1.18 Civics Changes


Retired Moderator
Aug 23, 2009
As I have mentioned earlier, I spent the last weeks on implementing a planned redesign for the available civics. The main motivation was the aggregated feedback on civics I have been getting on the forum over time, as well as my own impressions while playing various civilizations in the run up to sharing the new map and new civilizations on the develop branch. There were several goals here, but most importantly I wanted to improve on civics that did not have a clear identity, either in the historical theming or in the direction of their effects, and I wanted to make sure that the choices are interesting and that no civic was too weak or overshadowed by its alternatives.

I initially only wanted to make minor balance adjustments, but after thinking about it more I eventually came up with more comprehensive changes. I removed some existing civics, introduced new ones, and renamed others (the line between these is a bit blurry since the effects changed as well). You will also noticed that a lot of the existing effects moved around as well: one takeaway from a lot of the feedback is that some effects are actually quite good but maybe not in the position they had in the previous civics system - that is both the case for effects that were too weak or too strong for where they were. Sometimes strong effects were fine by themselves but too obvious for the civic that had them. I generally tried to make the decision to move these to civics that seemed weak before.

Here is a full list of all civics in the game so you can see for yourself:
Spoiler :

  • Government
    • Chiefdom (low)
    • Despotism (Property, medium): can hurry using population
    • Monarchy (Ceremony, medium): +1 happiness per military unit, -25% city distance maintenance, +50% food converted to production
    • Republic (Writing, high): +1 free specialist in 3 most cultured cities, -1 food from Farm, Paddy Field, Plantation, +1 food from Fishing Boats, +1 commerce from Cottage, Hamlet
    • Elective (Politics, low): +1 commerce from Camp, Pasture, +1 commerce from unimproved tiles, double production for Palace
    • State Property (Macroeconomics, high): no number of cities maintenance, +2 espionage per specialist
    • Democracy (Representation, medium): +100% great people birth rate, +3 happiness in 4 largest cities
  • Legitimacy
    • Personalism (low)
    • Citizenship (Law, high): double production for Aqueduct, Theatre, Market, Library, can hurry units with gold, can bribe barbarians
    • Vassalage (Feudalism, low): can produce units with food, +25% trade route yield with vassals, +1 production from Farm
    • Theocracy (Theology, medium): +2 happiness with state religion, double priest slots, +2 production from state religion buildings, can train missionaries without monasteries
    • Bureaucracy (Statecraft, high): +50% production and commerce in capital, +25% production for buildings already in capital, can hurry buildings with gold
    • Stratocracy (Journalism, low): -25% experience required for promotions, +100% great general birth rate, +4 production per Great Military Instructor
    • Constitution (Social Contract, medium): +1 free specialist, double statesman slots, double production for Courthouse
  • Society
    • Traditionalism (low)
    • Slavery (Masonry, low): can capture enemy workers, +1 production from Quarry, +1 commerce from Orchard, Plantation, Slave Plantation
    • Manorialism (Calendar, low): +1 production from Pasture, +1 commerce from Farm, Paddy Field, -2 health
    • Caste System (Contract, medium): +50% improvement construction speed, +1 food from Plantation
    • Individualism (Civil Liberties, medium): +2 commerce from Village, Town, improvements upgrade without being worked
    • Totalitarianism (Psychology, none): +3 experience for land units, no war weariness, extra units without upkeep
    • Egalitarianism (Sociology, high): +2 research per specialist, double artist slots, cannot use slaves
  • Economy
    • Reciprocity (low)
    • Redistribution (Arithmetics, medium): +25% food in capital, -25% trade route yield, double production for Granary
    • Merchant Trade (Currency, low): +1 trade route, +1 happiness from Oasis
    • Regulated Trade (Guilds, high): +50% commerce in capital, +1 commerce from Workshop, Plantation, Slave Plantation, double production for Customs House
    • Free Enterprise (Economics, low): +50% corporation commerce, +50% trade route yield, double merchant slots
    • Central Planning (Labour Unions, medium): +1 production per specialist, +1 food from Workshop, +1 commerce from Mine, Watermill, double production for Factory, Coal Plant, Hydro Plant, Electrical Grid
    • Public Welfare (Social Services, high): +1 commerce per specialist, -50% corporation unhappiness, double conversion of production to commerce, +2 food, +4 production per Great Statesman
  • Religion
    • Animism (low)
    • Deification (Divination, medium): +25% wonder production, +1 happiness from Pagan Temple, +1 unhappiness from state religion
    • Clergy (Priesthood, high): +25% building production with state religion
    • Syncretism (Philosophy, low): +1 happiness from non-state religion, no anarchy from changing state religion, +2 food from Paddy Field, +25% culture in all cities
    • Monasticism (Ethics, low): +50% great people birth rate with state religion
    • Fanaticism (Doctrine, medium): +2 experience with state religion, no non-state religion spread, +1 unhappiness from non-state religion, +10 shrine income limit, +2 production, +4 commerce per Great Prophet
    • Secularism (Scientific Method, medium): no state religion, +10% research in all cities, double scientist slots
  • Territory
    • Kinship (low)
    • Thalassocracy (Navigation, medium): +2 commerce from Fishing Boats, Harvest Goats, -1 commerce from Hamlet, Village, Town, double production for Harbour, Lighthouse, Wharf
    • Hemegony (Generalship, high): +25% gold on conquest, -1 turn of city occupation, double production for Barracks, Stable, Jail, Castle
    • Isolationism (Heritage, medium): no foreign trade, +1 food per specialist, +25% espionage in all cities
    • Colonialism (Geography, medium): -50% colony maintenance, +4 naval unit experience, +1 production, +1 commerce from Slave Plantation, Slave Mine, can capture slaves
    • Nationhood (Nationalism, low): can draft 3 units, +1 production from Town, +1 happiness from Monument, Civic Square, News Press, Broadcast Tower, cannot use slaves
    • Multilateralism (Globalism, medium): +100% war weariness, +100% trade route yield with defensive pact partners, +20% production from trade routes, +4 air unit experience, cannot use slaves

