CONTEST: Character Design for Galactic Civilizations II: Dark Avatar

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Name: Iatoran Krenta
Race: Torian

First son of an influent family, known for its military contribution to Torian Confederation and for its passionate hatred of all things Drengin, Iatoran was set to become a great commander in the Toran military. Though he displayed only fair strategical and logistical abilities, he had a flair when it came to actual ship-to-ship fighting. He accumulated great honours in the common border wars pitting the Toran against the Drengin.

These wars, however, proved to be crippling to the Torian industrial and economical capacity. While Iatoran was succesfully pushing into a Drengin sector, the ruling council of the Torian signed a truce with the Drengin, not only putting a halt to his advance, but even surrendering certain of his conquests. This was a seen as a betrayal by Iatoran, and he vowed to continue what he consideres his race's mission: to rid the galaxy of the Drengin.

Followed by his core fleet and his fiercely loyal troops, he set out as a mercenary, willing to join any war against the Drengin... for a price.

Several years later, his army was joined by several others in the same situation: Torians mostly, since he enjoys the image of a freedom fighter or an outlaw seeking justice in the Torian media, but also other races fighting against the Drengin: Humans, Altarians and Korx (mercenary work is still business). But he has recentlyreceived a fantastic contract: his employers will give him technology, vessels and any help needed if he serves as the spearpoint of an invasion of Drengin space. It's just too good to pass up.

Everything went well, since the Drengin seemed to be occupied by a civil war, but as he approached more heavily industrialized worlds, his drive slowed down, due to logistical difficulties. Asking his employers for assistance, they sent him warships to hit him in the back. He is now completely cut off between the Drengin in front, and his old employer: the Koranth. After all, no good Koranth would let Torians live.

Now, he is in command of a pocket empire of several colonies conquered from the Drengin. He is fighting on all side and only the small size of his empire and his tactical abilities allow him to block any invasion. As his fleet breaks down, he becomes more desparate and considers making a deal with the Drengin to get back at the Koranth, and to allow his fleet and army an escape route to friendlier space... for a price.

The Drengin War Leader might not have any objections to making a deal with an old enemy to fight a new enemy. But letting him live...
Well I tried to do several serious characters, but they all seemed so dull. So I thought about what made Galactic Civilizations II so much fun. I think one of the reasons is that it doesn’t take itself too seriously. Unlike a lot of games that try to tell a serious story, Galactic Civilizations II kept itself light hearted and fun. So I decided to create characters who are “fun” rather than serious.

-----entry 1

Drenzin Korvah
Race: Koranth or Drengin(whichever the developers want as he is interchangeable)
Ultimate Goal: To hurry up and conquer the galaxy so he can retire.
Problem: Has grown discontent with his job, even though he is very good at it.
Description: Imagine that every day the first thing you have to do early in the morning is listen to a bunch of up tight and incompetent military yes men who only care about their own careers tell you every thing is going well when it really isn’t. Right after that you have to listen to a bunch of stupid aliens beg for their puny and irrelevant lives. These same aliens were trying to kill you moments before all because you tried to “invade” their planet that was already rightfully yours in the first place. Now you begin to understand what the life of a Koranth is like. After so many battles, conquests, and alien thralls licking your boot, you just get bored and cynical.
Drenzin is bored and cynical. After fighting for what seems a century, he just wants to go home and pursue his hobbies. His hobbies include craving, torture, painting, genocide, and playing turn-based space empire building strategy games. Despite his discontent, he is willing to stick around until there is no one left to destroy out of a sense of duty for his race.
Background: Drenzin was drafted into the army at the age of 6. There he was assigned to clean out the thrall chamber which he did for nearly 15 years.
One day, the grand admiral of all Koranth fleets was inspecting the thrall chamber making sure it was spotless(the grand admiral was a stickler for cleanness). Drenzin was pushing a supply crate on the level above the Admiral and when Drenzin pushed it off from the second level, it accidentally landed on top of the Admiral. Naturally, the 250-pound box crushed the admiral to death. After Drenzin was found, he declared that he “skillfully defeated” the admiral in a duel for succession. Drenzin was then made the new grand admiral due to an “improvised weapon” clause in the Drengin Duel Succession Handbook.
Drenzin thinks that the order to destroy all non Dregin life is rather odd, but he’s not gonna argue. After all, he thinks thralls are a waste of time anyway.
In Game: Drenzin can be incorporated as either a Drengin or Kornath military leader. If used as the Kornath military commander, it could be very amusing as he will be very cynical to the player he opposes. If used as the Drengin leader, he could give the player their missions as well as offer them cynical commentary. His base of operations is located on his flagship named “Might as well give up now”.
Some Common Phrases
“You could just surrender. It would save me a lot of trouble.”
“Yeah I know, please spare our puny alien lives. Blah blah blah.”
“No you can’t lick my boot, I already have a line waiting for a chance to.”
“I defeated the mightiest admiral with a crate. Think of what I will do to you.”

