Civilization V: Who/What Am I?

Castlevania, 悪魔城ドラキュラ is what I was getting at. Castle was the answer. Heart of Fire is the main hall stage theme, Vampire Killer is ubiquitous throughout the series. Dracula lives in one.
idk, hotel is like a castle in that it is a building, but otoman was on the right track with Konami being a Japanese company
Clue 1:

I'd make a great name for a furniture shop.
Ding Ding Ding

Magma gets it.
So soon again
We don't have this tech irl, it may be impossible to every know
Yeah, particle physics. Writing a riddle is your problem now Sean!
That special Swordsman who faces thw wrong way/keeps running in place.

EDIT: Aw, fiddlesticks! I think I've got it, but there's probably a cooldown in how often you get to answer :(
I'll say Atlatlist. A unique unit and, uniquely, you don't need a particular tech to build it.
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