In addition to these civics changes, some other related changes happened:
Spoiler :

  • New Slave Mine improvement: built by slaves, +3 production, +1 commerce, +1 unhappiness, can only be built on resources connected by Mines
  • Civic building production modifiers do not impact hurry costs
  • Religion building production modifiers do not impact wonders
  • Reduced production from hurrying with population
  • National College: requires Education, requires Libraries

Alongside this I also adjusted starting civics, leader favourite civics, civics AI (including new AI for the new effects), and civics stability.

When thinking about these changes, please note that civics design is tightly constrained by many different concerns. Civics need to be balanced among each other within the same category, but at the same time civics associated with certain time periods need to get superseded at some point. Civics also need to be spread evenly across the tech tree to give a sense of advancement and unlocking new choices. Conversely, techs should not be sparse and each offer something new to the player. The properties of a civic should align with the historically appropriate time period, geographical area, and civilizations. It's probably impossible to meet all of these goals at the same time, so if addressing e.g. the balance of a civic also keep the "theming" in mind. Overall, I think it is fine for a civic to be "niche" or situational, as long as such a niche exists at all and feels not contrived and historically fitting.

I don't want to elaborate on every individual decision I made with these changes in this post, but if you are interested, feel free to ask in this thread. Likewise, none of these decisions are final in any way (and actually some civics are more experimental than others). So feedback is explicitly welcome - but as with the map and civ changes, I value feedback based on actual play over theoretical considerations. I put this out so soon after the civilization changes to get as much practical feedback as possible and anticipate making further adjustments.
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Are there any changes to the stability interactions, like how they interact with religion or eras?
Also, does this mean rush buying has been removed from the mod? (my dopamine button)
It looks very nice for the first category, now Monarchy and Republic seem to be a very strong alternative to Despotism.

A little bit sad for Manorialism wich become completly obsolete… The boost to produce workers faster was one of the mechanic I like the most in the game, using the civic for this reason from the ancient to the industrial era, mostly with colonial powers or empires in constant expansion who always need workers.

This is also the end of Vassalage’s supremacy, but the nerf seems to be a bit too hard, mostly knowing that it combines with Manorialism wich get also a big nerf.
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It looks very nice for the first category, now Monarchy and Republic seem to be a very strong alternative to Despotism.

A little bit sad for Manorialism wich become completly obsolete… The boost to produce workers faster was one of the mechanic I like the most in the game, using the civic for this reason from the ancient to the industrial era, mostly with colonial powers or empires in constant expansion who always need workers.
Yeah, just reading I think I'm prolly gonna switch to Caste System for most civs until my improvements are online. Maybe Manorialism could use a +100% Farm construction rate? Makes it generally useful in areas that historically had it. Main issue with the old effect was it had a citizenship-style "run it every start to get your economy online ASAP", and unlike citizenship it wasn't thematically appropriate.