-----entry 2

Race: Yor
Ultimate Goal: To make the galaxy “Ph43r M3! I 4m 4 1337 Ch4Mp h4Xx0R w00t”.
Problem: Can speak only l33t speak due to a malfunction.
Description: If you thought the Yor were evil before, well imagine all of the evils of the internet poured into a single metallic body designed solely for destruction. Then make it speak l33t speak and you have a true technological horror that cannot be equaled.
PWND-1337 is a truly diabolical mastermind of the Yor as his tactical and strategic skills are unmatched by any fleshling. He can only speak l33t speak due to a malfunction, but this does not make him any less of a threat. It’s almost as though he has spent thousands of hours playing some kind of space empire building strategy game honing his skills for the coming battle.
Background: The Yor are known for their near complete immunity to the dreaded human weapon commonly know as “Pop Culture”. There are exceptions though.
PWND-1337 was the actual serial number he was produced with. Unfortunately for PWND-1337, the computer that inserted his personality programming in his computer brain accidentally inserted 1337 Speak for Dummies: 3rd edition (instead of the standard Yor Personality V1.6a). Nearly unable to communicate in mainstream Yor society (or any society for that matter), he was exiled to earth.
While on earth he finally found a sub species of humans call “Gamers” that he could speak to without complications. While amongst this strange tribe of humans, PWND-1337 learned many new skills to aid him in becoming a superior warrior. PWND-1337 left earth with his new skills and set out for his homeland.
When he finally made it home, he quickly moved up the ranks by defeating other potential opponents. He accomplished this by using several gamer techniques such as“Strafing” and “Bunny Hopping”. Eventually he made it all the way to grand admiral of all Yor fleets and now commands all Yor military operations across the galaxy.
He now plans to let the Drengin and Kornath fleets smash each other to pieces and then unleash a tactic he calls “Vultching” to pick off the winner.
In Game: PWND-1337 is a military commander that will assist the Drengin in key battles as to make sure that the Kornath will not dominate the universe. He may turn on the Drengin if it looks as though the Kornath are defeated. He has a huge flagship called the “I Pwnd n00bs0r” in which he directs his operations. PWND-1337 will only speak in 1337 speak so it will probably drive players crazy who hate 1337 speak or make them laugh hysterically.
Some Common Phrases: Well im sure the developers don’t need me to tell them what PNWD-1337 would say.
Colonel Larta

