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COMMUNITY CALL TO POWER v4.05 Play-testing Release

It's been awhile since I've played this mod, but the other day I gave it another spin since I absolutely love this pack (especially the tech side of things, don't know what Enchanteur was talking about). The main issue with the current state of the mod are the CTD's that typically start around the Renaissance or Industrial era for me (could be me using another mod but the only other mods I'm using are Quick Turns and Wonder Race). Balancing and the such don't matter that much if you cant even get through the game at all. From what I've read most of the modding team is gone, and that you (Gligamesch) were thinking about taking a stab at this again. I still have the logs from that CTD I mentioned and would be more than willing to provide them if you do indeed end up returning to the project. Best of luck.

Hey, sorry to hear that you`re encountering CTD`s. I played the latest released version time ago and didn`t encountered any hard crash (only using CCTP and IGE, and with Oder disabled). Anyway i can look at the logs and maybe i can figure out what is causing the issue.

About Enchantuer, critism is fine, its a good way to keep things going, but sometimes you spend that much time to create something, and then somebody is comming and is telling you his opinion, and this can be very frustrating. I spent so much time to create the techtree, to balance it etc (you would be surprised how tricky and complex the techtree is), that any mayor change would mean i need to waste countless hours. And to be honest, iam not going to redo such features, iam willing to overwork and balance several aspects of the mod. But to start over and creating some basic features again, would be a mess and i don`t have the time for it.

Anyway one reason why its so quit here, is the fact that my PC crashed my latest master version, and i was to fudged up, to redo the work.
I wouldn't be surprised if its one of the other mods I have, even if they're minor, since this is such a large overhaul. I actually started learning to code just this past year (relatively fluent in java at this point, and know some LWJGL for it. Am also planning on looking into C++), so I can't even imagine how much dedication you have to have stuck with this for so long. Anyway, which logs would you like me to send your way?
Hm after looking quickly at the Lua log it seems the issue occurred in TopPanel.lua on line 272 attempt to call global 'GetCityOrder' (a nil value) I'm assuming this is similar to a NullPointerException in Java. What fascinates me the most about this error is I have Order disabled.
Wait, it seems that this error has been occurring throughout the entire playthrough. Does it print the error to the console/log even if it's been caught with a try/catch? I'm guessing that for some reason at some point the error couldn't be handled properly for some reason.
So I put together a little update with some very minor fixes. I haven't fully tested it, but it solves some of the annoyances I noticed when playing.


  • Update.zip
    1.5 MB · Views: 323
Slight update about the Top bar not working:
So I looked under CCTP\Events\CustomEvents\OrderControl.lua and OrderMain.lua again and found the issue. There is a block at the top of the files:
if(Game.GetCustomOption("GAMEOPTION_CCTP_ORDER") == 0) then
Commenting or deleting this block allows it to work again. I'm not sure why the block was put in place, as the functions have if statements that handle if order is disabled.
A second update for the Top bar not working with order disabled and the Golden Throne causing the Espionage Overview not to work. I'll look through the remaining buildings if it stops working again.


  • Update 2.zip
    147.1 KB · Views: 247
Good news (once more), after making an inquiry on the spy issues I was informed that the community patch had fixed the issue. I've done some testing and found the file that seems to fix it (although it causes some graphics bugs but that is better than save corruption, good enough for now). Along with the fix, I added the necessary localization for the spy names (I THINK it works). Also included is 3 small fixes for things I noticed in the log files.


  • Update 3.zip
    197.3 KB · Views: 349
Wow, surprised to see someone releasing fixes for the latest version. I may try giving this a spin w/o any other mods and see if I encounter any issues.
I assume I replace some of the CCTP files with the ones in your 3 updates?
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Hi so I'm having a problem in chieftain mode(please no calling me a noob people play games for different reasons and I want to feel like an OP god) where Order is to high no matter what buildings I sell and my cities go into rebellion. Plus I can't immidatly make peace with them which makes no sense logically because if there is a rebellion and the government is willing to give into their demands(which I would be) the vast majority of rebels would not want independence(though I guess that does make sense balance wise) Because the game has given me no indication to much order was bad I kept upping my order. Can you help because right now the game is unplayable.
Hi so I'm having a problem in chieftain mode(please no calling me a noob people play games for different reasons and I want to feel like an OP god) where Order is to high no matter what buildings I sell and my cities go into rebellion. Plus I can't immidatly make peace with them which makes no sense logically because if there is a rebellion and the government is willing to give into their demands(which I would be) the vast majority of rebels would not want independence(though I guess that does make sense balance wise) Because the game has given me no indication to much order was bad I kept upping my order. Can you help because right now the game is unplayable.
Disable Order, it's a half-baked feature that's a buggy mess. Just don't play with it
Can anyone please post pictures of the Multiple Tech Trees? Thank you!
@TPangolin I just took a few screenshots of some of the different tech trees. Here they are!

20200203120908_1.jpg 20200203121158_1.jpg 20200203115545_1.jpg
So i downloaded Community call to power project but when i research a science which contains new resources i can't found them. Also i used an In game editor but even with it i can't found them. So what should I do to solve this problem?
Good news (once more), after making an inquiry on the spy issues I was informed that the community patch had fixed the issue. I've done some testing and found the file that seems to fix it (although it causes some graphics bugs but that is better than save corruption, good enough for now). Along with the fix, I added the necessary localization for the spy names (I THINK it works). Also included is 3 small fixes for things I noticed in the log files.
I decided to take a look at the mod again, and noticed that in your first update breaks the tech tree completely. Seems to be something with you trying to fix the spelling of Sentience. Oh also noticed that in Update3, the modinfo file has the wrong md5 for the DummyBuildings file, as well as the two order event files you changed in Update2.
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I just got back to playing a little and I remember I had this issue before and cannot remember how to fix. All ocean resources are fish, no whales or crabs and so on.
I can't download anything from the DropBox link and the second link on the alternative says that the file was deleted. Is this project dead? If it is, it's such a shame. This mod looked better than the game.
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