CTD caused by "RequirementScript" reference


Oct 25, 2001
I'm getting a CTD early in the game.

The pythonErr.log file's last line is:

IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'Mods/RequirementScript/Assets/XML/CustomXML/Requirement.xml'
ERR: Python function onLoad failed, module CvAppInterface

And yes, that file does not exist, but I do see a Requirement.xml file under \assets\xml\CustomXML.

Has anyone seen this before and what is the fix? I've played this mod many times without this crash.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
Okay, never mind. Again I panicked first, thought it through later. Turns out that error occurs every turn. I cannot see what in the logs that points to my current CTD, but I will figure it out. Very frustrating as I've played through this mod many times without errors.
hey dude,

the file you are speaking of above - is a file from platy python mods.

and im gonna go on a wild guess here, are you by chance using my old kmod+++ that i released some time ago?
if so....its old and updated or tested.

the latest version 1.44b by karadoc is just fine and stable.
You are correct there. Thanks for that info, it will help.

As for the CTD, I backed up a dozen turns in a savefile, and when I get to the year/turn of the previous crash, no crash. Weird, but a good weird, since I can play the game again.
Great, I will check them out.

...and btw, where can I find the Slavery Mod?
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