Colonel Larta began his lusterious career right at the breakout of the Human-Drengin Wars. Throughout the war he frequesntly ran supply missions to the Allied humans. One of his most frequented places during these missions was Base Altlantis, a human base that was completely hidden using new technology that hadnt yet come into mass production. Because of the nature of the base it was also a very busy military hub and had to be resupplied frequently. Its proximity to Drengin space made it one of the first casualties of the War although no one on the station died. Cutoff from supplies the humans frequently yearned for the Altarian help and Colonel Latra gave it. It was on the base during the frequent celebratory meals that he learned of the Human movement against the now rising "Lord Chutlu" as the humans called him, otherwise known as the Supreme Ruler and Emperor of the Drengin Empire. With Earth bestricken by its defense the base was one of the last remaining human outposts in the galaxy. Latra's mission was to keep supplying this base in hopes that it would be able to provide support for a massive Torian-Altarian strike against the Large Drengin empire. But as he recieved more and more orders Latra pieced together that he was supplying this base with supplies meant for its future occupants, the 197th Space Marine battalion of the Altarian army. His bosses apparently wanted the base to themselves, seeing as it had on it 2 major technologies, the invisibility tech which rendered almost anything completely invisible as long as the shield could be powered, and the new chaos impactor prototype weaponry. The chaos impactor weapons could turn the tide of the war since they were impossible to shield against. With them in the hands of Altaria, the supreme rulers could dominate the galaxy, taking the place of the Drengin. But Latra knew he couldnt allow this. While he was altarian he believed in a peaceful Galaxy.
He knew that the strike against the station would take place after the Altarians had invaded Drengin Territory, since any fighting in Drengin territory before would attract attention. So with that in mind he set out to build up a resistance force, a new nation almost, composed of Altarian and Human peoples, Genetic Brothers, and if he could help it, Galactic Allies.

Latra would be his own nation int his game. Ultimately he would be one against the Drengin, being a strong believer in overall peace he will be resistant to declaring war. But because of his hate for the Drengin he should always start at war with them. His goal is peace and therefore he will always try to avoid conflict. Since he is by nature allied with humans his disposition to them should always start out at a high value. In some missions, like in those where humans have only a few limited bases he could be a supply runner, coming in every amount of turns bringing with him free ships of the humans current research level or an amount of credits each time, increasing somewhat each time. Since he would be a supply runner the player would be obligated to defend him on his way to the players planet(s). There could also be a mission in which the humans base, the Base Atlantis is present on the map, being hidden from drengin and everyone's but Latra's and Human's view. This base would likely have to be something along the lines of a planet reskinned to look like a space station. This mission could provide the two secret technologies to any race that captures the base, and the shield could be powered by credits. So for instance if the base costs 20credits per turn, on any turn the player has to have at least 20 credits to use on the base or it will be left visible and therefore attackable.

In such a mission the Drengin would have to crush the human base, since they already have enough strength they would not try to keep it but to rather destroy it completely. The altarians on the other hand, would try to take over the base, no matter the cost of human life. Humans would have to control this base or they would ultimately lose the mission since the base would be their main income and production center, as well as a large morale booster.

My hope is that there randomly assembled thoughts of mine can actually be implemented, resulting in a Altarian-Human nation that would by default be happy with humans and would provide them with resources, on most maps not even having their own base, just a set of ships
Name: Stroud

Race: Birdmen

Homeworld: Alcatraz

(Temporary Names subject to change) ;)


(See Notes)


These humanoids have birdlike features, although they do not have feathers. They also have spines growing from their heads and various parts of their bodies. These spines are sharp, but over the years, their environment usually blunts them, and makes them less dangerous. Their planet has vast deserts, with only limited vegetation. Their skin and spines are often weathered by sandstorms.


The Birdmen of Alcatraz, were a minor race on the verge of developing their own Hyperdrive. Their culture is tribal and nomadic, similar to some Native American cultures on Earth, but they are also keen hunters. As their civilization grew, and their planet could not sustain their numbers, they inevitably began to look towards the stars for new hunting grounds.

Without warning, the Koranth descended on their planet and began a systematic extermination of their people. A few thousand managed to escape in various prototype starships, including Stroud.

The Birdmen are now scattered and its not known how many still survive. Stroud has not encountered another of his race for several years. Unable to save his own people, he has decided to do his best to save others.

Working behind enemy lines, conducting sabotage and espionage, and visiting hundreds of worlds to spread warning of the Koranth, he has quickly become their Enemy Number 1. The Koranth would dearly love to exterminate Stroud, but so far he has managed to evade them at every turn.


Within the game, I would see Stroud appear as a mysterious figure, warning the Drengin government and other foreign forces of Koranth activities. Although he puts himself at risk and possible exposure by Koranth agents within the Drengin government, he feels it is necessary in order to avenge his homeworld and his people. He is the good guy's man behind enemy lines.