I also really like the Clergy nerf, incentivizes early middle ages civs to run Deification.
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Just started 600AD game with English and ....
or its intendet? (in second run same picture)
Spoiler Very outdated France :
Given that Scientific Method unlocks Secularism, now it makes more sense that a tradeback is given to Monastery-based science production.

I will miss the old Republic effect even though it makes more sense now in smaller civs as it should. Isolationism still suffers from commerce although the extra food per specialist will sure make it a stronger civic.

Public Welfare's Great Statesmen bonus, Stratocracy's Great Military Instructor, and Nationhood's happiness bonus really nail it. It makes sense in Nationhood to give happiness like that and finally civics encourage you to settle Great People in cities.

A suggestion I had thought of saying days ago is for whipping and gold rushing being available in most civics, except that outside of Despotism and "Public Welfare" (now Centralism) they cost two or three times what they normally should, with whipping made unavailable with Democracy and gold rushing not available with either Redistribution or Free Enterprise.
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Wow, I was going to write up a USA guide because a few people seemed to be having trouble with them, but my strategy heavily relied on Manorialism, Individualism, and Tolerance in order to catch up to the Europeans in tech ASAP. This is going to change a lot. No more big workforce, quick hamlet growth, or spreading religion for late starting civs. These nerfs were probably needed though, once I finish this UHV I'm excited to explore these changes.
Great! I didn't like it when my friend used the Republic civic while playing as Tibet or Korea.
In version 1.17, the Republic civic was used by poor core countries to significantly increase their core population.
I'm glad I don't have to listen to my friend praising the Republic civic anymore.
Now we will use Isolationism))
And Tibet didnt have much from Republic, then effect from Burj Khalifa was changed

UPD. Getting error while loading auto save file and initial autosave file, and crash
bad word, but i deleted previous version of 1.18 mod. So don't have now workable file((
These changes look great!
Bureaucracy now seems crazy powerful for tiny core civs like Portugal and the Netherlands where it'll be a long time before you have productive cities beyond your capital. The mini-Rome UP is great too.
A little sad to see Manorialism's 25% bonus to improvement construction go, that civic helped a lot for big civs like Russia and China trying to develop their land.
Totalitarianism now looks useful again, especially for late game conquest-oriented civs like Germany and Japan.
Glad to see the slave mine recommendation got used, I will play a colonial Spain game in its honor as soon as it gets its Renaissance expanded core back.
Fanaticism boosting the shrine income will be helpful.
And I like that Theocracy now has the Saint Basil's Cathedral effect, it creates some poetry for Imperial Russia's mix of bureaucracy and state-subsumed Orthodox church.
Does Stratocracy really give another 100% to normal :gp: instead of Great Generals, in addition to Democracy?
In game it says +100% Great General emergence.
Now we will use Isolationism))
And Tibet didnt have much from Republic, then effect from Burj Khalifa was changed

UPD. Getting error while loading auto save file and initial autosave file, and crash
bad word, but i deleted previous version of 1.18 mod. So don't have now workable file((
I realized late that the effect had switched to Isolationism...
Does Stratocracy really give another 100% to normal :gp: instead of Great Generals, in addition to Democracy?
No, it's a mistake in the description. It actually impacts great general birth rate.

Are there any changes to the stability interactions, like how they interact with religion or eras?
Civics combinations yes, no changes to religion and era based effects for now. I should probably think about that.

Also, does this mean rush buying has been removed from the mod? (my dopamine button)
No, it went to Bureaucracy.

Theocracy now combine with Deification - so will Pagan cites get +2 happy bonus?
No state religion is not a state religion. If you have no state religion the happiness effect will be 0.

A little sad to see Manorialism's 25% bonus to improvement construction go, that civic helped a lot for big civs like Russia and China trying to develop their land.
Manorialism never had a modifier like that. Do you mean the worker production modifier?
No, it went to Bureaucracy.
OMG I'm so sorry I missed that. Wait that means I can combine it with Individualism and Free Enterprise?
Smash that MFin' buy button. Who needs stability when you can rush buy everything under the sun.
Quite comperhensive redesign.

Press F to pay respect to all meme Republican strategies (and welcome imminent Isolatonism meme strategies instead). Now it's a lot more Mediterranean-aligned, plus enables early Cottage economy (makes sense to give Italy and perhaps Byzantium alternative to going full Farms which was kinda meta in Middle Ages). Also F to Tributaries + Centralism combo - it was funny little gimmick.

