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COVID-19 virus thread (formerly Wuhan coronavirus)

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I am kind of astonished about how dependent France (and I guess the whole Western world) seems to be these days.

We don't have enough surgical masks, protective glasses, hygiene caps, hand sanitizer. Our Coronavirus screening capacity was until now limited to only 2,000 tests per day at national level. It's only today that the faster test protocol has been allowed which will make it possible to test people at a higher rate.

There's no reason to panic but this crap is hitting us a lot worse than it has hit Asia. We already have more deaths in Europe than China and it's only the beginning for us. I'm seriously wondering whether we shouldn't think about plans to convert our production capacity to start producing as much as possible locally, considering the whole planet is in demand.
I'm sure that there are factories that could make quick conversions for some simple things. Be safe Marla!

China seems to be mostly back to normal, except Wuhan. The very worst hit areas, judging from that past experience which is the only one we have so far, stay badly hit for longer :(
Even medium-sized countries may end up having to isolate their worst-hit regions for months?
China is not even close to back to normal. It is more active than a month ago, but it will be slow to get back to normal. Also many of the factories' customers are not in China and they are not buying anything now. many folks are still staying home.
I'm sure that there are factories that could make quick conversions for some simple things. Be safe Marla!

China is not even close to back to normal. It is more active than a month ago, but it will be slow to get back to normal. Also many of the factories' customers are not in China and they are not buying anything now. many folks are still staying home.

Thanks for the correction. I should have said I meant in terms of restrictions due to the virus. The economic consequences of the stop, first in China and now all over the world, mean nothing will go back to as it was before, I believe. I had read that China was already dealing with slow foreign demand due to the trade war, but that must have been insignificant compared to this almost-stop.
Thanks for the correction. I should have said I meant in terms of restrictions due to the virus. The economic consequences of the stop, first in China and now all over the world, mean nothing will go back to as it was before, I believe. I had read that China was already dealing with slow foreign demand due to the trade war, but that must have been insignificant compared to this almost-stop.
Local businesses are the first getting back to normal; services, restaurants, etc. Exporting factories are slower.
I was sick this weekend, started feeling something thursday late afternoon maybe.. I have not been at work since. Friday I was in bed and monday and today I was working from home. My work is right now only open for "essential operations", but they have not had time to figure out exactly what that means yet. But I have a dev thing I'm supposed to be building, so I'm focusing on that while they sort this stuff out behind the scenes

I am self-isolating or whatever for 14 days. I am like 95% sure I don't have this thing, but at this point - who the hell knows. I was reading all the stuff and it seems social distancing is important.. So for 2 weeks it's this, and in the meantime we'll see what shuts down and when. I have enough food to survive, and bought extra tylenol medication just in case I get sick again. I have all other meds I need for months, bought a years supply of contacts 2 weeks ago because my supply ran out.. I have a lot of rice and beans if I have to make emergency food (which I won't), before any of the tp panic started in australia I had already accidentally bought 2 giant things of tp from costco (at different times).. so I am set there for several months of fine butt wipeage *tips fancy hat*

Every once in a while I will go for a walk around town, I can probably walk around here and not run into 1 person.. and even if I do, that's fine. Point is that it's not packed by any means. When I first moved here it was eerie how quiet it was at night. Just pure silence. And there's a city around me. Doesn't make sense really, but I'm getting sidetracked

Today I ate steak, tomorrow I'm eating salmon fillets, for lunch I have delicious pork & apple hamburgers I made the other day.. I have breakfast sausages and extra bacon and 24 eggs. That will last me for breakfast for a week. I also have 2 loaves of bread and enough salami and ham to make sandwiches for breakfast and lunch for a week or so too. I have some snacks and canned tuna, and forgotten stuff in the pantry and don't forget the mystery stuff in the freezer. On thursday my bi-weekly (every 2 weeks) food delivery service box shows up, inside I will find ingredients to make 8 meals.

So on every single front I am set to sit here at this computer and just get work done and do whatever. I am ready for this thing. (and I didn't even do any crazy emergency shopping, just went to stock up on some last minute items and carried everything in a 34L backpack home)
@warpus Be safe and enjoy your leisure time.
Hopefully the Feds have a Raiders of the Lost Ark warehouse full of medical equipment somewhere.

And they do! :D
The military will provide 2,000 ventilators and up to 5 million respirator masks from its strategic reserve to assist the U.S. government’s response to the spread of the coronavirus, Defense Secretary Mark Esper said Tuesday.

“The first 1 million masks will be made available immediately,” said Esper, who spoke to reporters at the Pentagon. The equipment will be released to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for distribution, he said.
5 million respirator masks should be able to keep all our doctors and nurses safe from catching anything. (I think)
They'd probably find another 5 million if they checked the back of each unit's conex.

What's a conex? It's not in the dictionaries I checked
They'd probably find another 5 million if they checked the back of each unit's conex.

No doubt, its the vents that we might be short on
It's what we call the shipping container each unit has where we store all the equipment we don't need immediate access to.

Thank you
That's the incubation period. 14 days is no longer a relevant time period once you're showing symptoms.

Stops other people getting whatever he's got. Compromised immune system via normal flu or cold then you pick up or infect someone else with.

Well in a few days it went from 5,7,8,12,20.
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Not in the US. They have tried unsuccessfully to prosecute parents who deliberately infect their children with chickenpox. So if they can't convince a jury on cases of deliberate infections, they certainly aren't going to convince a jury on this.

Chickenpox in children doesn't have anything like the mortality rate this thing has in eighty year olds.
We are self isolating to avoid getting sick.
Starting to get paranoid now. Need to go to supermarket forgot a few things.
They'd probably find another 5 million if they checked the back of each unit's conex.

Better then the UK government reduced to begging the French for more Masks.
Medical professional should really have the P2 Masks for contagious pathogens as regular mask were not up to the task as they found out the hard way in China.
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