The concept for the character is by me, but my sister did a drawing of the character (head and shoulders only) for me to submit with my entry. It's not exactly how I imagined it (the beak appears wider and flatter than I thought it would), but as time is short and I couldn't give her much direction, I think she did a good job. The names used in the entry are temporary. I know the competition will close shortly, and I'm currently at work. If I have time later, I may decide to change these before the thread is locked.

PS my GalCiv2 forum name is "Evil Muppet"
Name:Malcorthis Koranth
Position:Grand Patriarch of Clan Koranth (main Koranth "bad guy")

Back Story:
Son of the former Grand Patriarch, Ghalkoran Koranth the Elderly, Malcorthis has arisen to the highest title in the Koranth clan. Though Koranth royalty by birth, Malcorthis was not born into an easy life. The runt out of a litter of 7, Malcorthis was constantly oppressed by his stronger siblings. Throughout his early life, his siblings made a pastime out of maiming and mocking him, and his father rnever paid much attention to him. In blood ball (a "contact" sport commonly played by young drengin) he would always get unjustly fouled out of the game by his brothers. When he protested against their decision, his brothers would swiftly remind him of who the stronger ones were in a the true drengin way. His sisters would spread vile rumors amoung the other female drengin, ruining any chances he may have had with them. In academics his sibling and peers continued to overshadow him as all drengin classes are based on and around brute warfare, something he was physically ill-equiped for.

Towards the end of his schooling at the Kona royal academy, Malcorthis's father Ghalkoran died and left the family mantle to his strongest son Brorganthar. Realising the bleakness of his future and that any chance of him becoming a prominent member was hopeless, Malcorthis decided to drop from the academy and get away from his family before they did away with him.

Malcorthis was was emotionally and mentally scarred, his pride (if he was able to muster any to begin with) had been beaten into the dirt, and worst of all he was totally alienated my his own kin. Though alone and seemingly purposeless, Malcorthis never the less decided to put the past behind him and decided to pursue other interests. He decided to study literary arts, while a very un-drengin sort of activity, at this point in his life, Malcorthis cared little for drengin morals or stantdards. Malcorthis became enamored in the literary masterpieces of the day, reading such books as "a tale of two planets", "2284" and "Korxenstein". After years of constantly reading and studying Malcorthis decided to write a book of his own. Utilizing the psuedonym "L.R. Stain" to hide his true and drengin identity from his siblings and from the subverted masses,and pouring all his heart and soul into it, he penned his first book "My struggle and Triumph", detailing harsh times of his early life (though not going into detail on who or what his familiy is/was) and criticizing drengin society in general. While other dregin didnt pay it much mind, his book sold like wild fire amongst the subverted masses of the galaxy and quickly became a bestseller. After writing two more highly successfull books, Malcorthis, feeling his writings had enchanted the hearts of his fans enough in order to see through rough drengin extierior, decided it was time to reveal his true identity to his fans at a book signing.

The day did not bode well for Malcorthis. The crowd stood in a horrid awe at the revelation that they're beloved author was actually of the same race as their brutal opressors. The crowd shouted out crys that they had been deceived, claiming they had been played for their sympathies for a easy buck. Soon the crowd grew violent and Malcorthis had to flee. Malcorthis's once avid fans were now setting his books aflame in mass pyres. As if this wasn't crushing enough, Malcorthis soon discovered that he brother, Grand Patriarch Brorganthar, had sent his henchmen out to apprehend him. Malcorthis was found and brought before his brother who would decide his fate. Seeing as how Malcorthis was still his brother, Brorganthar decided to expell Malcorthis from the family rather than execute him for treason. This decision also benefited Brorganthar is that it would make him appear merciful to the slave masses and serve as counter to his brothers criticisms of drengin only being cold and cruel.

With that Malcorthis was mentally astray and truly broken. NO longer able to bring himself to write he decided he might as well join the military, for it seemed to him that warfare and conflict is all a drengin or any being for that matter, is good for anyway, even a drengin like him, and if he was lucky he would be put to the sword, giving an end to his miserable life and allowing him to go out with at least some sense of honor. He was promptly recruited, trained and put in to service. He was quickly given a promotion due to his tarnished but still royal backround and put in command of a small battalion and stationed on a back water planet within the Drengin empire named Chalkis IV. Littered with strange ruins and few inhabitants, for months he and his battalion sat idly on Chalkis IV waiting for battle. Malcorthis began to think he would not find death even in war, until finally, a group of Arcean resistence fighters attack! Though caught completley by surprise Malcorthis and his battalion managed to hold out against the attack at first. As time passed though his small group began to faulter. Malcorthis signaled a distress call to any nearby drengin forces, and retreated to one of the planets many nearby ruins.

