit: I thus submit this, yet again. Note that there still aren't many matching buttons.


I don't know if you'd like to change something once again but while thinking about which civs should start with which civics I found something missing.

How about changing the media civic "regulated" (which is rather redundant in my eyes) to "monopoly"? By this I mean a system in which media is nominally free but is almost completely under control of one corporation. This would apply to a number of states like Brazil for example.
OK, here's my first suggestion for starting civics. First Asia, Oceania and the Americas:

Saudi Arabia

Government: Totalitarian
Labor: Organized
Legal: Darwinism
Economy: Corporate
Media: State-Censored


Government: Parliamentary
Labor: Organized
Legal: Internationalism
Economy: Military-Industrial
Media: State-Censored


Government: Parliamentary
Labor: Tribalism
Legal: Darwinism
Economy: Deregulated
Media: State-Censored


Government: Caesardom
Labor: Tribalism
Legal: Martial Law
Economy: Deregulated
Media: State-Run


Government: Totalitarian
Labor: Organized
Legal: Martial Law
Economy: Communist
Media: State-Censored


Government: Presidential
Labor: Tribalism
Legal: Darwinism
Economy: Deregulated
Media: Regulated


Government: Parliamentary
Labor: Emancipation
Legal: Darwinism
Economy: Corporatist
Media: State-Censored


Government: Parliamentary
Labor: Organized
Legal: Confederacy
Economy: Corporatist
Media: State-Censored


Government: Caesardom
Labor: Organized
Legal: Darwinism
Economy: Corporatist
Media: State-Run


Government: Parliamentary
Labor: Tribalism
Legal: Internationalism
Economy: Deregulated
Media: Regulated


Government: Technocracy
Labor: Collective
Legal: Martial Law
Economy: Corporatist
Media: State-Censored


Government: Presidential
Labor: Professional
Legal: Internationalism
Economy: Deregulated
Media: Corporate

North Korea

Government: Totalitarian
Labor: Collective
Legal: Isolationism
Economy: Military-Industrial
Media: State-Run

South Korea

Government: Presidential
Labor: Professional
Legal: Internationalism
Economy: Corporatist
Media: State-Censored


Government: Parliamentary
Labor: Professional
Legal: Internationalism
Economy: Corporatist
Media: Corporate


Government: Caesardom
Labor: Tribalism
Legal: Darwinism
Economy: Deregulated
Media: State-Run


Government: Presidential
Labor: Organized
Legal: Darwinism
Economy: Corporatist
Media: Corporate


Government: Totalitarian
Labor: Collective
Legal: Darwinism
Economy: Communist
Media: State-Run


Government: Presidential
Labor: Organized
Legal: Darwinism
Economy: Deregulated
Media: Corporate


Government: Presidential
Labor: Organized
Legal: Confederacy
Economy: Deregulated
Media: Corporate


Government: Parliamentary
Labor: Professional
Legal: Confederacy
Economy: Corporatist
Media: Corporate

New Zealand

Government: Parliamentary
Labor: Professional
Legal: Internationalism
Economy: Corporatist
Media: Corporate


Government: Parliamentary
Labor: Professional
Legal: Confederacy
Economy: Corporatist
Media: Corporate

United States

Government: Presidential
Labor: Professional
Legal: Confederacy
Economy: Corporatist
Media: Corporate


Government: Presidential
Labor: Tribalism
Legal: Darwinism
Economy: Deregulated
Media: Unruly


Government: Presidential
Labor: Professional
Legal: Darwinism
Economy: Deregulated
Media: Unruly

Bolivarian Americas

Government: Presidential
Labor: Collective
Legal: Confederacy
Economy: Corporatist
Media: Corporate


Government: Presidential
Labor: Professional
Legal: Confederacy
Economy: Deregulated
Media: Corporate


Government: Presidential
Labor: Professional
Legal: Confederacy
Economy: Corporatist
Media: Corporate


Government: Presidential
Labor: Organized
Legal: Confederacy
Economy: Deregulated
Media: Corporate


Government: Presidential
Labor: Professional
Legal: Internationalism
Economy: Corporatist
Media: Corporate
I don't know if you'd like to change something once again but while thinking about which civs should start with which civics I found something missing.

How about changing the media civic "regulated" (which is rather redundant in my eyes) to "monopoly"? By this I mean a system in which media is nominally free but is almost completely under control of one corporation. This would apply to a number of states like Brazil for example.

"Regulated" means by the state (though not for authoritarian reasons), not by certain corporations. "Corporate" is the civic for that.
I know that it means something different than monopoly. That's why I suggest to change it.
As far as I understand it "corporate" just means that the media is run by corporations not by the state and that the state is not regulating, censoring or restricting anything. Basically free media.
But we have no civic for what became increasingly common in free media societies around the world in the last 10 years or so: The concentration of media power in the hands of a single corporation while the state does not interfere. This is something decisevly different than the plurality of hundreds of news and media corporations that we had in the 20th century. In states like Brazil or Australia one corporation can significantly influence public opinion due to its control of 70-90% of the media.
You're correct, but a civic is not the way to do that. Governments don't command single corporations to control media (unless the corporations are run by the KGB), so it wouldn't make sense. Also, we already have one media corporation, so that is a better simulation factor for media monopolies.

Edit: I also don't understand why Mexico should have the "Professional" labor civic. From what I've heard of Mexico, labor conditions are pretty poor, with minimum wage not even enforced in some rural areas. I'd go as far to say they should start at tribalism; maybe even Darwinism as a legal civic, too.
You're correct, but a civic is not the way to do that. Governments don't command single corporations to control media (unless the corporations are run by the KGB), so it wouldn't make sense. Also, we already have one media corporation, so that is a better simulation factor for media monopolies.

That's not coherent. You're arguing that we can't have a civic that in reality cannot be "commanded" by a government. But it's the same with "unruly". The government does not command criminals or anybody else to gain influence on the media by violence or any other means. The government does not order criminals to kill journalists ( does happen but that's not what's meant with "unruly"). The government only provides the general framework in which journalists cannot be save from being threatened.
Same with "monopoly": Here the government provides a framework that does not prevent concentration of the media market in the hands of one corporation. Some states have effective antitrust legislation to do so and some don't.

Edit: I also don't understand why Mexico should have the "Professional" labor civic. From what I've heard of Mexico, labor conditions are pretty poor, with minimum wage not even enforced in some rural areas. I'd go as far to say they should start at tribalism; maybe even Darwinism as a legal civic, too.

Sounds reasonable. I'll edit it.
That's not coherent. You're arguing that we can't have a civic that in reality cannot be "commanded" by a government. But it's the same with "unruly". The government does not command criminals or anybody else to gain influence on the media by violence or any other means. The government does not order criminals to kill journalists ( does happen but that's not what's meant with "unruly"). The government only provides the general framework in which journalists cannot be save from being threatened.
Same with "monopoly": Here the government provides a framework that does not prevent concentration of the media market in the hands of one corporation. Some states have effective antitrust legislation to do so and some don't.

Be that as it may, Six is the maximum number of civics the dev team has agreed upon, at least for now, and I have already added two. The Unruly civic is a totally uncontrolled one, Corporate is largely uncontrolled; basically up for grabs. Regulated is more controlled. Perhaps what should be done is to set up an event that occurs with the Corporate civic implemented, where a certain corporation tries to buy out your nation's media. You have two choices from there: Either let it buy it (You switch to Unruly) or you step in with legislation (You switch to Regulated). Other options might also be used, like bribing them to leave you alone if you can afford it.
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