
2 more days, is that OK?

BTW Thomas: do you actually live in Gibraltar?
nope, that's for one of the forum games i'm playing. i live in Ringwood, New Jersey, hence the 'wood as my location :D

2 more days is fine...
Here it is: 1st draft of Leaders XML file.

So far all I've really done is change the names (a pretty big task in its own right!) Customising all the behavioural variables for each leader will take a lot longer. As it is now, Treebeard will behave like a typical barbarian...

I have assumed that only 1 set of musical styles will be designed per civ, and named these after the first listed leader for each.

The entries are not alphabetized in this file, as with the normal Civ4 leaders - does this matter?
No, at least for me. I allways use the "Search" option to find anything... And now what we must do is the statistics for each leader - the difficult part. That was what I was redoing for vanilla when we started over (mostly because I discovered I had misunderstood some tags). I'll convert my work so far to this new file, but I don't want to continue with it, if someone else can take it. Currently I'm working out the civics, I prefer editing smaller files (or smaller pieces of code, as the techs).
I'll convert my work so far to this new file, but I don't want to continue with it, if someone else can take it.

Great, please pass the file back to me when you've done this. It should give me some idea how the characteristics work, and I can carry on from there.
does anybody have any idea where i can find art for some of these leaders? i mean, leaders like Sangahyando... he's not someone i've ever heard of.
i'm not sure if frenchman is still making leaderheads, i'll PM him to check.

by the way, i did find some really good ones. Ghandi, i'm using that ent pic as nature leaderhead
until i figure out a way of not having nature negociate, then yes, it needs a leaderhead...
You should not be able to negotiate/play with nature, so is there any need of having a leaderhead?

A picture of Treebeard would be nice anyhow - even if & when when he declares war on you for causing too much deforestation!

Another thought: could Tom Bombadil be an alternative leader for the minor Nature civ? There's no shortage of online artwork about him!

I don't know about him being a hero though, he didn't really leave that patch of land in the old forest.

i've also never been too sure what he is.... is he a maiar, or a valar, or something like that?
I don't think anybody knows exactly what he is. From what I've read just in LOTR, I'm guessing Maia.
Tolkien stated that Bombadil was deliberately an enigma. The character was inspired by a doll belonging to his children, whom he wrote poems about before beginning LOTR.
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