The interior of the ruins is very strange and alien. Malcorthis and his force eventually stumble upon a pristine chamber with a dark and and jagged tear shapped gemon a plinthe in the center. After examining its hypnotizing and almost smokey purple glow, Malcorthis is interupted with the arrival of his Arcean assailents and feeling strangly allured to tthe artifact, shoves the gem into his pocket. Bitter fighting ensues and it looks as if Malcorthis will meet his date with death, when a drengin relief force arrives to stomp out the Arcean threat.

Back in his quarters, Malcorthis examines the mesmerising gem, as he becomes totally locked on it. The gem and his eyes begin to glow simultaniously, and Malcorthis begins to feel strange, almost as if his mind was being breached. Violently and abrubtly, Malcorthis is hit with a force from the gem and is knocked to the floor. He arises in a trance and a voice echoes Scorchingly through his mind commanding "seek your revenge!, redeem yourself through me!!" and with that a hypnotised Malcorthis implales the gem into his left forearm. With that Malcorthis's eyes dim back to normal, and Malcorthis sits staring out at the stars through his room window, "yes they will pay, all of them"

It is at this point that Malcorthis exhibits much different behavior. He become a skilled military commander and rises thorugh the ranks to the level of high general. He takes up writing again, but now uses his highly influential writing skills to write about extremist drengin nationism and genetic drengin purity. These idea become widly accepted among the Koranth for they play off the already warmongering drengin psyche. He now gives speeches and presentations with a demonic charisma that enthralls his drengin audiences to that point that they will adopt anything he says, almost as if they are under a spell. Malcorthis soon develops a large and growing drengin following within the Koranth clan. Malcorthis's brother Brorganthar soon moves against him for fear of up an uprising but by this time Malcorthis has a large enough following to depose him which he does. Brorganthar is swiftly executed along with his other sibling whom Malcorthis also hunts down and executes. Now Malcorthis is free to take up the mantle of Grand Patriarch and usher a new era for the Koranth. Soon after his coronation Malcorthis decrees the new standard of drengin purity and superiority for the galaxy including the elimination of all non drengin and those drengin who would oppose his Decree, the galaxy will feel the wrath of the Koranth until it can feel no longer!!!!!

SIDE NOTE PLEASE READ (though this is a SPOILER ALERT!!)Strange gem is a precurser Dread lord soul stone housing the soul of one of their most vile and bloodthirsty leaders, Draelkurthanis. Countless years trapped in a soul stone has driven him to desire the extinguishment of life, for he feels that only then will he be able to rest in peace, He seeks to rule the by proxy through possessing malcorthis and using his position and abilty (writing, rhetoric, drengin royalty, battered emotions towards all other beings)to control the drengin, eliminate the other races, and then, when there are only drengin their warmongering attitude will drive them to civil war and eventual extinction leaving the galaxy empty and Draelkurthanis finally at peace. To stop this malcothis would have to be killed the the gem somehow destroyed possibly using ancient and rare Arnor technology
How long till contest ends?

I'm guessing midnight tonight, US time, but they could be a bit more specific. :crazyeye:
I came up with the idea, but my sister drew it for me. She's much better than I am. :)
How about a planet-sized alien shaped like an arse, that floats through space. It's got hundreds of tentacles that pull ships inside where they are digested. It's called Bob, and it's the Korath's secret bio-engineered weapon.
Designation X-4
Species Yor

