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College Football

I don't think Cincinnati willingly let him go...

Here's something confusing, I was watching ESPNews this morning, and I saw that Central Michigan's coach was about to be named the Iowa State coach. Now, it appears they have hired Gene Chizik. If so, great great hire for ISU, just about the only thing that justifies firing Dan Carney. Chizik could have probably made a run for one of the other job openings too...guess he likes the Big 12.

Cowher & Chow rumored in NC State, Chow rumored in Arizona State. Somebody hire Randy Shannon so he doesn't have to take that Miami job :p
Yeah, Cincy didn't willingly let him go. It's just they can't compete with the money package that a Michigan State can offer.

Chizik to Iowa State, that's a bit surprising. Though Brian Kelly has done a good job at Central, wouldn't be the worst of hires.

Somehow I get the feeling that Cowher to NC State is just a pipedream made up by one of their fans...Chow on the other hand is a real long shot, he's making over 1 mill as OC for the Titans so they are going to have to offer one heck of a package to pull him outta there.
Great jimminy jim jam! Alabama fires Mike Shula :o

Just who does Alabama think they are? Shula guided them to a 10-2 record last year and a Cotton Bowl win, with thier best player out! This is so ridiculous! Do they learn nothing from watching Arkansas, who was patient with Houston Nutt and was rewarded?

1 winning season in 4, 4 straight loses to Auburn--ask John Cooper about records meaning nothing if you can't beat your rival.
1 winning season in 4, 4 straight loses to Auburn--ask John Cooper about records meaning nothing if you can't beat your rival.

Yeah, he only managed to keep his job for 12 friggin years:mad:
Actually...Casey Dick had under 30 yards passing, and neither team accumulated over 400 yards. One TD was an 80-yd McFadden run and another a runback by Holliday, so its not as high scoring as it seemed. Great game though, Arkansas should've just run wildcat formation the whole game.
Dick had 3 completions and three less yards passing than McFadden. I don't think he got a completion in the second half. :p
It's not Carr's fault that Ohio State has been better than them every time, your lucky you don't lose worse.

Alabama's little mafia group at the top needs to get a grip on reality, as do its fans. 4 different head coaches since 2000, that's ridiculous. After the season they had last year, they needed to give Shula a chance to prove he could coach. Croyle was a rock for that team, and without him there was definately going to be an adjustment period. John Parker Wilson looks like he could be great, give Shula a chance to prove himself next year! This is the problem with the mentality of ownerships these days. Ridiculous, I hope Shula goes somewhere and destroys Alabama when he plays them.

Arkansas did it right. Nutt's team struggled last year after thier rock at quaterback, Matt Jones, left for the NFL. They gave him another oppurtunity to prove himself, and whatddya know, he's in the SEC Championship and had a shot at the National Championship.

Once again, it is not Shula's fault that Auburn not only had better teams, but has MORE CONSISTENCY on the coaching staff. They better get someone REAALLL good, and I don't see it happening. Spurrier is not leaving South Carolina.

On another note, I watched the LSU-Kentucky game from 2002. Classic, so hilarious to watch how they dumped the Gatorade on Guy Morris before the hail mary, and how the fans STILL ripped the goal posts and took about 2 minutes to figure out what had happened! The announcers reaction was awesome as well. Gotta love Jefferson Pilot Sports :D
Gotta love Jefferson Pilot Sports :D

Agreed. "Doc" Walker (who does ACC games, don't know if he does any SEC ones) is a hoot. Lots of funny comments, and he loves to talk up the "big uglies".
Yea, I just feel sorry for the guys who get the Vanderbilt, Duke, UNC games every week. They get maybe one good game a year. Whoever got the UNC-Duke game, if that was even on JP, got a hell of a game though. Rivals thier basketball games ;)
So yeah, everyone complaining about coaches, like Shula leaving. Next time, let the next guy win about eight games, then pay him an "undisclosed" amount of money to stay for ten years. Its a great plan.
I'm not particularly excited about Shula getting fired either. The prevailing theory I've heard is the one that RF posited; administration wanted coaches fired, and Shula wanted coaches "redistributed". He basically wasn't willing to give up any of his assistants.