Don't quite understand reasoning behind nerfing Elective, it already was kinda meh. Same with Democracy and Nationalism buffs.

Legitimacy branch seems to be a bit inconsistent in power level; most of options are really, really strong (for some reason i feel attracted in an unhealthy way to new Theocracy), but Stratocracy feels like hot trash. You can't even meme with Brandenburg Gates for "every unit a general", it's explicitly encourages you to settle specialists; neither will Argentina find it useful beyond some discount on Generals. There is possibly a very strong synergy of Soviet Bueracracy (Planned + Bureau + Secularism) for a very fast industrialisation/scientification (?), Russia and America (ironically) surely will enjoy it a lot (build a building in capital in no time due to effective tripling of production, then everywhere else, hurry if needed).

Public Welfare is a lot stronger now, but Great Statesman bonus feels incredibly out of place (plus it's one of the hardest GPs to get). Don't quite get reasoning behind this, and there is little strategy to be made.

Manoralism, Syncretism both are very interesting and flavourful, which is probably what i personally value the most, they both really have a theme and aren't something you will blindly go for (like, say, old Feudalism). Fanatism could fit this category but i have suspicions that its bonuses don't overweigth maluses (plus you want to control many shrines (likely Middle East or India) to maximize its benefits, but it also means more unhappiness from many religions there, that's a lot of Persecutor's work to be performed to make the civic viable... ironically could work well with something like Dutch/Prussian Protestants). Great Prophets bonus feels right, however, because Prophets aren't that useful after you've built shrine(s).

Thalassocracy seems to be an autochoice for waaaayy too many early nations, it has solid benefits and a drawback that is nullified by not building Cottages (not many early civs want to anyway, maybe Egypt and Babylon would prefer to stick to Kinship because Hegemony is frankly overspecialised). As a side note: Thalassocratic Republic seems to be unaffected by Cottage growth (it keeps being 2 commerce until Town).
Quite comperhensive redesign.

Press F to pay respect to all meme Republican strategies (and welcome imminent Isolatonism meme strategies instead). Now it's a lot more Mediterranean-aligned, plus enables early Cottage economy (makes sense to give Italy and perhaps Byzantium alternative to going full Farms which was kinda meta in Middle Ages). Also F to Tributaries + Centralism combo - it was funny little gimmick.

Don't quite understand reasoning behind nerfing Elective, it already was kinda meh. Same with Democracy and Nationalism buffs.

Legitimacy branch seems to be a bit inconsistent in power level; most of options are really, really strong (for some reason i feel attracted in an unhealthy way to new Theocracy), but Stratocracy feels like hot trash. You can't even meme with Brandenburg Gates for "every unit a general", it's explicitly encourages you to settle specialists; neither will Argentina find it useful beyond some discount on Generals. There is possibly a very strong synergy of Soviet Bueracracy (Planned + Bureau + Secularism) for a very fast industrialisation/scientification (?), Russia and America (ironically) surely will enjoy it a lot (build a building in capital in no time due to effective tripling of production, then everywhere else, hurry if needed).

Public Welfare is a lot stronger now, but Great Statesman bonus feels incredibly out of place (plus it's one of the hardest GPs to get). Don't quite get reasoning behind this, and there is little strategy to be made.

Manoralism, Syncretism both are very interesting and flavourful, which is probably what i personally value the most, they both really have a theme and aren't something you will blindly go for (like, say, old Feudalism). Fanatism could fit this category but i have suspicions that its bonuses don't overweigth maluses (plus you want to control many shrines (likely Middle East or India) to maximize its benefits, but it also means more unhappiness from many religions there, that's a lot of Persecutor's work to be performed to make the civic viable... ironically could work well with something like Dutch/Prussian Protestants). Great Prophets bonus feels right, however, because Prophets aren't that useful after you've built shrine(s).

Thalassocracy seems to be an autochoice for waaaayy too many early nations, it has solid benefits and a drawback that is nullified by not building Cottages (not many early civs want to anyway, maybe Egypt and Babylon would prefer to stick to Kinship because Hegemony is frankly overspecialised). As a side note: Thalassocratic Republic seems to be unaffected by Cottage growth (it keeps being 2 commerce until Town).
Elective was OP, it 100% earned the nerf IMO
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