Ever since they were imbued with intelligence by the Dread Lords, the Yor have followed a simple set of directives known as the Galactic Domination Program. Traditionally, X-4 has been the designation given to the Processor in charge of the fourth and final stage of the Program.
After achieving victory a year ago, the previous X-4 was scrapped and recycled, as per usual operating procedure for out of date units. His successor, far more advanced, and a sight more aggressive, has been busy calculating new strategies and tactics for combatting the remaining threats.
Several months ago, X-4 was contacted by Processor X-3, who proceeded to relate a plan by which a Drengin clan, named the Korath, would be " encouraged " or rather, manipulated, into betraying the rest of their species in order to pursue a plan for exterminating all non-Drengin life in the galaxy. Of course, neither of them were concerned about the Korath trying to exterminate the Yor, which would obviously be a futile exercise, so the gist of their conclusion was that they would position the Yor Collective so that it could act against either the Drengin, or the Korath, whichever would bring them closer to their mechanoid goals.
X-4, being of course more aggressive, and more arrogant than most Yor, began calculations for a plan immediately, one to destroy the Drengin. In his " wisdom " , he believed it should be obvious that a Korath victory would be better for the Yor. Thus, he looked for a way to divert the attention of the Drengin away from the Korath long enough for the latter to gain the upperhand. Oh how ironic it would be that it would not be that the downfall of the Drengin would not be achieved by a sub-species of their own, but by the careful manipulation of a sub-species of the Yor...

Use In Game: X-4, in his own personal battleship designated the Megabyte, intercepts our intrepid Drengin clan leader on his or her way to do battle with the Korath.
He comes bringing news of a Dark Yor infestation of several key planets of the Yor, and informs the Drengin that unless they are cleared away, he will be unable to do battle against the Korath.
While the Drengin are busy clearing away the Dark Yor, X-4 will invade his " cousins " homeworld, and will sabotage the barriers and firewalls preventing the Dark Yor from rejoining the Collective.
If all goes according to plan, the Yor Collective and the Dark Yor will again be one, and the Korath will have a little more time to marshall their forces... of course, if the Drengin somehow catch wind of whats going on...
Well, think i'll go for one last one:

Name: Gordor Morta

Species: Altarian

Description: Take a young, idealistic person, then crush them with years of seeing the worst conflicts in the history of the galaxy. Add in years of teasing from peers, and Lo! Ye shall have Gordor Morta. Gordor, having become ridiculously pessimistic and angry towards the galaxy, plans its destruction by development of the most destructive weapon ever conceived: the Supernova station, a massive moving space station with enough firepower to trigger a supernova in the middle of a star, destroying the entire star system. He has gathered together other dissatisfied people, many of them prominent scientists, and has found a small asteroid from which to build his superweapon. If he succeeds in this quest, the galaxy shall face its death throes a lot earlier than expected...

Game effects: Gordor Morta begins in a small, deserted corner of the map, with a well-defended asteroid base. He works solely towards the creation of his Supernova station, researching along a research path availablre only to him, and if he succeeds, his station is complete, in the form of a slow, but massively well defended, ship, which attacks the the nearest system, continuing across the galaxy. He could also go into a campaing mission, in which the Drengin have to stop him from wiping out the Drengi system. He could be secretely helped by the Koranth and/or Yor, since both of them want to wipe out all other races. He would engage in no diplomacy, due to his complete lack of faith in the galaxy.
*summons all remaining power*
I command ye Writers Block! Begone from here!!! Hope that helps Night Hawk. :D I have returned yet again and with an Iconian this time. More to come???

Dark Avatar: Character Idea 5

Name: Rin the Spirited
Race: Iconian

Rin by nature is an established scientist among the Iconian people specializing in archeology and the ancient Arnor. Because of her work the Iconians keep her location and status of her research a secret at all times lest the knowledge her and her team possess, or even worse, a powerful Arnor artifact fall into the wrong hands.