OTOH, it is true that the program seems a little bit out of control discipline-wise, and perhaps most importantly his teams didn't ever really seem to improve. Most teams will play better at the end of the year than they did at the beginning, but the problems Alabama had in game one against Hawaii, we still had in game twelve vs. Auburn. There are a lot of statistics which back up firing him as well, like his record against rivals and ranked teams, and his inability to ever mount a second half comeback (He wasn't terribly great at hanging on to second half leads either).

The thing that gets me is that we knew all of this after last year (when we finished third in our division), but we didn't make any staff changes then. Intead, we gave him a contract extension!

To me, we should've made staff changes on the offensive side of the ball after last season, then given him two or three more years to see if he could turn it around.

As for who we're going to get, I've got no idea. But I can tell you that it won't be someone worth firing Shula for. The only thing we've got going for us is a big pile of money. Remember when we hired Franchione? I expect something about like that. :dunno:
LSU announced a couple days ago that it has the credit card numbers to sell out all of its tickets to any BCS Bowl or any other Jan. 1 bowl, and it has more credit cards numbers should the bowl that invites them offers more tickets!

EDIT: Or maybe not... ESPN has a story about LSU extending more applications for tickets to non-season ticket holders.

EDIT2: However, LSU's website says it already has enough applications to sell out all the tickets given to them...
@ Pickem
Ohio 24 CMU 21
Houston 10 SouthernMiss 6
Wake Forest 25 GTech 17
Navy 35 Army 10
Arkansas 20 Florida 17
Oklahoma 28 Nebraska 20
Oregon State 45 Hawai'i 42
Rutgers 17 WVU 16

If Boise State wins throughout, will they contest the national title? ^^
No, they know they can't. Longterm, thier best hope is to expand thier stadium and extend an offer to the PAC10...and pray.

Shula was not a worldbeater by any means, but he should have been given one more year. Weis is a good coach, but he doesn't have the talent on defense yet to matchup with an Ohio State, Michigan, or USC every time. Not his fault, he has really brought the offense up to speed. Let's judge him when he gets his own players, right now he has been more consistent than Bob Davie or Willingham in getting them that January bowl game. Not like its hard when all you have to do is finish with 2 or less losses and beat ONE team in the top 25, who I think is ACTUALLY 25. Love ya Notre Dame, but sometimes it makes me scratch my head.

The Clausen era begins next year. What's the bio on him?
A little more info on the Shula situation:

According to today's Birmingham News, Shula was willing to hire new assistants, and spent his Thanksgiving break lining up a new offensive coordinator and a new offensive line coach both of whom "had experience on national championship teams". But he never got the opportunity to discuss his plan with anyone in administration. He thought that's what he was going to do Sunday night when he met with Mal Moore (the AD). Instead, he got fired. Apparently, the decision to fire him was made early last week, before the Thanksgiving break, but no one told him until Sunday night after he met with the team to discuss bowl preparations. The article quoted an anonymous member of the board of trustees as saying the decision to fire him was actually made late in the season, and he would've gotten the ax even if he had won the Auburn game.

I don't know how much of that to believe, since most of the pro-Shula stuff is coming from Shula's agent, and most of the pro-decision-to-fire-Shula stuff is coming from anonymous sources at the University. But on balance, firing Shula looks like a worse decision today than it was yesterday. If today's article reflects reality, I certainly think he deserved another two years to see if he could at least win the West . . .
Sounds like something I would expect from the "Alabama Mafia" as thier called :rolleyes:
Alabama is going to become the new Army. Thirty years from now, everyone's going to sit around and remember how they were a national contender half a century ago while they watch them get pounded on a weekly basis by the rest of the SEC.
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