[CONTEST] Create-a-leader


Sep 21, 2008
for LeadersEnhanced / Nuova Alba

Following dot's advice, I've decided to create a thread about it. Ask your questions here. I'll announce the results in this thread too :)

What is this for?

The goal of this contest is to add new leaders you would have created into my modmod, Leaders Enhanced (which name is likely to change to Nuova Alba soon). I don't promise that every leader will make it to the mod (it's a contest after all) but I don't promise either that I'll choose only one of them...

What you'll have to do
  • (required) Choose the civilization your leader will lead (refer below for more details);
  • (required) Create a backstory -- the main point of the contest, the backstory!;
    • (optional) Fitting with the lore I describe in the first posts of the thread (Fluff section);
  • (required) Come up with a name, of course;
  • (required) Choose two (or more) traits;
    • (optional) Create a new trait, either totally unique for your leader or usable for any other;
  • (recommended) Choose a fitting picture, not necessarily do it yourself at Civ4 standards, but the picture should at least be ~420px width per >=512px height -- if you don't, I'll reserve me the right to choose one myself;
  • (optional) Create LeaderRelations;
  • (recommended) Create her/him a unique personality:
    • (recommended) a Favorite Civic;
    • (optional) a Favorite Religion;
    • (optional) an attitude towards the use of bad boni like Death mana;
    • (optional) an attitude depending of the compassion of the civics used;
    • (optional) an attitude depending on genders;
    • (required) an alignment;
    • (optional) a favorite tech;
    • (optional) a favorite unitcombat;
    • (recommended) a favorite wonder;
    • (recommended) a hated civic;
    • (recommended) a defeat quote;
    • (required) religious weights;
    • (optional) a unique diplo soundtrack;
  • (optional) You can also create a leader XML entry if you want, including all the fields tweaked -- you can find help in the Modiki's XML reference guide;
  • (optional) Write a Pedia entry;
  • (optional) Write some diplo text;

Which civilization can you choose?

You have the possibility to choose to create a leader in the civilization you want. Complete freedom. Just remember that I'll favor leaders for civilizations with less leaders than others.

How will I choose which leader to add?

Remember that I'm not a professional, so keep in mind that I'll be partial if I want too. If one entry really pleases me, it'll go in nonetheless.
Also, I'm not saying that I'll only choose one of them.
I'll favor the entries that complete more optional fields, too.
I'm easily charmed by beautiful pictures... :)

A poll will take place, starting September 1st and ending September 7th. The winner of the poll will be added.
Nonetheless, I may add those I like...

Until when entries will be accepted?

Until the 30th of August.

How to submit an entry?

Just send me a PM with "[LeaderContest] {nameOfYourLeaderHere}" as subject.

When will the results be announced?

Most likely the 31th of August or the 1st of September :)


I hope many of you will be interested and will participate. Don't be shy!

List of contestants
  • Tayschrenn;
  • icarussc;
  • mercutio46;
  • thomas.berubeg;
  • A Golden Dragon;
  • Jabie;
  • Sputnik323;
Each leader has a value linked to (up to) each religion in the game. It goes from -100 to 100.

-100 means the religion is unadoptable at all.
-99 means the AI won't adopt it.

Other than that, it's a "weight", i.e. how much the leader is inclined toward a certain religion.
Good to know. Thx. Will try to cook up sth.
I believe the way it technically works is to multiply the percentage of your civ's population by (100-weight)/100 before making the decision of what religion to choose (which the Civ IV AI does mostly by deciding what religion is most widespread). A -100 weighting thus means the religion registers as not being present in any of your cities (and is thus unadoptable), a 0 weighting is unaffected, and a +100 weighting could count as if more than your total population follows that faith. Unfortunately, I don't think that a non -100 weighting does much in the case that a civ has only one religion present in their cities.
That's too bad, for one moment I thought you were posting to say you were thinking to participate :)
Some news.

I talked with my friend about how hard it will be to choose a winner. So I've made a decision: there will be a poll. From September 1st to September 7th, this thread (hopefully) will home a poll and the descriptions of each leader submitted :)
Well, I'm the modder, so I can do that if I'm not happy with the poll... :p
Yes, received it :)

Maybe I should update the first post with a list of participants? In case something got lost?
I already submitted before the thread started. I hope it will be mine, I took a great character from my favorite fantasy series as example.

judge for yourselves
You'll have to use a new thread for the poll, only an Admin can change the first post into a poll type of post (if even they can). Pretty sure I remember there being a limit in how many options a poll can have as well, I think the limit was 12, but I'm not sure about that one.
Tayschrenn: Maybe you should have waited till the contest is closed... :rolleyes:

Xienwolf: I guess I will make a "non-poll vote" then. Will require everyone to post to vote though... Hmmm, I'll see. Thanks for the info though :)
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