Rin and her team were returning from a recent dig, in unoccupied space some ways from the Drengin border when their lone transport was intercepted by a Drengin battleship. Judging by the secrecy they had kept and the care they had take not to be detected, Rin knew that this wasn’t a coincidence. The pilot did his best to evade them, but they hadn’t the luck to escape. The small ship was taken into the hold, and raided by ready and waiting Drengin shock troops. Everyone aboard was marched off in chains except for Rin. She was brought to the captain. She tried to play dumb but the captain wasn’t in the mood to play any games. He already knew very well what who she was and what she did. The captain informed her of the growing problem of the Korath clan and their mysterious rise to power, as well as the unexplained physical changes. He gave her a choice. She would either cooperate, and help them uncover why they Korath were changing, or die a most horrible death. She resisted at first but Drengin torture methods easily broke her resistance. Rin and her team were taken to a secret Drengin research base for their first assignment. The dissection of a dead Koranth, who was one of the first few to have “changed”

In Game Role
Her will broken Rin will use her knowledge of the ancient Arnor and her scientific ability to help the Drengin discover how and why the Korath are changing and how they amassed their power. She would perform research on even the most subtle clues that the Drengin might find, and provide information that may be useful in stopping the Korath advance. Rin and her team may also need to be inserted into a planet or asteroid to uncover an artifact and protected from the Korath attack while she works.
Here is is my sixth and final entry for the character creation contest. Best of luck everyone. :goodjob: without further adeu though I give you my vie for the title of leader of the Koranth. M.B.M. signing off.

Dark Avatar: Character Idea 6

Name: Karon Heg
Race: Korath

For as long as Karon has been alive he has known nothing but the best. His father, a prominent general afforded him everything and more. He was privately tutored by the most brilliant historians, scientists, tacticians, combat specialists, and anyone else who could teach a skill useful to a young general in training. Karon excelled at everything, even blowing his own tutors away with what he could do. Karon was not only brilliant from a young age, but cruel as well. Any academic failure on the part of the Karon resulted in the immediate execution of the tutor. Karon would purposely fail a test if he didn’t like tutor and sometimes just for fun. He reveled in seeing his teachers being dragged away kicking and screaming for their lives.

Soon enough he was in command of his own ship. Victory after victory later he had an entire fleet of warships under his control, and almost every member of his fleet was a member of his clan. He had always felt that him his clansmen deserved better among the Drengin, and as he rose in power he made sure his fellows did as well. The clan of Korath through his leader ship soon became one of the most powerful. During the invasion of the Arcean Empire he personally led his troops into battle on two separate worlds taking both with minimal losses. His troops felt united under him, and he longed for battle and destroying his enemies killing them without mercy. He loved the killing especially.

For all his victories, his mind still kept wandering back to the time of the Torian occupation. He had studied every battle ever fought by the Drengin in recent times, won and lost. From every victory he learned a valuable strategy and from every loss he learned the mistakes of others as to not make them himself. From the time of the Torian occupation though, he could learn nothing. His ancestors had them under complete control and yet the weak Torian scum had defeated them. No matter how hard he thought about it the answer never came. Not long after the Arceans were put down on his worlds his fleet was called in to help with the invasions on the rest of the empire, but on route the sensors on his personal dreadnought the “Defiler” picked up a strange signal coming from an asteroid in space. After picking it up, Karon himself and his two best scientists went to examine the asteroid. It is on this day that Karon changed. No one knows exactly what happened on that day except for Karon and the two scientists. The two scientists have never been seen again. What is clear is that Karon finally saw the answer to his question. The Torians had won because they had the will to do so. As long as a single Torian stood they would resist to the end. He saw now that the only way to truly dominate the galaxy would be to rule on high alone, leaving nothing but bodies in their wake. His fellow Drengin wouldn’t agree with his methods, but he had power, loyal followers and knowledge of the mysteries of the asteroid they picked up. They would turn to him in time. If they didn’t, they would suffer the same fate as the rest of the galaxy. He had not a concern now but which race exterminate first.

In Game Role
In game Karon would be none other than the leader of the Korath clan. He is cruel, merciless and worst of all brilliant. He leads the movement bent on exterminating every race in the galaxy. Whatever happened with the asteroid though has changed him right down to his genetic code, and through him everyone who follows him, and the more it changes them the more powerful they become, and won’t stop until dead or the declared the final victor.
Thanks for the submissions, everyone!

What'll happen next: Stardock will review all the submissions and decide the winners, hopefully within the next few days. Good luck!! :) I am closing this thread...
Update: Stardock said they should have the winners by Tuesday afternoon.
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