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CONES1-Rise from the Darkness-Dark Ages

I rewrote the story, there was more about other parts of Europe in the Original but since I lost the Original I didn't remember all of it. So the parts I do remember I have rewritten, so do not be angry if I didn't write too much about your nation. Here is the story.

By 650 AD, the Rise of Islam threatened the very existance of Christian Europe. The Holy Land, along with Persia and Egypt, quickly fell to the Muslim Invaders. Panic spread throughout Christian Europe as rumors spread that the end of the world was coming. The Byzantine Empire shocked by this threat, began to mass soldiers in Turkey. Meanwhile, the Muslims were constructing a navy, large enough to counter the Byzantine fleet.

In Central Europe, the collaspe of the Gothland Empire brought great chaos. Starting with a conflict between 3 nations, it grew out of control into a European conflict, almost every nation from Spain to Sweden was involved. Thousands of peasants were slaughtered by the Swedes, even Pope Urban was killed by a Gothic arrow. Many castles are spread across the land as nobles constructed them to defend there lands. Many small kingdoms have emerged in Central Europe.

After the collaspe of Britannia and the chaos that followed, 7 kingdoms emerged from the flames. It would take a strong leader to unite these kingdoms and bring England back to it's Roman Glory.

Denmark, angried by the lose of Britannia began to explore past the European Mainland and discovered a land they call Iceland. The first so called colony. Sweden formed a vast trading empire in Northern Europe.

Above is the events up to 700 AD, the chaos that follows is unheard of in recent history. It started when the Muslim pirates attacked Christian trade in the Eastern Mediterranean. These attacks crippled Byzantine trade which was recently at a high point because somehow the emperor got silk worms. The Byzantines responded by pleading to the Pope, who orders all ports shut down to the Muslims. This infuriated them. In anger, the Christians living in Jerusalem were enslaved by the Muslims. This was the last straw for Christian Europe, the Crusades had begun.

Christian armies poured into Muslim lands from Turkey and pushed toward Jerusalem. Avenging the enslavement of the Christians by the Muslims, the entire Muslim population in the city was massacred. The Muslims in Egypt began to blame the Muslims in Arabia for the disaster. These arguements caused a split withing the Islamic Faith and Egypt broke away from the Arab Empire. Egypt is known as Egypti Muslims and Arabia as Arabi Muslims. With the Holy Land firmly in there grasps, the Christians began to set up Crusader states -- Antioch, Jerusalem, and Edessa. It appears the Christians were victorious or were they?

In the Spring of 714 AD, Arab Soldiers launched a counterattack into Turkey, and from the Black Sea an Arabian Fleet was launched, it's destination, Constantinople. Meanwhile in North Africa, Egypt pushed east across Sinai toward Jerusalem. Jerusalem was placed undersiege in the Fall of 714 AD. Venice, seeing how the Byzantine and Sicilian troops were failing sent it's own force to defend the Holy Land. Also by the Fall of 714 AD, Arab soldiers have landed on the Eastern side of the Bosphorus and constructed a mightly fortress within sight of the Byzantine capital. Bulguria, hearing this news called its elite horsemen to war against the Muslims. By the Spring of 715 AD, the Muslims have cut Turkey in half. Venice soldiers landed in Antioch and began their march to Jerusalem. By the beginning of 716 AD, the Holyland was back in the hands of the Christians and Muslim troops were amassing on the eastern side of the Bosphorus. The Kingdom of the Franks, seeing that its Christians brothers were in trouble, moblized its army and began the march eastward. Bulgur soldiers arrive at Constantinople, and it appears a stand off has begun with 1000s of troops on each side of the straight. By summer 716 AD, a Bulgur attempt to assult Muslim turkey fails, and fighting has renewed in the Holyland. Muslim sailors, in a daring raid, torch Byzantine farms outside Constantinople on the western side of the straights. Following this event, a week of naval clashs occur, crippling both sides naval forces. The siege of Jerusalem is broken by Christian forces. 717 AD to 721 AD, stalement, no side gains much land. By 722 AD, a ceasefire is agreed upon but no formal peace is signed, the borders are the same as where the war left off at.

After the war, a time of peace begins in Europe. The University of Paris is opened in 733 AD, followed by Sweden's "Tyr's Station of Military Edjumucation" in 736 AD. Massive fortifications have been constructed along the Aegean coast to protect from any Muslim invaders. Sweden and Denmark have lead Europe in sailing and exploration. The first major road since the Roman times has been constructed from the toe of Italy to the Apalation Foothills. Muslim scholars have uncovered Hellenistic knowledge from the time of Alexander the Great and contact with India has been made. The year is 750AD, European nations are gaining more and more power; the vikings are on the move, a phony war has begun between the Muslims and Christians, Spain is divided between 3 nations, and North Africa has fallen to the Berbers. Will Europe progress or regress? Will the split between Christians and Muslims continue? Will there be another empire as glorious as the Roman Empire?
OCC: A map perhaps? And what about Novgorod?
OOC: So wat happened to my great byzantine Empire>
OOC: When I wrote the story I was recalling what I remember from the original story before my computer got messed up, there a things missing. Wait untill you see the map, I will do the map tomorrow.
OOC: May i inquire wat happened to the Tang Dynasty of China in their wars with the arabs? ;)
Guess what? Her Serene and Most High Grand Majesty, The Roman Empress of Venice and Jerusalem is back for more!
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